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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-417


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    ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NOS. 100-19 & 100-20 PAWNSHOP LICENSE TRANSFER Square Deal Loan RESOLUTION Subdivision Maps 2. Mr. R. B. Griffith will be present regarding a building permit in the Griffith Tract. 3. Final map on McNeil Tract No. 2 and Hyde Park No. 3. 4. Mr. William Coulthard will be present concerning the request of P.O. Silvagni for serial passage way over the alley between the Apache Hotel and annex on North 2nd Street. 5. Proposed Ordinance on City Clerk's position. 6. Application of Irving F. Quale and Wallace E. Gogert for transfer of the license of the Square Deal Loan, 118 North 1st Street. Said pawnshop license is currently issued to Glen Tondevold. SHIRLEY BALLINGER City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE We, the undersigned Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, Assistant City Manager and City At­torney of the City of Las. Vegas, Nevada, do hereby admit due service of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting. C.D. BAKER___________________ HEED WHIPPLE_________________ Mayor Commissioner WENDELL BUNKER______ C.W. SHELLEY_________________ Commissioner City Manager REX A. JARRETT_______________ HOWARD W. CANNON Commissioner City Attorney DORA LORD____________ Assistant City Manager Las Vegas, Nevada May 29, 1953 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of . day of May, 1953 was called to order at the hour of the following members present: Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Attorney City Manager Asst. City Mgr. City Clerk Absent: Commissioner the City of Las Vegas, Nevada held this 29th 7:30 P.M. by His Honor Mayor C.D. Baker with C.D. Baker Wendell Bunker Rex A. Jarrett Reed Whipple Howard W. Cannon C.W. Shelley Dora Lord Shirley Ballinger William Peccole At this time Mayor Baker addressed the audience and made the following statement: The Board of Commissioners is determined that in view of the fact that there are considerable discrepancies in the assess­ments levied, that there are some inconsistencies in the pro­portion of payment, that there were some areas included that should not have been included and there are other areas to be included; and due to the fact that time has run out and it will be impossible to continue the projects and get them on the Assessment Roll for this year, it has been decided to de­fer action on these projects until December and in the interim make a review of the same. The property owners will be advised when the projects are under advisement. Additional time will be given for payment in cash. Thank you for coming. We are trying to do the best for the most people. The Mayor advised the people that all cash payments made on these districts will be refunded. Commissioner Whipple moved the application of Irving F. Quale and Wallace E. Gogert for transfer of the license of the Square Deal Loan, 118 North 1st Street, formerly issued to Glen Tondevold, be approved subject to investigation by the Police Department. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Peccole. Commissioner Jarrett moved the following resolution be adopted? WHEREAS, C.C. BOYER, is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Engineer of the City of Las Vegas; and WHEREAS, among his other duties he is required by the provisions of Section 5063.27 N.C.L. 1931-1941 Supplement to attach a certificate to all final subdivision maps containing certain information as therein set forth; and 5-29-53