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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-238


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    Rezoning A p p lica tio n George S c u lly LAS VEGAS DEVELOPMENT McNeil Tract No. 2 SUNRISE PARK #1 MCNEIL SUBDIVISION TRACT #2 Tentative Map PROPOSED ORDINANCE Plumbing Code PROPOSED ORDINANCE B u ild in g Code EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 517 Zoning o f Annexed P roperty PROPOSED ORDINANCE Trailer Park License Fees PROPOSED ORDINANCE Sign Permit Fees PROPOSED ORDINANCE Animals CIVIL SERVICE TRUSTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Commissioner Whipple moved the Public Hearing on the application of George Scully to rezone Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 4, Meadows Addition from R-3 to R-4 be set for February 4, 1953 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. Commissioner Whipple moved the Public Hearing on the application of the Las Vegas Development Co. for rezoning of a portion of the proposed McNeil Tract No. 2 from R-A to R-l be set for February 4, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. Commissioner Whipple moved the Public Hearing on the petition for rezoning of Block 4, Sunrise Park Addition Tract No. 1 From R-A to R-3 be set for February 4, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. Commissioner Jarrett moved the tentative map of McNeil Subdivision, Tract #2, as recommended by the Regional Planning Commission, be approved with the additional condition that a street bordering the case side of this Subdivision, a minimum of sixty feet, be provided. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and c a r rie d by th e fo llo w in g v o te ; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. Messers Orvy Clark and Wilbert Roesselet, representing the Trailer Owners Association, discussed certain portions of the proposed ordinance adopting the 1952 Plumbing Code with the Board. Thereafter the matter was referred back to the committee composed of Commissioners Jarrett and Whipple for study and report. Commissioner Peccole, member of the committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance to adopt the 1952 Building Code, requested additional time before reporting. Commissioner Jarrett introduced and moved the adoption of the following ordinance entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 10, CHAPTER 24, CODE OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 1959, BY PROVIDING FOR ZONE DESIGNATION FOR THOSE AREA ANNEXED TO THE CITY WHICH HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY OTHER GOVERNING BODIES; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERTY RELATED THERETO; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH: which was thereafter read in full to the Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. Commissioner Peccole and Whipple, committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance amending the license fees for Trailer Parks, requested additional time before reporting. Commissioner Whipple & Jarrett members of the committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance requested additional time before reporting. Commissioner Jarrett a member of the committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance requested additional time before reporting. Commissioner Peccole moved that where and whenever possible local merchants licensed by the City of Las Vegas be given an opportunity to bid on services and materials they carry, and that they be given preference if specifications and material qualify to the requirements of the City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Bunker. At this time Mrs. Dora Lord, Assistant City Manager, presented a report of the Civil Service Trustees concerning their recommendations to the Board of Commissioners which is as follows; TO : Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners of Las Vegas, Nevada FROM: Civil Service Trustees SUBJECT: Resume of Recommendations I. Approval of establishment of Civil Service classes, Class descriptions and allocation to salary schedule: A. License Inspector (21) B. Personnel Clerk (18) C. Senior Assistant City Engineer (28) D. Junior Civil Engineering Draftsman (17) E. Senior Civil Engineering Draftsman (22) F. Assistant Fire Chief (24) II. Reallocation of classes to salary schedule: A. Patrolman (19) to (20) B. Police Seargent (21) C. Police Lieutenant (22) to (23) D. Laborer (15) to (16) III. Changes of titles and reallocation to salary schedule: A. Auto Servicemen (15) to Automotive Equipment Serviceman (17). (This title more accurately describes the duties of the class, covering as it does the servicing of heavy road equipment and trucks, as well as automobiles.)