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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-120


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    114 100-16, being numbered 20-1952, be amended as follows: Page No. 53 of Assessment Roll LOCATION: Block 1, Boulder Dam Homesites, Tract # 4 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 100-16 Amendment of Assess­ment Roll Lot Name & Address of Owner Land & Impr, Assessments Revised Amount 34 Saltzman, Bernard A. $ 335.00 $ 109.29 Page No. 54. LOCATION: Block 1, Boulder Dam Homesites, Tract No. 4 35 Saltzman, Bernard A. $ 335.00 $ 109.29 Page No. 61. LOCATION: Block 4, Boulder Dam Homesites, Tract No. 4 3-4 Botts, Evan F. & Mabel May $ 1905.00 $ 218.57 5 Botts, Evan F. & Mabel May $ 335.00 $ 109.29 Page No. 116. LOCATION: Block 9, Mayfair No, 2 Amended Lot Name & Address of Owner Land & Impr, Assessments Revised Amount 10 Havas, Verl R. & Arlene M. $ 2590.00 $ 125.00 11 Wilde, Marie W. $ 2690.00 $ 125.00 12 Angel, W.L. & A. Ruth $ 2930.00 $ 125.00 Page No. 117. 13 Allen, John V. & Grace M. $ 2600.00 $ 125.00 14 Bails, John J. & Martha $ 2 5 2 0 .0 0 $ 1 2 5 .0 0 15 Hinkle, Truman $ 2540.OO $ 125.00 16 Lucas, James W. & Barbara A. $ 3415.oo $ 125.00 17 Henderson, Win. R. & Harriet L. $ 2810.00 $ 125.00 the AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be delivered to County Assessor of Clark County, the Ex-officio City Assessor of the City of Las Vegas, for the purpose of making such changes on the Assessment Roll. DATED at Las Vegas, Nevada, this 2nd day of July, 1952. s/ C.D. Baker !Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: s/ Shirley Ballinger City Clerk Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bun ker, Jarrett, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Peccole. Commissioner Bunker introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution which was thereupon read in full, and at length, and is as follows: #299 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and the officers, thereof, have taken action to improve certain streets and parts of streets there­in; and WHEREAS, said City has created Street Improvements Assessment District No. 100-16 for the purpose of making said improvements; and WHEREAS, said City assessed the entire cost and expense of making said improvements, including all incidental expenses which may be legally included in the sums assessed, against the owners and the assessable lots, premises and property specially benefited by such im­provements and included within said District; and WHEREAS, said assessments aggregated the principal sum of $366,565.85; and WHEREAS, there have been adjustments in the principal sum of $1,670.36 due to revi­sions in assessments in certain instances, such revisions resulting in reduced assessments in the amount of $1,670.36; and WHEREAS, such adjustments and revisions are evidenced by resolution of this Board; and WHEREAS, there are assessments against the property of the National Housing Author­ity, an agency of the United States Government, in the total amount of $4,529.28 as shown