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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-498


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    The Mayor then asked if any written objections concerning said assessment roll had been filed in the office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk answered there had been no objections filed in her office prior to said meeting. The Mayor then publicly asked if anyone desired to make any objection, suggestion or comment, or raise any question concerning said special assessment roll. No such objection, suggestion, comment or question was made or raised. The Mayor thereupon publicly announced that no objection, suggestion, comment or question had been made or raised, written or otherwise by any party in interest, or otherwise, to the said special assessment roll. Commissioner Bunker moved the foregoing Assessment Roll No. 19-1951 covering assess­ments in Assessment District No. 100—6 be approved and confirmed as revised, and said assessments shall be due and payable without interest within one week. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following votes Commis­sioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Commissioner Bunker moved this meeting adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following votes Commis­sioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. ATTEST: APPROVED: Las Vegas, Nevada November 13, 1951 CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING TOs SHIRLEY BALLINGER, City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas is hereby called to be held in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, on the 13th day of November, 1951, at the hour of 4:00 P. M. to consider the following matters; 1. Public Hearing - proposed rezoning: a) Portions of parcels B & H, and that portion of the northerly 125 feet of the easterly 125 feet of parcel G, Park Place Tract, from R-1 to C-2. b) The SW¼ of Section 31, T 21 S, R 61 E, MDB&M from R-A to R-1. 2. Request of Orville Bell for Use Permit for property on North 5th Street. s/ C. D. Baker C. D. BAKER, Mayor 24 Smith, Kenneth F. (½ Int.) (Included In $ 96.60 Woodbury, Howard W. (½ Int.) Lot 5, Blk. 21) 205 So. 4th St., City $ 1,500 25 Same as Lot 24 1,429 96.60 25 " " " " 1,429 96.60 27 " " " " l,428 96.60 28 Kaltenborn, R. J., & Eva Mae 1,500 96.60 900 So. 4th St., City 31,395 29 Same as Lot 28 1,500 96.60 30 " " 1,500 193.20 31 " 1,700 122.10 All of Pahor, S. M. 1,905 952.20 Block 22 Box 861, City NAME & ADDRESS LAND & IMPR. ACTUAL LOT OF OWNER ASSESSMENTS COST