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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-105


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    LIQUOR LICENSE Commissioner Moore moved the application of the American Legion Post #8 American Legion 2200 South 5th Street for renewal of the Retail Club liquor license for the second quarter of 1950 be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none0 LIQUOR LICENSE Commissioner Moore moved the application of George Fortson, Texas Bar-B-Q, Texas Barbecue 415 Jackson for a Retail Restaurant Beverage License be granted pending the investigation of the Police Department. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the foilswing vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes,none. LIQUOR LICENSE Commissioner Moore moved the application of the First National Bank, Dave Ethel's Liquor Store Wolzinger and Edward Waskow for liquor license at Ethel's Liquor Store, 28 Fremont be referred to the Police Department for investigation and recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; Commissioner Whipple passed his vote; noes, none. GAMING APPLICATIONS Commissioner Moore moved the following gaming Applications for the second quarter of 1950 be granted:. K. C. GRILL So Nevada Vending 825 South 5th 3 slots MIDGET CAFE O. W. Glenn 219 No 1st 1 slot SARGENT'S CAFE C. C. McGovern 124½ No 1st 2 slots THE SPOT O. W. Glenn 1418 South 5th 2 slots BROWN DERBY P. L. Jefferson 320 Monroe 2 slots Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. CIGARETTE LICENSES Commissioner Moore moved the following applications for the Retail Sale of Cigarettes and Tobacco Products for the second quarter of 1950 be granted; ANCHOR CAFE 1202 South Main Sutton Vending LOG CABIN 122 No 1st " " MOBILE SERVICE 1300 Fremont " " WERNER TIRE SER 400 North Main " " THE WESTERNER 23 Fremont " " Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none; CRESTWOOD NO. 4 Commissioner Moore moved that pursuant to the favorable recommendation of Final Map the Regional Planning Commission contained in their letter of May 22, 1950 the final map of Crestwood #4 be approved subject to all original conditions including street lighting facilities; Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. ORDINANCE An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE DETERMINATION NO. 414 OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, TO MAKE Assessment #100-1 CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS BY GRADING FOR AND CONSTRUCTING OIL BOUND GRAVEL PAVEMENTS AND CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS ON CERTAIN STREETS AND PORTION OF STREETS IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING THAT THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF SHALL BE PAID ENTIRELY BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT UPON ALL THE LOTS INCLUDED WITHIN THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT HEREBY ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE BENEFITS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO, was read in full to the Board, after having been reported on favorably by the committee. Thereafter Commissioner Bunker moved the foregoing entitled Ordinance No. 414 be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. ORDINANCE An ordinance entitled; AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PLANTING, CARE AND PRE- No. 415 SERVATION OF TREES IN THE PARKWAYS AND STREETS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS; - Trees REGULATING PUCES WHERE AND UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS SAID TREES MAY BE PLANTED; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS; PROVIDING THE KIND OF TREES TO BE PLANTED; PROVIDING DUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING SECTION 10 OF CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO, having been reported on favorably by Commissioners Moore and Whipple was read in full to the Board. Thereafter Commissioner Moore moved the foregoing entitled ordinance No. 415 be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none.