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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-487


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    455 notice of sale for the opening of bids for the purchase of such bonds, and the City Clerk was authorized and instructed to open and read said bids, which were as follows: JOHN NUVEEN & CO. MUNICIPAL BONDS 210 West 7th Street, Los Angeles 14, California September 7, 1949. City of Las Vegas, Clark County Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: For $35O,OOO.OO legally issued City of Las Vegas, Nevada Sewage Disposal Bonds, Series of July 1, 1949, delivered to us in accordance with the provisions of the Official Notice of Sale, bonds to be dated July 1, 1949, and maturing as provided in the Official Notice of Sale, callable on and after July 1, 1954, as provided in the Official Notice of Sale, and bearing interest at the following rate: Bonds maturing July 1, 1950 to July 1, 1969 @ three % we will pay the par value thereof and accrued interest to date of delivery, plus a premium of $ 361.00 At the time of delivery of said bonds you agree to furnish a certified transcript of all proceed­ings authorizing these bonds, and the unqualified approving legal opinion of Messrs. Pershings, Bosworth, Dick & Dawson, Denver, Colorado, Bonds Attorneys, without expense to us. This bid is subject to our securing a commitment from Nevada Industrial Comm, and Employees Retirement Board to purchase 3% bonds due 1956 to 1969 incl. at par totalling $250,000. We enclose certified check for $17,550.00 as evidence of our good faith in submitting this offer. Said check shall be held by you until delivery of the bonds and applied on the purchase price of the bonds, if this offer is accepted, or may be cashed and the proceeds retained by you as full liquidated damages, in the event we fail to fulfill the terms of this offer. Said check shall be promptly returned to us if this offer is not accepted, or if said Bond Attorneys are unable to approve the bonds, or if the Nevada Industrial Comm, and Employees Retirement Board do not agree to purchase $250,000 3% bonds due 1956/1969 incl. at par, and accrued interest. It is mutually understood and agreed that your acceptance of this offer by resolution shall constitute a contract for the purchase and sale of the bonds herein described. Respectfully submitted, JOHN NUVEEN &C0. BOETTCHER AND COMPANY BY JOHN NUVEEN & CO. /s/ Miles Pelikan____ ****** **** September 7, 1949 President and Members of the City Council Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: In accordance with your Notice of Sale dated August 5, 1949, we wish to submit the following bid for your $35O,OOO City of Las Vegas, Nevada Sewage Disposal General Obligation Bonds, Series of July 1, 1949, as follows: For all or none of your City of Las Vegas, Nevada Sewage Disposal Bonds, Series of July 1, 1949, dated July 1, 1949, in the aggregate principal amount of $35O,OOO, in the denomination of $1,000 each, maturing serially $8,000 July 1, 1950 and $18,000 in each of the years July 1, 1951 to 1969, both inclusive, all bonds maturing on and after the first day of July, 1955 being subject to redemption in inverse numerical order on the first day of July, 1954, or on any interest payment date thereafter, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year, both principal and interest being payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Las Vegas, Nevada, we will pay you the sum of $35O,OOO.OO plus accrued interest to date of delivery, plus a premium of $976.50 for bonds bearing the following rates of interest for the following maturities, respectively. We enclose our certified check for $17,675.00 as evidence of good faith in our bid, which check is to be retained by you if we are the successful bidders and applied as part payment for the bonds on delivery. In the event we are not the successful bidders for the bonds, we request that you immediately return the check to our representative at the sale.