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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-117


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    100 PLUMBER EXAMINATION Commissioner Whipple moved that the recommendation of Mr. Treem Passing grades regarding the passing grade of 75% for persons taking examinations re— quired by the Plumbing Code be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple, and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. * * * * * see paragraph underneath * * * * TO: W. H. Elwell, Inc; Freeman Smith; L. V. land & Water Co.; Theodore & Thornton Werner; C. G. & Charlott Bolinder; A. L. Arnold; Otto Underhill; R. J. & Eva May Kaltenborn; Jules C. Benbow & Richard & Edith B. Clough; Richard H. Clough; Nevada Biltmore Hotel Corp.; and The City of Las Vegas, and to all SURRENDER OF LEASE RALPH STOUGHTON That the roll of special assessment heretofore made by the Assessor for the purpose of defraying that part of the costs which the Board decided should be paid and borne by Special Assessment for the installation of complete street lighting units with parkway cable and steel standards in, over and along the easterly side of North Main Street from Stewart Avenue to a point distant one hundred feet north of Bonanza Road, according to the plats, diagrams and estimates of cost JOINT PLANNING COMISSION heretofore prepared and adopted by the Board of Commissioners City of Las Vegas, is now on file at my office for (see underneath) public inspection. Notice is hereby given that the Board and the Assessor of the City of Las Vegas will meet in the Council Chamber of the War Memorial Building, at 5th & Stewart Streets, Las Vegas, Nevada, on the 25th day of July 1947, at the hour of 3:00 P.M. to review said assessment, at which time and place opportunity will be given all persons interested to be heard. Dates this 7th day of July, 1947. Helen Scott Reed____ City Clerk. GAMING APPLICATIONS The following applications for renewals of gaming licenses for renewals the third quarter of 1947 were presented to the Board for their 3rd Quarter consideration: El Cortez Hotel Rex Bar Launderette Idle Hour Christies Finer Foods- Harolds Drive In Adams Grocery Shell Service Nevada Bar Spudnut Cafe Johnson Ser. Sta. Adams Grocery Malt Shop Toppers Kitchen Wilshire Service Butterly's Cafe Las Vegas Hardware Las Vegas Liquor Store Post Office Coffee Shop Shangri La Cafe Golden Nuggett Mandalay Bar Round Up Casino