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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-227


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    EMERGENCY LOAN Commissioner Bates moved that interested parties be invited to bid on an emergency loan in the sum of $25,000. on Street improvements, heretofore and on November first, 1944, authorized by the State Board of Finances. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bates, Clark, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. IMPROVEMENT Commissioner Bates moved that the City Manager OF STREETS be authorized to have Ordinances prepared for improvement of the following districts: Ninth Street between Bonneville and Gass; Third Place from Charleston Boulevard south; Alley on the North side of Fremont between Third and Fourth Streets (rear of El Portal theatre); and alley on the south side of Fremont between First and Second Streets directly in rear of Safeway Store. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bates, Clark, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. BIDS - PAINT Bids from the following companies for paint were opened at this time: total Price per gal. Low Bid bid Bidder Quantity White Red White Red 360.00 Prismo California Co. 100 gal. each 1.75 1.85 369.00 Baltimore Paint & " 1.55 2.14 1.55/$155.00 Coloring Co. 395.00 W.S. Darley & Co. " " 1.65 2.30 357.00 F. W. Sharpe " " 1.85 1.72 1.72 -o- Western Auto Supply " " no bid $172.00 x Wayside Studio " " no submission x Sears Roebuck & Co. " " no submission x Woitishek Lumber Co. " " no submission -o- Opaco Lumber Co. " " no bid 515.00 Home Lumber Co. " " 2.20 2.95 x O'Neil Lumber Co. " " no submission 215.00 Ed Von Tobel Lumber Co. " " 2.15 no bid x Las Vegas Hardware Co. " " no submission 473.00 E. J. Gilbreath " " 1.98 2.75 x Bartlett Brothers, Hardware " " no submission $155.00 $172.00 515.00 - High Bidder 357.00 - Low Bidder 172.00 Combined Bid : - $327.00 Commissioner Bates moved that the bid of Baltimore Paint & Coloring Co. for white paint ($1.55 - $155.00) and the bid of F.W. Sharpe for red paint ($1.72 - $172.00) be accepted as these were the lowest bids received. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bates, Clark, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. GAMING LICENSE Commissioner Clark moved that the following GRANTED gaming licenses be granted: Pat Rozzelle Horseshoe Cafe 118½ North First 1 slot Chas. A. Bennett New Oasis Cafe 123 Fremont 3 slots Thos. W. Fraser Betty's Cafe 1039 S. Main 2 slots J. W. Schaum Frontier Club 117 Fremont 1 craps Woo Sing Bus Terminal 127 South 1st 2 slots Motion seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bates, Clark, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. LIQUOR LICENSES Commissioner Clark moved that the following GRANTED applications be granted: Frank C. Kernan Shay's Barbecue 1501 South 5th Ret. Bev. Eugene Gilbert Bar-B-Que Corral 1407 South 5th " " Bessie Fraser Betty's Cafe 1039 South Main " "