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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-98


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    ZONING ORDINANCE A letter was read from Mr. O. J. Morling, Building Inspector, in which he VIOLATIONS stated that he had given notice to several persons to remove trailers and shacks that were in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and that the owners of said trailers and shacks informed him that they had been to the Office of Price and Rent Administration where they were told they did not have to comply with this Ordinance. Commissioner Smith moved that the Building Inspector he instructed to take the necessary steps to enforce this Zoning Ordinance. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem voting aye; noes none. SUB-FIRE STATION At this time Mr. Jos. A. Fleming submitted plans for a proposed sub-fire engine house. These plans were held for further study before action is GAMING taken. NEW APPLICATIONS Commissioner Tinch moved that the application for the following gaming licenses be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; noes none. Jack Pot 116 Fremont Ave. 3 slot machines 1 "21" game Esquire 120 S. 2nd St. 1 slot machine PLANNING BOARD Commissioner Rubidoux moved that the appointment of Mr. Al Worswick to AL WORSWICK the Planning Board to replace Mrs. Dimick, whose term has expired, be APPOINTED approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Rubidoux, Smith, and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; Commissioner Tinch voted no. AL DREW Commissioner Rubidoux moved that Mr. Al Drew be allowed expenses to attend ELECTRICAL ENGINEER'S the chapter meeting of the Electrical Engineers at Long Beach on May 26th MEETING - LONG BEACH and 27th and that he be given the remainder of that week off. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and His Honor voting aye; Commissioner Smith passed; noes none. REPORT A report from Mr. Al Drew regarding improvements at the Airport ELECTRICAL DEPT. Administration Building was read and ordered held for further study. BOY SCOUT BUS A letter from Mr. Kenneth Van Vorst of the Recreation Department INSURANCE concerning insurance for the Boy Scout bus was read to the Board and ordered filed. ELECTRICAL DEPT. A letter from Mr. Al Drew, Electrical Department, requesting the Board to EXAMINING BOARD appoint two commissioners to sit on the Electrical Examining Board for Master Electricians was read and ordered held for further consideration. DELINQUENT MILK At this time Commissioner Smith read a letter from Mr. Harry H. Austin, INSPECTION FEES City Attorney, stating that the six dairies listed as delinquent in their milk inspection fees, namely: Anderson’s Dairy, Creamland Dairy, Heinie’s Select Dairy, Gwynn’s Dairy, Rancho Grande and Oppedyk Dairy have been notified that unless these fees are paid up to date in compliance with the Milk Ordinance, legal steps will be taken to collect said fees. MURRY CABINS Commissioner Smith stated at this time that the Murry Cabins case, in which the City is involved, has been postponed to June 10, 1943. L.V. HOSPITAL Commissioner Smith read a letter from Mrs. Viola Burns of the Las Vegas ASSOCIATION Hospital Association asking if the City still investigates the credit rating of persons before placing them on the City payroll and intimated that several city employees are now in arrears with their payments to the Las Vegas Hospital Association. Mr. Smith stated that he called Mrs. Burns on the phone and told her that the present Board of Commissioners does not investigate the credit rating of prospective employees as Las Vegas now has a Credit Bureau for that purpose. Mr. Smith stated that he did not think the Board of Commissioners should set up a collection agency and the Board concurred. This letter was ordered filed. U.S.O. BUILDING Commissioner Smith read a letter from Walter F. Hansen of the Federal FIRE INSURANCE Security Agency which suggested that the City of Las Vegas provide fire insurance on the U.S.O. building to protect its possible future equity in the building. To determine the City’s equity in said building, Commissioner Smith wrote Mr. Wright L. Felt, Assistant Regional Director of the F.W.A. who in turn made the following statement by letter: "This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 7 concerning the present ownership and future disposition of the Recreation Center in the City of Las Vegas constructed by the Federal Government under this project. The land and building are owned by the United States of America and it cannot be stated at this time what disposition will be made of the building after termination of the War." In view of the foregoing statement, Commissioner Smith felt that the City has virtually no equity In this building and, therefore, should not provide fire insurance coverage. Commissioner Smith moved that his report be accepted, and that the City Clerk inform Mr. Van Vorst, by letter, of the action taken on this matter. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor, Mayor pro tem Clark voting aye; noes none.