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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-61


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    GOLF COURSE Commissioner Tinch was requested to look into the matter of obtaining FERTILIZER fertilizer from the disposal plant. Commissioner Tinch made a motion that bids be let for one ton of Fairway fertilizer. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried for the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Noes, none. STREET DEPARTMENT Commissioner Smith moved that bids be let for the repair of the truck Truck Repair and hoist for the Street Department to be returned on the 16th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Noes, none. MECHANICS SALARY Commissioner Tinch moved that Charles McCowan, head mechanic, be granted a raise in salary from $180 a month to $200 a month as of January 1, 1943. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Commissioner Smith passed. POLICE DEPARTMENT Commissioner Clark moved that the report of Municipal Judge for the REPORT: month of December, 1942 be accepted and approved, together with a check MUNICIPAL JUDGE in the sum of $4,519.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Noes, none. PHOTOGRAPHIC Commissioner Clark submitted a list of photographic equipment which could EQUIPMENT be purchased from Mr. James Martin for $300 and made a motion that the equipment be purchased. The motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux, carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. DISPOSAL PLANT Commissioner Rubidoux moved that the salary of J. A. Williams, helper Mr. Williams at the Disposal Plant be raised from $150 a month to $170 a month. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. ZONING A petition signed by property owners of North First Street was presented North First St. to the Board requesting that no more gaming or liquor licenses be granted in that district. C.A.A. LEASE Commissioner Clark made a motion that the motion heretofore made covering the signing of a lease with the C.A.A. be recinded. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Smith moved that the proposed lease submitted by the C.A.A. be corrected by striking out the words "janitor service" in Paragraph 6, Page 2 and that otherwise the lease be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and his Honor voting aye. Noes, none. PETITION A certain petition was presented to the Board, signed by property owners, Barber Shop requesting that a barber shop be opened at "D" and Madison Streets on West Side. Commissioner Tinch moved that the petition be referred to the Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and voted upon as follows. Voting aye, Commissioners Clark and Smith; voting No, Commissioners Rubidoux and Tinch. Mayor Garrison passed his vote. Thereafter, It being the opinion of the City Attorney that the petition was in violation of City Ordinance #135, no license could be Issued. GAMING LICENSES Upon motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Clark, carried RENEWALS by the following vote: Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye, Noes, none, the following renewals of gaming licenses were granted: Sal Sagev Hotel, Main and Freemont, 5 slot machines. Charleston Grocery, Main and Charleston, 1 slot machine. R. D. Bingham Grocery, 315 Fremont St., 2 slot machines. Eisenberg Home Cooking Restaurant, 614 S. Fifth Stl, 1 slot machine. El Patio Hotel, 115 North Second St., 2 slot machines. McDonald Hotel, 208 N. Fifth St., 2 slot machines. Ethel’s Liquor Store #1, 28 Fremont St., 1 slot machine. Ethel's Liquor Store #2, 411 Fremont Street, 1 slot machine. Food Center, 770 Fremont St., 6 slot machines. Charleston Hotel, 119 S. First St., 1 slot machine. Las Vegas Pharmacy, 32 Fremont St., 2 slot machines. White Cross Drug Store, 201 Fremont Stl, 2 slot machines. New Overland Cafe, 8 Fremont Ave., 3 slot machines. Trail Cafe, 13 Fremont, 1 slot machine. Love Cafe, 1501 S. Fifth St., 1 slot machine. John Anton Grocery, 1503 S. Fifth St., 2 slot machines. Horseshoe Cafe, 118½ S. First St., 1 slot machine. White Spot Cafe, 109 E. Fremont St., 8 slot machines. Log Cabin Bar, 122 N. First St, 3 slot machines. Verna’s Drive-In Cafe, 123 S. Fifth St., 1 slot machine. Tip's Cafe, 1516 S. Fifth St., 2 slot machines. George M. Crone, Boulder Drug, 121 Fremont St., 3 slot machines. Nevada-Biltmore Hotel, 600 N. Main St., 8 slot machines, two "21" games, 1 crap game, 1 roulette. Read City Drug, 11 slot machines. Apache Bar, corner of Second and Fremont, 12 slot machines. Kiva Bar, corner of Second and Fremont, 8 slot machines. Apache Cafe, corner Second and Freemont, 6 slot machines. Orange Julius Co., 405 Fremont St., 4 slot machines. Smith's Root Beer Stand, 311 Stewart St., 2 slot machines. Las Vegas Barbecue, 22 Fremont St., 3 slot machines. State Cafe, 20 Fremont St., 4 slot machines. Boulder Bar, 120 Fremont St., 4 slot machines. Boulder Club, Inc., 118 Fremont St., 32 slot machines, 2 poker games, 1 Pan, 1 Big Six, 6 "21"s, 4 roulettes, 3 Craps, 1 Hazard, 1 Faro Bank, 1 Race Horse Keno, 1 Keno with 100 chairs.