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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1937 to August 4, 1942, lvc000004-520


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    the Racing Commission. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark. Commissioner Smith moved that all the available rubber in the city clerk's office be turned in including seat covers. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Smith withdrew his former motion with the consent of Mr. regarding payment of warrants and moved that warrants 698 to 701 inclusive be allowed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Las Vegas Land & Water Company to ascertain whether or not they will furnish water to the state barns. And also to write a letter to the State Engineer to the effect that if the purchase of the barns does not materialize that rental therefor be computed at $50 per month and that the city be reimbursed all over the sum of $50 per month paid in. Commissioner Rubidoux moved that furniture received on invoice from Brown's Furniture Store for the golf course be purchased for $272.80. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Tinch moved that this meeting adjourn until July 6, 1942 at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor-voting aye. Noes, none. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA JULY 6, 1942 At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners held this 6th day of July, 1942. Meeting called to order at the hour of 7:30 P. M., by Mayor Howell C. Garrison with the following members present: Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith and Tinch. City attorney, Paul Ralli. Deputy Clerk, LeRoy Whipple, City auditor, A. W. Blackman and city clerk, Helen Scott Reed. Minutes of the Meetings of June 16th and 22nd and July 2nd were read and approved as read. Bids having been sent out for an electric stove and for wiring and installation of same for the city jail - only one bid was returned, from the Gelber Electric Company as follows: Stove - $259.70 plus $14.70 excise tax, plus $5 freight. Mr. Whipple stated that we were exempt the excise tax. Bid on wiring and installation $567.20. Commissioner Smith moved that the bids of Gelber Electric Company for the stove and wiring and installation be accepted and the auditor instructed to make application for the priority required. Motion Seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. The Report of the city attorney was read. A certain Resolution was presented for the lease of certain space to the Army Medical Corps for a prophylactic station and same ordered tabled. until Mr. Tinch could make a check on space. Commissioner Clark moved that the city attorney be allowed two weeks vacation during August and that $50 a week be taken from his budget for the hiring of an attorney to act in his absence said deputy to be chosen by Mr. Ralli. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Tinch and His Honor voting are, No, Commissioner Smith. The reports of the Electrical and Plumbing inspectors was presented at this time and ordered filed. Commissioner Clark moved that the report of the Municipal Judge for the month of June, 1942 and check in the sum of $2,335.50 be approved and accepted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Mr. Brown made a verbal report as to the available space for the use of the OPA in the West Wing of the War Memorial Building. Commissioner Clark moved that $45 per month be set as a reasonable rental for office space for the OPA. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Tinch was out of the room. Commissioner Clark moved that no cars be used by any department that do not be long to the city. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Tinch passed. Commissioner Rubidoux moved that that certain motion heretofore made allowing Clem Malone to hook up to the well at the cemetery be rescinded. Motion seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Clark, Rubidoux, Smith, Tinch and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none.