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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1937 to August 4, 1942, lvc000004-74


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Krause, Chairman of the Board of Milk Inspection informed the Board that Dr. Smith, the newly appointed milk inspector of the City of Las Vegas was in need of some small equip­ment and ask the Board if it would be possible to supply him with the same. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Perry it was moved and carried that C.D. Baker secure bid price on the equipment needed by Dr. Smith and that the City would bear the cost of same., at this time, but the sum expended should be replaced by fees collected. Vote Commissioners Krause, Marble and Perry and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting adjourned. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, OCTOBER 4th, 1937. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 4th day of October, 1937 at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. Roll call showed the following present Mayor Pro Tem Marble, Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and City Clerk. Absent Mayor Arnett, and City Attorney Austin. Report of City Clerk approved by Mr. All claims allowed as per "Claims and Warrant Register" on file in the office of the Clerk . Bids for the purchase of chemical hose for the Fire Dept. were opened at this time. Bids being received from Eureka Fire Hose Co.Warren and Bailey Co; American LA France Corporation. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Perry it was moved and carried that the bids be referred to C.D.Baker for acceptance and checking, and that the lowest and best bid be accepted. Vote Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and Mayor Pro Tem Marble voting aye. Noes, none. Bids were also opened on the purchase of Carbon Tetro Chloride for the Fire Dept. Bids being received from Braun Corp; American LaFrance Corp; and C.H. Owens and Sons. On motion of Commissioner Perry seconded by Commissioner Ronnow it was moved and carried that the bids be referred to C.D. Baker for checking, and that the lowest and best bid be the one accepted at time purchase was considered. Vote Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and Mayor pro tem Marble voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Perry it was moved and carried that the following liquor licenses be granted: Lenora Castillo, sealed package liquor; B.M. McDonald, Tavern, to be used at the Golden Camel Jean Brownee, retail beverage 223 No. 1st St. Vote Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and Mayor Pro Tem Marble voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Ronnow it was moved and carried that all gaming and slot machine license applications presented to the Board at this time be granted. Vote Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and Mayor Pro Tem Marble voting aye. Noes, none. The following petition signed by a number of property owners was presented to the Board at this time: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS: The undersigned Property Owners residing in what is known as the HFM and M Addition to the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, hereby petition your honorable board to have and investigation made of the water situation in that portion of the above-named addition lying north of Stewart Ave­nue and to which, at the present time, there is no city water service. We ask that you have the City Engineer, the City Health Officer and the Mayor investigate the conditions as they exist there at the present time, and ak that you take the necessary steps to have the city water service extended to this portion of the city as soon as it is possible for you to do so. On motion of Commissioner Ronnow seconded by Commissioner Perry it was moved and carried that the petition be handed to C.D. Baker, City Engineer, that he make an investigation of this subdivision and report his findings to the Board at an early date. Vote Commissioners Krause, Perry and Ronnow and Mayor Pro Tem Marble voting aye. Noes, none. At this time W.A. Price appeared before the Board asking permission to operate a taxi stand on Fremont Street in front of the Overland Tavern. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Perry it was moved and carried that permission be granted to Mr. Price to operate a taxi infront of the Overland Tavern pro­vided he was able to secure the permission of the business houses abutting on this property to park his taxi in this location. Vote was Commissioners Krause and Perry and Mayor pro tem Marble voting aye. Commissioner Ronnow voting no. No further business appearing before the Board the meeting recessed and adjourned until Thursday the 7th day of October, 1937 at the hour of three o'clock P.M.