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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-191


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    We the undersigned citizens of Las Vegas hereby make a vigorous protest to your council and request you not to sanction in any way, manner or form, the removal of the women of said Block No. 16 to said Black No. 1 in the original townsite of Las Vegas. Please notify us through the press, what action you take on this protest petition/ Said petitions were signed by a number of citizens, were presented to the Board, and no action taken at the present time. A petition entitled: Las Vegas, Nevada, July 10th, 1931. Mayor and City Commissioners City of Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: In line with the recent request of the Treasury Department for the removal of the segregated district to a point outside of Clark's Las Vegas Townsite, please be advised that we, the undersigned, property owners and lessees now located in Block 16 of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, will, when it becomes necessary, move this segregated district and handle the sit­uation ourselves. Said petition being signed by a number of interested citizens, and presented to the Board of Commissioners for its consideration. There upon motion of Commissioner Mundy seconded by Commissioner German it was moved that no action be taken on the removal of the segregated district until the in­terested parties be given thirty days notice to appear before the Board and present for its approval a location for said district. Vote on said Motion was as follows: Commissioners Mundy, German, Thomas and Hansell, and His Honor the Mayor E.W. Cragin voting Aye. Noes none. On motion of Commissioner Hansell seconded by Commissioners Thomas the following Resolution was duly adopted: Whereas this Board is in receipt of a letter bearing date June 30, 1931 from Perry K. Heath, Asst. Secy. of the Treasury, calling attention to the letter of former Mayor J.F. Hesse, of date August 22, 1929 to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, wherein in consideration of the construction of the United States Post Office Building on land to be donated to the U.S. Government for such building, said City was to make certain improvements and requiring prompt action to be taken on the improving conditions in the vicinity of the Post Office site, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Board that the representations made by said former Mayor be ratified and confirmed by this Board, and that the Clerk of this Board notify in writing said Assistant Secretary of the Treasury that through this Board act­ion will be taken by said City to improve said conditions and carry out said representations as promptly as the circumstances and conditions of the funds of this City will permit. The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy, German, Thomas and Hansell and His Honor the Mayor E.W. Cragin Voting Aye. Noes none. Mr. Leonard Blood, Deputy Labor Commissioner appeared before the Board at this time in­regard to the City of Las Vegas giving aid in the maintenance of a registration office in the City of Las Vegas to be operated in connection with the Employment Office at the Hoover Dam. No action was taken at this time. The application of Roy Grimes and L.A. Williams for the operation of a gaming house at Lorenzi Lake Resort was next brought before the Board for consideration. No motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner German the following Preambles and Resolution was duly adopted: WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 6th day of July, 1931 a Resolution was duly adopted to the effect that until the further order of this Board not more than seven gaming licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines) be granted for the quarter commencing July 1. 1931 and ending Sept. 30, 1931, and WHEREAS, on this 15th day of July, 1931 there has been presented to this Board an application of Roy Grimes and L.A. Williams for a gaming license at Lorenzi Lake Resort, that is to say, a license for six games, the same to be conducted in a room on the First Floor on the north said of the Dance Hall Pavilion at said Lorenzi Lake Resort, and WHEREAS, said applicants have promised to at all times during the continuance of such license, if granted, to keep employed at their own expense for at least eight hours each day a city policeman, the individual to be designated from time to time by the police department of said City and at such rate of compensation as shall be fixed by said police department, and to pay such policeman promptly on the first day of each month for services rendered as such policeman for the preceding month, and also to pay to the City of Las Vegas the sum of One Hundred Dollars heretofore expended by the City of Las Vegas in and about a certain mandamus suit heretofore brought by said Roy Grimes in the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada and decided by said Court adversely to said Roy Grimes and his co-petitioners therein, and WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that the location of said proposed gaming house is in the industrial district or zone of the City of Las Vegas and that is is far removed from the business center and the center of dense population of said City, and that the policing of said place will not add any additional burden on said City, and that the interests of the City will be served by the granting of such license, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that if the said applicants shall in addition to the payment of the license fees for the games applied for by said applicants shall also pay to the said City of Las Vegas the sum of $100.00, so heretofore expended by said City as aforesaid a license shall be granted to said applicants as applied for and that as a part of this Res­olution said Resolution of date July 6, 1931 be and the same is hereby changed and modified to that until the further order of this Board not more than eight such gaming licenses be issued or granted for said quarter, which shall include the seven licenses heretofore renewed or granted for this quarter and the said license hereby granted. The above is to be taken as exclusive of licenses for slot machines.