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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-65


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    provements authorized and determined to be made under under the provisions of Ordinance No. 149 of the City of Las Vegas: to issue and sell the bonds of the City of Las Vegas therefor, said bonds to be know as "Las Vegas Special 1930 Pavement Improvement Bonds Series A" and provid­ing for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, and other matters relating thereto." An Ordinance empowering, authorizing and directing the Ex-Officio City Assessor of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, State of Nevada to levy a special assessment to defray the costs of making certain improvements in the City of Las Vegas, by by the construction of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Curbs and Gutters and rough grading on certain streets and portions of streets in said City, according to plats and diagrams and estimates of cost thereof on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas; describing definitely the location of said im­provements, stating the amounts of said assessment, and designating the lots, lands and premise s to be assessed according to benefits; providing for the issuance of Special Assessment Bonds for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto; was read to the Board for a first time, and layed over for a second reading at the next regular meeting. An Ordinance Empowering, Authorizing and Directing the Ex-Officio City Assess of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada to Levy a special assessment to defray the the costs of making certain improvements in the City of Las Vegas, by grading for and constructing of Asphaltic Concrete Pavements Durite Process on certain streets and portions of streets in said City, according to plats, diagrams, and estimates of cost thereof on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas; describing definitely the location of said improvements, stating the amounts of said assessments, and designating the lots, lands and premises to be ass­essed according to benefits; providing for the issuance of special assessment bonds for the pay­ment thereof, and other matters relating thereto," was read to the Board for a first time, and layed over for a second reading at the next regular meeting. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. DECEMBER 16TH, 1929. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 16th day of December 1929 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor J. F. Hesse, Commissioners Thomas, and German, together with the City Attorney and Clerk. Absent Commissioners Hansell, and Smith. This being the time set for the hearing of the protests of the assessments of the Ornamen­tal Street Lighting System the matter was laid over until Tuesday the 17th day of December to hear any and all protests. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time the meeting recess­ed until Tuesday the 17th day of December 1929 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. DECEMBER 17th, 1929. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 17th day of December 1929 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor J. F. Hesse, Commissioners Smith, German, and Hasell together with the City Attorney and Clerk, and Assessor. Absent Commissioner Thomas. At this time the Board took up the matter of protests against Assessment No. 12 for Street Lighting, the matter having been continued from the meeting of Dec. 16th, 1929. The written protest of Mrs. Kate Martin to the assessment on Lots 5 and 6 in Block No. 3 of Hawkin's Addition was read, and on order of said Board duly allowed. There upon motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner German it was ordered that the assessment on lots 5 and 6 in Block No. 3 in Hawkin's Addition to the City of Las Vegas, and that the assessment on lots 15 and 16 in Block No. 2 in Hawkin's Addition to the City of Las Vegas, appearing in Street Lighting Assessment Roll No. 12 be stricken from said Roll on the ground that the said assessments are invalid for the reason that the said lots are not benefited by said improvement in the amount assessed or in any other amount, and the Ex- Officio Assessor was directed to indicate on said Roll that said assessment had been stricken therefrom, and it was further ordered that said Assessment Roll No. 12 be and the same is hereby considered as corrected in the above respects. There being no further protests on said Lighting Assessment being made, it was, on motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner German the following Resolution was duly adopted: Resolve that Assessment Roll No. 12 for Street Lighting Improvement, levied in compli­ance with and pursuant to Ordinances Nos. 142 and 148 of the City of Las Vegas, be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed by the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, as corrected on t is 17th day of December 1929, and that the City Clerk endorse on said roll the date and fact of such approval and confirmation as required by the terms of the Charter of