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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-281


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    Thereupon, upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Mundy, it was unan­imously RESOLVED, that the bid of Callihan & Turner, being the lowest received, and it appearing that said Callihan & Turner have complied with all the requirements imposed on bidders, be ac­cepted, and the City Clerk directed to inform said Callihan & Turner of the action of this Board, and to return the deposits of the other bidders. Thereupon, Mr. F. S. Pennington appeared before the Board and requested the City to buy 10 flags and sockets from the American Legion, stating that with the sale of the 10 flags mentioned it would be possible to make a uniform decoration on Fremont Street, with no gaps between flags. It was thereupon resolved upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Mundy, and unanimously carried that the City purchase 10 flags from the American Legion, out of the Publicity Fund Mr. Pennington then requested the Board to grant the American Legion permission to erect a flag pole, with a concrete base, at the intersection of Fifth and Fremont Streets, but after due consideration this matter was laid over for final decision. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried it was ordered that the claim of the Dow Chem­ical Co., in the amount of $1016.00 be paid amd a warrant drawn on the Treasurer for the same. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried it was ordered that the moneys collected by the City Clerk and Municipal Judge during the month of April, 1927, be apportioned as follows: $1000.00 to the Police and Fire Fund, and $1009.50 to the General Fund; and that the Clerk notify the City Treasurer of this action. Further ordered that the Clerk direct the Treasurer to apportion the moneys obtained through the emergency loan, negotiated May 16th, 1927, in accor­dance with the terms set forth in the resolution authorizing said loan, as follows: $1800.00 to General Fund, $2100.00 to Police and Fire Fund and $600.00 to Street Fund. No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned until Saturday, the 21st of May, 1927, at the hour of three o'clock P. M., on motion duly made.