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apart. The vote on said. Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy, Elwell and Smith and His Honor the Mayor, J.F. Hesse, Aye. Noes, none. The Board then proceeded to take up the matter of the levy of taxes for the City of Las Vegas for the year 1926. Upon motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner Smith, and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of seven cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied , collected and paid for the year 1926 , including the net proceeds if the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Salary Fund. RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of twenty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said Tax to be known as and used as the Street Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of thirteen and one half cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the bet proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Light Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of seven cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Publicity Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of five and one half cents oh each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Emergency Loand Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of four and one half cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property, situate lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known; as and used as the Sewer Bond Interest Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of fourteen cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Sewer Bond Redemption Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of nine cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines, except such property as is exempt from taxation, said tax to be known as and used as the Highway Bond Interest Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an ad valorem tax of seven and one half cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property situate, lying and being within the City of Las Vegas, be levied, collected and paid for the year 1926, including the net proceeds of the mines for the year 1926, said tax to be known as and used as the Highway Bond Redemption Fund. The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy, Smith, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, J.F. Hesse, Aye. Noes, none.