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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA Las Vegas, Nevada. August 7,1923 a regular meeting of the City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, held on the 7th day of August, 1923, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock P.M. Present Hon. W.C. German, Mayor, with Commissioners A.R. Anderson, C.R. Shield and W.H. Elwell, together with the City Attorney and City Clerk, Commissioner W.E. Arnold being absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Reports of officers were read, approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the Clerk. All bills allowed as per claim book on file with the clerk of this Board. At this time W.R. Bracken appeared before the Board and outlined plans of the Las Vegas Land and Water company for improvements to be made to the present water system of Las Vegas, and there followed a discussion of possible changes and improvements to be made to the city fire hydrants. Definite action towards securing those improvements was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. The communication of City Treasurer J.M. Ullom regarding side walk assessments was referred to the City Attorney for action. Communications from the Woodlawn Cemetery Board were read and ordered placed on file. Communications from the Red Cross Disaster Committee re the Goldfield fire were read and ordered placed on file. At this time it was ordered, on motion of Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Shield, that Harley A. Harmon be and he is hereby employed to perform the duties of the office of City attorney, during the absence of F.A .Stevens, City Attorney, with the understanding that compensation for the services of the said Harley A. Harmon will be paid by the said F.A. Stevens. Voting on said motion Commissioners Anderson, Shield, and Elwell and His Honor the Mayor W.C. German, Aye. Noes, none. At this time the Clerk presented the petition of P.E. Swisher and John E. Kingsbury for a Gaming License (2 games) at the Thomas Building on First Street, the same having been heretofore approved by Police and Fire Commissioner Shield, whereupon, it was the order of the Board, upon motion of Commissioner Elwell, seconded by Commissioner Shield, that said license be issued to the said John E. Kingsbury and P.E. Swisher. Voting Commissioners Anderson, Shield, and Biwell, and His Honor the Mayor, Aye. Noes, none. The City Clerk was directed to communicate with the Hon. W.J. Stewart, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Nevada with regard to securing the use of the power lawn mower belonging to the County for Woodlawn Cemetery. On motion of Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Shield, it was ordered that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to issue the following proclamation: I, W.C. GERMAN, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada do hereby declare Friday the tenth day of August, 1923, a day of mourning at the death of our beloved President Warren G. Harding, and request that in respect to his memory all places of business throughout the City remain closed between the hours of one o'clock and five o'clock P.M. of said day. It is further requested that all citizens join in a solemn observance of these hours. (Signed) W.C. German Mayor Dated at Las Vegas, Nevada, this 8th day of August, 1923, and sealed with the official seal of said City. (SEAL) Thereupon, there being no further business to come before the Board at this time it was ordered, upon motion of Commissioner Shield, seconded by Commissioner Elwell, that the Board adjourn until Monday the 27th day of August, A.D. 1923, at the hour of