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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-76


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    next regular meeting of the Board. Voting on said motion, Commissioners Shield, Arnold, Elwell and Anderson, and His Honor the Mayor W.C. German, Aye. Noes, none. At this time Division Engineer C.C. Boyer appeared before the Board and explained the estimates on the construction of the proposed Federal Aid Highway through the City of Las Vegas as submitted by the Department of State Highways, and the Board took the matter of action on these estimates under advisement until an adjourned meeting to be held during this month. County Commissioner James Cashman and Senator E.E. Smith addressed the Board briefly. Mr. Chambers ,representative of the Portland Cement Association made a short talk to the Board. At this time the Clerk presented the bond of L.L. French as Plumbing Inspector of the City of Las Vegas, in the sum of $1,000.00, with C.A. French and Dr. F.R. Mildren as sureties thereon, and it appearing to the Board that said bond is a good and sufficient bond, and it farther appearing that the said L.L. French has taken the oath of office required by law, it was ordered on motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Commissioner Elwell, that said bond be and the same is hereby approved, and it was farther ordered that the said L.L. French be permitted to assume the duties of the office of Plumbing Inspector of the City of Las Vegas, he having duly qualified. Voting Commissioners Shield, Arnold, Anderson, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor W.C. German, Aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Shield, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a new livestock ordinance. Voting Commissioners Anderson, Shield, Arnold and Elwell, and His Honor the Mayor W.C. German, Aye. Noes, none. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time it was ordered that the Board stand adjourned until Tuesday, the 19th day of June ,1923 when it shall meet to consider matters pertaining to street construction, and such other matters as may come before the Board at that time. Adjournment on motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Com­missioner Elwell. Voting Commissioners Anderson, Shield, Arnold and Elwell, and His Honor the Mayor W.C. German, Aye. Noes, none.