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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-311


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of the City Clerk. Las Vegas, Nevada. June, 7, 1921. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on this 7th day of June, A.D., 1921, per adjournment of said Board. Present His Honor the Mayor, H.T. Jones, Commissioners Frank Brickie, Thomas R. Hodgens, and Lou Martin, together with the city clerk and city attorney. At this time the clerk read to the Board an Ordinance of the City of Las Vegas regarding the licensing for the purpose of regulation and revenue, certain kinds of businesses fixing the rates thereon and providing for the collection of license tax, and for the punishment of violators, whereupon on motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Brickie, and duly carried, it was the order of the Board that said Ordinance be passed on to the second reading. Voting, Commissioner Brickie Aye, Commissioner, Hodgens, Aye, Commissioner Martin, Aye, and His Honor the Mayor, H.T. Jones, Aye. Noes. none Thereupon the clerk read to the Board for the first time an Ordinance of the City of Las Vegas, amending an Ordinance to prohibit gaming in the City of Las Vegas without first obtaining a license therefor, regulating the same, fixing the amount of such license, and providing a penalty therefor. Whereupon it was the order of the Board upon motion of Commissioner Brickie, seconded by Commissioner Martin that said Ordinance be passed on to its second reading. Voting, Commissioner Brickie Aye; Commissioner Hodgens, Aye; Commissioner, Martin, Aye; His Honor the Mayor, Aye. Noes, none. Thereupon it was the motion of Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hodgens, and duly carried that the Board stand adjourned until the next regular meeting, to be held on the 15th day of June, A.D. 1921. Voting, Commissioner Brickie, Aye; Commissioner, Hodgens, Aye; Commissioner Martin, Aye , and His Honor the Mayor H.T. Jones, Aye. Noes ,none. amending certain Ordinances referring to the licensing of businesses in the City of Las Vegas. After lengthy discussion, it was that order of the Board, upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Ireland, and duly carried that the city attorney be, and he is hereby direct­ed to draft an amendment to said Ordinances in accordance with the ideas laid down by the Board. Voting, Commissioner Brickie, Aye; Commissioner, Hodgens, Aye; Commissioner Ireland, Aye, and His Honor the Mayor, Aye. Noes, None. Thereupon it was the order of the Board, upon motion duly made by Commissioner Brickie, second­ed by Commissioner Hodgens, and duly carried that the meeting of the Board stand adjourned until Tuesday the 7th day of June, A.D., 1921, at the hour of seven O'clock p.m. Voting, Commissioner Brickie, Aye Commissioner Hodgens, Aye, Commissioner Ireland, Aye, and His Honor the Mayor ,H.T. Jones, Aye. Noes, none.