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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-297


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Upon motion of Commissioner Pembroke and seconded by Commissioner Conklin it was further resolved and duly carried that the City Treasurer be hereby directed to make a immediate demand for the payment of said special assessment and collect the same and the collection to be a special fund for special ass­essment District No. 7. The vote of said resolution being as follows, to-wit: Commissioner Conklin, aye Pembroke aye and his honor W. E. Ferron voting aye. Noes none. The Clerk then presented to the Board the contract for said side walk work on third street in Dist­rict No. 7 with the bond in the sum of $500.00 for the completion of said work and said contract being in regular form and the bond in accordance with law it was upon motion, being duly made and carried, ordered that the contract be and the same is hereby accepted and the bond approved and the mayor and the clerk of this board are hereby authorized and directed to sign said contract in behalf of the City of Las Ve­gas. Nevada. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, LAS VEGAs, NEVAdA. JANUARY 5, 1921. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners, in and for the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, present Hon. W. E. Ferron, Mayor with members Howard Conklin, Pembroke and Martin being present with the clerk and City Attorney. At this time it was upon motion being duly made and carried, ordered that this board stand adjourned until Thursday, January 6, 1921 at two o'clock p. m. of said day. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. JANUARY 6,1921 The Board reconvened at two P.M. with the following members present: Commissioners Pembroke and Conklin, and His Honor the Mayor. W.E. Ferron, together with the City Attorney Frank A. Stevens and City Clerk Harley A. Harmon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. All claims against the city were allowed as per claim book on file with the Clerk of the Board. Reports of Officers read, approved as read and ordered placed on file. Thereupon the clerk presente d to the Board Ordinance #80 for the second reading the same having been read the first time at a regular meeting held December first, 1921. Whereupon the same was read for the second time. Upon motion of Commissioner Pembroke and seconded by Commissioner Conklin and duly carried it was ordered that said ordinance #80 be passed as appears more fully in Ordinance Book #1 under Ordinance #80, of the City of Las Vegas to which reference is hereby made the vote being as follows, to wit: Commissioner Pembroke, Aye; Commissioner Conklin, Aye; and His Honor ,the Mayor, W.E. Ferron voting Aye. Noes, none. At this time Mr. C.V.T. Gilbert appeared before the Board regarding sidewalk grades on Sixth Street near Bridger Street, whereupon it was advised that this matter be referred to the street commissioner and that he have the grade established on said Sixth Street. At this time City Clerk Harley A. Harmon presented to the Board orally, his resignation as City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas to take effect immediately. Where­upon motion being duly made and carried it was ordered that said resignation be and is hereby accepted. The question of the appointment of a city clerk in and for the City of Las