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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-185


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada . September 1st, 1915. At regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas Nevada, held on the above mentioned date . Present Commissioners Elwell, Ball, Matzdorf, and Acting Mayor and Commissioner O.D. Hicks, Mayor W.E. Hawkins Being absent. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. All claims against the City of Las Vegas allowed as per claim book on file with the Clerk of this Board. Reports of officers read and approved as read. The question of salary for street employees coming on before the Board, it was after due consideration by the Board moved by Commissioner Ball and duly seconded by Commissioner Matzdorf and carried ordered that the sum of not less than three dollars be paid to all street employees working not less than eight hours a day in and for said City of Las Vegas. The vote on said resolution being as follows towit: Commissioner Matzdorf aye, Commissioner Ball aye, Commissioner Elwell, and his Honor the Mayor acting 0.D. Hicks aye. Noes none. At this time Commissioner Matzdorf moved the Board which was duly seconded by Commissioner Ball and carried ordered that the City of Las Vegas through its Board of City Commissioners purchase a trumpet for the use of the fire chief of said city. The vote on said resolution being as follows to-wit: Commissioner Matzdorf aye, Commissioner Ball aye, Commissioner Elewell, and his Honor the Mayor acting 0. D. Hicks aye. Noes none. At this time W. R. Thomas Esq. Appeared before the Board in behalf of A. H. Kramer and represented to the Board that the said A. H. Kramer believed that he had been wronged of his rights by the prior Board of City Commissioners when through their actions they revoked the liquor licence of one C. A. Haller contending that at the time the said C. A. Haller's liquor permit was revoked as provided by City ordinance No. 33 of which said Board acted upon, and requested that this Board reconsider said action and grant to the A. H. Kramer a retail liquor permit as he the said A. H. Kramer was the sole owner of said property. Whereupon after due consideration upon the part of the Board and taking in consideration the oral statement of the said A. H. Kramer it was upon motioned by Commissioner Ball and seconded by Commissioner Elwell and duly carried, ordered that this matter go over until Friday September the 3rd at 7:00 o'clock P. M when this Board will meet in adjourned session for the consideration of said request. The vote being as follows to-wit: Commissioner Matzdorf aye, Commissioner Ball aye, Commissioner Elewell, and his Honor the Mayor acting 0. D. Hicks aye. Noes none. At this time street Commissioner Ball called the Boards attention to the fact that under the present conditions that it was impossible for men employed on street work to receive their pay or money for said work only when the Board met in regular session, once a month and moved the Board which was duly seconded by Commissioner Elewell and duly carried that this Board meet in regular session at 7:00 o'clock P. M on each and every Friday in the month while present street work was in progress to consider and allow all bills for street purposes. The vote on said resolution being as follows to-wit: Commissioner Matzdorf aye Commissioner Ball aye, Commissioner Elewell and his Honor the Mayor acting 0. D. Hicks aye. Noes none. At this time the clerk presented to the Board the application of L.J. Holcomb for a transfer of a retail liquor license permit heretofore granted to one George Corlin. Whereupon after due consideration upon the part of the Board and it appearing that the said L.J. Holcomb is a fit and proper person to have given to him a retail liquor permit to be conduct-