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    April 11, 1973 j Dear ’ Diek,;: I t i s har^ to r e a liz e that come th is December I w ill have been here 10 years! and so many things undone, including Falcon H ill. I am w riting th is note to acknowledge ray realization o f the problem and l e t you know that I am th i iking about i t (even once in the middle of the night a fter coming awake), but so far have onlypeen able to assemble the notes and reports w ritten in the past (at various tim es, only to be interrupted for longer or shorter periods) to get n y jse lf organized as to "there I am At the moment things couldn't be busier. I say th is for understanding rather than for excuses, and forsee that a fter May 6 I can zero in f u ll time on th is p roject. In the next few days I hope to be able to go over things su ffic ie n tly to have an inkling of the scope|of what needs to be done, so as to provide an outline and time table as you indicated in your le t t e r , which I can send o ff within a week or so. As I mentioned above I write you fnov so you rea lize I am not ignoring th in gs.'' For the la s t two months I have been involved week ends with the archeology fie ld c la ss, making both Saturdays and Sundays v irtu a lly u se le ss. The rains have hade the digging d iffic u lt and slow and we fin a lly ffin id ied ^ ||| up la s t week end. T ester day I was out on Anacapa Island with the museum docent la d ies (30 volunteers) showing them some of the s it e s and ex­plaining some of the archeology; the museum botanist was a lso along to discuss the plant H fe - the wild flow ers were im pressive. Next week I go to the Yuha Desert (southwest of ElCentroj I had never heard of i t before) to dig up Early Man tinder some stone mounds. Without going into the long story of how I got dragged in to th is , the attempt w ill :li^ § be to excavate s c ie n tific a lly a rock p ile under which should be a burial sim ilar to another fin d which has been dated at 20,000 years ago plus; however the date i s onljr from calich e and not the|bones themselves. This dig is to get bones to date* I am to be gone a week, which elim inates th at much time. I comd back for two days and then leave on the 25th for Oregon, taking Mother;? stay up there and J w ill come south to San Francisco for the S.A.A. meetings, keeping me occupied u n til the 6th of May. So you see my dilemma for hopping immedi-atelyjlbo 'Falcon-Hill;