Access Restricted Archival objects in this container: Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, 1933-1939 High school reports, France, Germany, Switzerland, [undated] High school reports, History, Music, undated, 1929 High school reports, Russia, United States of America (USA), undated Check register, expenses, 1968 Client accounts, work schedules, 1969-1973 Death/illness, correspondence, receipts, bills, miscellaneous items, 1973 Death expressions of sympathy and newspaper clippings, 1973-1974 Divorce Decrees, Dungan (1948), Stang (1959), Oncken (1965); Marriage Certificate - Stang (1957) Estate Papers, Decree of Distribution, Death Certificate, 1973-1974 Financial statements, 1954-1968 High school report cards, correspondence, miscellaneous, 1931-1933