Archival objects in this container: Antique Bottle Collectors, Inc., 1971 to 1974 Beverage Index, 1986 Clean Communities, Inc., 1986 to 1992 Community Concert Association, 1986 to 1997 Gymnastics Association, 1977 Historical Society, 1972 to 1980 Knife and Fork Club, 1967 to 1975 Literacy Coalition Museum Association, 1968 to 1981 Museum Guild, 1975 to 1981 Music Arts Society, 1988 to 1993 Personnel Association, 1968 to 1969 Retired Teachers Association, 1984 to 1995 Sightless Blind Center, 1977 Summer Music School (Nevada School of the Arts), 1976 to 2001 Teachers of English, 1964 to 1980 Signs: electric, 1991 to 1994 Signs: Barlo, 2005 Signs: neon, 1966 to 1997 Sinatra Society of Las Vegas, approximately 1950 to 2000 Skyguard, 1989 to 1990 Slang usage in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1991 Slot machines, 2004 to 2005 Smithsonian Events in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1983 Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Las Vegas Chapter, 1978