Archival objects in this container: China Doll Parade: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Cheerful Little Earful: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Ride Russians Ride: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 There Goes That Song Again: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Would You Like To Take A Walk?: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 I Guess I'll Get The Papers: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 I Guess I'll Get The Papers: score, approximately 1950 to 1967 A Wonderful Winter: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Moonlight: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 So In Love: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 The Wish I Wish Tonite: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Cuddles: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967