Archival objects in this container: Union College #237: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Cavalier Song #239: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Cornell-AlmaMater#240: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 St. Louis Blues #20A: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 La Valse #178: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Down The Field Syracuse U. #243: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Fight Away (Army) #244: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 The Maid With The Slight Swiss Accent #115: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Raggin' The Scale #190: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 It's Delovely #192: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Fight Georgetown Men #248: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967 Depaul Victory Song #238: parts, approximately 1950 to 1967