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Nate Mack B'nai B'rith lodge no. 2825 Newsbeat newsletters, item 02




Newsbeat newsletter (first page missing)

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    exec sez Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am taking this opportunity to tell everyone, that Nate Mack, B'nai B'rith of Las Vegas, has indeed accomplished putting on it's new face as promised. Now we would like to show it off to all our members and prospective members. Some of our scheduled events are as follows; Three day retreat with exciting guest speakers. (Optional golf outing) Great food included in a luxury resort setting. Two more progressive dinners. Educative and controversial guest speakers for our general meetings to be held at various locations. PLUS LOTS MORE !! We need your attendance. We need your support. Remember, You are B'nai B'rith. BE SEEN, BE HEARD, BE THERE. SHALOM Executive V.P. Mark A. Goldstein PROGRAMS 9/13/90 Coach Ron Ganulin and players to review the coming year and answer your quest ions . 10/25/90 Shelley Berkley, University Regent . Growth of Jews in Las Vegas and how the University works with the Jewish Community. 11/15/90 Richard B. Varon, CLU Regi . 0 nal Director B.B. insurance. The NEW B'nai B ' rith progr am. If y ou don't like the program Ie1 ; me know what you would like ! . BUT, we need your support to atte ;n d all progi "ams, EVEN THE ONES YOU DON 1 'T LIKE,in ( jrder to t >u ild a good base for 8 ood attenc lance at ? >1 1'programs, ? SEE YOU SOON! Mart ? y Loeb , VP Progr ams Nate Mack B'nai B'rith L------------------------------------- lodge no. 2825 WE ^ave pROMisES to I<eed. / Women Now Full Members The 35th B?nai B?rith Interna?tional Biennial yesterday voted unanimously to admit women as members of all B?nai B?rith struc?tures, ending the 147-year exclu?sion of women from lodges. ?After 140 years we are now a uni?fied organization," said Member?ship Chairman Tommy Baer, who chaired the historic plenary. ?Con?gratulations.? Singing and cheering erupted in the hall after the vote was taken. ?Many lodges have requested authorization to invite women as members," said President Reich. ?This is a natural evolution and one that will serve to strenghten the organization. Men and women are now full and equal partners in the B?nai B?rith family.? A later vote mandated that all male-only lodges will be convert?ed to integrated units in six months. Individual lodges may choose to preserve their present status by notifying B?nai B?rith International within that period. Men and women will be required to pay the same dues. Units were first formed in 1971 to enable men and women to join together in the same local membership group. However, men paid their dues to B?nai B?rith, women to B?nai B?rith Women. In 1988, women mem?bers of units in the United States were given the choice of paying dues to B?nai B?rith Women or B?nai B?rith International. Calling the vote ?a watershed in B?nai B?rith history,? Executive Vice President Tom Neumann predicted the action will have a major impact on the organization as women make their ascent into top B?nai B?rith leadership posi?tions.HARRY SHCOLNIK * MARILYN COHEN DAVE COHEN * JOE SINGER SCOTT CANTOR * JOE SINGER * MARK GOLDSTEIN DAVE COHEN * HEINZ BOLDES * HY BERGMAN MIKE CHERRY * IRV DORFLER * MORT KIRSCH MORT KIRSCH * DAVE COHEN JOE SINGER * HARRY SHCOLNIK MORT KIRSCH * JOE SINGER MARK GOLDSTEIN * DAVE COHEN NORM SIMON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR * MARK GOLDSTEIN MARK GOLDSTEIN * HEINZ BOLDES * MORT KIRSCH MIKE CHERRY * HEINZ BOLDES * DAVE COHEN IRV DORFLER * HY BERGMAN MARK GOLDSTEINLeaqlib Pr 55 i dent: L e a g u e S e c r e t. a r v s LEAGUE Results for NATE MACK B?NAI IRV DORFLER GERSHON HELLER STANDING SHEET Week No. 1 09/04 B'RITH -- SHOWBOAT LANES P h one: 456-8403 Phones 732-8231 /732-1311 ---------------Scratch---------------- Pos Team Name (Team No.) Won Lost 1 Kelly?s Boys (1) 6.00 2 - 00 2 1 S r a O .!. ( > 6. OO 2. OO 3 Sholom (4) 5. 00 3 - ?x> 4 Mensch (7) 4.00 4.00 5 ADL iS) 4. OO 4.00 a Golanires <3> 3.00 5.00 7 Seniors (5) 2. (JU 6. OO 8 U'* kayo (2) 2. UU 6.00 The League Secretary is on Lane Lane # 39 40 41 42 4 44 45 46 09/ 1 1. fc> d J .. 7 ..4 1. ....y Lane # 59 40 41 42 43 44 4 j 46 09/13 ..5 ' 4 .1 s .7 ..-~r 0 Pet. Tot Pi IT 75.00 2084 75. 00 1593 62.50 1693 50.00 1665 50.00 16 19 37.50 1549 25.00 1706 25.00 1670 No. 39 five Gm Ser 694 748 2084 531 551 1593 564 571 1693 555 592 1665 539 540 1619 516 536 1549 568 583 1706 c c: 1 J JO 597 1670 ---------------------- Year To Date High Scores ---------------------- Hioh Scratch Same Score High Handicap Game Score Hiqh Scratch Senes Score High Handicap Series Score UTTiiUky,"Saa 173 Dstron. Ron YTD Sc:r ~ YTD Scr- Na in e TotF ?ins Gins five Flop G a in Ser Name TotPins Gms Ave Hep Gain Ser Ini 1 K e 1.1 ys Boy Tm 2 1 r. j 371 77 371 A h f'i"i ler qFlar r V 507 7 169 31 189 507 HirschornDave O .123 la a Fn c;te 440 T 146 54 1 77 440 Glass, Hal 473 3 157 43 1 / U 4/3 ! i h 1 i 525 T 175 25 193 525 Cohen, David 0 0 0 0 0 0 Os trow., Ron 612 7 204 0 ? ) ?:? iz ... ?j 612 DorTier , Irv 379 3 126 74 158 379 1 1T1 3 G 01 a n i t. as Tm 4 Sholom 400 133 141 400 Hr J i m 434 7 .144 56 157 434 Wax in an, "Lou 67 p O Boh 245 .... 81 119 93 245 Zucher, Bernard 406 7 135 65 .158 406 L.ehrner , Larry 452 150 50 186 452 Tir ,:?i Seniors 0 Tm 6 Israel 369 150 369 TT....H......... 0 0 0 0 0 Meller, Ger eh on 3 123 77 401 2 133 67 147 401 Levy , A. 418 7 139 61 169 418 Be r t'l in anFly 390 T 130 70 162 390 B e u c k, Bill 371 3 123 77 128 371 Lfc bed in. Berna rd 480 3 160 40 165 480 1 II '7 T m 8 ADL it K'n"~ 417 3 139 0 61 147 417 Newmar l< , Art. 283 ?j* 94 106 108 283 Gr P ?? ? Milton 0 0 0 0 0 Levine, 3 oe 440 3 146 54 159 440 403 134 66 162 403 Robinson, E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 q e 1 , N e .1. s 0 n 431 3 143 57 148 431 Cohen, Dave 461 153 47 159 461 Bu I let j. n Board Well come t J cl c: k f D r" ci not. he r q do d year. Nice bowli nq to Bam 193; Rc i n 235 n M 01 . 6 12., . . . More next week' 1 1 F ot W i n nre r s: i 1 1 Game (?j a m e 1: ?> .. F 1 ? 0 n . a r i" 0s+ y L r ow e h r no r 2 I-';- it.: j J 30 Game 3 Game *1 .* A1 s Ron. ?DSt Oct e i n . row 230 h J 2B?NAI B?RITH &fate&iack?B ha i Wf/fc lodge no. 2825 MEMBERSHIP WHY? WHY EVERY JEW SHOULD IDENTIFY WITH B'NAI B'RITH ? Because B'nai B'rith's basic purpose is to help assure the creative continuity of the Jewish people. BECAUSE BECAUSE B?NAI B?RITH ACTS ? ? When the United Nations voted its obscene equation of Zionism with Racism, B'nai B'rith was the leading factor in the planning and execution of large demonstrations of protest throughout the country. ? When hundreds of thousands paraded and protested dur?ing the past years to dramatize the plight of Soviet Jewry, the largest contingent each year was from B'nai B'rith ? B'nai B'rith members, B?nai B?rith Youth, B'nai Brith Hillel students and B?nai B'rith Women. ? When the Administration threatened to reduce Federal programs for the aged, B'nai B'rith joined forces with other concerned groups to assure continued government sup?port for housing and other successful programs for the aged. We are currently fighting to assure continued gov?ernment support for social security benefits to the aged, disabled and the young. ? When the discredited former Vice President, Spiro Agnew, launched his campaign against Israel and spouted anti-Semitic stereotypes, B'nai B'rith publicly took him to task. ? Because B?nai B'rith's Jewish Education program strengthens its members identification with the moral and ethical values of their tradition, their culture, their heritage. ? Because B'nai B'rith's Anti Defamation League is fore?most in the struggle against anti Semitism and all forms of bigotry whenever and wherever they raise their head. ? Because B'nai B'rith's. Youth Organization helps our boys and girls to be truer Jews, better citizens and finer human beings. ? Because B'nai B'rith's Hillel Foundations are the re?ligious, cultural and social centers for Jewish college students on more than 300 campuses. ? Because B'nai B'rith's Career and Counseling Service renders invaluable vocational guidance to our young people in the selection of their careers. ? Because B?nai B'rith is a staunch supporter of Israel in its struggle to assure its security. ? When Wolfgang Wick, a former member of the Nazi Party, was nominated for the Presidency of Rotary International, B'nai B'rith members all over the world advised their clubs and Rotary district leaders that Wick's election would compel them to end their associ?ation. Many others, including a great many non-Jews, shared their concern. Wick withdrew. ? When the Arab boycott strategy began to intensify, the ADL fought back in a number of effective ways. Through public exposure. Through a suit against the Commerce Department. Through Congressional efforts. Through a bold naming of names. I AM OF THE JEWISH FAITH ANO PLEDGE MYSELF TO SUPPORT THE HIGH IDEALS AND PURPOSES OF B?NAI B?RITH ? Because B'nai B'rith strives to help the plight of our brothers and sisters in the Soviet Union. DISTRICT NAME LODGE DATE___________________________ 19______ ? Because B'nai B'rith's International Council concerns itself with the welfare of Jews in 40 countries of the Free World. DATE OF BIRTH ________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS *0___________________________________ ________________________________________.________ (ZIP) ? Because B'nai B'rith's United Nations Office is the eyes, ears 2nd conscience of the Jewish community in mobilizing support for human rights. ? Because B'nai B'rith's lodges, chapters and units serve the needs of their local communities with a vast on-going Community Service program. BUSINESS ADDRESS *? (ZIP) HOME TELEPHONE__________________________________________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE______________________________________________________ OCCUPATION_______________________________________________________________ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER?_______ WHAT L00CE OR CHAPTER?________ ? Because B'nai B'rith cares. It cares about young people. It cares about our elderly. It cares about our com?munities. It cares about Jewish interests wherever they are threatened. It cares about a more human and humane world for everyone. WIFE OR HUSBAND?S NAME_________________________ MEMBER OF B?NAI B?RITH___________ PROPOSEO BY ?PLEASE INDICATE WHERE YOU WISH YOUR MAIL SENT DUES ATTACHED IN THE AMOUNT OF $_______________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT FOR MEMBERSHIP NATF. MACK B?NAI B?RITH No. 2825 1600 EAST OAKEY I-AS VEGAS. NEVADA 8910$ ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 70 LAS VEGAS. NEV Mr l03(). ,e w " Say it with trees TREES FOR YOU & YOU FOR TREES Over the years it has become customary to give trees in the B'nai B'rith Internat?ional Park when a loved one or a friend passes away. However, a living memorial can also be a thoughtful and a living gift. A tree, or a group of trees is a wonderful gift for a Bar Mitzva, wedding, birthday or just in friendship. A tree is a thoughtful gift that shows the receipient that you not only care now, but wish them growth in the future. For example, when your children visit Israel, they will know that some of the trees in the forest are there because of their parents gift to them. What better example for growth and stability than a living tree in Israel? When a new business if opened and appropr?iate care might read, "Your business should grow like a tree in Israel", mron mia rwh ?? T ? T TT ; Best Wishes For A Good New Year B'nai Brith is growing. Sign up a Friend HELP Join us in making Hate Mack the greatest lodge in District #4. Attend our meet?ings - socials - community affairs - programs. Help us keep Nate Mack in the public eye. Together We Grow Stronger So, the next time you want to show your love, concern, hate or to congratulate, do it with trees. Give me a call and I will do the rest. B?nai B?rith Youth Organization <> L l