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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2009



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    PROSPECTIVE MEMBER EVENTS & SERVICES! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! High Holy Day Service Schedule Selichot Saturday, September 12 Ere v Rosh HaShanah Friday, September 18 Rosh HaShanah Saturday, September 19 Tashlich Saturday, September 19 Rosh HaShanah Day Two Sunday, September 20 Shabbat Shuvah Friday, September 25 Kol Nidre Sunday, September 27 Yom Kippur Monday, September 28 Sukkot Shabbat Friday, October 2 Simchat Torah Friday, October 9 Yiskor Shemini Atzeret Saturday, October 10 Ticket information can be found on page 12. Prospective Member Shabbat Friday, August 21 Services begin at 7:30 pm, followed by an Ice Cream Oneg! Shul Shopping - Open House! Tuesday, August 25 ~ 5:30 - 7:30 pm Tour the campus; meet our clergy and our staff. Membership information will be available. Light appetizers and beverages will be served. Special Door Prize! Prospective Member Bar-B-Que Friday, August 28 ~ 5:45 - 7:00 pm Prospective members and their families are invited to join us for a BBQ dinner on the patio and then stay and experience Shabbat at CNT. Services begin at 7:30 pm. Note: Dinner for prospective members and their families only. 2WP appreciated for all events. To RSVP, or for more information ^Pbuf membership or any of these events, contact the Temple office at 733-6292. Or visit us on the web at Matza, Temple President Thanks for the terrific turnout at the Annual Meeting. It was a fine tribute to Harry Sax and the outgoing Board, Men's Club and Sisterhood. Rabbi, Nancy and the Staff made the event a very special occasion. For those unable to attend the meeting, please allow me to share my thoughts from that evening----- Our ancestors wandered in the desert for forty years and dreamed of a new and better life. At the time the average life expectancy was less than 40 years so those wanderers could not dream for themselves but for the generations to follow. The Founding Generations were the brave ones to escape Egypt and take those first steps into the desert. As the promise land was in sight, it was a Visionary Generation who saw the land, the communities, the learning and the opportunities that could be created for yet other generations to come. Then came the Expanding Generations who were fruitful and multiplied. They took full advantage of what had been given them by the Founding and Visionary generations. L?dor V?dor ? From Generation to Generation. L?dor V'dor was the theme of our new campus campaign several years ago and has been a central element in our entire Jewish heritage. Congregation Ner Tamid is very much a congregation in the desert that was begun by a Founding Generation. They had the insight to create a Reform congregation in the Las Vegas desert over 30 years ago. They cherished the closeness of knowing and caring for each other. They stepped up in leadership, ritual, fund raising and education. They saw for themselves and future generations an opportunity for Judaism to flourish. With the approach of the Y2 K decade, a Visionary Generation stepped up and saw the opportunity to embrace greater numbers of new Jewish families in a complete Jewish campus. They had a vision of expanded services, programs, education and activities. Most of all, they envisioned a campus of Jewish life that would rise out of the desert and be a beacon to attract people of all ages who wished to identify with Reform Judaism. Now we see another generation emerging in our congregation. They are thirsty from their journey and wish to turn to Judaism to quench that thirst. We welcome them into our beautiful home, encourage them into our very full schedule of holidays, programs and activities and seek their involvement in leadership. L?dor V?dor? Our Congregation grows from Generation to Generation. Five years ago, Annie and I packed our cars and dogs and headed into the desert in search of a new promise land. We had none of the hardships of our ancestors but we certainly didn?t know where we would end up or who we would engage along the way. Our journey brought us to the steps of Congregation Ner Tamid where we found our new family. Annie began volunteering in the office and I ended up on the Board. I promised to keep a low profile. Th^p-i got that very frightening call that R. Akselrad and President Harry Sax wante to have breakfast with me. In preparing to be your president, I have spent the past year meeting with past presidents, members of the Board, our staff, our Rabbi, our Executive Director, many of the active committees and many others. Harry Sax has been very generous in assuring that I be included in every meeting, discussion and social event over the past nine months. I?ve developed an appreciation for the history of this congregation, many past accomplishments and a full list of challenges going forward. We will continue to engage our founding members; we will celebrate with our visionary members and we will welcome our growing members. We will continue to build this center of Reform Jewish life for ourselves and the many generations to come. Thank you for allowing me to lead this latest generation. I am excited with the caliber of leadership on the Board; delighted with the professionalism of^^ staff; eager to work with our Rabbi Sr Cantorial Soloist; and most of all, committed to having every congregant feel that Ner Tamid is their home away from home. L?dor V?dor? We continue our commitment from Generation to Generation. 2009-10 Temple Board Bruce Matza, President ... Gregg Solomon, VP Del Acosta, VP Ritual… Lisa Skurow, VP Member Marsha Goldberg, VP Member Brett Primack, VP Social Barry Lewisohn, Treasurer.......................................................blewiso… Amy Matthews, Corporate Trustees Rick Carter… Jeff Jonas… lllisa Polis… Pam Poster............................................pkposter@interact.ccs… Randi Samo… Danny Socolof… John Sparer… Sandy Stolberg… Steven Strasser… Michelle Blank, Sisterhood Susie Sernoe, Sisterhood Michael Unger, Men?s Club Stephanie Dreiman, NTTY President... Past Presidents Harry Sax Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased 2 W W W .LVNERTAM ID.ORG . Rabbi Ruth Adar Visiting Assistant Rabbi ?|e of the secrets of singers and ncers and athletes is the activity known as the ?warm up.? Singers make funny noises, dancers contort themselves and stretch, and athletes go through a series of exercises to get ready to compete. All of them will tell you that some of the warm up happens in their muscles and some of it happens in their heads. For a great performance, a great performer has to be mentally and spiritually ready. In just the same way, we have to be physically and spiritually ready to get the most out of the High Holy Days. Physically, there is much to prepare: rabbis prepare sermons, cantors prepare music, and choirs rehearse. When I wrote this column in late June, your temple office was already beginning practical preparations for the High Holy Days. There are a thousand small pieces to coordinate for ?fember?s solemn prayers. By the eyou read this, the High Holy Days will be about six weeks away, and likely your own preparations will be underway: Who's coming to town? Do we have enough tickets? Who?s hosting Rosh HaShanah dinner? Who?s hosting Break-the-Fast? Where will guests stay? What will everyone wear? All those preparations can become tense, both at Temple and at home. It is important, therefore, to remember that we also need to do a __ spiritual warm-up for the High Holy Days. Traditionally, we begin our spiritual preparations one month before Rosh HaShanah , on the first day of the month of Elul, which this year is August 20. ?Spiritual warm up?? you might ask, ?How does one warm up spiritually?? Here are my suggestions for spiritual warm-ups, so that you will get the most out of the High Holy Days this year: ?Check in with family and friends: are there any conflicts we need to talk about? ?There are lots of good books about preparation for the Days of Awe. Read one. ?Check this bulletin for classes and other events for High Holy Day Preparation. ?Practice the mitzvah of kindness when dealing with other stressed people, including temple staff. ?Keep Shabbat this month. Without rest, we cannot do anything well I wish you a fruitful month of Elull High Holy Day 101 Thursday, August 20 6:00 - 7:00 pm This 101 Series is a program developed to help engage those seeking a stronger connection to Judaism: Jews-by-Choice, interfaith couples and families, parents of interfaith married children, anyone interested in knowing more about the Jewish High Holy Days. We will over the meaning of the Holy Days, customs, traditions and '?B/ers associated with the Holy Days. This class is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP to Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205 so that we have enough materials for everyone. Vu A BJlAtJ AUGUST SERVICE SCHEDULE Friday, Aug 7 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Friday. Aug 14 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday. Aug J5 10:00 am Goldstein Bar Mitzvah Friday. Aug 21 6:15 pm YAC Chardonnay Shabbat 7:30 pm Prospective Member Shabbat w/lce Cream Oneg Saturday, Aug 22 10:00 Lieberman Bat Mitzvah Friday, Aug 28 5:45 pm Prospective Member Bar-b-Que Dinner 7:30 pm Prospective Member Shabbat Service Saturday. Aug 29 10:00 am Baranoff Bat Mitzvah Friday Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Akselrad and/or Rabbi Adar; our Cantorial Soloist is Philip Goldstein. Services begin at 7:30 pm (unless otherwise noted) and are followed by an Oneg. If you would like to host an Oneg. contact Roberta Unger. 733- 6292 ext 202. Saturday Morning Service & Study 9:00 am Adult Ed 10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 11:15 am Torah Study Saturday morning Adult Ed and Torah Study meet in the Conference Room; Shabbat Service is in the Beit T?fillah. August 2009 3 CVcle of ^4 August B?nai Mitzvah Sam Goldstein August 15 proud parents are Nicholle & Matthew Anna Lieberman August 22 proud parents are Mara & Cary Social Action - In Action! The Social Action Committee is proud to announce our new community partnership with McCaw Elementary, located in downtown Henderson. But we can?t do it alone - we need your help, a few hours a week, with this special project that will benefit the students greatly: volunteer in the classrooms read with individual students donate gently used clothing for grades K-5 (shorts, pants, t- shirts, hoodies, etc) donate new backpacks for the students This truly is a worthwhile partnership and project. Please join us in our efforts to change the life of a child, one by one. If you are interested in helping, please contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. Alexis Baranoff August 29 proud parent is Scott Baranoff & Jona Price Mazel Tov To..... Madelyn & Jack Nitzkin on the birth of their grandson, Meyer Lee, born May 14. Proud parents are Aaron & Suzanne. Adult High Holy Day Choir Rehearsals now underway! Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm In the Music Room Abby& Linda Wikieron the birth of an?other grandchild, Jayda Sierra, born May 16. Proud parents are Melissa & Michael. Nicholas Roquewho earned 3 gold med?als in Track & Field at the Nevada Special Olympics in Reno. Proud mom is Ann. Sarah Lieberman on her graduating Ma?gna Cum Laude from the University of Delaware. Proud parents are Mara & Gary. Patty Roberts on the birth of her grand?daughter, Haley Noelle Downey, born June 8. Proud Parents are Julie & Brian Ann & Bruce Matza on the birth of their grandchild. Carter, born June 20. Proud parents are Emily & Alan. Luci & Barry Lewisohn on the birth of their grandson, Ryan Giordano, born June 3. Proud parents are Avery & Steven. Robin & Danny Creenspun on the birth of their grandchild. Jack Huxley Tarmy. Proud parents are Moira & Henry. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN YOUR KOL NIDRE APPEAL ARRIVES Appeals should be arriving in the mail this month. There are several ways to ensure the continuation of programming, services and religious education made available to all congregants of CNT and the community-at-large: $ Return your Kol Nidre Pledge in the envelope provided to you 0 Donate ON-LINE at our website 0 Call the Temple office at 702.733.6292 With your generous pledge, CNT will remain ?A Special Place to Belong? We mourn the passing.... Samuel Roth, beloved husband of Rosalind, brother Elliot Witkow, beloved son of LeVerne Morton Rosen, beloved father of Larry, father-in-law Miranda Linda Mueller, beloved aunt of Pam Poster of Pearl Bottfeld of Jacky, grandfather of Anna Si David Robinson the birthof their Susan Bennett, beloved sister-in-law of Maxine Gratz son, Nathan Henry. Big brother is Zachary, $chwarfZi beloved husband of Sondra, father of Al, Joel, Beth & Alberta W W W .LVNERTAMID.ORG Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director We appreciate your commitment to Congregation Ner Tamid... Multiple paths for commitment are offered at Congregation Ner Tamid connecting us with our tradition and each other. We are a place for those seeking a community in which study is a lifelong journey, no matter one?s level of Jewish knowledge. We are proud that we offer different ways to make a commitment to Congregation Ner Tamid. Your membership gives us the strength to fulfill our mission of providing a community for prayer, study, friendship and fun. With an ever increasing need to provide Chesed to those who cannot meet the full financial commitment of membership, those who are financially ^fesed have the opportunity to have greater participation in our caring community. No enhancement can give you the joy and nachas that comes with knowing that you have fulfilled an act of loving kindness by helping to provide ?the Congregation Ner Tamid experience? and religious education to all, regardless of financial ability. These generous acts of Tzedakah attest to the words, ?Through goodness, a Congregation of Greatness.'' To support this effort, we offer multiple ways to become involved. You have the ability to choose the level of membership commitment that is best for you and that lets you express your connection and spirituality. Our Sustaining Members are those who give a little bit more than the regular dues to assist those who may need some temporary dues relief. Our Menorah Level Donor Program also supports those members who are experiencing a hardship maintaining their Temple dues and Religious School fees. In addition, Menorah Level Donors receive added benefits at the higher levels. Because of this special group of donors, NO ONE is ever denied membership at Congregation Ner Tamid due to financial hardship. If you are interested in learning more about ways in which your family can support the Temple please contact me at any time. We appreciate each and every member of Congregation Ner Tamid. Your commitment is important to us and we look forward to serving you and your family. New Members in June: Brian Schiffman & Sarah Ewing, Robin & Lois Basichis, Jacqueline Dvorak, Vicki Schiffer, Maxine Marcus, Nancy & Ronald Carney, Karen & George Freed, Lauren & Richard Knox, Renee & Jeremy Lipshutz, Noa & Bob Jensch Have you ever thought of giving a GIFT MEMBERSHIP to your children, parents or friends? Just let us know and we would be happy to supply a membership certificate for the appropriate occasion. For more information on how you can give the gift of membership, please contact Nancy Weinberger at 733- 6292 ext 201. King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones The Kind David Memorial Garden is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Garden is open 1/2 hour prior to services on Friday nights to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at the name of their loved one or just ^^t and enjoy the peacefulness of the Gardens. If you are interested in remembering someone in the Garden, contact I^Bancy Weinberger, Executive Director, at 733-6292 ext 201. Individual Memorial Space - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) - $12,500 each row August 2009 5 Hot August, Cool Movies! Thursdays, 7:00 pm Join us every Thursday night in August for a great movie and good company. We'll even have popcorn and drinks1. Everyone is welcome; the movies are free. Please RSVP to Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205 so we have enough snacj^^ August 6 - Arranged This movie centers on the friendship between an Orthodox woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. Over the course of the year they learn that they have much in common, not least of which is that they are both going through the process of arranged marriages. Rated NR (not rated) fjance August 13 - Defiance On the run and hiding in the deep forests of the then German occupied Poland and Belorussia (World War II), the three Bielski brothers find the impossible task of foraging for food and weapons for their survival. They live, not only with the fear of discovery, contending with neighboring Soviet partisans and knowing whom to trust but also take the responsibility of looking after a large mass of fleeing Polish Jews from the German war machine. Women, men, children, the elderly and the young alike are all hiding in makeshift homes in the dark, cold and unforgiving forests in the darkest times of German occupied Eastern Europe. Based on a true story. Rated R (for violence and language) August 20 - Live & Become The magnificent, epic story of an Ethiopian boy who is airlifted from a Jewish Sudanese refugee camp to Israel in 1984 during Operation Moses. He is plagued by two big secrets: he is neither a Jew nor an orphan. Just an African boy whose mother only wanted a better life for her child, asking only that he ?go, live, and become.? With English subtitles. Rated NR (not rated) August 27 - The Birdcage Co-starring Gene Hackman, Nathan Lane, Dianne Wiest, Christine Baranski and Calista Flockhart, The Birdcage is an uproarious comedy that will send your spirits soaring. Armand (Robin Williams) and Albert (Nathan Lane) have built the perfect life for themselves tending to their gaudy Miami nightclub. But their pastel tranquility is shaken when Armand?s son announces that he?s getting married to the daughter of ultra-conservative Senator Keeley (Hackman)...and they?re all getting together for dinnerl Can Armand and Albert transform themselves into Mr. and Mrs. Family Values in time? It?ll take the performance of their lives, but they?ll do anything and everything to pull the chiffon over Keeley?s eyes! Topping off the action is Hank Azaria in a scene-stealing role as Williams? and Lane?s flamboyant housekeeper, ?Agador Spartacus.? Rated R Tuesdays With Rabbi Golems, Satan & Dybbuks, Oh Myl Tuesday, August 4 6:30-7:30 pm Do you believe in the supernatural? The mystical and fantastical? Then this is the class for you! Come listen and learn as Rabbi Akselrad explores some of the stories and teachings from Jewish lore about some eerie creatures from the beyond. This class is free and open to everyone. RSVP appreciated to Beth Bowman at or call her at 733-6292 ext 205. V________________________________________________ 5 Things About Judaism That Have Changed the World Tuesday, August 11 6:30-7:30 pm What would the world be like without Judaism and Jewish values? For many, ?all religions teach us to do good, so what?s the difference?? Ah... but there is a difference! Join Rabbi Akselrad and explore five unique teachings of Judaism that helped share the western world throughout history. RSVP appreciated to Beth Bowman at or call her at 733-6292 ext 205. AUGUST LIBRARY HOURS Monday 1:00-6:30 pm Wednesday 11:00-4:00 pm Friday 6:30-7:15 pm 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG 55 + Senior Social Croup Wednesday, August 12 Lunch - Noon Yiddish & Table Games - 1:30 pm Join us for an afternoon of fun! Bring ^brown-bag lunch and we?ll serve up Plssert. Following lunch we have table games, ping pong and Mah Jongg. Everyone is welcome, age 55 and over. For more information contact Joyce Herlands at 733-6292 ext. 253 or 55+ Senior Social Group Guest Speaker From AIPAC Wednesday, August 26 Noon - 2:30 pm Come for a potpuck lunch and stay for a special guest speaker. Jay Amernick, Nevada State Director of AIPAC. Following our guest, we will have table games. Free to CNT members: $5 for guests. RSVP is appreciated to Joyce Herlands at 733-6292 ext 253. The Great Religions Second Monday August 10 7:00 pm ?ormerly Second Mondays: The ucated Jew). The topic is ?Five Great Religions?. Each class will begin with a video portion based on the subject, followed by a group discussion with a question/answer series. Facilitated by Alvin Esbin & Fred Peters. This program is free and open to everyone. For more information, please contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. Th*? Mitzvot - The Commandments and Their Rationale Thursdays, August 6 & 13 6:00 pm This class will explore the Mitzvot - commandments from the beginning of the Torah text. You will learn where and what the Mitzvot are and discuss their rationale. Hebrew and prior Torah study not required. This program is free and open to all. Please ^fcng a non-perishable food item, '^Plekly, to be donated to JFSA. Text by Abraham Chill. Facilitated by Mel Kenwood. CNT SINGLES CORNER Jewish Singles Happy Hour Wednesday, August 5 at 7:00 pm Mist Bar at the Tl Hotel & Casino Open to Jewish singles ages 21-45. Join us for a Jewish Community Singles Happy Hour at one of Las Vegas? premier hot spots inside the Tl Hotel and Casino. Enjoy 2 for 1 drink specials! The Mist Bar and Lounge is a relaxing and inviting nightspot. A tasteful blend of rock music and popular hits will fill the room, giving off a fresh energetic vibe. Please RSVP by August 3 to Becca Phillips at or call her at 733-6292 ext 213. Jewish Singles Movie Night Thursday, August 13 Rave Motion Pictures at Town Square Open to all Jewish singles age 21 and over. Join us at the Rave Motion Pictures, inside the Town Square Shopping Center on Las Vegas Blvd. We meet downstairs in front of the theater at the self-service ticket kiosks. Movie and time will be announced the week prior. Afterwards, come with us to Yogurtland for a frozen yogurt buffet, located near the theater. Must RSVP by August 12 to Becca Phillips at rphillips@lvnertamid.orgor call her at 733- 6292 ext 213. Singles events are co-sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid, the JCC of Southern Nevada and Temple Sinai. YAC Chardonnay Shabbat Friday, August 21 6:00 pm Meet us in the new Library! Bring your favorite bottle of wine to share and join us for a wine tasting before services. Note: All participants must bring a bottle of wine. Light appetizers will be served. Stay and join us afterwards for Shabbat services. Open to everyone age 21-50. Please RSVP by August 14 to Becca Phillips at or call her at 733-6292 ext 213. Conversion Class Begins This Fall Each fall we offer educational classes to those considering conversion to Judaism. Admittance to this program requires acceptance from Rabbi Akselrad. Now is the time to schedule your meeting with him! Cost for the program is $400; if you are the spouse or immediate family member of a CNT member, it is $200, plus the cost of any books and/or fees associated with the conversion ceremony. To make your appointment with the Rabbi, or for more information, contact Karen Levine at 733-6292 ext 208. NEW CNT Book Club First Thursdays at 6:30 pm Beginning October 1st We?re forming a new Book Club and everyone?s invited! Each month a new book will be chosen for discussion. This club open to all ages. Our first book will be Night by Elie Wiesel. For more information, contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205 or email her at Facilitated by Sheila Oakley. Educating Special Needs Students &. Families ?Educating Every Child According to His Ways" - Proverbs 22:6. Beginning this fall, a new group will be forming to discuss & offer support for one another as your family journeys through the lifecycles. Guest speakers from CCSD, special needs advocates & many other services will be presented. Facilitated by Ann Roque. Watch your Temple e-blast and Shabbat announcements for more information. August 2009 7 Religious School Begins Sunday, August 30 Are You Registered? The R/S office will be open for registration on - Thursday, August 11 6-8 pm Sunday, August 16 lOam-Noon We will have registration forms on hand for your convenience. For your convenience, we will also be available before services on - August 14, 21 &. 28 6:45 pm - 7:15 pm It s not too late! NEW THIS YEAR ? / Youth Shofar Choir For 4th & 5th Graders Students who participate will receive their own shofar. They will perform at the Rosh HaShanah Morning Service. Rehearsals: Tuesday, September 8 @ 5:30 pm Sunday, September 13 @ 10:00 am Tuesday, September 15 @ 5:30 pm Sign-up will be during Religious School on August 30. For more in?formation, contact Bruce Matza, Temple President, at 387-8822. Beth Falk, Religious School Principal I am looking forward to a great year of learning! We have some exciting new programs this year that are sure to inspire your children. We have new faces on our staff, as well^k ? those not so new. A new program this year is the Youth Shofar Choir, inspired by Bruce Matza, CNT Temple President. Children in grades 4 and 5 will have the opportunity to learn the sounds of Rosh HaShanah and perform at the Rosh HaShanah morning service; they?ll even get their own small shofar to keep. Please make sure to sign up the first day of school! I am hoping that this will grow into an annual tradition for years to come. Our Gesher program has also had a facelift. High school kids (gr. 9-12), will meet every Tuesday night, including the Confirmation class. Something new - we will now be meeting every Tuesday night. We have an exciting core curriculum that is sure to keep teens engaged and involved. In addition, we will offer interest?ing and engaging mini-courses that the teens can choose throughout the year. We have an exciting year planned for the Religious School and I hope that you all are registered and ready to come back! We will be having an Open House on Sunday, August 23 from Noon - 2 pm. Stop by, meet your new teacher, ask questions, take a look around. And don't forget. Religious School begins on Sunday, August 30 at 9:15 am sharp! CAN YELADiivi (Children?s Garden) NEW RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLASS FOP PRE-K CHILDREN CNT is now offering a monhly Pre-K Class on Sunday mornings. Children will learn about the holidays, traditions and mitzvot. Parents are welcome to join us but are not required. Children must be 4-years old by September 30. 2009. Class dates are October 11, November 8, December 13, January 10, February 21, March 14, April 11 and May 16. Class Time: 9:30 am - Noon Cost: CNT Members - $200/child Non-CNT Members - $400/chilc Registration forms are available in the Religious School office. For more information, please contact the Religious School office at 632-2250. 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Lonnie Kritzler, Director of Early Childhood Education s hard to believe that we are ready to start our 3rd year of preschool. Time is flying by and we are so very proud of all our accomplishments! We just finished our 2nd year of summer camp with 56 children in attendance. Seven weeks full of water play, art projects, music, laughter and fun, and of course, our very special weekly Shabbat celebrations. The children and teachers had a ball! Now we are concentrating on beginning the next school year. Registration is going very well and spaces are filling up. We already have a waiting list for our Pre-Kindergarten class! It is satisfying to know that our Jewish community and CNT family agree with our educational philosophy and appreciate the quality education we offer our youngest learners. TOT SHABBAT ^ IS BACK! Friday, Sept 4th 6:30 pm For children ages 2-5 and their parents. Children will enjoy a fun, lively Shabbat Sing and storytime in the Beit Tefillah. Then, they?ll move into the preschool classrooms for a snack and a craft. Note: Parents must attend with children. Program is led by Lonnie Kritzler, Director of Early Childhood Education, Rabbi Akselrad, and Ellen Cropp. Sponsored by CNT Sisterhood. Stay & Play Group If you would like more information about our Early Childhood Center or our family programs, please feel free to call or e-mail me at (702) 632-2250 or PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Thursday, August 13 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Tell your friends and neighbors! Meet Lonnie & our teachers. Stop by and check us out! Registration forms will be available! SimrimSmvmvL 10:00 - 11:00 am Session One - Mondays / Aug 31 - Dec 14 (No class 9/7, 9/28) $130 - 14 Weeks Session Two - Tuesdays / Sept 1 - Dec 15 $150 - 16 Weeks Similar to a Mommy & Me, this is a great introduction for children 18-28 months old. Children learn to play both cooperatively and independently, all with a parent or caregiver at their side. Each week has all the elements of a traditional preschool day: art, music, movement & dramatic play, Jewish holidays and culture and more! This is a great way to transition your child into our 2-year old preschool program. High Holy Day Preschool Tot Services Rosh HaShanah (First Day) Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) Yom Kippur Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) August 2009 9 ? -'-fa1 Go to i or Call (702) 733-6292 for more information! We invite you to be included in the INYvGuide, the official event program. Please fill out the form below to reserve your advertising space. Thank you for your consideration! 2 Tic and Fu? Page Ad $1,800 (savings of$710'0 Name: Address: City / State / Zip: Phone: ------------ E-mail: Deadline for ad placement is September 15,2009 ? Outside Back Cover ? Inside Front Cover ? Inside Back Cover ? Center Spread ? Gold Page $25,000**** $15,000*** $10,000*** $10,000*** $5,400** '?"VIPseating for 10 includes8Tickets. ?Includes6Ticket ? I cannot attend. Please accept my donation. Cardholder Name:____________________________________ Card Number: _________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder: Daytime Phone: ? Silver Page ? Full Page ? Half Page ? Quarter Page ' Includes 4 Tickets. MasterCard VISA Expiration Date: ____ Date: $3,600* $1,800 $720 $360 AMEX DISC To reserve your ad, fax this completed form to Lynette Solomon at 702-733-8553, or mail it to CNT with your payment,Q) payable to Congregation Ner Tamid. All artwork must be submitted in JPEG or PDF format at 300dpi. All ads should be CMYK color; no bleed required. If you would like us to design your ad, submit your