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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2009



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    MM CflENlWlL Sunday, March 13 at 11:00 am Awesome Venders for Shopping - Food Venders Galore! Games, Rides and Prizes for the Kids! Petting Zoo - Raffles - Scholastic Book Fair! KIDS, WEAR YOUR COSTUMES! JIG Ticket RAFFLE Tliree Chances to Win! 1st Prize - Trip (Winner selects (1) fabulous trip from four choices! Details on page 151 2nd Prize - $500 Cash 3rd Prize - Personal Parking Space at C\T for (1) year, including High Holidays Drawing Held At Annual Meeting Tuesday, June 9 Seller of Winning Ticket Wins $500! 1 Ticket - $50 3 Tickets - $100 8 Tickets $250 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Only 600 Tickets Available! Tickets and complete details of all prizes are available in the Temple office. Traditional Family Seder Wednesday, April 8 At 6:00 pm Paid Reservations by 3/13 - Adults: $55/Member $75/Non-Member Children (5-12): $25 4 and Under are Free Paid After 3/13 - Adults: $65/Member $ 85/Non-member Children (5-12): $25 4 and Under are Free Enjoy a lovely catered dinner with your Temple friends and family when you celebrate Passover with us here at CNTI RSVP to Roberta Unger at 733-6292 ext 202. Payment guarantees your reservation. A Musical Evening With Maestro David Itkin Details on Page 42008-09 Temple Board President - Harry Sax harrydotcom VP Administration - Gregg Solomon Treasurer - Barry Lewisohn blewisohn @aol. com Corporate Secretary - Amy Matthews VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow I skurow @yahoo. com VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Jacky Rosen siegfried7 VP Ritual - Del Acosta dacosta6 VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen ckjensen Trustees lllisa Polis illisa_h @yahoo. com Bruce Matza Beth Bowman Brett Primack bcvegas @yahoo. com Pam Poster Sandy Stolberg Phyllis Lewis phyllisandcal @aol. com Rick Carter recarter44 @gmail. com Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President cntsisterhood @cox. net Michael Unger, Men?s Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President namtawgurl From Our Membership Committee At the beginning of each new year we all make resolutions. We resolve to be more grateful, to shape up, to put more in our savings, to do more volunteer work in our community, etc.. At about this time of year we start to forgjB about those resolutions and revert back to our old ways and habits. This year it is more important than ever that we honor our resolutions. For Congregation Ner Tamid?s Membership Committee, our resolutions remain the same: to increase the number of new members and boost member confidence, participation and programming. Simply put, these are our goals as Vice President?s of Membership Recruitment and Membership Retention. We rely on our committee to help implement new membership activities each year or improve on successful, tried and true methods. By relying on the support of our committee members we are able to implement our other annual activities such as the New Member Coffees, Zip Code Coffees, Congregant of the Year, New Member Shabbat, Working the Membership Table after Shabbat Services, Prospective Member Shabbat and participating in the President?s Reception for New Members. With our goals and resolutions set forth, we encourage you to become involved in Temple life. With your active support, free flowing ideas, participation and volunteerism we will evolve successfully for future generations of CNT members and insure the stability for all current members of CNT. This is the true meaning of L?Dor V?Dor (from generation to generation). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention at or Lisa Skurow, VP Membership Recruitment at Lisa Skurow & Marsha Goldberg ?Topsy Turvy? Purim Family Dinner Friday, March 13 at 5:30 pm Join us for breakfast at DINNER! Pancakes, French Toast, Blintzes, Bagels & Cream Cheese, Coffee, Juice & Milk. Co-sponsored by IHOP Restaurant on Las Vegas Blvd; Brett Wachman, General Manager $20 per Family/Household (up to 2 adults, 3 children) $5 each additional person or Singles RSVP by March 6 to Roberta at 733-6292 ext 202. Your check guarantees your reservation. Past Presidents Marla Letizia Dr. David Wasserman Scott Stolberg Jeff Kahn Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Dr. Steve Kollins Drew Levy Hon. Michael Cherry Bob Unger Dr. Bernard Farrow Jerry Gordon -?Eugene Kirshbaum Cal Lewis ???David Goldwater Eileen Kollins -?deceased Kenneth Schnitzer AARP TAX PREPARATION FEBRUARY 10 - APRIL 15 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Noon - 4:00 pm AARP Volunteers from AARP will be on hand to prepare your taxes. This is a FREE service and open to EVERYONE - all ages, no income restrictions. Sorry, no business taxes. 2 W W W . L V N E R T A M ID .O R G A Message from Rabbi Ruth Adar % Just before he was awarded the lobel Peace Prize in 1989, the Dalai Lama of Tibet requested a meeting with Jewish leaders and rabbis at a Buddhist monastery near New York City. He said that he wanted to learn the ?Jewish secret? for surviving exile. After all, he reasoned, Jews were the experts: we have lived for 1,900 years in the Diaspora, in exile, all the while preserving our religion and civilization. Purim is the holiday we often think of as a children?s holiday, a minor holiday, but in fact it is a day when we review the ?Jewish secrets of survival? and pass them on to the next generation. The text for the day is the story of Esther, an account of a crisis when Jews were living in Persia (Iran) under the Persian kings. The heroes of our story are ordinary Jews who lived in a difficult time. Mordechai was the ambitious uncle-guardian of Esther, a beautiful Jewish girl who won a fateful contest: ?ng Ahasuerus chose her to become e Queen of Persia. Mordechai offended an important official, and the Jews of Persia were put under a death sentence. Esther used her status as Queen to save the Jews from slaughter. There?s a joke that all Jewish holidays boil down to a simple summary, ?They tried to kill us. We survived. Let?s eat.? Purim reminds us that there?s more to Jewish survival than miracles. Nowhere in the story is there a miraculous event, nor does anyone in it expect a miracle. They act as if all depends on each of them, individually and as a community. Traditionally, there are four mitzvot we do on Purim: (1) we read the Megillah, the scroll of Esther (2) we have a festive meal (3) we send mishloach manot (little gifts of food to friends and family) and (4) we send matanot I?evyonim (gifts of food to those who cannot afford to celebrate). ?ithin those mitzvot, we have four jcrets? of Jewish survival: (1) we remember lessons from the past when we study together (2) we stay connected by celebrating together (3) YIDDISH we support our friends and family and (4) we make sure that no one is excluded from the community by an inability to pay. Let's celebrate Purim this year by taking those secrets of Jewish survival to heart. Attend the Purim festivities, and remember the story. Check out some of our Adult Education offerings as well (there are lots of Jewish stories.) Celebrate together: attend the Purim events, and join our community in the. joy of Shabbat on Friday nights. Support friends and family: who could use a phone call or an invitation to coffee? And finally, if you know of anyone who has withdrawn from the community because of financial difficulty, remind them that this is still their community, regardless of finances. Finally, if you are curious about the Dalai Lama?s conversation with the Jewish leaders, it will be the main topic for study at the Thursday evening study group on March 26, ?Loving the Stranger,? from 7 until 8 pm . Happy Adar! ? ? / ? ? ??? ?? ? ? ???; ? / ? ? ??? ?. i*:* V ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? , v ? : ? v Borscht Belt in the Desert Saturday, April 18 At 7:30 pm $36 CNT/JCC Members $45 Non-members Join us for an evening of food and fun! Reserve your seat or table NOW! Seating based on when payment received. RSVP to either the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 202 OR the JCC at 794-0090. PURIM SERVICE, MEGILLAH READING, PURIM SHPIEL Friday, March 13 7:00 pm Brief service, followed by Megillah Reading and the Purim Shpiel, performed by our very own Religious School Kids and R/S Staff Kids, Wear your Costumes! March 2009 3 CVclc of t&e March Bar Mitzvah B Louis Carrillo March 14, 2009 Proud parents are Julie Pearlman and Aurelio Carrillo Aaron Unger March 21, 2009 Proud parents are Cheryl & Howard Unger v*' c, Just a From Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein March... it?s Puri mill Please join us on Friday, March 13th for a special Friday night service. The much shortened service f j starts at 7:00 pm. Then at 7:30 pm we have a fun reading f / (as only we can do itl) of the Megillah, followed by our ?Purim Shpiel? featuring the children and teachers of our Religious School. It will be a lot of fun for all. Because of the Purim Shpiel and shortened service, the Shabbatones Family Service is moved to March 20th: normally, the Shabbatone service is on the 2nd Friday of the month. So don?t miss the Shabbatones on March 20th! On Thursday, March 19th, David Itkin, conductor of the Las Vegas Philharmonic, will speak at CNT about the ?Music of Bernstein.? David?s last time here at CNT drew a very large crowd. The program starts at 6:30 pm in the Beit T?fillah, so please be sure to arrive early to get a good seat. Mazel Tov To.... r Lois and Malcolm Doctors on the birth of their new granddaughter, Sophia Grace, born January 8. Proud parents are Gillian and Rick; and proud big sister is Kaeli Jodi and Craig Kurtzman on the birth of their son, Brady Lucas born January 18. Proud big sisters are Mallory and Haydin. Proud grandparents are Lois and Rabbi Simon Bergman Lieuchi and Jeff Fine on the birth of their son. Levin Roth born on January 21. Proud big brother is Asher: grandparents are Susan Fine, Mark and Gloria Fine; Aunt and Uncle Fran Fine and Chaim Ventura Stacey and Steve Lewis on the birth of their first grandchild, Avery Dawn born January 28. Proud parents are Scott and Sarah. Linda Rosen on the birth of her first grandchild, Leila Cohen, born February 3. Proud parents are Staci & Adam. We mourn the passing.... Michael Milano, beloved soulmate of Hillary Torchin, father of Gabe and Sarah Bev Feldman beloved sister of Ira Tishk, sister-in-law of Brenda Rebeca Ekert, beloved grandmother of Bernardo Werner, great- grandmother of Amya Elizabeth McCuinley, beloved grandmother of Jennifer Garshofsky Alvin ?Buddy" Levy, beloved brother of Arlene Cohen, brother-in-law of Arthur, uncle of Mitch and Debra Cohen Lucie Lunenfeld, beloved mother of Arlene Kalodner, mother-in-law of Neil Herman Rabinowitz, beloved husband of Lenette Special Guest Speakers Friday, March 6 at 7:30 pm Some of our young people will share their experiences on their Birthright Trip! A Musical Evening With Maestro David Itkin Thursday, March 19 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Join us for an evening of beautiful music as only David Itkin can perform it. This world-renowned conductor/composer will take us through the Music of Leonard Bernstein in his own special way. This program is free and open to everyone to enjoy. 2008-2009 marks Maestro David Itkin?s second season as Conductor of the Las Vegas Philharmonic, his fourth season as Conductor of the Abilene Philharmonic, and his sixteenth year as Music Director and Conductor of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. In addition, during the Fall of 2008 he began his first year as Director of Orchestral Studies at the University of North Texas College of Music. During past seasons Maestro Itkin?s career has taken him to forty-four U.S. states and fifteen countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, including concerts and recordings with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Slovenska Filhamonija, the San Diego Symphony, and the Seoul Philharmonic. This interesting and educational evening is sure to be enjoyed by all, so mark your won?t want to miss a beat! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGNancy Weinberger, Executive Director fanning Ahead is always the Best Policy They shall sit every person under their vine and under their fig tree, and none shall make them afraid. Micah 4.4 With the recent situation in Gaza, or whenever there is an uprising in the world involving the Jewish people, security of our institutions again comes to the forefront in the news, on TV and the internet. I want to tell you some of what we at your Temple are doing on a daily basis to insure the safety of our members, our staff and the community. We have begun instituting security procedures and are making security training a priority for all staff. ? A small task force of lay leaders and staff will be preparing a security manual for use by all employees. Security training will become a part of employee orientation and will be ongoing for all staff. ? Our local Police Department has been alerted to various threats made against Jewish institutions and have made an effort to drive by more often. ? We have talked with all staff on how to be aware of suspicious persons and packages...and what to do about it. ? The entrance doors to the School Building and the Administration Building have been fitted with magnetic door locks and you will now be asked to ring the doorbell to enter. ? The School playground has now been secured with a digital lock accessible only by those with a code access. ? The doors to the Polis Lobby are being kept locked during the daytime. ? Visitors and vendors must check in at the front desk and receive a name badge before being allowed to perform maintenance or service the building. Some may feel a heightened level of anxiety due to the measures being put into place. Some will feel a greater sense of peace and protection. We are all partners in protecting our synagogue and we thank you in advance for understanding the reasons for taking the steps we are taking. If you have any questions, suggestion or ideas of how we can make our Temple home a safer place, please don?t hesitate to contact me at 733-6292 ext201. New Members in January: Andrew Levey & Elizabeth Share, Daniel Levey, Jane & A1 Fishman, Helene & Alan Hinden CHAI (LIFE) CAMPAIGN In an effort to make the act of giving fun, affordable, inclusive and relevant to our heritage, we?ve designed a new campaign that we hope everyone will join. While our congregation depends upon the generosity of major donors, it is the entire congregation?s support that makes Ner Tamid a viable and thriving community. Without each and every one of you, our Temple would never be able to continue it's development as one of the most special congregation?s in the country. Therefore, we hope that you and your family will consider one of the campaign levels. You can easily add it to your existing auto-payment plan by contacting Lynette Solomon in the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 212. Forms are available in the Temple office or you can donate on our website, under ?Donations?, using a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover card. We need your help now, more than ever. While these are the toughest times to be giving, give we must. Thank you in advance.... CNT. King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones The Kind David Memorial Garden is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Garden is open 1/2 hour prior to services on Friday nights to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at he name of their loved one or just sit and enjoy the peacefulness of 'the Gardens. If you are interested in remembering someone in the Garden, contact Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director, at 733-6292 ext 201. Individual Memorial Space - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) - $12,500 each row March 2009Purim Carnival Sponsorship Beth Falk, Religious School Principal The Purim Carnival is our Religious School's Biggest fund-raiser! But we can?t do it alone; we need your help. We still need sponsors to help underwrite the cost. Won?t you please lend a hand? Carnival Underwriter $5000 Ride Sponsor 1000 Game Sponsor 500 Prize Sponsor 100 Grogger Sponsor 36 Hamantashen Sponsor 18 Any size donation is appreciated! Please send your check, payable to CNT, to the Temple office Attn: Beth Falk, Purim Carnival. Thank you for your continued support! Youth Group Corner I BN (Itty Bitty NTTY) is our newest addition to youth groups, for kids grades 3-5. Parent volunteers work to help plan events throughout the year. The next event is March 8, Pizza & Movie in Youth Lounge at 12:30 pm. For more information, contact Becca Phillips, IBN Advisor, at; co-advisor llene Scharf. TNT (Teens of Ner Tamid) is the youth activity group for students in grades 6-8. The next event is March 29, Lunch & Laser Quest in Summerlin. For information, contact Pam Poster, TNT Advisor, at or call her at 731- 9246. NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is CNT?s youth group for teens grades 9- 12, that involves our high school youth with their peers on a local and regional basis. For information, contact Jolie Brislin, NTTY Advisor, at We have just finished our Mid- 1 Year assessments of our students. All students were tested on their Hebrew and Judaic knowledge. I am very pleased to say that, on the whole, students have made significant progress from the beginning of the school year. It is clear that our program is a success! Our teachers will be available for conferences by appointment only to discuss your child?s progress, by calling either myself or Laura Bailey in the R/S office at 632- 2250. We have been busy preparing for the Purim festivities. All students will be participating in our ?Beach Boys? Purim Shpiel on Friday, March 1^| whether it?s behind the scenes makir^? props and scenery or acting and singing up front. It also features the talents of our Jr. Choir. I am positive that you will all be impressed as I am with the talents and hard work the students and teachers have put into this! So come early and start the night off at our Purim Family Dinner, with pancakes, French toast and more (details on page 2), and then stay for a brief service, followed by the Megillah reading and Shpiel! You?re sure to have a great time! Don?t forget to come to our Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 15. There?ll be merchant and food vendors and fun for everyone! Scholastic Book Fair Books for kids and adults! March 6-9 am-3 pm March 8-9 am-1 pm March 9-12-9 am-5 pm March 13-9 am-3 pm March 15 - 10 am-2 pm (During Purim Carnival) Proceeds benefit the R/S and Preschool JCC Day Camp This Summer At CNT! June 29-August 21 (8) Weeks of Day Camp! Swimming, Sports, Arts & Crafts, Science, Drama, Israeli Culture, Field Trips and Much, Much More! Registration forms are available at the Temple office or on th^^ JCC web site For more information, contact Neil Popish at the JCC 794-0090. Led by Beth Falk CNT R/S Principal 6 W W W . LV N E R T A M ID .O R G Lonnie Kritzler, Director of Early Childhood Education lis past January, I attended the 9th Annual Early Childhood Educator?s Conference sponsored by the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ) in Cleveland, Ohio. (Yes, I said Cleveland, Ohio!) Over 125 preschool educators, representing 21 states, were in attendance. luck....going to Cleveland during the coldest and snowiest time of the year. It made my mom happy, though, as Cleveland is my hometown. Tot Shabbat Friday, March 6 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Join us for a special PURIM Tot Shabbat, beginning with a short service, followed by a special craft and snack. This program is open to all children ages 2-5 yrs. old and their parents. Note: Parents Must Stay With Child. Led by Rabbi Akselrad, Lonnie Kritzler and Ellen Cropp. Conferences can either be incredibly worthwhile or a total waste of time. This one was the former. I attended a number of educational and helpful workshops such as, ?Parent/Teacher Partnerships in Early Childhood Settings?, ?What's Jewish about Rocks?, and ?Davening with Young Children.? Along with gathering much information to bring back to CNT, I renewed my personal commitment to learning and Judaism, while focusing on the importance of bringing Jewish education to our youngest population ^pd their families. If you know me well, you know I am a big ?question asker?, and this conference led me to the big one, ?Why a conference in Cleveland? Why not Miami? Phoenix? L.A?? Just my All kidding aside, 1 want to thank Congregation Ner Tamid and the URJ for allowing me to participate in this wonderful opportunity. I am looking forward to the next Dallas! REGISTER NOW! SUMMER CAMP IS FILLING UP FAST! Preschool Registration Now Open! Summer 2009 ~ Fall 2009-2010 Space is Limited - First-come, first serve basis. Payment guarantees your child?s space. Summer Registration Fee - $100 Fall Registration Fee - $200 To register, or to schedule a tour, contact Lonnie Kritzler, Director, at 632-2250 or email her at Bubbe Sitter?s Club March 8 ? 11 am to Noon It?s a wonderful way for bubbe?s and zaydes to have special bonding time with their grandchildren, ages birth to 3 yrs. old. Older siblings are welcome. Spend an hour together singing, telling stories, playing, and kvelling! Class is free ad open to all. For more information, contact Lori Frankl at 263-9118 or Stay & Play Group Weekly ~ 10 am - 11 am Tuesdays or Thursdays Session 2/March 3-April 30 (8 weeks) $80 Session 3/May 5-June 4 (5 weeks) $50 Classes are filling up fast! Open to children 18-28 months old. Children learn to play cooperatively and independently, all with a parent or caretaker to guide them. Each class offers a balance of structured and unstructured play as children encounter all the elements of a traditional preschool day routine and curriculum: art, language, music, movement and dramatic play, Jewish holidays and Jewish culture. Classes are led by Lonnie Kritzler, ECE Director, and Nicole Fletcher, one of our teachers. Space is limited so sign up now! RSVP to Lonnie at 632-2250 ext 211 or March 2009 7 Love the Stranger Thursday, March 26 7:00 -8:00 pm If you are curious about the Dalai Lama?s conversation with Jewish leaders, then join Rabbi Adar for her monthly discussion group- it will be the main topic for this evening's class. The class is free and open to everyone. Hot Topics w/Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, March 5 at Noon Join Rabbi each month for the ?Topic du jour?, from politics in the Middle East to theology, to current events and how they effect us as Jews. Bring a brown-bag lunch and join in the discussion. FREE and open to all. More Than ?Half-Torah? With Rabbi Adar Friday, March 27 At Noon Enliven the weekly readings by learning the weekly Haftorah readings with Rabbi Adar. Together, you will look at the texts, in English, learn stories and midrash connected to the texts and explore the fascinating worlds of the prophetic books. Bring a brown-bag lunch and get an introduction to these great voices. This class is free and open to all. Tai Chi for the Jewish Soul Sundays, March 1, 8, 22, 29 At 9:30 am Facilitated by Sheryl Chenin-Webb; now is the time to awaken the connection we have between mind, body and spirit. Through the gentle movements of Tai Chi you can increase physical fitness, lower blood pressure, reduce stress related illness, increase flexibility, reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and connect to Judaism on a whole new level. Classes are FREE and open to all adults - men and women - during Religious School. Previous experience not required; great for beginners. Sunday Afternoon at the Movies ?When Do We Eat?? Sunday, April 19 At 2:00 pm Our final movie of the season is ?When Do We Eat??, a dark comedy about the Stuckman family, who really put the ?fun? in dysfunctional. Convening for the ?world's fastest Passover Seder? is Ira and Peggy and their children: Zeke, a misunderstood druggie; Ethan, a failed entrepreneur turn Chasidic; Lionel, an autistic teen; Nikki, a sex therapist - plus their cousin Vanessa and their estranged, lesbian half-sister, Jennifer. Sound like a modern Ten Plagues? Throw in a one-eyed Israeli tent salesman, a meal ?kosher enough for Moses? and one tablet of Ecstasy and the stage is set for an evening of Biblical proportions. Rated R. Be sure to join us for afternoon full of laughter and discussion, popcorn and lemonade. The movie is FREE and open to all adults. 55+ Senior Social Group B-l-N-G-O Wednesday, March 25 At 1:30 pm Open to all seniors age 55 and over. Join us for an afternoon of Bingo. There will be fun and prizes for all! For more information on this or any of our 55+ activities, contact Joyce Herlands at the Temple office at 733- 6292 ext 253 or email her at 55+ Senior Social Group Special Guest Speakers Wednesday, March 11 Noon - Trisha Keene 1:30 pm - Juley Kurs Join us for a very special afternoon. First, we have Trisha Keene of Channel 13 News, who will be speaking about how she has been helping the community. Then, we will hear from Juley Kurs, the Director of Foundation JFLV speak on the new tax laws anJ how to save money. Bring a brown bag lunch; we?ll supply the drinks. Following our speakers, we will have Yiddush and table games. Free and open to everyone age 55 and over. Seder 101 - ?It?s Your Turn to Host the Passover Seder!? Saturday, March 28 at 2:00 pm More American Jews observe Passover than any other holiday, but for some, the prospect of a seder is overwhelming. What do you put on the seder plate? Flow will you keep the children from starving while the grown-ups read all those prayers? What ARE all those prayers, anyway, and why do we read them? Is there any simple, fun way to host a seder? Seder 101 is a program to answer your questions, to soothe your worries, to teach you how to make your seder a source of happy memories and Jewish warmth. Rabbi Adar will teach the class ?Seder 101,? and we will have a fully set table, a transliterated haggadah (seder booklet), and a collection of simple Passover recipes. There will also be books to browse and information about where and how you can get everything you need for your own family seder. So don?t panic! You can do it! Tell the relatives to come to your house this year, and come to Seder 101 to learn everything you need for a fun, happy Passover! This program is FREE and open to all. RSVP to the Temple offic^ recommended but not required; if yo? would like your own copy of the haggadah, we need to know that you are coming! 8 WWW.LVNERTAM1D.ORGWomen?s Spirituality Group Friday, March 27 At 6:30 pm by Laura Grau & Rabbi Adar; this Program focuses on exploring women?s spirituality and Jewish values through a variety of techniques, helping each participant discover new things about themselves and their possibilities. This program is free and open to all women. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Wranglers Hockey Night Tuesday, March 17 At 7:30 pm At the Orleans Arena; open to all singles! Join us for the Wranglers vs. the Phoenix Road Runners and meet new people. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the Temple office. Deadline for tickets if March 11. For more information, contact Becca at Co?sponsored by JCC, Temple Sinai and CNT. Community Happy Hour At Cafe Deia Tuesday, March 24 At 7:00 pm For Singles? ages 36-55 only. Cafe Deia is located at 4165 Grand Canyon Dr., Las Vegas. Mingle with other singles your age while enjoying 1/2 off Well & Call drinks, beer (draft & bottle) and bottles of wine. Also 10% off any food purchases. We will be raffling off a $30 gift certificate to Cafe Deia as well. RSVP by March 20 to Becca at Co?sponsored by JCC, Temple Sinai & CNT. Community-Wide Yom Hashoah Service At Midbar Kodesh Temple 1940 Paseo Verde Pkwy. Monday, April 20 7:00 pm Guest Speaker - Dr. Mary Johnson with Facing History Holocaust Art Exhibit By Robert Sutz Sponsored by the Board of Rabbis of So. Nevada, Nevada Governor?s Council on Education Regarding the Holocaust and the Holocaust Survivor?s Group of So. Neveda. Funded by a grant from the JFLV. Countering Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community Sunday, March 29 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Registration Begins at 8:00 am In the Social Hall at CNT Keynote Speaker Rabbi Mark Dratch Founder of JSafe, the Jewish Institute Supporting an Abuse-Free Environment This Educational Conference is for advocates, counselors, social workers, lay leaders, family & friends - anyone who is interested in helping victims of domestic violence and their children. Sponsored by the Board of Rabbis of So. Nevada and Jewish Family Services. Conference Speakers include Judge Frank Sullivan, Family Court; Detective Tamia Dow, Metro Police Domestic Violence Unit; Sandra Dieterich-FJughes, MFT Clinical Director of Safe House; Havi Mandell Ph.D., LCSW Clinical Director of JFSA A $10 donation is appreciated - includes a Kosher lunch. Please make checks payable to Board of Rabbis of SN and mail to Board of Rabbis, 2045 Grouse St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89134. For more information, contact Doris Turrentine at 498-3971 or email her at March 2009 9 FREE Notary Service To Temple Members And Their Families! At the Temple office; by appointment only. Please contact Carolyn Friednerat 457-7091 for an appointment today! Donation to Temple's Operating Fund welcomed. MARCH 2009 Sun R/S 9:15 am 5th Gr. Family Ed Tai Chi 9:30 am Confirmation 12:30 pm Mon AA Noon Tue - Stay & Play 10:00 am, GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9, Gesher 6:30 pm Wed 4 Thu AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am Hot Topics Noon R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Fri Tot Shabbat 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Teens Speak on Birthright Trip Israeli Dancing at Oneg Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15 am 8 R/S 9:15 am 3rd Gr. Family Ed Tai Chi 9:30 am Bubbe Sitters 11:00 am Confirmation 12:30 pm 1BN Pizza/Movie 12:30 pm 10 11 A A Noon Second Mondays 7:00 pm Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9 6:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 9:30 am 55+ Guest Speakers Trisha Keene 12:00pm Kuley Kurs 1:30pm AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Men's Club Board 6:30pm Sisterhood Board 7:00pm 12 13 Purim Dinner 5:30 pm Purini Service 7:00 pm Oneg sponsored by Pearlman-Carrillo Family 14 Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15 am Carrillo BM 10:00 am 15 16 R/S 9:15 am PURIM CARNIVAL 11:00 AM A A Noon Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9, Gesher 6:30 pm Singles? Wrangler Night 7:30 pm 17 18 Overeaters Anonymous 9:30 am 19 AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am Sisterhood Book Review 11:30 am Jewish Vets 1:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm David Itkin Evening 6:30pm 20 21 Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm Israeli Dancing at Oneg Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15am Unger BM 10:00 am 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R/S 9:15 am Tai Chi 9:30 am Confirmation 12:30 pm Men?s Club Health Fair At Touro University 10 am?3 pm A A Noon Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9 6:30 pm Singles? Cafe Deia 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 9:30 am 55+Bingo 1:30 pm AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Love the Stranger 7:00 pm More than Half-Torah Noon Women?s Spirituality 6:30 pm Shabbat Unplugged 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15 am Seder 101 2:00 pm 29 R/S 9:15 am Domestic Violence Seminar 9:00 am Tai Chi 9:30 am Confirmation 12:30 pm TNT Lunch/Laser 12:30 pm 30 31 AA Noon Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 6:30 pm Confinnation Rehearsal 6:30pm______ 10 10 WWW. LV N E RTA MID.ORG March 2009 11Men?s Club Update From Michael Unger, President During the month of March, our Men?s Club is producing the most aggressive event in its history. On March 22nd, from 10 am - 3 pm, we ar