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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, February 2009



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Bulletin ?* -Nv ft February 2009 Vol. 23 No. 2 Shevat/Adar 5769 Scholar-in-Residence Weekend February 20 & 21 Featuring Rabbi Lawrence Kushner Join us in welcoming this year's Scholar-in- Residence, Rabbi Lawrence Kushner. Please plan on attending this very special weekend where you'll learn all about "The Jewish Mystical Imagination". The Scholar-in-Residence program is made possible by the Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Fund. Rabbi Kushner is the Emanu-EI Scholar, in residence at the Congregation Emanu-EI of San Francisco, where he devotes his full energies to teaching and writing. Fie also serves as Visiting Professor of Jewish Spirituality at the Graduate Theological University in Berkley. Prior to this, he was Rabbi-in-Residence at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insititue of Religion in New York City where he taught spirituality and mysticism and mentored rabbinic students. Presently, he is continuing as an adjunct member of the faculty. Through his lectures, articles and 15 books (translated into six languages), he has helped shape the present agenda for personal and institutional spiritual renewal. A native of Detroit, Michigan, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Cincinnati and was ordained as a rabbi from the Hebrew Union College in 1969. He and his wife, Karen, have three adult children. mill 'The Jewish Mystical Imagination" Friday, February 20 Shabbat Services"Kabbalah: A Love Story" Saturday, February 21 11 am - Morning Study Session Rabbi Kushner will discuss this week's parasha Noon - Study & Lunch "What Really Happened on Mount Sinai" Group discussion with Q & A session. Also signing copies of his books. Lunch is free. RSVP appreciated to Roberta Unger at ext 202. MEN?S CLUB 2ND ANNUAL ART AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 AT 6:30 PM Complimentary Wine & Cheese and Hors D'oeuvres Tickets: $5 in Advance; $10 at Door Purchase beautiful, custom-framed artwork at wholesale prices in a fun and festive atmosphere. Artwork presented by Marlin Art (631) 242-3344 920 Grand Blvd ~ Deer Park, NY 11729 Tickets are available in the Temple office or contact Alec Sonenthal at 400-2510.2008-09 Temple Board President - Ha rry Sax VP Administration - Gregg Solomon Treasurer - Barry Lewisohn Corporate Secretary -Amy Matthews VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Jacky Rosen VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Trustees lllisa Polis Bruce Matza Beth Bowman Brett Primack Pam Poster Sandy Stolberg Phyllis Lewis Rick Carter Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Michael Linger, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased AARP TAX PREPERATION A A T}T) FEBRUARY 10 - APRIL 15 ZlTltXJL Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Noon - 4:00 pm By appointment only - Contact Roberta Unger at 733-6292 ext 202 Volunteers from AARP will be on hand to prepare your taxes. This is a FREE service and open to EVERYONE - all ages, no income restriction. Sorry, no business taxes. TRANSIT(ION) II Ballet Dancing on the Edge of a Dream February 1 at 1:00 pm Ballet Mink Colbert presents TRANSIT(ION) II, the continuing story of the Jewish immigrants in New York's lower east side and the art they contributed to American culture in the first decades of the 20th century. The early years in the life of "Sweatshop Cinderella," author Anzia Yezierska, are traced "fr? Hester Street to Hollywood," with choreography to the music of Gershwin, Copland and more. Tickets are $5 in advance; $10 at the door. Available in the Temple office. Tufiro Dtone?, Spiel, ?v>d Service Md$y, Itech B ItegLDDlDg H 5:B0 pw Friday Night Purim Spiel is Back! ?Topsy Turvy Dinner? - Come enjoy BREAKFAST for dinner. We?re having French Toast, Omlettes & Pancakes! For more information or to RSVP, contact Roberta Unger at ext 202. The Purim Spiel! This year the R/S staff and kids are putting togeth something really special that?s sure to delight one and all. Kids, w your favorite costume and join in the fun! <? 2 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG From the Rabbi Rabbi Sanford Akselrad ?_ The month of E LJ fa February is upon V us and guess what? It is time for yet another "new" year! I know, it seems like only last month we celebrated the "secular" new year. And a few months before that we celebrated the Jewish new year, and now, we have yet another new year? What gives? We are all familiar with these two new years, but we may not realize that in biblical days there were actually four new years. The four Jewish new years specified in the Mishnah Rosh Hashanah 1:1 are 1 Tishrei, 15 Shevat, 1 Nisan and 1 Elul. The first of Tishrei is Rosh Hashanah. It is the "head" of the year. The new year for seasons. The 1 Nisan corresponds to the birth ffche Jewish nation and our freedom om Egyptian bondage. It is also the newyearforthe reign of Jewish kings. The 1 Elul is for the tithing of cattle. But the 15th of Shevat, also known as Tu B'shvat falls this year on February 9th and is new year of the trees. Rosh Hashanah has maintained its great importance for our people, but the 1 Nisan and 1 Elul have little import in our religious observance today. However, Tu B'shvat, a minor holiday actually has a much greater meaning today. This past year we have been talking about alternative energy. We are more in tune with the danger of climate change and the importance of conservation. Who would have thought that Judaism would have recognized the importance of |^plogy thousands of years ago? But did. Because our religion and its holidays have been tied not only to our history, but to the land. Early settlers of modern Israel may have lost their sense of religiosity, but they were extremely tied to the land. The Kibbutzim movement saw the rise of the modern state of Israel through the redemption of its land. Other holidays such as Succot, Passover and Shavuot all have agricultural themes to them. Over and over again the message that we are partners with God in the stewardship of the land is a message embraced by our tradition. So now we find our national concerns and our religious concerns are combined. With greater urgency we all realize the importance of reducing green house gas, recycling, planting trees, and doing ail we can to insure the safety of our planet. As a synagogue we have begun to take some small but important steps. We no longer pass out announcements Friday nights, but show them on our screens. Every employee has recycling bins next to their desks, gone are the Styrofoam cups at the Oneg. It's a start; and we have a ways to go yet. But my hope is that each of us in our own households will think "Green". Would you like to know how to have the honor of lighting the Shabbas candles on Fridays? Contact Karen Levine at 733-6292 ext 208for information. Schmooze with the Rabbi Sunday, February 22 at 9:30 am Here's an opportunity to sit down and talk with the Rabbi in a casual setting. Ask the questions you always wanted to ask in Hebrew school but were afraid to. This program is FREE and open to all. Hot Topics w/Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, February 5 at Noon Join Rabbi each month for the "topic du jour", from politics in the Middle East to theology, to current events and how they effect us as Jews. Bring a brown-bag lunch and join in the discussion. FREE and open to all. Sisterhood Annual Book Review Lunch with Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, March 19 at 11:30 am Each year Rabbi chooses a book for Sisterhood's Book Review. This year's book is Beware of God, by Shalom Auslander, consisting of 14 short stories all dealing with the metaphysical and the spiritual. Heavily involved with Judaism, Auslander often uses his stories to question Talmudic rules and the entire concept of faith. He depicts both religion and God in unique ways that consistantly fall short of respectful. He imagines God with a personality, and it's not always a likeable one. In one story God is a chicken, in another a man must go to Home Depot to buy building materials for an ark. Part Woody Allen, part Philip Roth. With his blasphemous musings on faith and religion what Auslander really asks is this: How can you be so sure of the details? February 2009 Cycle of L^e February B'nai Mitzvot Niah Anson February 14, 2009 Proud parents are Goesel & John Andrew Brown February 21, 2009 Proud parents are Debra Kopolow &the late beloved Scott Brown A Musical Evening with Maestro David Itkin Thursday, March 19 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Join us for an evening of beautiful music as only David Itkin can perform it. This world-renowned conductor/ composer will take us through the Music of Leonard Bernstein in his own special way. This program is free and open to everyone to enjoy. 2008-2009 marks Maestro David Itkin?s second season as Conductor of the Las Vegas Philharmonic, his fourth season as Conductor of the Abilene Philharmonic, and his sixteenth year as Music Director and Conductor of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. In addition, during the Fall of 2008 he begins his first year as Director of Orchestral Studies at the University of North Texas College of Music. MazelTovTo.... Leslie & Roger Simon on the birth of their grandson, Elias Kurt Loftsgaaden. Proud parents are Julie & Ben. Sharon & Ray Gordon on the birth of their grandson, Evan Bradley. Proud parents are Jessica & Matt. Judy & Leonard Stone on the birth of lllana Beth. Proud big brother is Jonah. Sonja & Michael Saltman on the bi rth of their grandson, Alexander. Proud parents are David & Christina. Roger & Sandy Ewan on the marriage of their daughter Jill to Joe Cuevas. Deanne Stralser on the birth of her great- grandson, Mateos. Proud parents are Karly& Victor. Heather Linefsky & Brandon Johnson on their engagement. Proud parents are Cathy & David Linefsky. LoriFranklon the birth of hergrandson, Kael. Proud parents are Candace & Eric. We mourn the passing ... Coleman Lehrman, beloved husband of Merle LoreneSchur, beloved mother of Carol Hecht Craig Stoiar, beloved step-brother of Debra Cohen, son of Roberta & Alvin Stoiar NormanGould, beloved husband of Susan Katherine Kalich, beloved mother of Sue Slocum, mother-in-law of Ron Beatrice Dolnick, beloved grandmother to Nicki Klein-Richter & husband Jeremy, great?grandmother to Abigail & Nathaniel Sylvia Gordon, beloved mother of Lee, mother-in-law of Hedy During past seasons Maestro Itkin?s career has taken him to forty-four U.S. states and fifteen countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, including concerts and recordings with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Slovenska Filhamonija, the San Diego Symphony, and the Seoul Philharmonic. This interesting and educational evening is sure to be enjoyed by all, sa mark your won?t want to miss a beat! Concert Memories... Thank you all again for your continued support! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGNancy Weinberger, Executive Director Thank you to our Chai Campaign donors: Rabbi Ruth Adar & Linda Burnett, Pearl Anton, Richard and Dolores Bale, Jack and Andrea Behrens, Ruth Brender, Mary Lou Burbine, Burton and Linda Cohen, Bernie and Fifine Deutscher, Frances-Ann Fine, Jerry Fox, Louis and Carolyn Friedner, Marsha & Art Goldberg, Alex Gottlieb, Jerry and Laura Grau, Lynn and Sarita Greene, Carol Holdengraber, Phyllis Ruth Hoffman, Vic and Loretta Hollander, Ruth Kane, David and Marilyn Kapel, Tony and Shirley Kouffman, Jack Lehman, Merle Lehrman, Al and Ruth Lelchuk, Sylvia Light, Frances and Joseph Marco, Fred and Lynda Oppenheimer,Rich and Emily Perlman, Eric and lllisa Polis, Alan and Emily Popowcer, Jay and Pam Poster, Lynn & Larry Sasso, Joel Serling, Harrison and Marjorie Sheld, Jack and Marcy Simon, Irwin Simon, Gregg and Erika Solomon, Cornell and Esther Surany, Jean Tobman, Holly Torchin, Iris Torjman, Robert and Caryn Tyre, John and Dottie Wanderer, Rhoda Wasserstrom, Shelly Weiner. It's not too late to join this special group of donors. While our Congregation depends upon the generosity of major donors, it is the entire congregation's support that makes NerTamid a viable and thriving community. Without each and every one of you, our Temple would never be able to continue its devel?opment as one of the most special Congregations in the country. If you would like to join this special group please contact Nancy Weinberger at (702) 733- 6292, ext 201. ? Congregational Trip To Israel June 14-28,2009 Join Rabbi in Israel this summer! Visit such places as Tel Aviv, Haifa, Mount Carmel, explore the ruins at Beit Shean, the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem, the Ayalon Institute, Western Wall tunnels, Yad Vashem, Dead Sea mineral bath spa, and more! RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! Itinerary details, cost and reservation details available at the Temple office. Travel provided byAyelet Tours, Ltd. ___________________________________J CHAI (LIFE) CAMPAIGN In an effort to make the act of giving fun, affordable, inclusive and relevant to our heritage, we?ve designed a new campaign that we hope everyone will join. While our Congregation depends upon the generosity of major donors, it is the entire congregation?s support that makes Ner Tamid a viable and thriving community. Without each and every one of you, our Temple would never be able to continue it?s development as one of the most special Congregations in the country. Therefore, we hope that you and your family will consider one of the following campaign levels. Please consider assisting the Temple with one of these monthly pledges for 2009: $18 $36 $54 You can easily add it to your exisiting auto-payment plan by contacting Lynette Solomon in the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 212. Forms are available in the Temple office or you can donate on our website, under ?Donations?, using a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover card. We need your help now, more than ever. While these are the toughest times to be giving, give we must. Thank you in advance....... CNT. February 2009 5 f \ PASSOVER CANDY On Sale NOW! PERSONALIZED FAMILY HAGGADAH On Sale NOW! Deadline to Order is February 8th! Order forms & sample books available at the R/S office and the Temple office. v. Questions? Contact Suzanne Goldstein at CNTYOUTH GROUPS IBN (Itty Bitty NTTY) is our newest addition to youth groups, for kids grades 3-5. Parent volunteers work to help plan events throughout the year. Next event Ice Skating at 12:30pm. For more information on joining, contact Becca Phillips, IBN Advisor, at; co-advisor llene Scharf. TNT (Teens of Ner Tamid) is the youth activity group for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Next event is Lunch & Bowling at 12:30pm. For information on our next event, contact Pam Poster, TNT Advisor, at NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is CNT's youth group for teens grades 9- 12, that involves our high school ages youth with their peers on a local and regional basis. For information, contact Jolie Brislin, NTTY Advisor, at Beth Falk, R/S Principal PURIM is fast approaching - Sunday, March 15 is our Annual Purim Carnival! This year will be bigger and better than ever with great food vendors, games, prizes, merchandise vendors and much more! But we need your help to make it a success! If you can help with carnival set-up, staff one of the game booths or sell tickets contact Jacky Rosen at 361-0686 to add your name to the list. We also need raffle prizes and silent auction items for the carnival. If you have donations, or can help to solicit donations, contact Nanette Wachman at 260- 3001 or email her at CALLING ALL VENDORS! We are looking for merchandise vendors for the carnival. For booth information, contact Cheryl Rayburn at 448-4848 or email her at A very special ?Thank Ton? to our 7th Grade Student Council and Anton Arad for the great job they did on the school-wide Chanukah Celebration! Also, the Drama Club performed ?The Tower of Babel? for everyone and did a fantastic job! The Drama Club is led by Janet Weinstein. Thanks! i All donations are greatly appreciated. Please send your donation; payable to CNT, to the Temple office Attn: Beth Falk, Purim Carnival. Thank you for your continued support! PURIM CARNIVAL SPONSORSHIP The Purim Carnival is our Religious School?s biggest fundraiser. But we can?t do it alone. We are looking for sponsors to help underwrite the cost. Carnival Underwriter $5,000 Ride Sponsor 1,000 Game Sponsor 500 Prize Sponsor 100 Grogger Sponsor 36 Hamantashen Sponsor 18 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Preschool Lonnie Kritzler, Director It is hard to believe that we are halfway done with our second year of school and we have 70 children enrolled! i Time is flying by and before we know it, another school year will be behind us. The children are growing physically, emotionally, and intellectually. We are so proud of them! We are now offering a wonderful program for children 18 to 26 months (along with a parent or grandparent) called Stay & Play. This is a jam-packed hour of play, art, science, story, and snack. It is a great preschool introduction for these children. Registration forms are now being accepted for the 2009 Preschool Sum?mer Camp program and the 2009-2010 School Year. We are also planning on starting a full-day and half-day Kindergarten, if there is enough interest. If you would like more information about any of these programs and/or a tour of our school, just give me a call at 632-2250 or e-mail me at SAVE THE PATE! Saturcjay, 9, 2009 G^ry & Lynn Kantor EC EC Jit Annual Preschool Gala Little Han4s Big Hearts Preschool Registration Summer 2009 Fall 2009-2010 Open Registration Begins February 1, 2009. Summer Registration Fee - $100 Fall Registration Fee - $200 Space is limited; first-come, first-serve basis. Your payment guarantees your child's space. ? To register your child, or to schedule a tour, please contact Lonnie Kritzler, Director, at 632-2250 or email her at Tot Shabbat Friday, February 6 6:30-7:15 PM Join us for a Tu B'shevat Tot Shabbat, beginning with a service at 6:30 pm, followed by a craft and snack. This program is open to all children ages 2 -5 yrs. old and their parents. Note: Parents Must Stay With Child. Led by Rabbi Akselrad, Lonnie Kritzler & Ellen Cropp. Bubbe Sitter's Club February 8 ~ 11:00 am - Noon It's a wonderful way for bubbe's and zaydes to have special bonding time with their grandchildren, ages birth to 3 yrs. old. Older siblings are welcome. Spend an hour together singing, telling stories, playing, and of course, kvelling! Class is free and open to all. For more information, contact Lori Frankl at 263- 9118 or email her at STAY & PLAY GROUP 10 -11am Tuesdays and Thursdays Session 2 / March 3 - April 30 (8 weeks) Session 3 / May 5 - June 4 (5 weeks) Session Two $80/Session Three $50 Classes Are Filling Up Fast! For children 18 - 28 months old. Children learn to play cooperatively and independently, all with a parent or caretaker to guide them. Each class offers a balance of structured and unstructured play as children encounter all the elements of a traditional preschool day routine and curriculum: art, language, music, movement and dramatic play, Jewish holidays and Jewish culture. Classes are led by Lonnie Kritzler, ECE Director, and Nicole Fletcher, one of our teachers. Space is limited so sign up today! RSVPto Lonnie Kritzler at 632-2250 ext 211 or you can email her at February 2009 7 Sunday Afternoon at the Movies February 8-"The Aryan Couple" 2:00 pm in the Social Hall In our next film, "The Aryan Couple", you'll meet a WWII German/ Jewish industrialist who in order to ensure his family's safe passage out of Germany, is forced to hand over his business to the Nazis. A truly touching drama. Rated PG-13. Join us for a relaxing afternoon at the movies, including popcorn and lemonade, followed by a group discussion of the movie. The movies are FREE and open to all adults. Women's Spirituality Group February 6 ~ 6:30 pm Facilitated by Laura Grau & Rabbi Ruth Adar; this program focuses on exploring women's spirituality and Jewish values through a variety of techniques, helping each participant discover new things about themselves and their possibilities. Open your mind to new Jewish experiences with this dynamic group and then stay for a wonderful Shabbat service! This program is FREE and open to all women. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Why Not Sponsor or Co-Sjronsor An Oneg? All it takes is one call! Celebrate a special Simcha - Anniversary, Birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding, Just Because - by sponsoring a Friday night Oneg. For information, contact Roberta Unger at 733-6292 ext 202. Love the Stranger Thursdays, February 5, 26 7:00 pm The Torah is very specific: we are commanded in Deut. 10:19 to "love the stranger, because you were strangers in the land of Egypt". Join Rabbi Adar each month for an exploration of various kinds of strangers. This class is free and open to all. RSVP to the Temple office appreciated but not required. More Than "Half-Torah" With Rabbi Adar Fridays, February 6, 27 Noon Enliven the weekly readings by learning the weekly Haftorah reading with Rabbi Adar. Together, you will look at the texts in English, learn stories and midrash connected to the texts and explore the fascinating worlds of the prophetic books. Bring a brown-bag lunch and get an introduction to these great voices, this class is free and open to all. RSVP to the Temple office appreciated but not required. Cosmic Bowling for Singles 21-45 Saturday, February 21 at 8:00 pm Sunset Lanes at Sunset Station Join us for a night of Cosmic bowling, food and fun! Cost is $20 per person for CNT, JCC and Temple Sinai members; $25 for non-members. Price includes 2-hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, soda and lots of fun! MUST RSVP by February 13 to Becca Phillips at or 733-6292 ext 205. Space is limited; your payment guarantees your spot. Payments can be dropped off at the Temple office, payable to CNT. Introduction to Conversational Hebrew/Zionism @ 60 Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Nov 5 - May 27 (Four 6-Week Sessional Facilitated by Lauren Eisenberg; this class will introduce students to the basic Hebrew language. An ability to read the Aleph-Bet is an advantage, but not required. Emphasis will be placed the skills of listening and speaking in order to practice everyday Hebrew speech. As a special guest speaker, Dr. Danny Eisenberg will join us on occasion and examine Israeli politics in order to better understand Israel's current events. The use of the term "Zionism" symbolizes both a place and an idea. Since it's inception as a Jewish State, Israel has undergone an amazing number of transformations, constantly redefining itself yet simultaneously remaining true to it's heritage. Cost for the class is $36 per session/per person; plus cost of books. Pre-registration & payment required prior to first class. UNLV Rebels Basketball Tuesday, Feb. 3rd 7:30pm at the Thomas & Mack Please join usforthe UNLV Runnin' Rebels game as they take on the conference foes San Diego State Aztecs. Everyone is welcome! Tickets are just $12 each. You must purchase your tickets by January 28 through either CNT, JCC or Temple Sinai. For more information please contact Becc^^ at^P Sponsored by CNT, JCC & Temple Sinai. 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Adventures in Jewish Music Feb 3,10 Join Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein in examining Jewish music through the ages, listening to a variety of pieces, learning the history of the music and what the future will bring musically. Come with an open mind and we promise you will hear something you like. This program is FREE and open to all. RSVP appreciated to the Temple office. 55+ Senior Social Group Table Games & Yiddish Wednesday, February 11 1:30 pm in Social Hall Bring your favorite board/card game and come have a good time. We're playing games and talkin'Yiddish! Everyone is welcome. Questions? Contact Joyce at 55+ Senior Social Group Guest Speaker Havi Monde! Wednesday, February 25 1:30 pm in Social Hall Dr. Havi Mandell is Clinical Director of Jewish Family Services and will talk about "Coping in Todays World", managing stress, and much more. Questions and Answers will follow the session. Please RSVP to Joyce at 733- 6292 ext. 253 and leave a message or mail to ? "Second Mondays" Jewish Civilizations - The Development of Judaism February 9 at 7:00 - 9:00 pm Led by Alvin Esbin & Fred Peters, this year's series will begin with an audio portion the first hour, followed by a group discussion with question and answer. This program is free and everyone is welcome. 55+ Senior Social Group Oil Painting Lessons Wednesday, February 4 10:30 am in Social Hall Love Art but never tried painting? You have a one time opportunity to "Paint with Rita" and take home your finished oil painting!! Rita Malkin will supply paint and brushes and the free lesson. Your only cost is $3.50 for the canvas, which we will need to order in advance. We will brown bag it for lunch. Class limited to first nine seniors. Please RSVP to Joyce 733-6292 ext.253 or e- mail Tai Chi for the Jewish Soul Sundays, During Religious School 9:30 - 10:30 am Facilitated by Sheryl Chenin-Webb; now is the time to awaken the connection we have between mind, body and spirit. Through the gentle movements ofTai Chi you can increase physical fitness, lower blood pressure, reduce stress related illness, increase flexibility, reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and connect to Judaism on a new ^^^/el. Classes are FREE and open to Everyone - men and women - during Religious School. Previous experience not required; great for beginners. JCC DAY CAMP THIS SUMMER AT CNT! JUNE 29 - AUGUST 21 (8) WEEKS OF DAY CAMP! LED BY OUR R/S DIRECTOR, BETH FALK SWIMMING, SPORTS, ARTS & CRAFTS, SCIENCE, DRAMA, ISRAELI CULTURE, FIELD TRIPS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE SOON! FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT NEIL POPISH AT THE JCC AT 794-0090. February 2009 9 FEBRUARY 2009 Sun Mon Tue S Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 R/S 9:15 am Tai Chi 9:30 am Confirmation 12:30 pm Transitions 11 Ballet 1:00 pm 2 AA Noon Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9, Gesher 6:30 pm Adventures in Jewish Music 7:00 pm UNLV Basketball Game 7:30pm 3 4 55+ Art Experience 10:30 am 55+ Table Games and Yiddish 1:30 pm 5 Stay & Play 10:00 am Hot Topics w/Rabbi Noon R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Love the Stranger 7pm 6 More Than ?Half Torah? Noon Tot Shabbat 6:30 pm Women?s Spirituality Group 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 7 Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00 am 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 FREE Notary Service To Temple Members And Their Families! At the Temple office; by appointment only. R/S 9:15 am K-l Family Ed Day Tai Chi 9:30 am Bubbe Sitter?s 11:00 am Confirmation 12:30 pm Movie Afternoon 2:00 pm ?The Aryan Couple? AA Noon Second Mondays 7:00 pm Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9 6:30 pm^k Adventures in J^Fish Music 7:00 pm ? Stay & Play 10:00 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm Guest Speaker from AIPAC Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00 am Anson BM 10:00 am Please contact Carolyn Friedner at 457-7091 for an appointment today! Donation to Temple's Operating Fund welcomed. 15 NO R/S NO CONFIRMATION 16 OFFICE CLOSED President?s Day 17 Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9, Gesher 6:30 pm ft 18 19 Stay & Play 10:00 am Jewish Vet?s 1:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm 20 Scholar-in- Residence Weekend Shabbat Service w/Shabbat Unplugged 7:30 pm 21 Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study w/ Rabbi Kushner 11:00 am Rabbi Kushner Study & Lunch Noon I Brown BM 10:00 am Singles Cosmic Bowling 8:00 pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R/S 9:15 am Tai Chi 9:30 am Schmooze w/Rabbi 9:30 am Confirmation 12:30 pm TNT Lunch & Baling 1230pm IBN Ice Skating 12:30 pm AA Noon Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf. 8 & 9 6:30 pm^^ 55+ ?Coping in Today?s World? w/ Havi Mandel 1:30 pm ? Stay & Play 10:00 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm Love the Stranger 7:00 pm More Than ?Half Torah? Noon Religious School Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00 am Men?s Club Art Auction 6:30 pm# Yahrzcits # Emily Anderson Harvey Axelrod Sam Barnett Fannie Berger Jerome Borak Vera Ann Brill Samuel Busch Morris Chasnick Helen Chomko Earl Frank Conrad Maz Czerninski Steve Louis Fox Edward D. Frank Regina Friedman Alan Gar boos Rueben Ginsberg Brett Howard Goldstein Leon Golovner Mary Lou Grayner Rose Greenwald Jay J. Harris Charnya Hathaway Kenji Kayama Joseph Klinger Pauline Kroot Phil Levinson Sidney Lichtenstein Benjamin Liebman Barry Linden Pete Lisoskie Erica Luner Irving Roogow Max Rosenberg William Rosenthal Thelma Rouzaud Molly Ruden Rose Scharf Ruth Schraier Anne Schwartz Harry Schwartz Marie Scolar Allen Shapin Estelle Shapiro Evelyn Simon Richard Waxier Phillip Weinberg Ann Witt Marion Yarchever Kathryn Zolloto April 8 Traditional Family Passover Seder April 18 Yiddish Cabaret & Deli Night (Co-sponsored by theJCC of So. Nevada) April 19 Sunday Afternoon at the Movies "When Do We Eat?" May 2 A Temple Picnic Havdallah & BBQ in the Park May 15 R/S Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Thank You To Our Volunteers: Shirley Kouffman, Ellen Sonenthal, Alec Sonenthal, Sonny Spiwak, Bessie Levy, Lori Emptage, Marilyn Goldstein, Sid Barasch, Louis Friedner, Patty Myers, Bernie Deutscher, Marlene Acosta, David Linefsky, Lori Frankl, Allan Goldberg, Bob Goodman, Lorelei Wojnicz, Joy Ruby, Cathy Linefsky, Corinne Johnson, Anne Sandell, Carolyn Friedner, Emily Perlman, Judy Winnick, Michael Bowman, Justin Webt^ Kevin Bailey, Priscilla Kenwood, Bill Goldman cont. page 13 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Copypaper donations appreciated! Drop off at Temple office. CNTWISH LIST Do you want to help with "stuff" for CNT - schools, catering supplies, office needs, Rabbi and Cantorial extras? To find out how your cash donations can help the Temple purchase these NEW items, please contact Sharna Blumenfeld at 254-9211. You can also see more of our list on our website. Here are a few things from our list: Gift Cards from CVS, Walmart, Albertson's, Smith's, etc. (for Rabbi to share with those in need) Commercial-Grade Folding Chairs for Patio XGA OLP Digital Projector Michael's or Jo-Ann's Gift Cards (For art supplies for the school) "C" Batteries Digital Camera and Disposable Cameras (For the Preschool) King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones The King David Memorial Gardens is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Gardens are open Vi hour prior to Friday Shabbat services to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at the name of their loved one or just sit and enjoy the peacefulness of the Gardens. If you are interested in speaking with CNT about remembering a loved one in the King David Memorial Garden, contact Nancy Weinberger, ecutive Director, at the Temple office, 733-6292, ext 201. Individual Memorial Spaces - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) - $12,500 each FEBRUARY 13 Arthur Anhaltzer Dubby Bernstein Rose Adler Bon