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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 2008



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    Ballet at CNT Page 7 Adult Education Congregant of the Year Fern Percheski Honored At Special Service Friday, January 11 ~ 7:30 pm Also Welcoming New Members for 2007 This year we honor a woman who has been an integral part of our congregation since 1990. Fern Percheski had recently moved to the Las Vegas area from New Jersey when she walked into our shul one Shabbat and heard an "angel's voice" singing. The voice belonged to our former Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and though Bella's voice drew Fern in, it was Rabbi that kept her coming back to a congregation that made her feel at home right from the beginning. Once she became a member of our congregation, it seemed like a natural next step to get involved, so she joined Sisterhood. That led to her joining the adult B'Nai Mitzvah class where she made many wonderful friends. Shortly after that, Bella invited her to join the choir, eventually becoming the "unofficial choir secretary." As her circle of friends grew, so did her involvement. Fern became Secretary of the Sisterhood Board, then Vice-President of Ways & Means, Administrative Vice-President and finally Pages 8 & 9 COY cont. on page 2 Updated European Trip Information Page 14 ( Check out our NEW Website! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG 7th Annual Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival Sunday, January 2 7 @ 4pm UNLV Student Union Theater We are proud to present ?The Rape ofEuropa?, the epic story of the systematic theft, deliberate destruction and miraculous survival of Europe?s greatest art treasures during the Third Reich & World War II. In a journey through seven countries, the film takes the audience into the violent whirlwind of fanaticism, greed, and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of Europe. Pre-ticket sales available through the Temple office for $10. Presented by CNT; Co-sponsored by Hillel at UNLVPresident's Message Harry Sax January marks the first month of my presidency < * ] at CNT. Marla Letizia steps down after one of the most successful presidential runs in CNT history. L She oversaw our enormously challenging transition from King David Memorial Chapel to our new facility on Valle Verde with utter dedication. She leaves me with an enormous legacy to follow and I will do my best to "fill her shoes" Gregg Solomon, ourTreasurer, has agreed to assume the role ofVP of Administration for a short period of time. I can't begin to tell you how much credit Gregg deserves for helping to get our"financial house" in order during his term as treasurer. I have rarely had the pleasure of working so closely with such top flight business executives and I will be eternally grateful to both of you for clearing many obstacles out of my path as I assume the presidency. Space does not permit me the opportunity to thank all of my fellow board members and members of the staff who have helped bring me up to speed on temple affairs. THANK YOU EVERYONE! While I have been a member of CNT for a few years there are many of you whom I have not had a chance to meet. In upcoming issues of the"Bulletin", I will give you a little of my background. In the meantime, I look forward to meeting all of you. COY cont. from page 1 President of Sisterhood. She served on the Rosh Chodesh committee and led the group for almost two years. When Ruth Urban brought the idea of a "Misheberach Tapestry" back from the WRJ Biennial one year, Fern immediately set to work with a committee, creating their own version of healing Tallises and Tapestries.This evolved into the formation of healing workshops where participants create"squares"that are sewn into tapestries, and have become a wonderful & touching tradition at our Healing Service during High Holidays. Along the way, Fern also found time to organize an Oneg Committee to attend to the weekly Onegs on Emerson. She served as a Trustee on the Temple Board, volunteering to write grants for the Temple. When the call went out for a volunteer to help restart the Chesed committee, Fern didn't have to think twice before stepping up and teaming with other congregants to get the committee going. Thisyear's"CongregantoftheYear"is quickto share the recognition with all those around her who helped her, nurtured her, guided her and befriended her over the years. "It's all about the people," she says. "Through my involvement, I've learned (and am still learning) what I'm capable of doing. And, what I do for and with the CNT community brings me joy!" So it is with much joy that we invite you to join us as we honor Fern Percheski as our "Congregant of the Year" and welcome our New Members for 2007. 2007-08 Temple Board President - Harry Sax VP Administration - Gregg Solomon^ VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Barry Lewisohn Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Bruce Matza Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus Lewis Daryl Alterwitz lllisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Brett Primack Jacky Rosen Amy Christensen Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. DavidWasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Chen^^ Dr. Bernard Farro^^ *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased 2 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G Rabbi's Message Rabbi Sanford Akselrad ?hey say nothing is constant but change. January marks a special mid year change in our Pemple leadership. Eighteen months ago Marla Letizia and Harry Sax agreed to each take on the Temple Presidency for 1 Vi year terms each. This has created a leadership transition before our annual meeting in June. Since the two of them have worked so closely together I forsee a seamless change in our leadership. But such changes are a time to reflect. Marla has led us thru a tremendous time of growth. During her tenure we moved from Emerson to a transition site at King David and finally to our new home. OurTemple has grown by over 100 new families, and ourTemple budget has grown by nearly a million dollars. With her bright smile, her reassuring presence and strong business sense, Marla has done a tremendous job as our President. Harry Sax, our incoming President has a devotion to ourTemple that is unmatched. With a strong business background and a willingness to listen and learn he has quickly made Temple life a priority. I know that you will enjoy getting to know Harry and give him your support as you have Marla these past months. Marla will continue helping ourTemple by chairing a special fundraiser in May and by taking over as the chair of our Foundation. Currently led by past Temple President Scott Stolberg, our Foundation was the recent recipient of two large gifts, one of which I can speak of at this time. Norma Friedman has established a wonderful named fund in memory of her beloved husband, Leon Friedman. The fund, to be called The Leon H. Friedman Youth Leadership Scholarship Fund will primarily provide scholarships to Panim. Panim is a leadership program that our 10th grade students attend in Washington D.C.. This year we anticipate 16 students going on this trip which teaches students from all branches of Judaism how their civic involvement in life can be informed by their Jewish values. It is an outstanding life changing experience. You are encouraged to donate to this fund to Pjpport this wonderful cause and to bring honor to Leon's memory. There may be others in our Congregation who would like to establish such a fund in our Foundation to insure the vitality and physical health of our Congregation in the years ahead. To do so, please give Marla or Scott a call. Lastly, I want to bring you up to speed on Mishkan Tefillah, the new prayer book of the reform movement. Thru the special generosity of the Esbins and Toffel families we have placed a large order of the new prayerbook. These prayerbooks will arrive in about six months. Already our Shabbat morning minyon has been using this prayerbook liturgy for quite sometime and have enjoyed the changes and melodies that are reflected in the new siddur. Those of you who wish to purchase prayerbooks in honor or memory of someone special can contact Mary Zone in the Temple office. Philip and I have taken special workshops at the Biennial in December to learn how to smoothly transition our Congregation to this new siddur. The new year gives us another opportunity for reflection on the changes that have occurred since last January. I have mentioned a few in ourTemple, but each of us has our own personal and professional transitions. It is my hope and prayer that changes in your life are for the good, and that the months ahead are filled with a sense of joy and accomplishment. The Next Informational Meeting For Europe Trip Will Be January 17,2008 at 6:30 pm JANUARY 2008 3 Just a J* Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Happy New Year (again). 2008 is going to be a very exciting time at the Temple. I am so pleased with the many musical events that took place in 2007.The Shabbatones and Shabbat Unplugged were very well attended services and continue to be a great source of pride. The Music Season Sabbath featuring the music of Michael Isaacson was fantastic and well attended. We hosted the"Cantors OfTomorrow: From Broadway to the Bimah" concert where over 850 of you heard our local Cantorial Soloists and student Cantors from Southern California sing for this wonderful musical event. Our Adult Choir (John Smith, conductor and Lillian Kollar, accompanist), Jr. Choir (Sherri Swezey, conductor and Bruce Gellar, accompanist) and Teen Choir (Lori Frankl, conductor and Eddie Birch, accompanist) carry on with a long tradition of singing at events throughout the year. The Adult Choir continues to perform a wonderful mitzvah by participating in a special service for World Aid's Day, December 1st, which was held at CNT. The service touched the hearts of all who attended. A special thank you to all who participated. Parents, if your child wants to sing, the Jr. Choir (2nd to 6th grade) rehearses every Sunday after Religious School at 12:30 pm in the BeitT'fillah. i 2008 is going to be a very exciting time at the Temple. We are starting off the New Year with many exciting events at the Temple that will include the New Member Sabbath in January featuring The Shabbatones and Shabbat Unplugged will once again be heard January 25th. I am very much looking forward to attending the mid-winter Cantor's convention at the beginning of January in Palm Springs. I always come back with a renewed sense of spirit and many new ideas. f I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2008. B'shalom, Philip Rebecca & Joanna Mann Jr. Choir 4 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G Ritual News Saturday Morning Torah Study is led by Para-Rabbinic Fellow David Stahl; Alvin Esbin, teacher for UNLV's OLLI Program; and ^^^Mbbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein. Gather with them to study T>arashat H'Shavuah, the Torah portion assigned for the week. They meet year-round and everyone is welcome. Women's Spirituality Group Friday, January 18 ~ 6:30 pm This month's topic will be"MLKHad a Dream... What's Yours?". Open up your mind to new Jewish experiences with this dynamic group and then stay for a wonderful Shabbat service. The Women's Spirituality Group is led by Sisterhood VP Religious Activities Laura Grau and Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein. There is no charge and is open to all women in the Jewish community. Sponsored by CNT Sisterhood. Adventures in Jewish Listening Tuesdays, Jan 22, 29, Feb 5 - 7:00-8:30 pm Using "Divrei Shir"(Words of Song), the URJ Jewish music curriculum, we will examine Jewish music through the ages, listening to a variety of pieces, learning the history of Jewish music and where it is headed. Led by Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein; free and open to all. RSVP by January 17 to ensure we have enough materials for everyone. If you haven't picked up your brass Memorial Plaques, please stop by the office or call Mary in the office to make arrangements. Sisterhood Campership Scholarships Applications are available in the Temple office. Don't miss out! All applications must be returned to Rabbi Akselrad or Karen Levine by January 31. All applications are confidential. Think Spring! Think Passover! Barton?s Is Coming! Help Support the Religious School! Watch For Passover Candy Sale! COMING THIS MONTH! January: B'nai Melissa Berman January 4,2008 Proud parents are Laura & Kenny Berman Melissa is a straight A student at Greespun JHS. She loves to dance, sing, swim and hang out with her friends. She also loves her dog Sunny. Alexis Beresid January 19,2008 Proud parents are Lisa & Gary Beresid Alexis is a 7th grader at Victoria Feritta Middle School. Her hobbies are dancing, ice skating, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Now Scheduling 2009 B'nai Mitzvahs! We have begun to schedule Bar/Bat Mitzvahs for the calendar year 2009. Letters were mailed out in December. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2009, and have not received a packet, PLEASE call Karen Levine immediately at 733- 6292, ext 208. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates, please e-mail Rabbi Akselrad at JANUARY 2008 5 Dir. of Early Childhood Education Lonnie Kritzler Do you know that our Early Childhood Education Center offers more than just a quality preschool? Well-rounded education is more than the every day school experience" Parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and grandparents play an important role in the Jewish educational growth of our children. Family programming largely providing our children with the best education available. Along with the very generous support of our Sisterhood and the incredible assistance by Ellen Cropp and Heather Linefsky, we are able to offer an amazing Tot Shabbat program to our preschool families along with any other family with young children (geared to children ages 2-6). Approximately 150+ people attended our last Tot Shabbat. The theme was Chanukah. The children made a variety of Chanukah art projects and played the Dreidel Game with M & M's. We then all gathered for an interactive Shabbat service led by Rabbi Akselrad and Director of Lifelong Learning, Craig Rosen. Just watching the children stand by the ark and sing their favorite Chanukah songs made us all kvell. We then all followed this amazingly huge challah to our very own Oneg Shabbat, where we all enjoyed latkes and doughnut holes (and of course, the challah). contributes in Our next Tot Shabbat is Friday, February 1,2008 at 6:30 p.m. One and all are invited. If you would like to be reminded by e-mail about our Tot Shabbats, please e-mail Ellen Cropp (swtelln(5) or call/ e-mail me (lkritzler(5>lvnertamid.orq) and we will add you to our growing mailing list. Next Tot Shabbat - February 1st, 2008 Open to toddlers ages 2 to 5 yrs old PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND Led by Lonnie Kritzler, Craig Rosen, Ellen Cropp & Heather Linefsky Sponsored by Sisterhood Camp Fair 2008 at CNT Sunday, January 27 ~ 11:00 am Come meet some of the camp Directors from our resident Jewish summer camps. We will be welcoming representatives from Camp Newman, Wilshire Blvd. Temple Camps, Camp JCA Shalom, Camp Pearlstein, Camp Mountain Chai and our local Jewish day camps. For more information contact Craig Rosen, Director of Lifelong Learning, at 632-2250 ext 211. 6 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G Mazel tov to Maxine & Steve Gratz on the birth of their second grandchild, Anna Pazit Gratz She was born on November 14 and weighed 7 pounds, 6 oz and was 19 inches. Proud big brother is Seth. azel Tov to Christy and Rob Levrant on the birth of their son, David Patrick. David was born on November 20. Proud big brother is Noah. Shabbat Dinner Friday, January 25 ~ 6:15 pm Kick off Shabbat with a delicious Kosher-style Chinese dinner in the Social Hall, followed by Shabbat Services. Bring your friends! Please RSVP to office by January 18. Your check is your reservation. As always, cash, check or credit card will be accepted at the Temple office. Temple Members $20 Non-Temple Members $25 Children 5-12 $15 Children 5-12 $15 Children 4 & under are N/C CNT is pleased to present a choreographic glimpse of the Pek by the Eastern European Jews through Ellis Island to New York City's lower east side, and the life they found and made there. Featuring choreography by Margot Mink Colbert; Original Klezmer music by Henrik Goldschmidt; Script drawn from Sholem Aleichem and Jewish Folklore; Narration by Indranee Clarke, and a cast of dancers from Slovakia, New York and Las Vegas. Transitlion) Dancing on the Brink of a Miracle a new ballet by Margot Mink Colbert SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 3rd, 1 PM For tickets or performance information contact theTemple office at 733-6292. Advance ticket sales are available at theTemple Office for $5, or $10 day of show. Dance Company Information: Margot Mink Colbert,; 702-269-3029 or 702-497-9267 I Transit(ion) is supported in part by the Nevada Arts Council, NEA and UNLV College of Fine Arts JANUARY 2008 7 Day Spa For The Soul Saturday, January 12 ~ 2:00 pm Join us for an afternoon of reflection and creativity designed to relax the mind, body and spirit. Learn about Jewish meditation; study Jewish texts on the subject of healing and spirituality; experience the gentle movement of Tai Chi; express your creative side by creating a healing square for the healing quilts used during healing services; mini-workshop on identifying and caring for one's spiritual needs. Program ends with a beautiful Havdallah ceremony. RSVP by Wednesday, January 9 so we can prepare materials for you. Free and open to both men and women. Led by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein, Chesed Committee Chair Fern Percheski and Sheryl Chenin-Webb. Israeli Girls Gymnastics Team Sunday, January 27 ~ 11:30 am CNT is pleased to host these amazing athletes. We're fortunate to welcome them to our synagogue for a special performance. For more information contact Craig Rosen, Director of Lifelong Learning, at 632-2250, ext 211. Scholar-In-Residence Weekend ^ FEBRUARY 8-10 Senior Rabbi Karyn Kedar at Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim in Glenview, Illinois, is a gifted writer and storyteller. She has authored three books, most recently The Bridge to Forgiveness: Stories and Prayers for Finding God and Restoring Wholeness. She was recently selected by Jewish Women Internaitonal as one of the 10 Women to Watch in 5768. Watch for our schedule of weekend events! Made possible by a gift from Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Fund. Holiday Education for Parents/Grandparents of Pre-schoolers Thursday, January 10 - Shabbat Lonnie Kritzler will be offering a course focusing on fun and creative ways to celebrate Shabbat in your home. Classes are appropriate for Jewish/Non-Jewish parents & grandparents and will focus on practical and innovative ways to do ?hands-on? Judaism and create meaningful Jewish memories for even the littlest Jews! Don?t Miss It! In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have A Dream" From a Jewish Perspective Saturday, January 19 at 1 pm Here at CNT Using Talmudic-style study, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein will examine the common themes between the dream MLK, Jr. wished for and the world we as Reform Jews seek to create here on earth. Join us for this fascinating discussion which will connect Jewish texts to those of other faith traditions. This program is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP no later than January 17. 8 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G Just For Seniors: Sunday Afternoon at the Jewish Movies Sunday, January 13 - 2:00-5:00 pm lust for Seniors, the next movie in this series is rifleman's Agreement, winner of three Oscars. In this film, a reporter (Gregory Peck) pretends to be Jewish in order to cover a story on anti-Semitism, and personally discovers the true depths of bigotry and hatred. CNT will have popcorn and lemonade so please RSVP by January 8. Free and open to all seniors in the community. Second Mondays Are BACK! Monday, January 14 - 7:00-9:00 pm The first hour, led by Fred Peters, will focus on different aspects and time periods of Jewish history in a series called,"A Year-Long Course in Jewish Civilizations." This month, the first hour will discuss Second Commonwealth: 586 BCE to 70 CE (common era). The second hour, led by Al Esbin, will be a continuation of The Educated Jew, discussing great Jewish figures, theology and philosophy. This course is FREE and open to everyone. Please RSVP to temple office so we are ^pepared. ww You Had Me At Shalom Singles UNDER 45 Study Group (For singles 21-44) Saturday, January 12 - 8:00-9:00 pm This Saturday night alternative' is sure to offer an interesting opportunity to explore the topic of Meeting at the JDate Well... Jewish Views on Meeting Your Beshert. Join us for Havdallah, Kosher wine, cheese and tasty desserts with your peers. This event is free and open to everyone under age 45. We ask that all participants be ^^espectful of the age limitation for this event, so all participants feel comfortable. You must RSVP to temple office so we are prepared. Jewish Views on Death & Dying Saturday, January 26 ~ 12:30 pm What happens to us when we die? What happens to our souls? How do we treat the bodies of our loved ones? Why do we say the prayers we say when someone dies? Join Rabbi Akselrad for an enlightening Shabbat afternoon program discussing Jewish rituals and beliefs regarding our time beyond this life on earth. RSVP by Wednesday, January 23 so we have enough materials. This class is FREE and open to everyone. Hot Topics with Rabbi Akselrad Monday, January 7 ~ Noon The next Hot Topic discussion will be on January 7 at Noon, attheTemple. Bring a bag lunch and be prepared for an hour of lively discussion and Jewish learning on a timely but controversial topic of today. Y.A.C. Young Adult Community Open to Singles or Couples ages 21-45. Join us after CNT's movie at the Jewish Film Festival for dinner & discussion. Place TBA, check the web site. For information, contact Brett Primack at 858-4051 or Becca Phillips at 767-3030 or visit the CNT website at Chavurot Now Forming! CNT invites you to join a chavurah where you can share wonderful Jewish experiences and connect with other members who have children, are empty nesters or have similar interests to yours. Join a chavurah today and get ready to meet your Temple "family"! Membership is open to all CNT members. We have a number of Chavurot already in existence, and our Chavurah Coordinators would be delighted to match you with one or create a new group for you to join. Registration forms available at Questions? Contact Temple Office 733-6292 -x212 JANUARY 2008 9 MRJ Pacific Southwest Region 1 Oth Annual Man of the Tear Dinner Saturday, February 9, 2008 ? At 6:30 pm The Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ) Pacific Southwest Region will hold it?s 10th Annual Man of the Tear Dinner here at CNTfor the first time! Join us in honoring the Men of the Tear from Texas to Washington, including our very own Allan Nathanson. Make plans to attend and cheer Allan on! Tickets for the dinner are $25 per person. Tour cheek is your reservation. The Evening begins with a wine & cheese social, followed by an exquisite dinner. Entertainment will be provided by Philip Goldstein and the Band! RSVP to Maiy in the Temple office at 733-6292. Sisterhood's Annual Book Review & Luncheon Led by Rabbi Akselrad "The Chosen" Author, Chaim Potok (NOTE BOOK CHANGE) Thursday, February 28, 2008 11 am -1 pm COST IS $10 PER PERSON Includes a box lunch from Jason's Deli Each year, Rabbi selects a book to review at Sisterhoods book review and luncheon. This year, he has selected a book by author Chaim Potok, "The Chosen". In 1940s Brooklyn, two boys who have grown up within a few blocks of each other, but in entirely different worlds, meet for the first time in a bizarre encounter ? a baseball game between two Jewish parochial schools that turns into a holy war. With dramatic force and simplicity that seizes the heart, "The Chosen" depicts the powerful bonds of love and pain that join father and son, the communions and quarrels of friendship, the true religionist's love of God, and the tumults by which the heart is made human. Everyone is welcome^ so bring your husband or friends! For more information contact Bette Stahl at Make Plans To Attend! 10 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G January 2008 ) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 2 3 4 5 TT Gamblers Anon 10:00 am NO R/S WEST AA 9:30 am JACS 6 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Berman Bat Mitzvah Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Office Closed 6 7 8 9 10 77 72 NOR/S Hot Topics w/Rabbi Noon Conversion 6:30pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm Sisterhood Speaker 6:30 pm Temple Board Meeting 7:15pm Gamblers Anon 10:00 am AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7pm Cong, of Year & New Member Service Featuring Shabbatones 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Day Spa Soul 2 pm Shalom Singles 8pm 13 74 75 76 77 18 79 R/S 9:15 am fclrd Gr. Family Ed ^ Day Jr. Choir 12:20 pm Senior's Movie 2pm Conversion 6:30pm Second Mondays 7:00 pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher 6:15 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30pm Gamblers Anon 10:00 am AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6 pm Spirituality Group 6:30pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Beresid Bat Mitzvah 10 am MLK Program 1pm 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 NOR/S Men's Club Bowling 9:30 am R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Jewish Listening 7 pm Gamblers Anon 10:00 am A A 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6 pm Shabbat Dinner 6:15 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Death & Dying 12:30 pm Office Closed 27 R/S 9:15 am Schmooze w/ Rabbi 9:30 am Camp Fair 11 am Israeli Gymastics ^Team 11:30 am ?r. Choir 12:20 pm Jewish Film Festival 4 pm 28 Conversion 6:30pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm 29 R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Jewish Listening 7 pm 30 Gamblers Anon 10:00 am 31 AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6 pm JANUARY 2008 11 Plan Your Next Event or Simcha With Us! Book Your Next Meeting Here! Bar and Bat Mitzvah parties, Kiddush luncheons, baby showers, Weddings or even a corporate event. Why not hold it at CNT and we'll take care of it! Our beautiful new social hall holds up to 300 and can be divided into smaller rooms for more intimate gatherings. Did you know you can also lease our meeting rooms as well? Let us help you plan your next event, Simcha or meeting! ED or V?Dor From Generation To Generation V? $ % CNTS PERPETUAL FUND Remember Us In Tour Estate Planning The very future of the Jewish people depends on die strength, vitality and relevance of our synagogues. As we have been for more dian 30 ^ j years, so shall we continue to be die heart and soul of our community for years to come. v* | <3jl| J jk S, Continue your support of die values and causes diat CNT represents. Create a lasting tribute to honor family, friends and loved ones. For more information on continuing your legacy, contact Scott Stolberg at scott Ton may also contact Nancy Weinberger at the Temple office. For more information or to book your event, contact: Roberta Unger, Facilities & Catering Director ?Thank You? To Weiss Deli-Bakery 2744 N. Green Valley Pkwy In Henderson at 733-6292 x202. Thank You To All Our Volunteers: Shirley Kouffman Becca Phillips Lorelei Wojnicz Bernie Deutscher Alec Sonenthal Sonny Spiwak Bessie Levy Corinne Johnson Julie Pearlman Joy Ruby Sid Barasch Louis Friedner Pat Gorman David Linefsky Cathy Linefsky Marion Brooks Lisa Koenig Michael Unger Laura Schorfheide Thank to everyone, especiallythe CNT staff, who helped make the Chanukah Dinner such a success. For Donating Challah Each Shabbat Miss Baking for Onegs? Want no More! The Temple would love to have your cookies or small baked goods for Friday night Onegs! Contact Roberta Unger to make arrangements to bring your donation of goodies! 733-6292 x202 No Cakes or Pies Please Onegs Provided by CNT 12 W W W . L V N E R T A M I D . O R G January 4 Eugene Alexander Jenny Aronoff Sidney Brandt Esther Corben Fred Ehrlich Arthur Feldman Herbert Forman Clara Frank Dawn E. Friedlander Sayde Friedman Arthur Gellin Angie Giancaspro Morris Goldstein Rosa Barbara Greenberg Clara Jacobs Shaun Jensen William Krassen Hilda Kulman Harold Lehrner Ruth Lehrner Phillip Luckerman Edith Michael Sy Myers Sarah Sally Nathanson Samuel Pearson Sam Perlman Marcia Peskin Minnie Radbel Jack Rehfeld Meyer Sachs Sidney Saltman King Oavi<3 _V MEMORIALtBAPEL & CEMETERY SOUTHERN NEVADA?S ONLY FUNERAL CHAPEL & CEMETERY EXCLUSIVELY DEDICATED TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Tanuarv 4 cont. Nathan Schampe Ceal Shapiro Betty Silber Dorothy Slate Mildred Sorell Jim Stark Stephen Stein David Wiederson Lena Winnick January II Martha Ballin Kahn Rebecca Becker Lawrence Beer Seymour Blumenthal Jessie Marie Bornstein Samuel Cohn Leo Cowitt George Dalton Rafael Del Valle Murray Deutscher Osias Diwald Ira Epstein Ruth Getzel Darlene Gold Marilyn Gorbena Paul Gottlieb Alvin Gross Hope Wikler Hersh Selig Hochstein Bertha Horberg Benjamin Horwitz Dora Israel Seymour Joseph Lore Kahn Steven Kalodner Benjamin Kaplan Joseph Laefer Norma Landor Roslyn Lefcourt David Levey Robert Levoff Irving Litt Jack M. Matza Florence Plotnick Melvin Sanoff Burt Squire Tanuarv I I cont. Lee Squire Sadie Wagreich Annette Weinstein Meyer Wolf Sol Wolf John Wood Frank Zalkin Abram Zon Tanuarv 18 Oscar Alterwitz Fannie Berger Ada Block Marc Canter Mildred Cohen Jack Cracraft Joseph Flans Elaine Fried Marcia Friedmutter Alan Garboos Alfred Moses Gerstler Freda Glantz Harry Glasser Ruth Green Emmanuel Greenberg Jay J. Harris Rae Israel Edward Janovitz Joyce Karchem Joseph Klinger Henry Lander Eva Leigh Martha Levenberg Charles Martin Stanley Musicar Pearl Nyman Louis Portner Sidney Rogers Freda Rubenstein Henry Rudner Heather Santer Andrew Schampe Miriam Scheinwald Cecil Serling Lillian Shapiro Melvin Shapiro Murray Simon YAHRZEITS January 18 cont. Mel Walton Phillip Weinberg Lena Wilton Marion Yarchever January 25 Robert Beckwith Walter Berkley Louis Birnbaum Rose Adler Bonwit Robert Cummins Harold Dresser Dallas Ellis Ben Engel Willial Gabelman Pearl Green Randi Hicks Phyllis Hubbard Fred Jensen Philip Klinger Howard Samuel Knopow Caroline Lewis Herbert Lichtstern Phyllis R. Lozofsky David Lundy Lottie Mitchell Leo Moskowitz Joanne Mullin Maxine Pomerantz H. Sam Prezant Dorothy Price Milton Root Frank Schwartz Philip Schwimmer Ben Shanker Rose Solowitz Rochelle S. Steinberg Solomon Walrauch Dorothy Werner Nelson Werner Adrian Winegarden Doris Winegarden Kathryn Zolloto MEMORIAMS Saul Kollins, beloved uncle of Dr. Stephen Kollins Morris Riback, beloved companion of Rita Malkin JANUARY 2008 13 Join Rabbi Akselrad & Congregation Ner Tam id On a Jewish Heritaae Tour of 5 CENTRAL EUROPE FRANKFURT * BERLIN * PRAGUE * BUDAPEST June 30 - July 14, 2008 $5,046.00 per person Based on double occupancy *price increase reflects upgraded hotels in Prague & Budapest TOUR HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Jewish Heritage Tour of Frankfurt, including the Holocaust Memorial and Jewish Museum Full day tour to Worms Tour of Frankfurt landmarks including the Rothschild Palais, the Zeil and Hauptwache Jewish highlights of Berlin, including the Oranienburgerstarsse Synagogue