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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, October 2006



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    Congregation Ner Tamid _a Looking Towards The Future SUKKOT Friday, October 6 Bring the kids and decorate the sukkah at 6:30 pm Then stay for Sukkot Services at 7:30 pm. ^jimcnat Torah & Consecration Service fr ridau, October 1 5 Celebrate ^imchat ~f~orah as we roll the ~]~orah back to it?s beginning. Services begin at/:J>0 pm at Kjng ITavid. We will also be welcoming our newest Religious School students with a Consecration ^/ Ceremony. |f you?re new to our religious school, please arrive at 6:^5 pm fora Consecration group photo before services. Mark Your Calendars! GALA CELEBRATION WEEKEND! 'M' GALA DINNER February 24 TORAH WALK, BRUNCH, FUN FILLED AFTERNOON February 25 OCTOBER 2006 VOL. XX NO. 10 TISHRI/CHESHVAN 5767 Rabbi?s Message This bulletin comes during or just after the Yamim Noraim. As such we have had as a community a great deal of time for reflection and introspection. These holydays in essence are time devoted to remembering. All of the things that we wished to forget, the deeds that we did either knowingly or not for which we are ashamed, we are commanded to recall and deal with. The power to forget is important an one. If we were constantly reminded of everything we did wrong we would never grow, but rather become insecure individuals. If we remembered every hurt done to us, we would never be able to forgive. But there is a fine line between forgetting and living in denial, and allowing the past to serve as a stepping stone for growth and responsibility. The Dubno Maggid tells a parable of a poor man who owed many debts. Distraught, he turns to his friend for advice. The friend suggests that any time someone comes to collect a loan, the borrower should fake insanity. The lenders would have mercy on the borrower and not try to collect the loan. Sure enough, this strategy works and the poor man begins to have less pressure to pay off his loans. A couple of weeks later, the original friend checks on the poor man. Seeing he is happy, the friend tries to a collect a loan the poor man owes him. The poor man instinctively begins his insanity act. "Fool," the friend yells, "don't you remember who taught you that trick?" The Dubno Maggid explains that we, human beings, are the poor man and God is the friend. God taught us a trick to help us continue living through regret, the power to forget. Flowever, we have used that trick to forget God, to forget our responsibilities as a Holy People, to develop apathy for the concerns of humanity. Now more than ever we are reminded of our responsibility to our sisters and brothers in Israel. To know that we must do all that we can in every way that we can to assist them. To not only give support financially, but to continue to contact the media and our political representatives letting them know how important it is to support Israel as the Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad only stable, reliable democracy in the^^ Middle East. Now more than ever, we are reminded of our responsibilities to our own community. As one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the country, we continue to build an P infrastructure to meet this need. The !1 construction of our new building is a major part not only of our future, but that of the entire Jewish community of Las Vegas/Henderson. As a labor of love for the past seven years (!) I look forward to the opening of our new building in a few short months. But we need everyone's help during this critical time. Much needs to be done to insure our fiscal health and viability. Your coming forward now is essential to the immediate and long term success of our Congregation?s well being. In the more than eighteen years that I have served this congregation I have truly been blessed by everyone's support. I know that during this historic turning point I can continue to count on this. May the new year be a time of remembering^^ rlnnrlo A'f r\ i ir nnono+nro onrl oil \a/H/o the deeds of our ancestors and all who have given so much that we might enjoy the fruits of our faith. May it be a time of forgetting the hurts and pettiness of life that brings us down. And may we raise ourselves up as a Congregation to meet the tremendously exciting challenge of the year to come. L'Shana Tova! Happy New Year! $ November Attractions $ 11/3 Shabbat Unplugged! 7:30 pm 11/5 Lake Mead Cruise 4:00 pm 11/13 Adult Ed Second Mondays 7:00 pm 11/17 Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm 11/18 Tot Shabbat @ GV Library 10:30 am 11/19 Sisterhood?s Chanukah Shopping Extravaganza 10:00 am 11/30 World Aid?s Day Service TBA d WWW.LVNERTAMlD.ORC >Temple President, Marla Letizia Temple Board President - Marla Letizia ml VP Administration - Harry Sax harrydotcom@cox.ncc VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn blcwisohn@aoicom Jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lcwis Daryl Alterwitz Illisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg mrb4651@aolcom Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President CNTSisterhood@cox.nct Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY President "High Holidays" are a reflection and great we have been given in to thank those friends who have been kind over the last year, as allow us to feel for along our journey. It is my wish this month to thank the Temple Staff for bringing us this amazing High Holiday Season, they worked harder than any of us could ever imagine to turn "Green Valley Ranch" into a "remote" Temple and even though we are in transition; this caring group of people has provided us a season full of joy, music and prayer. I want to give thanks to all of the congregants that have welcomed our new Education Director, Craig Rosen, who is doing a wonderful job for Congregation NerTamid and for our children. time of deep gratitude for all that this year. It is a time and Temple members and wonderful to us well as those who welcome and cared And to each and every one of you I express gratitude for your patience, your kindness toward each other, your prayers of hope and for the incredible support and concern that you show, not only to this Temple but to our brothers and sisters in turmoil in Israel. As this season of gratitude is upon us, let us each take a moment to reflect upon that which we are most grateful for in our own personal lives, then give thanks that we are sharing our lives in unity with each other. A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Members! Ann Brandt, Susan Hirsch, Craig Rosen &r Rocco Debeneclicits, Emily Cropp & Alan Popowcer, Barbara Rosemjensen, Alene Waxier, Tika & Scott Epstein, Isabel & Irv Goldstein, Debra & Jason Gorov, Maxine & Joel Spatt, Julie & Randall Weingarten, Frances & Arthur Titen, Nancy & Bruce Deifik, Nicki Klein-Richter & Jeremy Richter, Rebecca & Jeffrey Skoll, Linda Ferguson, Shelley Solomon, Christina & Robert Levrant, Beth & Adam Slamowitz, Shira Miyan Muething, Lenore & Paul Seidman, Anna & Kenneth Bless, Joanne & Elliot Harris, Shana Dahan & Adam Kilbourn, Shirley & Anthony Kouffman, Lome Cramer -( O c t o b e r 2 0 0 6 3^ B?nai Mitzvah ~ Religious School Dillon Farrow October 21, 2006 Hi my name is Dillon Farrow and I will be called to the Torah on October 21,2006 at King David, have a great family who supports everything I do. I attend Hyde Park Middle School, in the magnet program. I enjoy skateboarding, music, sports, camping, fishing and biking. For my Mitzvah project I have completed ten hours of community service and am going to donate half of my Bar Mitzvah gift money to help a child in Israel also become a B'nai Mitzvah. Josh Knox November 4, 2006 Hi my name is Josh Knox. I am in 7th grade at Sig Rogich Middle School, in all honors classes. I am in my second year playing Alto Saxophone. My Mitzvah project is helping my Aunt with Posi?tively Kids, which visits sick children in their homes. For my Tzedakah project I adopted an elephant from The Elephant Sanctuary. Religous School Dates to Remember Sun. Oct 1 Tues. Oct 3 Tues. Oct 3 Fri. Oct 6 Sun. Oct 8 Fri. Oct 13 Craig Rosen Education Director "It was truly remember." I'm so spending Sunday and couldn't think else I'd rather be." just two of the from parents at our of Religious School The morning was a day to happy to be morning here of anywhere These were quotes heard opening day last month, filled with singing, snack, interactive learning, and some parent mixers that were both fun and engaging. We had opportunity for some studying together as we explored the Religious School's philosophy and goals for Jewish Education. Students had an enjoyable time getting to know their teachers and their peers. We are all excited for the year ahead. We look to the 3 pillars of Judaism as an inspiration for our curriculum. Together, we will engage in Torah study, experience Avodah (worship), and perform G'milut Chasadim (deeds of loving-^ kindness). These three pillars allow us to bring ^ Judaism to life each week of school, and the messages we deliver will hopefully be ones that students can carry with them for a lifetime. October launches our new family education program where parents will learn together with their children. This month our 5th grade (October 8) and 2nd grade (October 22) families will spend a Sunday morning together. Family Education is a key component to running a successful school. We hope to be able to provide a morning filled with new ideas, unique activities, good food, and a chance to learn together with other parents and to spend quality time with your children. A complete family education schedule is found on the back cover of the parent handbook.Youth Choir Has a NEW Director! Join us in welcoming ? fieri ?ujezey as the new youth Choir Director. If you?re interested in joining, rehearsals are on Sunday?s after "Religious School at Gibson from 22:3o-2:oo pm. Please have your child bring a brown bag lunch. Cd?s of all the music are available from Philip. Questions? Contact Philip at the temple office at 733-6292. Youth Choir Schedule 06-07 pmchat Torah -10/13/06 ChanuKKah TBA -12/10/06 Temple Gala - 2/25/07 Purim - 3/2/07 Yom HaAtzmaut - TBA Dates 4-Times May Change. Please Watch for More Details. _y Just a Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist I would like opportunity to special THANK the members of for an job during the They worked the summer it truly paid off. w o n d e r f u singing and truly to take this extend a YOU to all of our Adult Choir outstand ing v High Holidays! 1 very hard over preparing and have heard I reviews of their appreciate all of their hard work. Someone even commented that this was the best choir they had ever heard for the High Holidays. I want to express my gratitude to our choir director John Smith for an outstanding job of preparing and conducting the choir. You have brought a renewed sense of meaning to the music and the choir responded to it. To Lillian Kollar... I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are the best accompanist I've had the pleasure of working with. Thank you so very much. A special thank you goes out to Andrew Smith for playing the Kol Nidre so dramatically for the late service. To Glori Rosenberger, Maxine Molinsky and Brad Torchin, thank you for making the healing service music so meaningful and touching. Every year, your amazing talents make it better and better. Thank you to Lori Frankl for making the Teen Choir sound so wonderful in the early services and Eddie Birch for his superb accompaniment. Also by now, you have no doubt heard, the Shabbatones. Their new season began Sept.8th. What a great group of people and I feel so privileged to be singing all the wonderful music. I sound so much better because of their musical talents and I appreciate them all fortheirtime, efforts and energy to make the Shabbatones what it is today. Thank you all for your wonderful talents and I look forward to a splendid new year of music here at Congregation Ner Tamid. As we look ahead to the New Year, may we all live in peace, good health and happiness. I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! L'Shana Tova! O c t o b e r 2 0 0 6 5 ) That l ime of Year Again! IrvDiichowny, Exnvvivi Piructor Wow, what a rush! 11 ?. I ligh I loliday lime, it?s I ransition ('ommittee lime, ii?s Budget time, it?s Religious School time, and it's been New Member Season time W hat excitement, what a challenge for ns all! ? I ligh I lolldays as you read this, we re having our services at (ireen Valley Ranch Station, and what a job ol cooperation we?ve all experienced. Moving everything that we need to have oui complete, "services as usual? in our year ol transition, what a challenge. Piano, all prayer books, getting the set-ups done correctly, sound, our choirs, our teen services, adding our family service, holding our teen service, our child care, the signers lor the Deal Incredible, I hanks to the team at (ireen Valley Ranch lor working so well with us, and of course, to our own Mary, lyiutte, Kami, David, Roberta, Craig, Cookie, Philip and Rabbi. Well done, everyone! ? (tin transition learn is busy at work. We know that we ll he moving into our fabulous new temple on our new campus late February ?07, and the t ransition leant is hard at work to make sure that, from day I of moving in, we?ll have the programs, activities, services, technology and educational experiences that everyone wants Incredible discussions are happening. ? Ol course, each year, the Budget committee meets and works on our upcoming budget for the new year. I his year is a bit more of a challenge, as we?ll be moving Into a building we?ve never occupied before, and sill we can do Is talk to the experts and have our best guesstimates of what things will cost in the new building landscaping maintenance, electricity, water, all types of expenses we currently have, but with a new twist. In conjunction w ith that, we are also planning on starting our Pre-K in August of?07. which means licensing, a Director, and staff. All new, all very exciting, all very challenging. ? Craig Rosen, our new f ducation Director, has now had one month under his belt of our having our Religious School once again gel started, and this year, we started with more children in our R/S program than in the past 0 years. What a great start, and what a terrific job Craig's doing and what a wonderful addition to our stall ? It?s been New Member season lor everyone at CNT the time ol year when we have most of our New Members join, and this season it?s been extremely successful Please make sure you welcome those faces of people you may not recognize, so that we can truly be the Temple that cares, and shows it. Yes, this is our busiest time of year, and with all of our activities, I want to mention that each and every person has an opportunity to help with new members, with donations (yes, we do need donations), with their time and energy. I his is such an exc iting time for us all be a part of it, and enjoy the ride with us! ^!urt[er Mystery Dibber-Tfieater Saturday, October 21 See flyer in tVts Bulletin! Sunday, Novembei 5 ? 4pm - 7pm $55 / per person Sponsored hy Mon's Club ft Sisterhood >SVP to Mary at the Temple office For Both Events! (3 6 WWW.I VNl ItTAMIP.OftC CNI ST AIT Itabbi Sanford D, Akseliart Rgbbak@lvnertat1 liel Qtg Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Pgaldsteinidlvn&tamidmrg Executive Director liv Duchowny Idi ichornyvi'lvnei tan ?/< / org Director of Education Craig Rosen erose/Hip/w iortamid mg Program Director Roberta Unger Y? i mgarfyivnot tan i/< l org Rabbi?s Admin. Asst. Karen Levine Kh vii w&lvnet tan M org Executive Director's Asst. Lynette Solomon Ialamort (a 'Ivnortam id, org Receptionist Maiy Zone M'onmuVvi wi tamlt I org Bulletin Editor I aura Railey CNTbuUetln&tGM.Mt Educator Emeritus Jacqueline I leekop Phonei /0J73J62Q2 fax: 702.733.abb3NTTY News!! NI FY (Nor rnmid fernple Youth) is off to a greet start, We began lire month with 22 teenagers representing N I FY at Nl FY's (North American Federation of Fernple Youth) Fall Ka I la h held at Camp Charles Pearlstoin. Everyone had a great time, especially the freshman, NTTY also had a very successful program called 'Jew or no Jew' which was a blast, In September we also, had the opportunity to lead lire teen services for Rash Flashanah, lhank you to all our leaders that made it such a beautiful service. October is going to be awesome as wo begin the month leading Yom Kippui teen services, On October 15 we will be participating in Mitzvah Day with the congregation, then, on October 26-29, our NI IY board members will be leaving on a jet plane to Phoenix, AZ where wo will participate ^ I II (I eadership training Institute) Nl IY our ligh School Youth Group is open to all high school age youth who want to meet new people and have the time of their life. For more information please contact Jolie Brislln at 610 1858. j Mitzvah Day October 15 Floyd Lamb State Park Starts at 1:00 pm See Flyer in Bulletin For More Information or Contact the Temple Office at 733 6292 Adui t Education YIDDUSH CLUB Remember listening to yom parents and grandparents talking to each other, and everyone else, in Yiddish? The expression and passion of Yiddish as a language compares with nothing else. Thinking about those days brings back such loving memories for many of us. Wouldn't it be wonderful to pass these memories on to the next generation? If your interested in being part of a Yiddish Club (we'll begin with meeting once each month) please contact Roberta Unger in the temple office 733-6292, Ritual News Vico President Pel Acosta From my family to yours, a very happy and healthy New Year May wo experience the peace we so long have prayed for, On another note, | would like to share Congregation Nor lamid's Ritual Mission Statement with you, and I quote: "Congregation Ner rnmid Ritual Commutee is a standing committee that will collaborate with the Clergy with regard to lilual and worship practices that ennomage participation and spiiitual growth for the individual and the Congregation". As part of the Mission Statement, I Invite you as members of our Congregation to participate in the spiritual growth by becoming active on the Riiunl Committee, by attending fiiday night Services, education classes and Congregation events. We are planning many new programs for the New Year. Please contact me, either by email at riant istaBfDrQx,not, or call Roberta at the I ample office Our next Ritual meeting will be on October 16, at 5:00 PM I'Shanah lova Ukatovu .......................? ? "C On phi it .?.POO 7}Yahrzeits Oct 13 Arno Alter Oct 6 Mortimer Benisch Lillian Appel Lawrence Birch Philip Belsky Morris Bloom Joseph Berent Mildred Boland Debra Blinder Rollin Bricker I. Mack Friedman Leo Lrank Gertrude Goldstein Leon Lriedman Jacob Goldstein Rose Friedman Julia Hall Rosa Garcia Sol Halpert Sidney Gelber Esther Kaplan Goldie Gilmore Max Klinger Cleo Goodman Marian Rosen Krasner Mildred Gordon Louis Kravitz Manuel Gorman Doris Lee Frances Kuller Cy Lewis Martha LeNoble Celso Maldonado Maynard Mark Lottie Marco Edward ?Eddie? Mintz Benjamin Mendelson Isadore Portnoff Marc Alan Plascove Bertram Radbel Betty Rosenberg Gloria Reid Gertrude Steiner Samuel Rissien Esther Steinhouse Isadore Rubinson Peter Theys Adelaide Sachs Miriam Watson Manny Schwartz Howard Weber Ruth Scoville Saul Weil Rose Shanker Julius Shapin Eugene Silver Jacob Samson Sommers Joseph Swczey Frank Tryson Glen Wilson Oct 20 Oct 20 cont. Morris Alper Mary Mae Sitzer-Rosen Lillian Barron Sylvia Slocum Dorothy Beckwith Isadore Spektor Dr. Robert F. Beyer Sol Stillman Ida Blumenfeld Philip Toffel Scott Chernick Dorothy Vandenberg Irving Corben Ruth ?Nanny? Weingardt Dr. Leon Dantzig Sylvia Weinstein Tomas Diaz Sylvia Zellen Louis Goldberg Isadore Zuck Joseph Goldshein Janet Ruth Henry Oct 27 Barnet Katz Roberta Berman Morris Kaufman Fred Bradfield Donna Kohn-Rush Irene Chenin Annie Lader Sylvia Finkelstein Sally Levine Herman Fisher Fred LoMeo Somone Franks Rebecca Markowitz Samuel Getzel Frances Matusow Michelle Jensen Esther Maurer Leonard Koven Larry Miller Sonia Lutnick Celia Minkin Alex Mendoza Lois Pastrana Larry Miller Aida Rosen Clara Nathanson Rose Rubin Marilyn Leone Parnas Abbott Ruby Freda Pittler Shirley Saks Rebecca Rosenberg Ann Sandell Mary Schoenfeld Edward Sanoff Claire Strauss ArthueJ. Schur Isidor Tiffany Teri Lyn Seltzer Edwin Weinberg IN MEMORIAM: Ben Hoffman, beloved uncle of Alan Popowcer Irene Sparage, beloved aunt of Mindy Polasky David Cohen, beloved husband of Marilyn, beloved father of Fred, Stuart, Albert,Yehuda Debbie and Marcia, beloved cousin of Sid Barasch 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG ia YOM KIPPUR/SHEMINIATZERET 2006/5767 Yom Kippur Yiskor Service - Monday October 2, at 5:30 pm Shemini Atzeret Yiskor Service - Saturday October 14th at 10:00 am Sylvia Aarons Sidney Barkan Seymour Blumenthal Jerome Borak Charles Brown James Cassatta Nathan Chaddick Irving Chasnick Mike Chevealier Valyrie Corben Leo Diamond David Dreiman Ruth Falk June Frank Edie Glasser Belle Greenspun Emanuel Grossman Richard Harris Eugene Henkin Jack Hirsh Ben Hoffman Sophie Doctors Hooker Sue Kabakov Austin Koehler Lillian Lawitz Max Lax Maria Lugo Richard Matthews Sidney Mayman Alex Mendoza Julius Moll Bernice Nadelman Maer Parness Brett Perlmutter Fran Rieger Doug Ritchie Shayna Rosenberg Jack Ross Estelle Rousso Marvin Rubenstein Leonard Rudner Mary Schoenfeld Diane Schwartz Nell Searle Victor Selinsky Rose Seltzer Allen Shapin Irene Sparage Herb Tobman Roy Trupp Susie Ullman Alan Unger Richard Waxier Dean Webb Pauline Weinberg Frances Wright Stewart Zatlin |f you have the name of a loved one you would like to add to this list, please call Raren at the "Femple Off|ce at 733-^2;?2 O c t o b e r 2006 9 ) 1st-Daphne Levy Paul Lindemuth Casey Miera Breauna Rounds Mrs. Cecilia Schafler Jason Smylie 2nd-Mrs. Linda Wikler 3rd-Samuel Berkley Mr. Martin Kravitz Mr. Robert Watman 4th-Bryce Connor Nathaniel Richter Mrs. Anne Sandell Dr. Harrison Sheld Emily Weinberg Mr. William Yaffe 5th - Mrs. Stephanie Finch Ms. Freema Robbins 6th - Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ms. Lana Arad Ms. Jolie Brislin Ms. Sabrina Hazel Mr. Robert Polasky 7th ? Mrs. Sharon Bold Brandon Fleisher Jamie Greenspun Megan Levy Mr. Mitchell Posin Emily Unger 8th- Mrs. Suzann Denton-Pratt Mr. Q Knopow Ms, Wendy Nordella Mr. Peter Reveen 9th - Rebecca Mann Jaime Michelin Mr. Barry Paul Mr. Alex Rivlin Mr. Michael Saltman Samantha Thuna Kesley Woodard 10th- Michael Levine Dania Lugo Samantha Ross 11th-Ms. Lori Emptage Tyler Goldstein 12th- Mrs. Anna Bless Brandon Glanz Mrs. Lenette Rabinowitz Mrs. Mary Ross 13th-Jaden Arad Mrs. Barbara Becker Mr. David Christensen Mallory Kurtzman 14th - Mrs. Sally Feldman Emma Freid Joseph Malvin Mrs. Amy Reiner 15th-Mr. SteveGratz Dr. Jerry Schwartz 16th - Mr. Philip Engel Mr. Richard Goldstein Mrs. Maxine Gratz Mr. Leon Marco Mr. Jay Poster Dr. Allan Stahl Mrs. Rhoda Wasserstrom 17th- Mrs. Abby Corpodian Dr. Lewis Etcoff Mrs. Janis Rounds 18th - Ms. Rebecca Slotnick Michael Weingarten 19th - Shawn Bailey Madison Jackson Mrs. Andrea Melville 20th- Mr. Richard Frockt Mrs. Jane Gale Mrs. Katherine Meyers Mrs. Elaine Miller Zarah Rosen Mr. Jim Rosenberger Mrs. Midge Rubinson Mrs. Bella Scholes 21st-Mrs. Shirley Kravitz Mrs. Lisa Resnick 22nd-Mrs. Nancy Crow David Reiner 23rd-Mitchell Cohen Mrs. Joan Kamm Mrs. Phyllis Lewis Mr. Scott Ober Dr. Marc Pomerantz Mr. Jordan Siegel Jordan Slocum 24th- Mr. Alvin Esbin Mrs. Debra Hallerman Mr. Ira Levine 25th - Mr. Stephen Cohen Mr. Jeffrey Eisenhart Mrs. Linda Ellen Mr. David Sachs 26th- Mr. Steven Charles Mrs. Elayne Kollins Mrs. Adele Marks Mr. Harry Rubinson 27th- Mrs. Rhonda Goldstein 28th- Mrs. Andrea Conklin Mr. Jerald Friedman Sunny Rankow Mrs. Barbara Shulman Danny Weinstein 29th- Mrs. Lorraine Sachs 30th- Mrs. Laura Bailey Sean Bloom Mrs. Jordana Geeser Mr. Mel Hallerman Joshua Litt Mrs. Sara Posin Mr. Jeremy Richter Nicholas Socolof Kevin Spektor 31st- Mr. Jay Bloom Mrs. Linda Cohen Mrs. Luci Lewisohn Shawn Scott ( lO WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORC TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Anita & Harvey Moody, proud grandparents for the fifth time with Natalie Rae born August 29 and weighed 8 pounds, 1 oz, 21 inches long. Proud parents are Terry and Jamie Oliviera. Mazel Tov to Shelly & David Rounds, honored by LVCC Small Business Excellence Award, BIZ E, for Innovative Business of the Year. Mazel Tov to Elissa Cadish who was appointed Lawyer Representative to the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. Act 1 AV. Avj/elio Carrillo &s AA?. ^Jvilie. Pcarlmorv Act 3 AV. ?j AA^?. Gary 1^aimi?t ActS AV. & AV?. Gk^topkeK Fi^ker* AV. &s AV?. Fr'ank Fr'iedlar\de?/ TV. ?$ AV?. T^cLe>4 5kir'olT Act 6 AV. ?* AV?. (HarVcy AAoody AV. ?j AV?. Ar'tkvir' f iten Acta AV. & AV?. sJa?orv Gcr'oV AV. ?j AV?. TVew T^ovirtd? AV.&AV?.TWd5 ack? AV. ?j AV>. IVcd Torchin Act IQ AV.?j AV?. T^oher4 Cjold^tcin Act 11 tV.6AV?. Lee BerVvick AV. a AV?. oe Gr'acr'aff AV. ?5 AV?. BerVvie A\oki?ew Act 14 AV. & AV?. Gary Bor'dman Act 17 AV. & AV?. Victor'AAier'a Act 19 AV. ?j AV?. I^vjben G old?teirv AV. Bavid AAak/irv ?j AV?. J^ancy Gi'ow Act 2a AV. & AV?. 5Wn "ParV\ow Act 21 Br'.&AAr'?. Gary/Aay mart AV. ?j AV?. BoL ZJrvger' Act 23 AV. ?s AV?. Bavid Wack? Act 24 AV. AV?. Ba\/id JNadelman Act 2 S AV. ?j AV?. ^Jame? AA. Wadkirv? Act 27 AV. ?j AV?. AAitckell Goken AAr'. ?j AV?. 5 cett [Hertry Act 30 AV. ?j AAk?. Borvald Unger' Act 31 AV. ?j AAr'?. K ennetk ^Jen?en AV. ?j AAr1?. JNar'man T^c?enOctober 2006 s W Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Kol Nidre Family Service 6pm Traditional 8:15 pm NOR/S NO CONFIRMATION Yom Kippur R/S East 4:30 pm Family 9 am Gesher HS Program Traditional 11 am 6:30 pm Healing 2:30 pm Afternoon 3:30 pm Yiskor 5:30 pm Concluding 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Decorate Sukkah 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Sukkot Service 10am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 12:45pm Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult Ed 2nd Mondays 7 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Rosh Chodesh 6:45 Taste of Tot Shabbat @ King David 6:45 Simchat Torah 8. Consecration/ Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm Yiskor Service 10am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 12:45pm Mitzvah Day! >22 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Farrow Bar Mitzvah Murder Mystery Night 6:00 pm 23 24 25 26 27 28 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 12:45pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 am Men?s Club Breakfast And Car Show 11am Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm OFFICE CLOSED Nevada Day Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Tot Shabbat @ GVL 10:30am 29 30 31 Nov. 7 2 3 4 NOR/S NO CONFIRMATION Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm NO R/S East R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Shabbat Unpluggedl 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Knox Bar Mitzvah 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 7 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 12:45pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 am Lake Mead Cruise ^pm Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Rosh Chodesh 6:45 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm OFFICE CLOSED Veteran?s Day Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Friedlander Bar Mitzvah ?( O c t o b e r 2 0 0 6 l l ) Choice or Chosen? This is our Journey.... By: Laura Bailey Congregation Ner Tamid is literally a melting pot of so many different religious backgrounds. You may not know it, but there are a growing number of members who have ?chosen? to become Jewish for one reason or another. When Roberta and I talked about a new column, 1 knew that I wanted to kick it off. My husband & I moved our family here from Chicago 11 years ago. A somewhat religious family, myself raised Lutheran and Kevin Catholic, we of course looked for a church and went to services every Sunday (almost) because that?s wdiat w7e were suppose to do. Well, w7e actually looked at several churches, never quite finding a home. When my parents moved here to be closer to their grandchildren, I thought it would get easier, I would figure out w7hat was missing and get involved. Didn?t happen. My father died tw7o years after they moved here and I lost all my faith. I felt empty and alone. I guess I had felt a little like that before but now it was even more prevalent. Now, many of you are probably thinking ?Ah, this is w7here the journey begins? but it?s not! Well, physically but after some thought I realized my journey began many years ago, when I was young. I feel I was destined to be Jewish. But we?ll come back to that later. On with the story... While I wras feeling lost and alone, no faith to help get me through my sorrow7, my friend was there for me. Sandy Stolberg and her family have ahvays made us feel like part of their family. We have always been included in Hanukkah parties, Passover, B?nai Mitzvahs - w7ay before w7e converted. It w7as those experiences, seeing the tradition and commitment they had for their religion that made me reevaluate my spirituality. This was aw7kw7ard, since my husband was just fine in limbo. I wanted that sense of tradition for my children so I began doing a little research on the internet, reading a few7 books; really did my homework. That next fall, when our husbands were aw7ay on business (WAY out of the country on business) I begged Sandy to take myself and my kids to a service. She wrns a bit reluctant but I persuaded her to take us to one service. When she saw7 how much we enjoyed it, she said I had to come back next week for Simchat Torah, it?s the best. She w7as right. We then came a few weeks later to another sendee, a Bat Mitzvah. That w7as the clincher! When I saw the 12 WWW.LVNEKTAMID.ORG ^------------------------------------------------------ dedication and the feeling of accomplishment that child went through to learn Hebrew and read from the Torah, I decided right then and there that THIS was what I w'anted for my children. I wanted to someday feel the pride those parents felt when their child chanted from the Torah and led that service. Sandy introduced me to Rabbi Akselrad and after a long conversation with my husband and children, I w7as signing up for the following fall?s conversion class. One year later I and my three children w7ere officially Jewish! That was 4 years ago this past August. While my husband Kevin has not converted yet, I know in my heart that someday he will. He enjoys coming to services with us, celebrates all the holidays as a family, and even does a class now7 and then. It?s a very personal choice and everyone comes to grip with it at different times of their lives. Mine just happens to have already happened. When I look back, way back, I realize now after converting that I was meant to be a Jew7. In Judaism I have learned it?s o.k. to question, there?s never just one answer nor is there only one right answer. When I w7as growing up I questioned everything at Sunday school, all the way through high school. I never accepted the standard answer of ?because?. I needed more and now I?ve found it in Judaism. I guess that?s why I always felt it wasn?t so much a ?choice? to become Jewish, I was ?chosen? long ago. I think deep down on some level, I always wras. Watch for more stories of other people?s journeys in the next months. Eveiyone?s stoiy is different, but in s