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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 2005



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Q Looking Towards The Future 7 Worship Services Friday, July 1 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 2 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 8 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by the Hechter Family Saturday, July 9 10:00 am Joshua Hechter Bar Mitzvah ? Kiddush sponsored by the Hechter Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 15 7:ijfcrn Shabbat Service ~ On^P^ponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 16 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 22 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 23 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 29 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 30 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Candle I? Lighting Times ?yi 7:44 pm CO r 7:43 pm July 15 7:40 pm July 22 7:36 pm July 29 7:31 pm July 2005 Vol. XIX No. 7 Sivan/Tammuz 5765 WE?RE MOVING! At the Annual Congregational Meeting, June 12, 2005, the congregational membership overwhelmingly approved the sale of our present facility. This means that we will vacate the building that we have occupied for almost 25 years on December 21, 2005. While we wait for the completion of our new facility at 1-215 and Valle Verde in Green Valley the fall of 2006, we will occupy temporary facilities as close to our new location as possible. We have already begun the process of finding locations for our services, activities and programs. It will be a sad day for all of us when we leave 2761 Emerson, but we will carry our memories with us to our new home which will be much better suited to meet our needs and aspirations.Special Announcements July Birthdays 1st ? Mrs. Deeann Emmer Joshua Pomerantz Dr. Alan Sacks Mrs. Leslie Simon 2nd -CJ Akselrad Allison Etcoff Mr. Gilbert Flores, Jr. Kurt Plotkin Ms. Debra Schultz Dr. Irwin Simon Mr. Douglas Webb 3rd ? Mrs. Rita Moses- Malkin Ms. Cookie Olshein Mr. Bob Sasner 4th - Mrs. Diane Epstein Anna Lieberman Mr. Geoffrey Schafler Alexa Schwartz Mrs. Darlene Vaturi 5th - Nicolas Posin Dr. David Wikler 6th - Aryn Michelle Bordman Brandon Bordman Mr. Steven Fried Mrs. Jenny Ingerman Mrs. Edythe Katz Yarchever Mrs. Gloria Matusow Jeremy Poster Mrs. Terri Rosenberg Mrs. Sara W. Schuman Kallie Jayne Stevens 7th - Noah Katz Mr. William Mahon Bryce Ober Mr. Donald Zerlin 8th- Mrs. Cynthia Bailin Ms. Shawna Brody Matthew Bulavsky Jacob Jasper Mrs. Geraldine Siletta 9th - Mrs. Toby Esbin Joshua Hechter Stella Knopow 10th - Mrs. Lois Bergman Cailene Curran Mr. Kenneth Epstein Mr. Brian Katz Daniel Naness Jordan Zeitlin 11th -Matthew Hechter Max Ingerman Michael Jacobs Ashley Primack 12th - Dr. William Bossak Ariel Tarbet Ms. Andrea Worth 13th - Madalyn Appleyard Mrs. Jill Drucker Mrs. Anelia Werner Mr. Charles Berman 14th -Ms. Lori Bordman Mrs. Fern Chenin Scott Goldstein Mrs. Eileen Kollins Mrs. Sylvia Light 15th - Mrs. Lynda French Mr. Gary Lieberman Chloe Litt 16th -Mr. Richard Bale Stephen Cane Shayna Pelham Dr. Fred Sherman Mr. Gary Soresman 17th - Shelby Giancaspro Mr. David Goldstein Mrs. Dena Mann 18th -Ryan Kaner Mr. Barry Lewisohn Noah Yaffe 19th - Ryan Eisner Mr. Ronald Fleekop Gina Gollard Joanna Rubinstein 20th - Samantha Milton Mrs. Mary Socolof Mr. Andrew Urban 21st - Rabbi Simon Bergman Maya Bernstein Skylar Eisenhart Ariel Gale 22nd - Ms. Tuyet Adler Mrs. Michele Fendell ? Mr. Louis Friedman Mrs. Norma Friedman Sam Karasik Laurel Rosenberg Mrs. Mary Zone 23rd - Guy Cohen Mrs. Dolly Farrow Mr. Bernie Matusow Mrs. Christina Primack 24th - Mrs. Shari Schwartz 25th - Mr. Sidney Barasch Mrs. Barbara Bradfield Mr. Leo Schoenfeld Sydney Yuman 26th - Mr. Glenn Burke Mrs. Laura Grau Sierra Rankow Mr. Michael Zone 27th - Mrs. Arlene Cohen Mrs. Lisa Cohen Mrs. Sondra McCall Katherine Meoz Macy Palbaum Leah Wikler 29th - Brandon Levy David Lieberman Cassandra Michelin Mrs. Gertrude Moldave Mrs. Harriet Smylie Mrs. Donna Willey 30th - Mr. Matthew Herren Mrs. Christy Molasky Ms, Summer Rivlin Mr. Michael Rodin 31st- Sam Akselrad Mr. Howard Layfer High Holyday Choir! Rehearsals Begin July 26 @ 7pm In the Beit Tefillah Not Too Late To Join, All Voices Welcome! Anniversaries July 3 Mr. fa Mrs. Scott Knox July 4 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Schuman July 5 Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. David Stahl July 6 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Esbin July 7 Mr. Neil & Hon. Sylvia Beller Mr. & Mrs. Ron Ellen July 9 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Birch Mr. Mitchell Posin & Ms. Anita Gramont July 11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Geiger July 12 Mr. & Mrs. Herman Rabinowitz July 14 Mr. & Mrs. Morris Katz July 15 Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Benedict July 16 Dr. & Mrs. MarcJ. Pomerantz July 17 Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bredlau July 18 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilder July 20 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Letizia July 22 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Schwartz July 25 Mr. & Mrs. David Shapin July 26 Dr. fa Mrs. Alan Sacks Mr. & Mrs. David Scheinman July 27 Dr. & Mrs. Rick Bernstein July 29 Dr. & Mrs. Bruno Borenstein July 30 Major & Mrs. Mark Woodard i i 2 w w w . I v n e ri:3 ro i 4 ? o hj Committees & Auxiliaries Adult Learning Adult Education ii. >MMER SCHOOL" Mondays, July 11, 18, 25 RSVP to Temple Office 733- 6292 Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein will be teaching a variety of one- night classes throughtout the summer. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish Life, beginning July 11th Time to Get to Know the Ladies: Women of the Jewish Bible; July 18th Jewish Fortune Cookies: The Book of Proverbs; July 25th Kings & Queens Ain't Just for Poker: Getting to Know Our Jewish Royalty. There is no charge for these classes but pre-registration is required. INTRODUCTION TO J.^AISM T'Mkjays, June 21 - August 2 6:00 - 7:00 pm RSVP to Temple Office 733- 6292 This course will be taught by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein. This class will cover the "basics" of Judaism - the how and why of what we do, say, think, and even eat the things that we do! BEGINNING HEBREW Tuesdays, June 21 - August 2 7:15 - 8:15 pm RSVP to Temple Office 733- 6292 This class will be taught by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein. It will begin "in the beginning" with how to identify and pi^nounce each letter and cAnue with learning basic Hebrew words. This class will give you the keys to unlock the Jewish prayer book. High Holy Day Tickets To clarify the Temple's policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year's Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total were $2,500 (your full 5 year commitment), you would need to have a minimum of $375 paid towards your 2004 BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5=$500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues were $2,000, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,500 paid towards your 2004 Annual Dues ($2,000 X 75%=$1,500). In total, you would need to have $1,875 paid towards your 2004 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts may differ.) If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office. v_______________________________________________________________________________) B?nai Mitzvah News Josh Hechter July 9, 2005 Shalom, my name is Joshua S. Hechter and I am very excited to become a Bar Mitzvah onjuly 9th. I am in the seven the grade at Greenspun JHS. I enjoy skateboarding with my brother and friends. I like to listen to music, play video games, and traveling with my family. My favorite subjects are Science, and Math. I play clarinet for the school band and enjoy my hobby, coin collecting. I love being with my friends and family. Sharing this day with them is made extra cool as it is also my thirteenth birthday! Please join my family, my friends, and myself on this special occassion. Shelby Giancaspro July 30, 2005 Hi, my name is Shelby Giancaspro and I will become a Bat Mitzvah onjuly 30th. I am in the 7th grade at Hyde Park Middle School, a member of the Chamber Orchestra and play the violin. We just won first place in Washington D.C! I participate in the Student Council, Storytelling Club and the Best Me, which is a running program. We just ran in the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer 5K. I also enjoy babysitting and swimming. July 2 0 0 5 3 25th International Jewish Genealogy Conference July 10-15 at The Flamingo Hotel 120 Lectures ~ Expert Consultation 10 Special Luncheons ~ Noted Authors Computer Workshops ~ Resource Rooms Jewish Film Festival Special Guest Speakers Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Mayor Oscar B. Goodman For more information and to register, visit their website at 4 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm. Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or chemically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group.. Tell someone you love. Alzheimer's Support Group Monday, July 11, 6:30 pm This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm In the Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. JFSA Needs Food Newly Elected Temple Board Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees / Auxiliaries IFIN/Family Promise Needs Volunteers To volunteer, contact Bette Stahl 735-8104 / OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 / jcohenl IHN/Family Promise is a community wide program. Homeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep in one of the classrooms, and then return to a day house each morning. Volunteers are needed to spend one night with them at the temple or bring hot meals to the temple for them in the evening. < Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine MolinskyVP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg; VP Membership Retention Cindyjensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee DavidShapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Debbie Levy, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendel, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee i Rosh Chodesh THURSDAY, July 7?, 6:30 pm Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toff el. Men?s Club President Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President Hilary Scbeele, NTTY Co-President 6 w w w .lvnertgroicborg JULY 2005 ^^inday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ?1W 1 2 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Independence Day Office Closed Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7:00 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm Rosh Chodesh 6:30 AA 7:00 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Hechter Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Alzheimer?s Support Group 6:30 pm The Women of the Jewish Bible 7:15 prr Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7:00 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm AA 7:00 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Mei^?lub Breakfast 8-c^B The Book of Proverbs 7:15 pm Intro to Judaism 6pm Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15pm AA 7:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Getting to Know Our Jewish Royalty 7:15 pm Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm AA 7:00 pm Answering Christian Missionaries 7 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Giancaspro Bat Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 31 August 1 10 Ways to Spice-Up Your Spiritual Life 7:15pm 2 Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7:00 pm Begining Hebrew 7:15 pm 3 4 AA 7:00 pm Answering Christian Missionaries 7 pm 5 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 6 Wellinghoff Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Upcoming August The Biennial Website is Open for Business! ^^jgust 14 - Dodger?s Game in Los Angeles August 14- Multi-Temple Service @ Gov?t Bldg. August 26 - Prospective Member Shabbat The Web site for the Reform Movement?s 2005 Biennial is now online! Go to www.biennial.urj.ora. and you?ll find a one-stop resource for all the information you?ll need to register. The site includes online registration materials, a full schedule of Biennial workshops and events, a guide to the Biennial Exhibit Hall, and maps of the George R. Brown Convention Center and downtown Houston, information on keynote speakers and much more! July 2 0 0 5 7 Temple Tributes ADULT EDUCATION FUND In loving memory of Sheila Goodman From: Elaine Goodman AMY M. SPECTOR MEMORIAL FUND Dr. Goesel Anson Mazel Tov on the cover of Las Vegas Life maga?zine. You truly are the best From: Jolie Alhadeff Confirmation Class of2005 You give us all hope! Mazel Tov on your confirmation. From: Jolie Alhadeff & John Brislin Janet Cohen In loving memory of Morris Cohen, his memory will be forever cherished From: Lisa, David, Adam & Valerie Cohen Karen Levine Flappy to see you back! From: Allan Nathanson In loving memory of my mother Theresa Abramson From: Lenette Rabinowitz Pat Gorman In loving memory of Eugene Suroweic From: Fay & Leo Schoenfeld CANTORIAL SOLOIST?S DISCRETIONARY FUND In loving memory of Buford Hicks - father, grandfather, friend. We love and miss you From: Laura & Kevin Bailey and Family Mazel Tov to all of you in the Confirmation class of2005 on a job well done From: Shama & Stewart Blumenfeld In loving memory of David Blumenfeld From: Shama & Stewart Blumenfeld Philip Thank you for the wonderful concert From: Gert & Sam Moldave Philip Thank you for helping Liza become a Bat Mitzvah. We have received many compliments about the service from family & friends. From: Amy & Steve Reiner LIBRARY FUND In loving memory of Ben Sandell From: Anne & Lawrence Sandell OPERATIONS FUND Vicki & Don Mattola In loving memory of your father Isidro Nogueira From: Allan Nathanson IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Esther Alter Kate Lutz Isadore Wexler Freida (Daisy) Bomstein Bernard Carlton Jack Novak Herman Ebinsky Joseph Esbin Sadie Esbin Thelma Weidenfeld Maurice Meyers Gloria Starkman Sol Merker Henry Ritchie Pierre Picavet Dorothy Bark Frank Greensweig Joseph Light REMEMBERED BY: Adelaide & Harry Alter Dolores & Richard Bale Natalie Berger Allen Bomstein Mrs. Bernard Carlton Judy Cornett Alvin Esbin Toby & Martin Esbin & Family Toby & Martin Esbin & Family Beth & Barry Fischer Annette Friedman Linda & David Goldstein Sarita Merker Greene Barbara Greenspun Maria D. Horowitz Selma & Harold Katz Levy Family Sylvia Light IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Joann Zuber Belle Brenner Robert A. Fratrick Bette Ruth Fratrick Dora Nathanson Harry Nathanson Alvan Paul Roger Peltyn Adele Lundy Ruth Plotnick Mollie Ackerman Morton Saiger Jack Margone Etta Sheld Lucille Goldstein Abraham Goldstein Paula Greenspan Bessie Kreisman REMEMBERED BY: Melvin Lintz Gloria & Bemie Matusow Judi & Kelly Morris Judi & Kelly Morris Allan Nathanson Allan Nathanson Brenda & Barry Paul Sandy Peltyn Faye L.Peresman Edward Plotnick Carol & Leonard Raizin Reba Saiger Arlene & Harvey Santer Harrison H. Sheld The Sprague Family The Sprague Family The Sprague Family The Stolberg Family RABBI?S DISCRETIONARY FUND Rabbi, In appreciation From: Michelle Blank, Sarah & Spenser Hy Lasker Our condolences on the passing of your mother From: Barbara & Marvin Budgar In appreciation of Taste of Judaism classes From: Brian R. Cantor & Denise Bond Rabbi, as a visitor to Las Vegas I appreciated and enjoyed Friday services very much From: Paul Donner , Rabbi Thank you for making Ethan?s baby naming a special moment' for him & our family From: Julie & Eric Fisher Rabbi In honor of the baby naming of Jadyn Bliss, who was named after her great grandmother Bessie, a wonderful woman of valor From: Janice & Harry Garshofsky In honor of baby Eli Aaron J. Lundy From: Faye L. Peresman Rabbi Thank you for helping Liza become a Bat Mitzvah. We have received many compliments about the service from family & friends. From: Amy & Steve Reiner In loving memory of Mina Leboff From: Pearl & Henri Rouzaud Laura, Lee & Michael Reiter We mourn the loss of your beloved husband & father Neil Reiter From: Linda & Ken Schnitzer In loving memory of my mother, Augusta Sternberg From: Gerd (Gary) Sternberg Joni Akselrad Congratulations on your special birthday From: Arlene & Fred Toffel Harriet Kushner In loving memory of your mother Nellie Price From: IrisTorjman RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Toni Trabucco & Michael Miller Congratulations on your marriage From: Jan & Doug Fleckner Jackie Fleekop:Thank you for your warmth & Jewish teaching to th children, parents & community. We appreciate you From: The Watman Family with love 8 www.lvnertamicl-org Yahrzeits ~ M emoriams ~ Simchas IN MEMORIAM: 'm^ris Cohen, beloved father of David, beloved father-in-law of Lisa, beloved grandfather of Valerie and Adam Buddy Kaufman, beloved friend of Candace and Bemie Yuman Marilyn Mehr; beloved mother of Michael, beloved mother-in-law of Jodi and beloved grandmother of Zoe and Hannah TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Linda and Ron Ellen on the hi^i school graduation of their three guBfidaughters, Brandi, Brittany and Taylor who are cousins and best friends. They all graduate in California at different schools all onjune 16th at the same time! Mazel Tov to Shirley Gellin on the marriage of her grandson David Sternberg to Colleen Zerlde June 11th. We wish them many happy healdiy years together. Congratulations to Robert Cohen for the following achieements at school: member of the Jr Honor Society and was Student of the month in May. Way to go Robert! Julyl Yahrzeits July 22 cont. Sidney Aberman Jason Giancaspro Violet Advocate July 8 cont. Yetta Gratz Jennie Asch Roberta Price Herman ?Hank? Greenspun Evelyn Axenfeld Beckie Reich Abraham Herman Ronald Barto JackRivkind Cecile Jasper Dora Bernstein Clara Routtenberg Lois J. Kaplan Jack Best Dora Salmon Dorothy Kollins John Billingsley Malka Santer Donald Leboff Theresa Bossak Charles Scher Ruth Levins Elona Bricker Anita Sernoe Robert Levy Michael Brunner Leonard Spector Leo Lewis Litzie Diwald Marion Susler Ruth Lipman Don Eisner Myron Tassler Harry Miller Abraham Etkin Solomon Miller Rose Gellin July 15 Mildred Mirrop Helen Herzog Mollie Barasch Samuel Schlesinger Joseph Kahn Irving Berger Herman Schoenfeld Meyer Kinsler Dr. George Bolatin James F. Stone William Kuller Harry Brothman Leo Wilner Betsie McRitchie Wally Cowan Leslie Ritchie Louis Demner David Alan Ross Irving Devine Ruth Batchelor Jeanne Sax Harriet Elman Melvin Bernstein Louis Seltzer Jacob Feinstein Abraham Cavadlo Osman Sirin Marvin Frank Rose Okun Chernin Sonia Smoler Wanda Frondorf Jack Duchowny Stanley Tishk Ernest George Jeannette Epstein Jerome Unger Evelyn Herzog Greenstein Martin Foosaner Betty Herman Alex Fox Jnlyh Terry Lee Ivener Arlyne Gerstler Dorothy P. Adler Joseph Krentzman Bessie Goldstein Jonas Ames Lou Letizia Sylvia Goldstein Meyer Benedict Celestine Malchoff Ben S. Handler Saul Bossak Samuel Mark Marsha Kahn Harry Comer Judith Milano Gerald Kaufman Ray Davis Bernard Nathanson Hyman Kubelun Irving Eichner Lillian Rodin Jeanne Laefer Ruth Finkelstein Anne Schneider Alan M. Lozofsky Robert Frankl Aaron Shore Carl Meyers Vivian Gold David Simon Frank Rodin Roselyn Goldberg Irving Waller Michael Roth William Goldberg Norman D. Siegel Barry Hahn July 22 Eva Stone Frank Horberg Estelle Auslander Isidore Tobman Rose Kestenbaum Baynes Barron Charles Weintraub Melvin Krauss Joseph Benisch Jacob Lader Joel Berger Maryan Milstein Sylvia Daien Herman Nass Julia Diwald Dorothy Ohriner Louis Fox July 2 0 0 5 9 err Uccun&d. U'lirite^A Creating Corporate Identity From Business Cards to 4-Coloring Process and Beyond 384-5072 <U*tce, f ?S6 Specializing in Personalized Rosh Hashanah Cards On-Time, Within Budget Greg Cindy Goussak MAfcelvjH R Custom Invitations &L Announcements for AH Hand Si Computerized Calligraphy Donation to Temple with Every Order By Appointment Only to Serve You Better 7 02 154-7891 7oi 257-7891 (fax) MEL & DEBBIE HALLERMAN Broker / Sales Associates (702)458-7070 BUSINESS (702)458-6253 FAX (702) 596-6400 MEL CELL (702) 596-2520 DEBBIE CELL 10120 S. Eastern Ave., #300 Henderson, NV 89052 ?Your Perfect Partners? Each office is individually Owned and Operated SURGICAL WEIGHT ,'i*. t P. ? ' .V- CONTROL CENTER A' **.. *: ? Barry L. Fisher, MD, FACS 3802 Meadows Lane Las Vegas, ,W 89107 (702) 313-8446 \. -V ? .?:* www, MC/DJ'S OH BUND & DJ TOGETHER DIGITAL VIDEOGRRPHY ON DVD DIGITAL & FILM PHOTOGRAPHY DECOR & CENTERPIECES PROJECTION SHOWS (702) 655-5500 A'Moman's vi'A. | TAKE ON VIDEO - .A and pkotoejTYjpk^ too! O Creative 'wm jar Custom T ?2 Centerpieces H & More X ?2 C Theme Parties ?2 Bar/Bat Mftzvabs S Showers/Wedd i rigs ? Special Events Susan Schyman 702 768-74-53 10 w w w .lvn ert^m i4-o i-g #p EcoQuesti Fresh Air Purification Systems Steve Kane Deserl Fresh Air Dealer# 883979 Toll Free (866) 807-3035 Tel. (702) 655-1050 Cell (310) 901-4122\ l southlandsteve@aol. com '"ivs*' uYYW.Fcuqm?st.runL'iiesertfmhair * OFFICE *HOME Hr PERSONAL ?AUTO Let the Fresh Air in with EcoQuest Joyce G. Scheinman, ba, crs, abr, cmg Stress Free Relocation Cellular: (702) 339-2773 Toll Free: (866) 537-5203 Fax: (702) 893-3878 E-Mail: Liberty Realty 4055 S. Spencer Si., #108 ? Las Vegas, NV89! 19 Residential ? Commercial ? Investment ? Land II hy keep your success a secret? RUTH FURMAN l*itUlit tty ? II i it i tig .VhtiT.' rtitli tt tut hi ll rni.m .t oni [ilhiizsl til BOB WATMAN REALTOR? Certified Summerlin Specialist Multi-Million Dollar Producer 4730 S. Fort Apache Rd? #100 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Bus: (702) 933-4500 Cell: (702) 321-3498 Res: (702) 869-2265 Fax: (702) 920-7649 www, BobWatman .com realest824x7 @ aol .com Realty Executives of Nevada ? Independently Owned and Operated Want To Advertise in the Temple Bulletin^ Contact the Office for Information 733-6292 July 2 0 0 5 11 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbak@ivnertamid. org Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Pgoidstein@ivnertamid. org Executive Director Irv Duchowny iduchowny@ivnertamid. org Program Director Roberta Unger , Bulletin Editor Laura Bailey Rabbi's Admin. Asst. > Karen Levine Executive Director's Asst. Lynette Solomon Lsoiomon@ivnertamid. org Receptionist Mary Zone Mzone@ivnertamid. org Bookkeeper Angie Coleman Acoieman@ivnertamid. org Phone: 702-733-6292 Fax: 702-733-8553 Congregation Ner Tamid -ran u n?np The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Ave. ~ Las Vegas ~ NV -89121 (702) 733-6292 Fax: (702) 733-8553 Non Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. August 14, 2005 CNT MEN?S CLUB PRESENTS ?TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! Join us for another day trip to see the LA Dodgers vs. the New York Mets. We will meet here at 6:30 am and return around 9:30 pm. Fun for the whole family! Bus, food, drinks on the bus, and field level seats are included. All this for $75/person! | Tickets are limited so RSVP now to the temple office. Last year there was a FULL bus!