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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, February 2005



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    Congregation NerTamid Looking Towards the Future Worship Services Friday, February 4 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, February 5 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday,February 11 7:30 pm Shabbatone Family Service Featuring Cantor Lisa Levine (Sanctuary) Oneg co?sponsored by the Raimist Family and Nanette & Ira Spector Saturday, February 12 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Josh Raimist (Sanctuary) Kiddush sponsored by Ramist Family am Bible Study ^^10 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) February 2005 Vol. XIX No. 2 Shevat/Adar I 5765 Special Guest Cantor Lisa Levine Shabbatone Service February 11th at 7:30 pm Cantor Lisa Levine was born and raised in Bakersfield, California, where she began singing and playing the guitar at the age of 8. She was a UAHC camp song leader and active in the Reform Jewish youth movement. After earning her Bachelors Degree in Music from University of California Irvine, she went on to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, where she completed her Masters Degree in Sacred Music. She was invested Cantor in 1989 and served as Cantor/Music Director of Temple Shalom in Dallas, TX until 1996. From 1996 until July 2000, Lisa served as the Cantor/Music Director of Temple B'nai Jeshurun in Des Moines, Iowa. She was a co-founder and guest conductor of the Des Moines Diversity Chorus, an interfaith community choir dedicated to promoting diversity and understanding. Her solo CD "Gems of the High Holy Days" was recorded live for Iowa Public Radio at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Des Moines. From 2000 to 2003 Lisa served as Cantor of Temple B'nai Jehudah in Kansas City. Continued on page 4 Friday, February 18 7:30 pm Shabbat Service (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, February 19 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) "Galleria of Health" 4th Annual Health Fair Sunday, February 1 3th 1 1 am - 5 pm at Galleria Mall Friday, February 25 7:30 pm Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, February 26 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) ) Candle Lighting Zt Times February 4 February 11 February 18 February 25 Initially conceived to focus on men?s health issues, the Men?s Club has broadened the scope this year to include a wide variety of topics for women and children as well. We are planning to have exhibitors displaying the latest in health related services and products. These will include physician services such as oncology, radiation therapy, neurosurgery, chiropractic and cardiology. We will have providers of diabetes education, glucose testing devices, diabetes footwear and laboratory services. Booths will also be set up to teach about availability of health related financial products and a senior summer program. A number of the exhibitors will have free blood pressure, height, weight and body fat content evaluation, along with osteoporosis screening. We will also have local medical experts present lectures on a number of health related issues. Tentatively scheduled are presentations in the area of oncology, cardiology, diabetes, weight management and fitness. Our very own Men?s Club board member Michael Milano will also lecture on the benefits and availability of long term care insurance. Continued on page 11From The Rabbi ' Where When Life is ? With the sweep of an unimaginable gigantic wave, the sea came, covering homes, destroying property, taking lives. For millions, just as history is marked before and after WW 11 or before and after 9/11, they will count their time, before and after the tsunami of 2004. For the survivors, how these individuals interpret this incredible event will shape the rest of their lives. For some they will decide that this event has destroyed their lives and there is no reason to go on living. For some they will decide that this was literally an ?act of God? and they had done ? mmm something that warrants God?s wrath. For some they will see the political machinations of the United States and Israel detonating an underground atomic bomb. For some they will see this as nature?s way of natural selection. For some they will see their loved ones die and decide that life is bitterly unfair. And for others, they will somehow survive with their loved ones safe, and decide that there are indeed miracles. In many respects how people rationalize and interpret tragedy is a reflection of their set of core beliefs and life experiences. Some people hold fast to the notion that God rewards those who are good and punishes those who are bad. All of life?s events are seen through the prism of religious guilt. Others see the world in terms of politics. Life?s ills are the result of other country?s wrong doing. To this day there att literally millions upon millions of Muslims who believe that 9/11 was the result of some ?plot by Israel?. DoW confuse them with the facts, they would rather find ?hope? in their fear. And still others see even in the midst of sadness, something to be thankful for: that more did not die. That some were saved. That the world rallied together giving immediate aid to help the victims of this disaster. In our own personal world we face tragedies big and small. They may pale in comparison to a giant tsunami, but the pain is our own and can be for us life changing. The onset of a chronic illness, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, financial loss. The list is endless. And the point is the same: how we interpret our loss will shape the rest of our lives. We all know people who have seen tragedy and survived battered and bruised, but nonetheless able to move forward in life. And we have seen those who never recover. Differences in situations abound, but to a large measure one?s ability to find faith in the midst of despair can make the difference between life and a living death. Too often I have seen people filled with guilt tell me that their loved one died because God was punishing them. The result? They rejected God. After all who needs a God like this? But I cannot believe that God is up high throwing tsunamis at us to somehow ?make us better?. The dead can do little to improve their character. But I can accept that God acts through us in responding to life?s tragedies. When strangers help strangers. When people decide to rebuild their lives after losing everything. When people so bitterly betrayed and hurt by a loved one, learn to love again. There is God. Through our history, we Jews have learned this lesson all too well. May we now reach out to help others in need so that our helping hand brings a world of hope to those in need. May our actions be those of the Divine within reaching to comfort and heal a world shattered by an act of nature. And when we see a friend who has been hurt by life, may we find it within ourselves to comfort them and be with them in their time of need. In so doing we become partners with God in bringing hope and healing to the world. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad 2 w ww .lvn ertam id .o rg Committees & Auxiliaries A dult Learning FIRST MONDAYS #>VP to Temple Office 733-6292 "First Mondays" continues Feb 7. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish life - Jewish Contributions to Sports & Entertainment in 20th Century, American-Jew? Or Jewish- American? A Jew Living in America, and The Educated Jew: Survey of Jewish History, Ideas and Peoplehood. There is no charge for these classes but pre?registration is required. Rabbi's Lunch and Learn TUESDAY, February 1st Please note we're back to Tuesdays beginning in February. Bring your lunch and join Rabbi ^or an open discussion on Widrash. Committees/ Auxilaries Shema Necklaces Information contact Sheryl Chenin- Webb at Sisterhood is selling sterling silver Shema Pendants with chain for $18. They are now available in the gift shop so stop by and check them out. Hamantashen Baking SUNDAY, February 27th, 9:30 am Questions? Contact Temple office We're in the kitchen once again baking Plamantashen for the Purim Carnival! Come help fcjsterhood, have fun, meet new people! Everyone is welcome. Annual Men's Club Golf Tournament SUNDAY, April 10th SAVE THE DATE! Questions? Contact Mike Milano at or Howard Layfer at Once again it will be held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. Registration begins at 7:00 am, followed by Breakfast and Prac?tice Range, with a Shotgun Start at 8:00 am. Lunch to follow golf. Hole Sponsors, Silent Auction Items and Raffle Prizes Needed. Contact Mike or Howard. Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE - February 10th Mail checks payable to - Sandy Stolberg, 1904 Plantea Ct, LV 89117 Questions? Call her at 228- 6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you're a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Make checks payable to Sandy Stolberg. Sisterhood earned $200 last year from all the cards sold! BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY-March 13th During the Purim Carnival Contact Allan Nathanson at I or email allanni@yahoa(xn1^^P? SAVE THEXtfJ^nle Men?s Club has t|wj^up with United Blood S^tes to hold a blood drive. Please mark your calendars and plan to donate. RSVP to Allan Nathanson. An Evening with "Ask Sadie" SATURDAY, February 5th Dessert 6:30 pm, Speaker 7:00 pm RSVP to temple office for both speaker and baby-sitting MORE DETAILS ON PAGE 13 Sisterhood is excited to bring you Marnie Winston-Macauley, internationally syndicated columnist behind "Ask Sadie". Join us for dessert and a celebration of yiddishkeit. This FREE event is sponsored by Sisterhood and open to the entire community. So tell your friends and neighbors! There will be baby-sitting available for just $5/per child (must be potty- trained). Rabbi's Book Review Luncheon THURSDAY- March 3rd, 11:00 am RSVP Linda Goldstein at 260-8747 Questions? Contact Linda Enjoy a catered lunch and good company for only $12 per person as Rabbi reviews the book The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism, by Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin. Get your copy in our Gift Shop for only $10.40. You can save $2 off the cost of this event by using a coupon from Sisterhood's Echad Initiative Coupon Book. (If you don't have one, they will be available for purchase at the door!) For more information on any of these events, contact the temple office at 733-6292. D e b r u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 5 Philip?s Message Just a ^ (a very short note) Be sure to put Feb. 11th on your calendar as we have a special Shabbatone service wit visiting Cantor Lisa Levine. This will be a service to remember, as all of our choirs will be singing as well as the Shabbatone band playing and singing too. This will be a wonderful service and the music will leave you uplifted. I wish I could tell you more, but 1 don?t want to spoil any surprises. Tell a friend to be there too. SAVE THESE DATES - April 1st, Music Season Shabbat with Steve Dropkin;June 5th, Cantor?s Concert to be held at our temple. Watch for more information! B?Shalom, Philip Family Game Night February 26th 7 pm in Social Hall Come share your family?s favorite game, with our family. Everyone is welcome; best of all it?s FREE! Checkers, Monopoly, Sorry, Bunco. Bring your favorite snack too - chips, crackers, veggies, whatever you wish - to share with everyone. Drinks will be provided. Sponsored by the Temple, Sisterhood, and Men?s Club. Cantor Lisa cont. Lisa has recorded two CD?s of original music entitled "Keep The Spirit and "In The Light.? She recently published her self-titled songbook, which contains 22 original songs for healing, prayer and unity. Her original musical compositions are published by Transcontinental Music and appear in ?The Complete Shireinu?, ?The Complete Chanukah Songbook,? Synagogue 2000?s ?Songs of Healing? the CCAR?s ?Open Door Haggadah,? ?American Conference of Cantors Lifecycle Manual, ? Soundswrites ?Sounds of Torah? as well as Complete Jewish Songbook II and Shabbat Anthology II. Lisa?s songs were featured and performed at the URJ Biennial in Boston and Minneapolis. Her long anticipated solo album titled ?Reaching For Peace? is soon to be released. In July of 2003 Lisa was elected the fifth Cantor of historic Temple Oheb Shalom in Baltimore, Maryland. She shares her life with her husband Andy and their two children, Emily & Louis and a very feisty West Highland Terrier named Duncan. d Please join us in welcoming her Friday, February 11th, at 7:30 pm as she joins us for a speciar Shabbatone Family Service. This will truly be a night to remember! 4 www.lvnertamid.o rg B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews Josh Raimist February 12, 2005 1 Hello, my name is Josh Raimist. I was born in Thousand Oaks, California, which is a very nice place in the suburbs. I am a seventh grader and I attend the Meadows School. I play football, wrestling and lacrosse in leagues. I also like to play video games, talk on the telephone, watch TV and read. I welcome you to my Bar Mitzvah on February 12. Please join me in this celebration. ATTENTION PARENTS OF 2006 BAR/BAT MITZVAH We are beginning to schedule Bar/Bat Mitzvahs for the calendar year 2006. Letters were mailed in December. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2006 and have not received a packet from the office, please call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates please contact Rabbi Akselrad. v__________________________________________________2 ?PCJRIM CARNIVAL food V ? 1 } ? TON FOR.THE WHOLE FAMILY! Portion of profits to benefit Shade Tree NTTY EVENTS Attention all 9th - 12th Graders! February 6 - Pot-Luck Superbowl Party February 13 - Sky Mania Fun Center February 18-22 - NTTY Convention I would like to thank Megan Stolberg, Freshman rep., for organizing and doing such a wonderful job on the ?50?s Senior Prom? at Seville Terrace. Also thanks all the NTTYites that cared and participated in this social action event. The seniors had a wonderful time and can?t wait for you guys to come back in the spring! Seeing the joy in their faces brought tears to my eyes, I am proud of all of you, thanks!!! If you would like to attend an event, or have questions, contact Yvonne Weiss-Greenfield at 304- 0605 or or NTTY President Jen Zuckerman Preschool News FEBRUARY - The children are very busy and always having fun and delight in the learning process. They will be celebrating Ground Hog's Day ( hope he sees his shadow) and Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays as well this month. Tu B'shevat (the new year for the trees) will also be an interesting experience for them. We will do our annual spring planting and enjoy sometime playing in the dirt. We will also be baking Challah and making Challah covers. On February 25th we will be singing at the Las Vegas Senior life center. We will be superstars and performing a mitzvah as well. We are in the process of learning fun songs and working on our Purim play. Of course we continue to learn our numbers, letters, colors, shapes, prereading and math skills, along with music, science, computer and history. The work of our dedicated teachers certainly is apparent on the faces of our students. We have only two spots left in our program for new students so if you are interested please give us a call at the office at 733-6292 TOT SHABBAT Join us for our next service February 4 at 6:30 pm. We start in the Beit Tefillah and then have craft and a snack in room 12. Everyone is welcome, ages 2-6. For more information, contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-7252 (evenings). T e b r u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 5 Your Executive Director In lieu of an article, I would like to introduce our office staff to you. These are just a few of the people who make everything run so smoothly here at the temple. This month you will meet our Receptionist, the ExecutiA Director?s Assistant, Rabbi?s Administrative Assistant, and our bookkeeper. These are some of the people who he^ make this such a ?special place to belong?. So now when you call, you will be able to put a face with the person on the other end of the line. Irv I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada and moved to California in 1962. I met and married my husband Michael in 1967. We worked together in our own Company until 1990 when we decided to close the business and retire to Las Vegas permanently. We joined the Temple in 1994 and I began volunteering in the office and got involved in Sisterhood. It wasn?t long till I was in the office 3 days a week, so in December 19971 joined the staff full time. The rest is history. Need to send a Tribute or make reservations ? Call me! Mary Zone Receptionist Lynette moved to Las Vegas in 1994 from Tennessee. She started her Jewish education in March of 1999, converting to Judaism in November 2000, and became an Adult B?Nai Mitzvah in June 2004. She has been married to Stu for 10 years and has an 8 year old son Alex. Joined the staff in October 2004. Lynette Solomon Executive Director?s Assistant Karen moved here from Mt. Kisco, NY in April of 1996 with her husband Marv. She began a new career at CNT as Rabbi?s Administrative Assistant in July of 1996. She also assists our Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein. She met Jackie Fleekop and became fast friends with her and Jackie?s family. Her son Steven moved here in February of 1997 and met Sandee, Jackie?s daughter and the rest is history. They are now one big happy family. Karen and Marv have two granddaughters, Madison and Amanda and are waiting for their third one any minute. Karen Levine Rabbi?s Administrative Asst. Angela Coleman moved to Las Vegas from So. California in 1998. She has had 25 years experi?ence in accounting and bookkeeping. Her hobbies include racing Nascar Super Late Models @ the Bullring Las Vegas Motorspeedway, singing with Celebrity City of the Sweet Adelines who are going to International Contest in Oct '05 and are currently 12th in the world, and her 4 cats. Angie Coleman Bookkeeper 6 President?s Message Temple Board ||~ Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee Jordie Primack, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee ? Debra Cohen, TrusteeDOO Bernie Matusow, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee Cindy Jensen, Trustee Sheryl Chenin-Webb, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men's Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President Later this month, about ten members of our congregation will travel to Costa Mesa, CA for the URJ Regional Biennial Convention. Having attended these as well as the National convention, I know I can count on having a spiritual, educational, and enjoyable experience. We will also be there to see David Stahl installed on the Regional URJ Board. Mazel Tov David!! One of the things I enjoy at these events is Shabbat service both Friday night and Saturday morning. It is very different praying in such a large group. In Costa Mesa it will be like having Shabbat service with a High Holy Day crowd. At the National convention there are four to five thousand people at services. In addition, there is the Saturday Torah study lunch. It is an opportunity to study and discuss a topic of your choosing and how they may relate to modern life. I, along with other temple presidents, will have an opportunity to meet with Rabbi Yoffie, President of the URJ. We will be able to speak with him and let him know what the congregations? needs and concerns are. There are also several educational tracks for all facets of temple leadership. Those of us attending sit down in advance and make sure we cover as much as possible so we can bring back as much new knowledge as possible. Which brings me to the other thing I wanted to write about this month. Your temple leaders, both professional and volunteer, constantly evaluate all the programs we have. We have so many dedicated people that when we want to try something new we can. However, we need to know what you think. Did you enjoy the program? Is there something you think might make it better? Did something go wrong that we might not know about? Please, give us your feedback. Each month in the bulletin, the e- mail address for all of the staff and the board are listed. Not sure who to send it to? Then send it to the Rabbi or myself. We will make sure it gets to the correct person. Send a note to Irv and he will pass it on to the right person. Not e-mail savvy? Call the temple and talk to Mary, Roberta, or Karen and they will get a message to the correct person so they can call you back. As we get ready to move to Green Valley in 2006, we are beginning to look at new programs to have. We need your feedback on the ones we have currently. We want everyone to be able to find parts of congregational life they enjoy. But if you do not tell us, we can only speculate or guess what you would like to see. I look forward to hearing from you. B?Shalom Scott E e b r u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 7 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are You A Jewish Alcoholic Or Chemically Dependent Person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent, and Significant Others, is a self-help/support group. Tell someone you love. New Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, February 14th, 6:30 pm In the Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to Alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm, Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentially laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office at 733- 6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. JFSA Needs Food Questions? Contact temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees/ Auxilaries IHN NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! NOVEMBER 6-13th - Hosting Families To Volunteer: Bette Stahl 735-8104 or OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 or Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is a community wide program. Homeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep in one of the classrooms, and then return to a day house each morning. Volunteers are needed to spend one night with them and bring hot meals to the temple. ROSH CHODESH Social Action News | While having to submit an article weeks ahead of the bulletin?s publication is a necessity, periodically it can be problematic. In last month?s article I acknowledged the success of the Mitzvah Menorah Project. Right after submitting the article, I received some thank you?s? I feel addressed to the Congregation a need to share it. Three cards, written in crayon, stated: ?Thank you for the bike, clothes and toys. You made my Chanukah very special.? Another said: ?Dear Congregation Ner T amid, thank you for the gifts.? And the last, ?Thank you so much for all your thoughtfulness. My three children and myself loved all the wonderful gifts. You all definitely made a huge difference for my family for the Holidays.? On behalf of tA Committee, again, a bigthankyou W the Congregation for your support. Thanks to all the volunteers, NTTY and Committee members for making Mitzvah Day another successful event. Our next event will be the Teen Passover Seder March 6th, with invitations extended to other religion?s youth groups to join us. THURSDAY, February 10 7:00 pm, Rm 12 Mike Rissien Social Action Chair Every month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. I ... % . / / ,A. xtJ Get YJ^irV Involved! AT \ \\ ,'Y Volunteer - Take a Cla$$!? For more information on any of these programs, contact the temple office at 733"6292. 8 FEBRUARY 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Rabbi's Lunch & Learn Noon R/S East 4:30-6 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm JACS 7:00 pm 2 3 AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm 4 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 5 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 'Ask Sadie" 6:30 pm 6 7 8 9 io 1 1 12 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm NTTY Superbowl Pot Luck First Mondays Class 6:00 - 6:50 pm 7:00 - 7:50 pm 8:00 - 8:50 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Rosh Chodesh 6:30pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Grades 4-8 Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm Special Guest - Cantor Lisa Levine Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Galleria of Health @ Galleria Mall 11 am Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 V) R/S Wo Confirmation OFFICE CLOSED President's Day R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am CNT Game Night 7:00 pm 27 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Hamantashen Baking 9:30 am NTTY Sky Mania Fun Center 2:00 pm 28 Upcoming March Events March 13 - Purim Carnival March 18 - Purim Family Service March 20 & 27 - No Religious School March 22 & 24 - No Satellite Religious School P e b r u a r y 2 0 0 5 9 Special A nnouncements S isterhood & M e n 's C lub February Birthdays Mr. PaulAizIey Niah Anson Mrs. JudyApplebaum Mrs. Melody Benedict Ms. Gladys Berg Ethan Bernick Dr. Charles Bernick Spenser Blank Aaron Bossak Rhyanna Bredlau Mr. Howard Brill Louis Carrillo Adam Cohen Mrs. Sharon Cohen Zachary Colen Kellen Cornett Amanda del Valle Mrs. Sophie Doctors-Hooker Mr. Irv Duchowny Mrs. Joan Dunn Sara Einsohn Andrew Epstein Mr. Martin Esbin Mr. Mark Fine Mrs. Ronae Fink Mr. Joseph Fink Eric Fleekop Mrs. Sharlene Flushman Mr. Joe Freiburger Annika Freiburger Mr. David French Mr. Jeffrey Gale Jacob Geiger Mrs. Edie Glasser Melissa Goldstein Mira Angelina Gollard Karen Goodheart Mrs. Geraldine Gottlieb Ms. Kimberly Green Mrs. Barbara Greenspun Jessica Gross Mrs. LaVerne Hirsh Skye Holladay Mrs. Loretta Hollander Mrs. Gail Jolcover Ashley Kabins Mr. Norman Kaufman Hannah Jordan Kelly Jessica Knox Mrs. Lisa Lapidus Mrs. Nancy Layfer David Lehrner Dr. Larry Lehrner Sarah Levy Kelsey Lugo Marisa Marano Makena Markman Dr. Gary Mayman Dr. Raul Meoz Mrs. Tillie Merker Mrs. Adrienne Miller Emily Miller Mr. Ira Miller Mr. Alan Molasky Josie Molasky Mrs. Barbara Nathan Mr. Allan Nathanson Mr. Leonard Newman Mrs. Barbara Ober Mrs. Debra Peck Noah Pelham Mrs. Mindy Polasky Mrs. Bonnie Pomerantz Mrs. Toni Popowcer Mr. Arthur Rachild Joshua Raimist Alexander Roitman Mrs. Ercy Rosen Bryan Rosenberg Marc Rowland Dr. Stephen Rowland Michael Rubinstein Dr. David Scheinman Robert Scholes Mr. James Serling Mr. Joel Serling Mr. David Shapin Mrs. Natalie Shaw Mrs. Tami Shulman Mr. Ralph Siletta Danielle Simon Dr. Roger Simon Mr. Ron Slocum Lindsay Slocum Mr. Gregg Solomon Mrs. Eleanor Libby Spector Mr. Ben Sprague Amelia Jane Sprague Mrs. Beth Stahl Mr. Ari Stotland Wynn Tashman Mrs. Deanna Thuna Rachel Toffel Julie Unger Mr. Bob Unger Mr. John Wanderer Mr. William Watson Mr. Richard Waxier Mr. Alan Weinstein Mr. Steven Weinstein Krystal Jo Weiss Jules Wellinghoff Kaeli Wells Alexandra Yuman Anniversaries Dr. Mrs. Allen R. Anes Mr. Mrs. Arthur Berber Mr. Sf Mrs. Robert Bloom Dr. &' Airs. Donald Buchanan Mr.&f Mrs. Todd Bulwinick Mr. if Mrs. David Cohen Mr. &( Mrs. Michael Downs Mr. &f Mrs. Marshall Everakes Mr. &f Mrs. Randy Farrow Mr. &f Mrs. David French Mr. &( Mrs. Michael Geeser Mr. &f Mrs. Harold Glasser Mr. Sf Mrs. Gary Goodheart Mr. &f Mrs. Alex Gottlieb Mr. &f Mrs. Frank Hardaway Mr. &f Mrs. Eugene Henkin Mr. &f Mrs. Cal Lewis Mr. &f Mrs. Barry Lewisohn Mr. &f Mrs. K. Sam Moldave Mr. &f Mrs. Murray Posin Mr. &f Mrs. Marvin Rosenthal Mr. <8f Mrs. Harvey Sanoff Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Schnilzer Mr. &f Mrs. Matthew Shulman Mr. &f Mrs. Ira Tishk 1 O Galleria of Health cont. As in the past we are privileged to have a number of EvenA Partners help offset the costs of running this event. Their generous^ contributions allow us to put on this important and informative event. Returning from past sponsorships are Desert Springs Hospital, Steinberg Diagnostics Medical Imaging and Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada. Joining them this year for the first time is Nevada Cardiology Associates and Michael Milano Financial Services. I want to thank the hard work of the Men?s Club board and especially my co-chair Dave Nathan for helping make this year?s Health Fair a reality. You owe it to yourself to come out and learn how to make 2005 the beginning of a new healthier you. L?Chaim. Fred G. Toffel, MD, FACE Men?s Club President Sisterhood - Many voices, many hands, today?s women embracing a shared vision Sometimes it?s hard to know where to begin. So... welcome to February! This is really the perfect opportunity for me to tell you how wonderful it was to see so many of our Sisterhood Members supporting CNT and the Jewish Art Festival last month by attending the movie Bonjour, Monsier Shlomi. Following the movie, several of our membeA gathered to enjoy dinner and discuss this very entertaining film, m you didn?t attend the movie, I?m sure that you will find at least one (echad) event that will interest you in the months ahead. We?ve tried to coordinate a variety of activities to tempt you into participating. We are kicking off the month with dessert and an evening of yiddishkite. Please join us February 5th at 6:30 p.m. as Marnie Winston-Macauley, a.k.a. ?Ask Sadie?, shares A Little Joy, A Litttle Oy. The menu: pastries, humor, pathos, culture and laughter. The cost: priceless! Really, I mean it. This event is FREE and open to the community! Additionally, did you know that we are providing babysitting? We are delighted that several of the daughters of our Sisterhood members have agreed to assist us that evening allowing us to charge $5.00 per child. Why are we doing this? To make it easier for those with childcare issues to participate. If this makes it easier for you to attend, please let us know so that we can look into providing this service at future events. Please call the Temple at 733- 6292 to RSVP for the program and to register your child for babysitting! Next month, join us on March 3 at 11:00 a.m. for a catered lunch as Rabbi Akselrad reviews the book The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism, by Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin. This popular program is open to the community for a nominal fee of $12 per person. You can save $2 off the cost of this event by using a coupon from Sisterhood?s Echad Initiative Coupon Book. (If you don?t have one, they will be available for purchase at the door!) I hope that as you hear more about Sisterhood you will be inspirit to become involved! To learn more about our programs, please re1^ to the Sisterhood Newsletter inserted in this Bulletin. Sheryl Che