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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2004



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    Shabbat Services kugust 6-7 Shabbat Friday Evening 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Samantha Swezey Bat Mitzvah (Sanctuary) Oneg Sponsored by the Swezey Family Saturday Morning 9:00 am Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00 am Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00 am Matthew Swezey Bar Mitzvah (Sanctuary) August 13-14 Shabbat Friday Evening 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Prospective New Member "Sundae? (Sanctuary) Oneg Sponsored by the Temple Saturday Morning 00 am Bible Study eit Tefillah) 10:00 am Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) August 20-21 Shabbat Friday Evening 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Matthew Bailin Bar Mitzvah (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by the Bailin Family Saturday Morning 9:00 am Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00 am Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) August 27-28 Shabbat Friday Evening 7:30 pm Shabbat Service (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by ^Sisterhood U3turday Morning 9:00 am Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00 am Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Congregation Nek Tamid Tan u rfrip Looking Towards the Future..... August 2004 Vol. XVIII No. 7 IT Greet Our New Student Rabbi Kim Ettlinger Friday, September 10th Student Rabbi Kim Ettlinger is a 5th year rabbinic student at the Los Angeles campus of the Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion. While interning at Congregation Ner Tamid, Kim will also work as a medical chaplain for UCLA Hospital. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Kim and her parents attended Temple Israel, the flagship Reform Temple in Johannesburg. It was at Temple Israel that Kim developed a love for Hebrew and Judaism. In late 1988, Kim and her family moved from Johannesburg to Perth, Western Australia where she attended High School and College. After High School, in 1994, Kim went to Israel for a year with the Labour Zionist youth movement, Habonim Dror. Upon her return to Perth, she completed her BA in Politics, Philosophy and Sociology at Murdoch University. During this time, Kim affirmed her desire to pursue rabbinic studies and she applied to both HUC and the Leo Baeck College in London. After her acceptance into both programs, she chose Leo Baeck as she felt that it was more in-line with her Commonwealth roots. After a year, Kim decided to transfer to HUC for a different experience. While at HUC, Kim's internship was at Fleichal Baoranim in Flagstaff, Arizona where she stayed for two years. Last year, Kim completed her Masters in Jewish Education and during this year, she interned at Temple Judea in Los Angeles. Her primary responsibilities included coordinating the Bar/Bat mitzvah program and the school's Tikkun Olam program. Kim comes to us after serving as student Rabbi for the Victorian Union for Progressive Judaism in Melbourne, Australia. Please join us Friday, September 10th, as we welcome Kim to our congregational family. Av/l4 Elul 5764 Tell Your Friends, Tell Your Neighbors! Prospective Member Shabbat August 13th Sundae Oneg to Follow!Thanks to All Our Sustaining Members! Sustaining Members are those senior members who have chosen to stay at the regular dues rate, rather than the discounted senior rate. Their devotion to the temple is greatly appreciated by all. Harry & Adelaide Alter Burton & Linda Cohen Joe & Nadine Cracraft Leo & Kenee Diamond Philip & Adele Engel Harold & Edie Glasser Lynn & Sarita Greene Jack & Lulu Lehman Sidney & Eve Marco Lrederick & Llorence Marks Sam & Gertrude Moldave Leonard & Carol ILaizin Lawrence & Anne Sandell Harvey & Lran Sanoff Allen Shapin Gilbert & Natalie Shaw High Holy Day Services September 15 Erev Rosh Hashanah Family Service 6:00 pm Late Service 8:15 pm September 16 Rosh Hashanah Services Morning Service 10:00 am Teen Service 10:00 am Toddler Service 10:00 am September 24 Kol Nidre Family Service 6:00 pm Late Service 8:15 pm September 25 Yom Kippur Morning Service 10:00 am Teen Service 10:00 am Toddler Service 10:30 am Healing Service 2:00 pm Afternoon Service 3:00 pm Yizkor Service 5:00 pm Concluding Service 6:00 pm High Holy Day Tickets To clarify the Temple's policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year's Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total were $2,500 (your full 5 ye^ commitment), you would need to have? minimum of $375 paid towards your 2004 BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5 = $500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues were $2000, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,500 paid towards your 2004 Annual Dues ($2,000X75%=$1,500). In total, you would need to have $1,875 paid towards your 2004 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts may differ.) If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office. High Holy Days Reserved Parking Spaces Available! Contact the Temple Office for Details! 2 www.lvnert3 mi4 .ofg _ A little over a year ago, I was a new resident of Jerusalem, having begun my ? It journey on the way to becoming a Rabbi for the Reform Movement. I was a part of a jSf f small group of students labeled "second career students," who are constantly asked, "why did you change careers?" My response will always be the same. Even though I was a Board Member of this congregation, attended services regularly and volun- Cv teerec* ?ften- I wanted to be able to combine my vocation with my avocation - to combine my love of Judaism with the ability to help others on their own Jewish I journeys. As this is being mailed to you, I am starting my last week as the Rabbinic Intern at CNT (my last service here is on Saturday, August 7th, before moving to Los Angeles to continue my studies at Hebrew Union College). By taking on a Rabbinic Intern, you are all involved in the shaping of new rabbinic leadership for the Reform Movement and, for that, I personally thank you ... these kinds of learning opportunities are few and far between. More particularly, though, I want to thank you for trusting me this summer to lead your worship services; to teach the Introduction to Judaism and Basic Hebrew Reading classes; to be with you during your families' times of need; and to guide our Tuesday night discussions, where we talked about so many different aspects of Judaism, and how Judaism is practiced in so many different areas of the world. Thank you for sharing your thirst for Jewish knowledge. Finally, I would like to thank Rabbi Akselrad for his guidance and mentoring, as well as all of the rest of the staff that keeps CNT going ... and all of you. It has been an honor and a pleasure to learn from, and with, you. As I leave for LA, I encourage each of you to take some time to figure out where you are in your own Jewish journey ... and take just a few steps forward on that path. After a year in ^^ael, my Jewish journey takes me next to LA, but I will see you on my next trip home to Las Vegas ... Cookie Olshein It's hard to believe how fast summer is going by. High Holiday Choir rehearsals began in mid-July and everyone is working diligently to be prepared for the Holy days. If you are interested in joining the group please do so now!! (You know it's a mitzvah to sing in choir at CNT and it's fun too!) Over the summer I get a chance to plot and plan for the new year, and after attending the American Conference of Cantors national conference, I returned with many wonderful ideas and renewed energy. I participated in several different workshops and particularly enjoyed learning some new techniques as well as many beautiful melodies for myself and both of our choirs. I was treated to concerts performed by some of the most renowned Cantors from all over the nation. This was a wonderful learning experience and I look forward to sharing some of what I brought back with my congregational family. ^Bialom, Philip August 2004- 3 Renewal Time As we all start preparing for High Holidays (yes, it's true, it's not too early for us here at CNT in the office), I'd like to touch on Membership, and responsibilities. Some thoughts for you to consider: A ? In order for your membership to be fulfilling, take advantage of the many offerings to advance you on your Jewish journey (we've spoken of those opportunities before, in this ? Membership is not just about paying dues and fees. When you join a synagogue, you are participating in a sacred partnership between yourself and the community, to be there for one another during the ups and downs in one another's lives. Annual Commitment Irv To clarify the Temple's policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year's Building Fund Commitment. For an example, see page 2 of this month's bulletin. The New Campus Campaign is continuing on schedule. In anticipation of celebrating the opening of our new campus during High Holidays in should be completed this fall. Jon Sparer, our architect, and his design team in collaboration with the Design Committee is working toward a submission of plans and specifications to the City of Henderson Building Department this fall. This coming High Holidays we will all have aa opportunity to view renderings of our new facility. Finally, under tfl direction of Drew Levy, we are accelerating our marketing efforts regarding our present facility. ? 4 www.lvnertamici.oi-g column), vvnetner it s prayer, study, or tinaing ways to connect meanmgtuiiy to b-a, yourseit and/or to one another, you can find it here at Congregation Ner Tamid. But you have to participate; it won't just come to you. You have to invest some time, and when you do, the rewards will flow! ? CNT is open and serving our congregants and community every day, every week, and every year. Although you might not "use" the Temple daily, we are here daily so that when you do "use" it, we're here for you. Your dues and fees must cover the expenses for our entire staff, the operations, security, repairs and maintenance, programs, etc. We rely on your contributions. We simply could not survive without them. ? It is our policy not to deprive anyone of membership, regardless of their ability to pay. In order to do this, we rely on the generosity of those with greater capacity. If you can, please consider increasing your pledge even a little, so that we may serve the numerous families who want to participate but cannot. ? The cost of educating our children exceeds the tuition we charge. Part of this shortfall is covered by dues, but we also rely on fund-raising efforts during the year. When we raise funds, we are raising funds for basics, not luxuries. Please keep this thought in mind all throughout the year. As your Executive Director for over 2 years, I am always anxious to help you in any way that I can, to navigate your way through our large temple community, and help you find the ways of involvement that will be most meaningful to you. Please feel free at anytime to call me, or come in and see me. Our sacred partnership depends upon it. Thank you, and as always, to be continued ..._________________________________________________________________Your Temple Board Scott Stolberg Marla Latizia ^ Mike Unger Hillary Torchin Maxine Molinsky David Shapin Andrea Harris David Stahl Debbie Levy Yvonne Gordon Nanette Spector Jordie Primack Stacey Yahraus Debra Cohen nie Matusow Beth Bromberg Beth Falk Joe Cracraft Cindy Jensen Sheryl Chenin-Webb Fred Toffel Jen Zuckerman Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger, Esq Jerry Gordon, Esq Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins JJon. Michael Cherry Bernard Farrow ^Kgene Kirshbaum * David Goldwater * Rabbi Sanford Akselrad * Deceased President VP Administration VP Ways & Means lIP Education and Youth VP Ritual VP Membership Recruitment VP Membership Retention VP Social Action Treasurer Corporate Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood President Men's Club President NTTY President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Well, here it is the beginning of August and the sum?mer is almost over. Have you ever noticed the older we get the faster time seems to go by? It seems like just yesterday that we were having the last day of religious school, celebrating the Adult B'nai Mitzvah, and holding the temple Annual Meeting and BBQ. These are all things that signal the beginning of the calm before the storm at CNT. I want to start by thanking again those who have recently left the temple board for all of their work and time. I also want to welcome the new members who have vol?unteered their precious time. I also want to extend a special welcome to our rabbinic intern, Kim Ettlinger. Kim will be with us on September 10 for the first time. She will also join us for High Holy Days and once a month for the rest of the year. So when you see her, introduce yourself and show herwhy our congre?gation is " A Special Place to Belong". If you have not already registered your children for religious school for 2004/2005, please contact the office as soon as possible to do so. We expect 200 plus children to enroll and it is much easier for us to order books and other materials if we know who will be attending. Otherwise, we have to estimate and sometimes we may have too many of one book and not enough of others. As many of you know, the first day is always hectic as children find their classrooms and parents leave little ones for the first time. September 12 is just around the corner so please register today. This is also the beginning of the annual Shul Shopping season when most of our new members join leading up to High Holy Days. David Shapin, VP of Membership recruitment, is hard at work with several events planned between now and High Holy Days. You can help just by showing up at these events, and introducing yourself to someone you do not know. It could be someone who is already a member. If that is the case, you simply made a new friend. When you meet a prospective member, tell them why you joined CNT. If they have questions, get them in touch with Irv, David, or any other board member who can answer them. Encourage them to join for all the other stuff besides High Holy Day services. Remember, we are in the busi?ness of making Jews but first we must get them in the door. The Men's Club and Sisterhood are also beginning their programming for the year and you can expect to hear plenty from them about all of the exciting things they have planned. Remember, supporting these auxiliaries helps them support the congregation. Our youth groups will be meeting to plan many fun and educational activities as well. Of course, there are a multitude of adult educational opportunities. Please look in this bulletin or the weekly temple happening and e-mail for more details. I have one other request - for several months now we have been sending out the bulletin both regular mail and by e-mail. If you prefer to receive yours by e-mail please contact the office and let them know that. It saves printing and postage costs and allows you to save it on your computer for reference throughout the month, no more looking around the house to find out when something is happening. With all of the planning that has taken place this summer, this year looks to be one of the best. Our programs will continue to reach out to all seg?ments of our temple family and there is always something for everyone. Enjoy the rest of your summer. B Shalom Scott August 2 00 4 5 Your Assignment You get in your car and you find a manila envelope taped to your steering wheel. You remove it, open it and look inside. There is a cassette that you place in your player, turn the car on and you hear "Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to create an environment for your child to want to attend religious school. 4k This may seem like Mission Impossible. At Congregation Ner Tamid, the head of the Mission Impossible ForU and master spy is the Director Jackie Fleekop. She will help the parent identify core concepts of how to make Judaism and Jewish education and important part of your family's life. You will be equipped to help your students develop a deep nuance of understanding and respect for Jewish values by doing the following: a. Help get your child to school on time and regularly b. Discuss Jewish topics relating to your child's curriculum c. Celebrate holidays at home, with friends and with your temple family at services. d. Bring values and heroes to your child's attention. e. Try your best to attend class and school programs. f. Take an adult education class, attend the once a month parents class of "Torah 4 U & bagel breakfast. School starts September 12, 2004 at 9:15 am. Parents and students should attend the opening assembly together. Students will then go to class and parents will go to the social hall for a meet and greet breakfast. Your assignment in this busy society is to get involved. It is not impossible! You will not be expected to give too much. Remember, you get what you put into things------This is for YOUR child!! See you in September. Jackie Fleekop SAVE THE DATE! Annual Sukkot Dairy Dinner Friday, October 1st @ 6:00 pm Watch your Temple Happenings and Bulletin for more details! ---------------------- Pre-School Open House BBQ! FREE! August 8th 11am - 1 pm For Children Ages 5 & Under Their Parents/ Guardians First Day of School August 23 Registration Forms Will Be On-Fland MUST RSVP TO TEMPLE OFFICE SO WE CAN EXPECT YOU! Calling All 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders!! TNT WANTS YOU! Flang out with yourfriends, make new ones! Fun activities planned throughout the year! For more information contact Jackie Fleekop at the temple office at 733-6292. NTTY NEWS! Attention all 9th - 12th Graders! Looking for an awesome teen experience? NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is for you! Our first event for the year will be a Limo Scavenger Hunt and Sleepover (optional) on August 21 st. Fall Kallah, our regional kick-off event, will be at Camp Charles Pearlstein in Prescott, AZ on September 2nd - 5th. We are looking forward to a great year and new faces! If you would like to attend an event, or have questions, contact Yvonne Weiss at g 304-0605 or or ? NTTY President Jen Zuckerman at jenlynnl 6 www.lvnertgrni4 .org Celebrate With Us! B'nai Mitzvah All are welcome ^Samantha Swezey - August^ 6 ^ and Matthew. My parents are Sherri and George. In the upcoming year I look forward to joining NTTY. I would like to wish my oldest brother Matthew good luck on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on August 7th. Matthew Swezey - August 7 Hi my name is Matt Swezey. This Fall, I will be entering Coronado High School as a freshman. I enjoy basketball, rollerblading, soccer and drumming in my spare time. I have three brothers, Alex, Michael and Eric and a sister, Samantha. I look forward to joining NTTY and hope this will be a good learning experience for me and fun too. I would like to wish my older sister Samantha good luck on the day she becomes a Bat Mitzvah. and encouraged to join the families of our B?nai Mitzvah in worship and celebration as we welcome these young people into our adult congregation. Services are Saturday mornings at 10:00 am, unless otherwise noted. Matthew Bailin - August 20 Hi, my name is Matt Bailin and I will be in 10th grade at Valley High School next year. I run cross-country and compete in forensics. I'm very excited to become a bar mitzvah, and I hope you can join my family and me on August 20th. Oleg Bederman - August 21 Hello, my name is Oleg (Alex) Bederman. Two of my favorite activities are skateboarding and listening to music. I go to the Woodbury Middle School and my favorite classes are RE. and history. My favorite sports are football and basketball. It would be my pleasure if you would join us on Saturday, August 21, at 10:00 a.m., as I become a Bar Mitzvah. PRESCHOOL GETTING READY TO GO Congrats to Megan Stolberg Recipient of the Shomer Torah Award 2004, for having the most punches on her Shabbat Card for last year. She received a lovely plaque and will carry a Torah during a Yom Kippur Service and at Simchat Torah. s The summer will soon be over and it will be time to make plans for your child's educational needs for the school year. The lilting sounds of little voices will once again fill the halls of CNT. The 7th year of our Preschool is about to begin - August 23rd will be the first day of class! We are looking forward to another year of excitement and fun with our students' ages 2-1\2 - 5. The children will be studying Hebrew, Judaic, Prayers, Holidays, as well as secular subjects: numbers, letters, colors, shapes, science, social studies, pre-reading and math skills. Our students study computer, in our own computer lab, and music, all as part of our innovative curriculum. We have a dynamic, well-trained staff of educators with many years of teaching experience. There will be several classes and each class will have a teacher and teaching assistant. We have beautifully decorated classrooms and a well-rounded curriculum, in center-based classes with a low student/teacher ratio and excellent staff of professionals. We are looking forward to a banner year here at the preschool. If you have any questions about the school or would like more information, call me at the preschool office 733-6292. This is the time in their lives when ?bey can absorb a great deal of material and their personalities are formed. Let them learn and play in our safe Warm, loving environment. Space is very limited and one of our classes is already full. Call us today so we can save a space for your child or grandchild! Lois Bergman - Early Childhood Director August 2 0 0 4 7 From The Ggtes of Prayer These 3re the duties whose worth cannot be measured: Honoring ones father and mother, acts of love & kindness, pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, hospitality to strangers, visiting the sick, celebrating with bride and groom, consoling the bereaved, praying with sincerity, making peace where there is strife. From the Gates of Prayer an4 the Torah Set my commandment in your heart & teach th^? faith fully to your children, ifwe as adults and parent study Torah, our reward may be that our children will learn and be interested in learning. From the Mishna Pirkei Avot?Hillel If not now, when/ Don't say "when I have the time I will study", because you may never have time. Every Shabbat morning at 9:00 am we study the Prophets, Jewish history and current topics of Jewish interest. At 10:00 am we have a short Sabbath service followed by study ofthe weekly Parsba ofTorab. We welcome you to join us in this mitzvot! ANNIVERSARIES 8/3 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Balsam 8/5 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Plotkin 8/6 Mr. & Mrs. George Moore Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Nasser 8/7 Mr. & Mrs. Neil Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zuckerman 8/8 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Palbaum 8/10 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bass Mr. & Mrs. David Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frockt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Herman Mr. & Mrs. Ira Levine Mr. & Mrs. Marc Schorr 8/11 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Alter Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Curran Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Melville Mr. & Mrs. David Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Sherman 8/12 Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Einsohn Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sandell 8/14 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oshins 8/15 Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Blumenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Lardent 8/16 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Epstein 8/17 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fink 8/18 Mr. & Mrs. Mel Jose' 8/19 Mr. & Mrs. Roqer Cooper 8/20 Dr. & Mrs. Jack Hirsh 8/24 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Benedict Dr. & Mrs. Mark Drucker 8/25 Mr. & Mrs. Audrey Goldberg 8/26 Mr. & Mrs. Jerald M. Cohen 8/27 Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Greene 8/28 Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Berman 8/29 Rabbi & Mrs. Sanford Akselrad Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Marco Dr. and Mrs. Larry Rosen 8/30 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ewan Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lieberman 8/31 Mr. & Mrs. Ira Miller Tell & Kvell Mazel Tov to Robert Cohen, a seventh-grader at Greenspun JHS, who was selected as Ambassador to Australia by the Nevad^B People-to-People Program. This past June, h^ traveled to Sydney for a 16 day program of cultural exchange including meetings with government officials, multi-cultural activities, outdoor exploration and visits to historic towns. Proud parents are Debra and Mitchell. Way to go Robert! Mazel Tov to Joan and Leslie Dunn on the birth of a grandson, Andrew Michael Arkow. Andrew was born on June 13 and weighed 6 pounds, 7 oz.. Proud parents are Loryn and Steven and proud big brother is David. Mazel Tov and our very best wishes to Geoff and Cecilia Schafler on the birth of their son, Benjamin Luis born June 19. Benjamin weighed 10 pounds 4 oz.. Proud big brother is Robert. A hearty Mazel Tov to Maris and Marshall Everakes on the birth of their grandson, Ryan Steven. Ryan was born on June 23 an^B weighed 8 pounds and 9 oz.. Proud parent^^ are Jeff and Echo. 8 www.Ivnert3 mi4 .01-g 8/1 Miss Diana Emptage Mrs. Sheila Grossman Ms. Marilynn Mack Ms. Cari Marshall 8/2 Mr. Vinny Celano Mrs. Yvonne Gordon Jordan Greenberg Mrs. Jacky Rosen Mrs. Dorothy Wanderer 8/3 Mr. Barry Benedict Zachary Capp Stefan Crighton Ms. Jerene Friedman Mrs. Elaine Siegel 8/4 Mr. Neil Beller Miss Katie Fine Mr. Ross Fremer Marcie Goldberg Mr. Gerald Gordon Austin Jasienski Cheyenne Jasienski Miss Nicole Klafter-Philips 8/5 Stephan Ferris Mr. Jeffrey Markewich Mr. Adam Weiss 8/6 Mr. Arthur Berger Mr. Lou Buffman Azriella Colen Mrs. Helen Mack 8/7 Mrs. Amy Christensen Mrs. Toby Edelman Aaron Simon Mitchell Weinstein 8/8 Ms. Michal Bloom Ms. Stephanie Friedman Mr. Harold Glasser Madisan Greenberg Jordran Levine Mrs. Susan Rodin 8/9 Dr. William Denton-Pratt Mr. Joel Feldman Mrs. Lois Donna Peterson Mr. Dustin Tiep Aaron Volpone Happy Birthday! 8/10 Ms. Erika Mathers Mrs. Muriel Adler David Rapoport Mr. David Cadish Mr. Jack Silas Mrs. Pamela Rapoport 8/19 Mr. Brett Shorenstein Mr. Leon Friedman Mrs. Mindy Wadkins Mr. Aaron Nitzkin 8/11 Ms. Jennifer Shorenstein Mrs. Lexy Capp 8/20 Sarah Lieberman Mrs. Laura Butwinick Mr. David Polis Kelly Chenin Rachael Watman Nicholas Dreiman 8/12 Dr. Robert Shiroff Mr. Justin Finkelstein Ms. Betty Strauss Mrs. Arlene Harbach 8/21 Mr. Herman Rabinowitz Amanda Gordon Mr. Harold Roberts Mrs. Wendy Meoz Mr. Brandon Spector Mrs. Rosemary Tuzinski 8/13 Ethan Weiss Miss Heather Robbins 8/22 Dana Schwartz Mrs. Lilyan Goldberg 8/14 Mr. Allan Legator Lauren Epstein Ryan Pretner Mrs. Shirley Gellin Mr Herman Stone Mr. David Nathan 8/23 Jade N. Soresman Rachel Alterman Michael Swezey Mr. Burton Cohen Mr. William Tiep 8/24 8/15 Mrs. Julia Bernick Mrs. Lisa Beresid Dr. Stephen Chenin William Tyler Dobbs Mr. James Wadkins Mrs. Karen Fisher 8/25 Mrs. Sheryl Goldstein Andrew Glyman Erica Melville Mr. Gerd Sternberg Ms. Maxine Molinsky 8/27 Miss Sarah Shiroff Zachary Lapidus Miss Melissa Simon Jacob Peck Alexander Sternhill Jennifer Watman 8/16 Leah Yaffe Mr. Justin Ales 8/28 Mr. Roger Ewan Ms. Suzie Chenin Mr. Devon Goldberg Joseph Epstein Mr. Stuart Ingerman Addison Heit Miss Stephanie Joseph Mrs. Marian Moss Mrs. Eve Marco Mrs. Carole Shapiro 8/17 Rachael Skolnik Daniel Capp 8/29 Mrs. Joyce Mack Mr. David Applebaum Mrs. Simone Schwartz Courtney Goldstein Miss Brenna Yahraus Mr. Jerome Matz 8/18 Mr. Joel Raiman Mrs. Elana Appleyard 8/30 Ms. Elissa Cadish Rachel Alterman Mr. Alex Gottlieb Mr. Burton Cohen Mr. Peter Green 8/31 Dr. Dennis Lardent David Chenin Kayleigh Lindemuth Mr. Ray Gordon Mrs. Elinore Livenston Dr. Stephen Kollins August 2004-MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Free DIGITAL Handheld Recorder! BASIC System/Low-Cost (as low as 71/2</l!ne) ADVANCED System/Comprehensive (as low as 1(K/line) ADVANCED SYSTEM: Digital On-line Editing ? HIPAA-Approved Electronic Signature FREE Permanent Archiving WITH 24/7 Access Auto-Retrieval! Auto-faxing to Referring Physicians ? Auto-Notification to Dictating Doctor David & Juliann Shapin 702-384-0006 + 800-685-4359 Email: Affiliated Jewish Community Members since 1989 # BOB WATMAN REALTOR* 4730 S. Fort Apache Rd.. #100 las Vegas, NV 89147 Bus: (702) 933-4500 Cell: (702)321-3498 Fax: (702)920-7849 www. Bob Walman .com realest824x7<8 #?>AiTy Exocvtn** ctf Mfvvda ? todeponcfctnfiy Own*a aocJ Op*m*d WANT TO ADVERTISE IN THE TEMPLE BULLETIN? CALL THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION! 733-6292 o Creative TO 1ST Custom T ?2 Centerpieces R <?r More I ?2 C Theme Parties ?2 BaiVBat Mitzvabs S Showers/Weddings ? Special Events SUSAN SCHYMAN 702 768-74-53 HANES & THOMAS PRINTERS Creating Corporate Identity From Business Cards to 4-Color Process and beyond 384-5072 Specializing in Personalized Rosh Hashanah Cards Hanes & Thomas Printers On-Time within budget Owner-Operated ^ Greg & Cindy Goussak 10 www.lvnertami4 .oi-g Nick Stramaglio Devin Smith ? SPECIAL EVENTS * Conventions Franchises Available ESPRESSO * LATTE ? CAPPUCCINO * MOCHA GOURMET COFFEE * FRAPPADINI * SMOOTHIES ? TEA o-l- ?1 MITZVAH PACKAGES * FROM $3,500.00 x $ MC/DJ 4HRS. & 1 25 PIECES OF GIVEAWAY FAVORS DIGITAL VID60GRAPHV OF THE SERVICE 5i PARTV ON DVD 5 HRS. OF PHOTOGRAPHY UUITH UNLIMITED PICTURES Si ALL ORIGINALS IN A STANDARD 4x6 ALBUM UJCDDINGS MITZVflHS C0RP0RRT6 fedox and a yueit at (fom A^acx Cage less Lots of Caring TLC ?Hcate Atwuj Ffamt Hwne? 1 ?TV N*?C-2 WJ Canine Camp * -ft 1 Brenda & Barry Paul ^ (702)262-1055 Felines Too! Cel (702) 340-2335 Erika Mathers When you are ready to buy or sell, please give me a call. Family or friends moving to town? Please give them my name... I?ll treat them like mishpucha!! MAt>clvjn T? Custom Invitations & Announcements for all Occasions at Moderate to High Prices Hand & Computer Calligraphy Discounts Available with Invitation Order YOUR Ad Could Be Here! b By Appointment Only to Serve You Better W 702 254-7891 702 617-9393 FAX August 2004- 11 IHN HOSTING?AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 5 The families that become guests of IHN come many times with no belongings. Some of them sold all their things hoping to gather enough money not to lose their home, some were robbed, some had to leave everything behind as they left their former home. Many of the children are sick with colds and flu because of being exposed to the elements. How is it these families recover and get re?established? It happens because of YOU/ Because of the time you give, the love you give, the clothing, the food, the shelter and everything else we give. As we have mentioned in previous articles, the families always say we are the best. The food is great. Our volunteers the friendliest. Let's keep up this tradition. Please volunteer to provide a dinner or sleep at Temple one night. The dinners can be simple?fried chicken, pizza, pasta. Two or more families can get together to do a dinner. To volunteer please call or e-mail either Bette Stahl (735-8104/ex- ) or Jennifer Cohen (896-4973/ jcohenl If you have any questions, call us and we will be glad to answer you. Bette Stahl and Jennifer Cohen Welcome Our New Temple Program Director Roberta Unger is our new Program Director. Roberta is a long time resident of Las Vegas, moving here some 37 years ago. She has been a member of CNT for 10 years, working in the office for the last several. Her duties include bringing great programs, dynamic speakers and fun & interesting classes to you! She has some wonderful plans and looks forward to her new position! Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm "What Page Am I On?" Finding yourself lost during services? Wondering when to bow and when to close your eyes and when to face the back of the sanctuary? This is the class for you!