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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 2003



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    The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong June/July 2003 - Vol. XVI No. 13 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Wf.iner Associate Rabbi Philip Goldstein Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President 1 Sivan- 2 Av 5763 Irv Duchowny Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Andrea Brunner Bulletin Editor Shavuot Shavuot is a special holiday that is often neglected in the Jewish calendar. To solve this oversight of the Jewish community, the early rabbis of the Reform Movement established the service of Confirmation so that students could reaffirm their commitment to the commandments of the Torah. At Congregation Ner Tamid, we follow this tradition of tying Confirmation to the theme of Shavuot with a beautiful service written by our "onfirmation students on the Friday night of Shavuot. By observing the tradition of Confirmation, our students remind us of the covenant between God and the Children of Israel. They also remind us of the responsibility that we all hold for upholding the mitzvot, commandments, of the Torah. The next day on Saturday, June 7, 2003, we will be observing Yizkor for the holiday of Shavuot. We will also be holding a very special Shavuot program following Yizkor services. The program will be fun and exciting. It will also give you a chance to show off your Jewish knowledge in a lively game of Jewish Jeopardy. You?ll never know unless you show up just how much Jewish trivial knowledge and wisdom you know. Afterwards, there will be a light Kiddush consisting of dairy foods. Yizkor services will begin at 10:00 a.m. with Miavuot Jewish Jeopardy beginning at 11:00 a.m. Phe entire morning?s fun will be done at 12:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid IS PROUD TO WELCOME Billy Tiep Congregation Ner Tamid is proud to welcome our very own, Billy Tiep as our cantorial intern for the week of June 9-15th. Billy Tiep, a graduate of Green Valley High School in 1995, is a first year cantorial student at the Hebrew Union College in New York City. He is the son of long time Temple members, Darin and Nina Tiep. Billy will be working with our rabbis and our new cantorial soloist Philip Goldstein in sharing some of his cantorial knowledge and skills as well as learning the practical work?ings of every day Temple life. At Shabbat services, June 13th, Billy and Philip will bring to our congregation a special shabbat service filled with music and song. Billy has grown up in our congregation where he blossomed as a songleader for our Temple and later for our region. After high school, Billy attented the University of Arizona and graduated with a Bachelors of Music Education. He has taught elementry school music in the Clark County School District and at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los An?geles. In addition to teaching, Billy has written, recorded, and performed with many Jewish song?writers from around the country. Please come to Shabbat services on June 13 for a very special shab?bat evening. In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Cantorial Soloist Message 4 Executive Director Message 9 Religious School/Preschool 5-6 Auxiliaries 7 Anniversaries 10 Birthdays 14 Tributes 15-16 In Memoriam 9 Yahrzeits 17 (the Bulletin is published monthly) j T SpecialBlace To ?Belong Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Friday, June 6 6:30 p m Tot Shabbat 7:30 Confirmation and Shabbat Services Office dosed for Shavuot Oneg sponsored by The Confirmation Class Saturday, June 7 9:00-10:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 to 12:30 Yizkor and Shavuot Program Light Kiddush follows Friday, June 13 Shabbat Services 7:30 p.m. Child Naming of Jace and Robert Scholes And Samantha Beckner Oneg sponsored by the Scholes Family Oneg is co sponsored by the Goldstein Family in honor of their daughter Ashley becoming a Bat Mitzvah Saturday June 14 Saturday, Junel4 10:00 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Goldstein Kiddush sponsored by the Goldstein Family 9:00-10:00am Bible Study 10:00-11:00a m Minyan and Torah Study Friday, June 20 Shabbat Services 7:30 p.m. Baby Naming for Kevin and Jill Patruznicks baby Oneg sponsored by the Patruznick Family Saturday, June 21 10:00 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Eric Glyman Kiddush sponsored by the Glyman Family 9:00-10:00 am Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a m Minyan and Torah Study Friday, June 27 7:30 Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by Ken and Hazel Herman in honor Of their granddaughter Melyssa Roe becoming a Bat Mitzvah Saturday, June 28 10:00 Bat Mitzvah of Melyssa Roe Kiddush sponsored by the Roe Family 9:00-10:00 a m Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday, July 4 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Special cookie Oneg Saturday, July 5 9:00-10:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday, July 11 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services ?Invite a Friend? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 12 10:00 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Logan Sprague Kiddush sponsored by the Sprague Family 9:00-10:00a.m. Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday, July 18 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, July 19 9:00-10:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday, July 25 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Saturday, July 26 9:00-10:00 a m Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a m Minyan and Torah Study Congregation N e r Tam id Rabbi's Message Go Fly a Kayitz! As I write this column, I am thinking about summer. During the summer, one?s schedule tends to open up. Often, we put off projects that have been put to the side while others took priority until summer comes around. At temple, though, our programming does not stop just because it is summer. We are thinking about everything that has to be prepared for the High Holy Days along with the classes that we have been waiting until the summer months to teach. Thus, sum?mer at Congregation Ner Tamid is not empty time. In fact, we have many new and exciting classes that will be taught this summer. Now, I am sure that you are thinking, ?But Rabbi, summer is the time for sitting around the pool.? I am here to tell you that summer is also the time to catch up on all the adult education classes that you keep putting off stating that there are not enough hours in the day. If you take a look at CNT U! column in this month?s bull^ tin, you will see that we are gearing up for a great summer of learning. These classes are courses that have been request?ed. They range from the serious to the silly with a bunch of fun thrown in for good measure. Most of all, these classes will afford you a chance to engage your mind in a study program that you might not otherwise have time to become involved in. We, at Congregation Ner Tamid, are very excited about this summer?s course offerings. We have listened to your suggestions and have crafted a program to suit the needs of our adult learners. All you have to do is R.S.V.R and show up. You?ll even receive a bonus to coming to class this summer, you?ll leam what the title of this column means! Please take the time to look over CNT U! Challenge your?self by taking a course or two (or three...). Make this a summer of learning. You?ll thank yourself in September! We look forward to studying and learning with you- L?Shalom- ?Rabbi Jennifer C. ?Weiner June/ Ju ly 2003 Temple Board Members Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld President Scott Stolberg VP Administration Cookie Lea Olshein, esq VP Membership Ira Spector Hillary Torchin Mindy Wadkins Gina Polovina Ira Miller Doug Unger Maxine Molinsky Yvonne Gordon Beth Bromberg Aimee Knox Cecilia Schafler Stacey Yah raus Marla Letizia Leon Marco Jordie Primack Ruth Urban Howard Layfer Samantfia Willey Drew Levy Bob Unger Esq. Jerry Gordon Esq. Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman JDr. Steve Kollins Jhon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner * Deceased VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action VP Ways & Means Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Men's Club NTTY PastPresident Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US FOR SHAVUOT Shavuot Services will be observed on Saturday, June 7. Yizkor Services will be held in our Beit Tefillah at 10:00 a.m. with a Shavuot Program to follow right after. Please feel free to join us for a light Kiddush after services. ESSAGE FROM OBR TEMPLE PRESIDENT TIME FLIES It's hard to believe that nearly two years have passed since you accorded me the honor of becoming CNTs president. It's certainly been an eventful term. As I entered the job, we were in the pro?cess of seeking a second rabbi and in August of 2001 CNT became the first congregation in Nevada to be served by two rabbis. Additionally, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner became the first woman to serve as rabbi to any Las Vegas congregation. Immediately after Rabbi W. settled in, we had to begin searching for a new Executive Director. We were very for?tunate to have our then-treasurer, Leon Marco, volunteer to step in as Interim Executive Director and to hold down the seat for the next five months. For that service, the congregation owes Leon (an?other) big Todah Rabah! After an inten?sive search, we were able in March of last year to bring Irv Duchowny to Las Vegas to fill the ED post. And just recently, we had to say goodbye to our long-time cantorial soloist Bella and go on the hunt for her replacement. Once again, CNT was blessed to find the right person and in March we welcomed Philip Goldstein. Last year, CNTs longtime tenant, the Jewish Community Day School, went de?funct. Fortunately, we had been able to negotiate a new lease with JCDS that required an upfront payment to help re?pair much of the excess wear-and-tear on our physical plant over the years and that payment had already been made. Thus, we were able to use that money to refurbish our classrooms and, most no?ticeably, our courtyard landscaping. Over the past two years, CNT marked other notable changes. In terms of ad?ministration, we moved the date of our monthly board meetings from the first Tuesday of each month to the second Tuesday in order to give our staff time to close our books for the previous month and thereby provide the Board with more timely financial data. Also, you may or may not know that CNT has an Execu?tive Board (the officers of the temple) and that not long ago we reexamined the functions of that Executive Board. Fol?lowing intensive introspection, the Ex?ecutive Board redefined its mission to one of looking at strategic issues far?ther downrange in time rather than deal?ing primarily with problems of the mo?ment. We also changed our membership management software and now have a much better handle on all matters re?lating to member concerns. The year 2002 also marked our first annual Men- sch of the Year fundraising affair; our honoree was Mr. Ed Nigro, a longtime friend of CNT. With his help and the work of an outstanding committee head?ed by Ira and Adrienne Miller, we ex?ceeded our financial target, with much of the money coming from outside the congregation. Two other big issues loomed large in CNTs picture these past two years. One is our planned move to a new loca?tion and acquisition of land for that purpose. We thought we had a perfect location at Sunset and 1-215, but our due diligence turned up a very expen?sive floodwater management problem and, as you know, we had to give up that land. As I write this, our Land Sub?committee is very close to recommend?ing a new plot of land to the Board for its approval. The other big issue is security. 9/11 changed everybody's per?ception of security in America. To deal with the new situation, we created a Safety and Security Committee under our VP for Administration Scott Stol?berg to examine all aspects of these two items. The Committee consulted with private security agencies and with Metro and recommended a number of mod?ifications and supplements to our secu?rity procedures. Subsequent discussions with ADL and local and national FBI offices resulted in even further sug?gestions and most of these have already been implemented. As I get ready to close this final col?umn for the Bulletin, I am feeling quite sentimental. Many times I've been asked if I enjoy being president of Congrega?tion Ner Tamid. My answer is always a resounding "yes!" One of the things that has made my term so gratifying has been the opportunity to work close?ly with our rabbis, our staff, the indi?vidual members of my Board, and the leaders of our Men's Club and Sister continued on page 4 A June/July 2003 Special Place To Belong JUST A Shalom, As I am writing this, it has been 5 weeks since I started here at Congregation Ner Tamid as your Can?torial Soloist. What a whirlwind of music to learn, getting to know peoples names (still learning) and just learning to fit in with everyone. It?s been a real pleasure working with everyone in the office. If you haven?t gotten to know the great people in the Temple office, I suggest you do. They are very kind, hard working people, who help make my job (and everyone else?s) here a lot easier. I cannot thank them enough. I am especially grateful to Rabbi Akselrad for his leadership and guidance and for being such a mensch. I could never thank him enough. I also want to thank Rabbi Weiner for her understanding and caring. I look forward to a long and happy relationship here at CNT. I want to carry on with the musical traditions already established here and expand greatly upon them. So, if you see me walking around the Temple with music in my hand or humming a tune, please feel free to introduce yourself. I?m still trying to remember everyone?s name... maybe by next year?!? Until next time... Bfifip (Jofdstein Cantorial Soloist J BULLETIN DEADLINE Deadline for August 2003 Bulletin The deadline for the August Bulletin will be Monday June 23 at 5PM. Please email articles to Rabbi Akselrad to attend Camp Newman this summer Looking for an exciting camp for your child this summer? Think about attending our UAHC camp! Camps Swig and Newman are located in Northern California and are excellent ways of instilling a love of Judaism in a fun, creative and exciting way. Through sports, song, drama, swimming, hiking and host of other activities students form bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. This summer, Rabbi Akselrad will be on staff at the end of July through the beginning of August at Camp Newman. He would love to see some of our religious school students attend during this session! For more information, contact Jackie Fleekop in the Temple office, 733 6292. Congregation N e r Tamid continued from page 3 (President's Message) hood. They are exceptional people and I am grateful to them for their support and advice these past two years. But, okay, okay: admittedly, it hasn't an unalloyed pleasure every moment of every day. There have been a few mo?ments.... And when I've kvetched occa?sionally about this or that problem, people have asked ?so why do you do it?" All I can say is that I believe in the need to have a CNT, a strong Reform congregation here in Las Vegas, to as?sure that we?children and adults alike? always have the fundament we lean on to help us preserve today's link in a 3500- year-old chain. One last loving thank you. Sometimes I've joked about getting a two-for-one (it's Las Vegas, after all) when I've asked some individual to do something for the temple and we wind up with his or her spouse working as hard as the individual I originally asked. That is nowhere more true than for the presi?dent himself. I can't tell you how much support I've gotten from Sharna over these two years?the number of hours I was at the temple instead of with her, the number of tasks she volunteered for when I was wondering aloud how I'd find someone to do something. She's my part?ner in every sense of the word and you're all invited to the oneg next year whe^^ we celebrate our 50th anniversary (yeaU we were indeed babies when we got mar?ried). Thank you, all the families of CNT, and for the last time? B'shalom Stewart IHN What a successful IHN week we had in May. The dinners were wonderful and appreciated by all of our guests. Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who made the week a suc?cess by sleeping at Temple, bringing meals, socializing with the guests, or donating funds to the project. By participating in this pro?gram, CNT is reaching out to the community and showing that we really believe in the mitz- vah of helping others. We are not only study?ing Torah but we are living Torah. Living Torah means the doing of social justice, Tikkun olam, the creating of a better world. By helping these people we are doing that. Jennifer and I are grateful to all of you for making our job so easy. We will be hosting IHN families again the last week in August. We hope you will join us then. Jennifer Co fen ?Bette Staff June/July 2003 Religious School News The Importance of Preparation Summertime is here and many of us are looking forward to our vacations. When we prepare for our journeys, we check our budget, the dates, the hotels and activities. Would we ever think of going on a trip, especially with children without preparing? Make a cake without all the ingredients, prepare a Seder and find the store is out of Matzo meal. Anything that we want to be successful takes preparation ?Or It Becomes a Nightmare?. Well, we need to get ready for next years school year. We are looking for qualified teachers that can teach Hebrew as well as Judaic. Books and materials have sky?rocketed in price and need to be ordered early. Class size must be determined. I will be meeting with a Parent?s Curriculum Advisory Committee during the summer to explore resources for us to offer a quality religious education and be able to keep costs down. If we do our job at CNT, your children will have a rewarding year. You need to do what is necessary to prepare your family and child in order to help us succeed. Tell and Kv/ell Mazel Tov to some of our high school graduates... Class of 2003 Bradley Alhadeff Sarah Buchanan Marisa Duchowny Diana Emptage Jenna Levy Paul Unger Samantha Willey Congratulations to: Jolie Alhadeff, Julie Unger and Aimee Worth on their college graduation! Congratulations to Joel and Andrea Fleekop on obtaining their Masters Degree from Hebrew Union College! Mazel Tov to Kenny and Linda Schnitzer on the engagement of their son Lawrence to Mary Elizabeth Allaire. They will be mar?ried in Evanston Illinois on July 12. Mazel Tov to Eric Fleekop, son of Jackie Fleekop. Eric is a stu?dent at the University of California and will be inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. NSCS is a highly selective national, non-profit honors organization. Founded in 1994, NSCS recognizes first and second year undergraduate students who excel academically. Congratulations to Jordan Greenberg. He achieved his first-degree black belt! He has been taking lessons since age six and is now age 11. He endured a ten and a half hour exam with 25 and 26 year olds and came in with the second highest score in his group. He will be representing Nevada in the Jr. Olympics in Orlando. Way to go Jordan! Brittan Greenberg, age 14, has been accepted by the Ford Model?ing Agency and has recently appeared in YM and 17 Magazines. Congratulations Brittan! To those graduates not listed here, A HEARTY MAZEL TOV TOO! Jenna Bromerg Kellen Cornett Ravit Eisenberg Alexandra Epstein Russ Sheldon Andrew Urban June/July 2003 Please register and pay promptly. Talk to your child about prop?er behavior and good attendance. With your support, we can prepare for a fantastic journey in Jewish Education for your entire family. B? Shalom, Jaclqe Mommy-n-Me 5habbat Daddies are welcome too! Mommy-n-Me Shabbat Are you and your toddler look?ing for something to do on Friday mornings? So you like fresh challah and apple juice? Would you like your child to learn the Shabbat prayers and interact with other Jewish children from the temple? Then do we have a program for you! We are proud to be expanding our early childhood program to include a daytime Mom?my-n-Me Shabbat. In Mommy-n-Me Shabbat (daddies welcome too!), you will participate with our preschool?ers in learning songs, singing prayers and having treats. The program will be every Friday morning in the Beit Tefillah. You and your child will have the opportunity to share the Shabbat experience with other parents and children and begin nurturing your child?s Jewish identi?ty. There is no fee for the program (yes its free!) and you may bring a guest and their child (temple member?ship is not required). We at Congregation Ner Tamid are committed to nurturing the Jewish identity of all the children within the community. If you have any ques?tions, or would like to RSVP for the program (we need to be sure to have enough challah), please contact me at the office 733-6292. Lois ?Bergman A Special Place To Belong CIMT PRESCHOOL/KINDERGARTEN/SUMMER CAMP The summer months are here and our preschool kindergarten year is coming to an end. It has been a year of fun and excitement, growth, and learning, for our students as well as our staff. Our preschool was at capacity and the second year of our kindergarten program was also a huge success. With the expanding student population we needed to hire more staff. What a great year. I really want to thank so many individuals who helped to make our year such a success. Our teaching staff is the best, Miss Eva, Miss, Dorit, Miss Margaret and Miss Albstein: you are superior in every way. Of course, Miss Jodi our wonderful music teacher really helps to make our program great. You taught, assisted, carried, moved, painted, wiped away tears , fixed broken hearts, broken toys and broken furniture. The children and I all love you and thank you for being sooo wonderful. A special thanks to the ladies in the office, Mary, Roberta, Karen and Angie our bookkeeper, I couldn?t have done it without you. Irv Duchowny, our Executive Director has been helpful in supporting our school and keeping us organized. Our dynamic Jacky Rosen? who has always been there to help and guide us in any capacity: you are delightful, caring and talented, we thank you. Rabbi Akselrad has been there to guide, offer support and a helping hand and Rabbi Weiner, who has read to us and given us high fives. Thank you to all of you. All of our parents friends and students have helped to make this our fifth year, a banner year. This last month of school has been very busy, as usual.. We celebrated Mother?s Day with the making of gifts and cards:. We also celebrated our country, learning about those who made it great, for Memorial Day. This month we are making final preparations for our two graduations and closing day celebrations. We are gearing up for next year, when preschool and kindergarten will resume on Monday August 26th. Our waiting list for next year grows every day, please call and make an appointment to visit our school if you have a child or grandchild betwe^ the ages of 2 1V2-6 years of age and want a quality Jewish Prescho? Kindergarten education to begin your childs school experience on the right foot. CNT CAMP CHAVERIM Our summer program is gearing up for a summer of fun, excitement and fellowship. Summer Camp will run from June 24lh through July 26th. We will accept children between the ages of 2 1\2- 9 years of age. Our Camp will have a summer filled with Jewish programming revolving around sports, arts and crafts, music, drama, karate, gymnastics, computer, talent shows, cooking etc. We will go on weekly field trips, enjoy Shabbat together and have a camp play, and puppet show. Our themes for the little ones 2 1\2 -4 will be Noah?s Ark and It?s a Small World. There are a few spots remaining please reserve your spot so you won?t be left out. Lois ?Bergman Early Childhood Director WANTED Substitute kindergarten teachers needed. Must be licensed in the State of Nevada. Call Lois Bergman, 733-6292 for further details. Shabbat is fun, Nikki Korer, Branden Pleggenkuhle & Sydney Bash AM Adam Walker practices for our Shabbat program Congregation N e r Tamid Jordan Carter with his science project June/July 2003 Auxiliaries ^Suts'ifioo d <^Nt ?(AJi Men's Club Shalom, This is my last article as the CNT Sisterhood President. For the last two years 1 have had the pleasure of working with many wonderful Board members and Sisterhood members. They have made my job easier and together we were able to accomplish some wonderful things for CNT and our membership. Thank you all! At about the same time I became the President, Rabbi Weiner joined our Congregation. Right from the start she embraced us and has been an integral part of the success of the organization. She has helped us in untold ways, especially adding to our spiritual development. She helped us write our wonderful Sisterhood prayer, furthered our development of our monthly Rosh Chodesh program, and assisted us in writing several services, including the Havdalah service which our Sisterhood was charged with creating for the Western Region of Temple Sisterhoods bi-annual conference. Most recently, she helped us develop a new Hagaddah for the All Women?s Seder, which she beautifully lead. Thank you Rabbi Weiner for all your help and ^^ipport. Speaking of the All Women?s Seder, it was fabulous and very well attended, even for a stormy night. Jennifer Cohen coordinated it with the help of Maxine Molinsky, Bette Stahl, Sheryl Chenin Webb, Maxine Gratz, Sandy Stolberg, and Laura Bailey. Sandy and Laura were responsible for the beautiful new Hagaddah, the first one in several years. Believe it or not, our third service since we have sponsored these special Seders for the last ten years. Sandy also arranged for our catering to be done by Madeline Morris and the meal and service was great. A much welcomed break from all the hard work previously done by Frances Klamian and many Sisterhood members for all these years. As I leave this Presidency, I know that Sisterhood is in great hands and hearts! Fern Percheski will do a wonderful job as the new Sisterhood President. She leads a fabulous Board, who I know will take our Sisterhood to great places. Fem has already demonstrated exceptional leadership and has a wonderful heart. Many of you may not know Fem, but she is easily recognized as the tall blond in the Temple choir who visibly enjoys what she is doing the most. She will demonstrate that same passion for Sisterhood and has the Chutzpah necessary to get the job done well. If you don?t belong to Sisterhood, I hope you will join this fabulous organization and be infected by Fern?s zest for life, love of Sisterhood, and outstanding leadership. ^Bhalom, Ur6 an Sisterhood Past-President Planning for next year has already begun and I am looking forward to a great year. I am very proud of our members who have volunteered to serve on the board and want to thank them for their efforts. Howard Layfer, President Fred Toffel, Vice President Geoffrey Schafler, Secretary David Nathan, Treasurer Jay Rosen, Vice President, Membership Leo Schoenfeld, Vice President, Membership Stuart Solomon, Vice President, Publicity T.J. Coons, Vice President, Community Relations Donald Marcus, Program Chairman Trustees Robert Brill Joel Charon Richard Granich Fred Marks Allan Nathanson Peter Reveen Michael Risen Past Presidents Steve Joseph Mike Milano Our Board meetings will continue to be scheduled on the third Tuesday of the month. Everyone is encouraged to attend and add their ideas. This is especially important early in the year when we schedule our activities. We Must Never Forget By now most of the Congregation has seen our DVD ?The Holocaust Happened...A Visit With Regina Hirsch?. If you have not yet ordered your copies I would like to encourage you to do so. Ray tells her remarkable story of survival in a manner that is riveting. We believe the Holocaust can not be allowed to die and is understood best when heard through the memories of those who survived. We are fortunate that two of our members Michael Geeser and Stuart Solomon believed deeply in this project and worked many hours to insure its success. I ordered copies for my children and they tell me it is one gift they will never forget. As I attended the Yom Hashoah service at temple this year I was deeply moved. As I watched each survivor light a candle I was saddened that fewer and fewer people are left every day who can tell their stories. We must never forget. 1 am proud that Men?s Club has produced Ray?s story and now it is up to all of us to share it. Copies are available in the Congregation office and on our Web Site, cntmensclub. org Have a wonderful summer and we?ll see you all when our regular meetings begin this fall. June/July 2003 A Special Place To Belong CNT U! SUMMER SCHEDULE Prayer Hebrew Are you interested in learning how to read the Shabbat prayers fluently? Here is your opportunity. During the summer, we will be teaching a class that will help you achieve greater fluency in Hebrew prayers. This course will be taught by both of the rabbis and other guest teachers. In order to take this class, you need to have basic Hebrew reading skills. Class meets: Sundays Dates: June 22, 29 July 6, 13, 20, 27 August 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 9-10 am Cost: $36 for members + cost of materials $40 for non-members +cost of materials Introduction to Judaism Ever wondered why certain customs are followed in Judaism? Why do we pray so much? What are the meanings of the Jewish holidays? Have questions about Judaism? If any of these questions or others have en?tered your mind, then this is the class for you! Class meets: Sundays Dates: June 22, 29 July 6, 13, 20, 27 August 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 10-11 am Cost: $36 for members + cost of materials $40 for non-members +cost of materials Hebrew I Do you ever get lost in the prayer book? Have you ever thought that this is the year that I learn to read Hebrew? Not know the difference between an aleph or a bet? Then this is the class for you! Join us to learn basic Hebrew skills. In this class, you will learn the Hebrew conso?nants and vowels and learn how to put them together to form words. Class meets: Sundays Dates: June 22, 29 July 6, 13, 20, 27 August 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 1 lam-12 noon Cost: $36 for members + cost of materials $40 for non-members +cost of materials Pirkc Avot with Rabbi Akselrad Many of the maxims of our world actually come from a section of Talmud called ?Pirke Avot (Saying of Our Ancestors).? In this class, you will be introduced to the age-old sayings that account for many of the wise anecdotes of our lives. Class meets: Tuesdays Dates: June 17 and 24 Time: 6-7 pm Cost: $10 Where Does the Soul Go? A Jewish View of the Afterlife Have you ever questioned what Judaism says about the afterlife? If so, come to this class and learn from Rabbi Akselrad what Judaism holds about life after death. This class will be a fascinating course on the view of what happens to us after we die. Class meets: Tuesdays Dates: June 17 and 24 Time: 7-8 pm Cost: $10 Story Within a Story Jackie Fleekop, our Director of Education and master storyteller, will lead a wonderful experience of telling stories within stories. Based on a book by Penina Schram, Jewish stories really contain within them more than one story. Come listen to and learn how to tell stories within stories so that you can share your family stories with others. Class meets: Mondays Dates: August 4 and II Time: 6-7 pm Cost: $10 Shabbat Music with Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Do you sit in services and want to sing along but don?t know the melo?dies? Does music make your soul sing? Would you like to learn more of the Shabbat tunes? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then come learn some Shabbat melodies with Philip. Any level of Hebrew reading or non-reading is okay for this class. Class meets: Mondays Dates.: August 4 and 11 Time: 7-8 pm Cost: $ 10 Congregation N e r Tamid Israeli Folk Dance H If you can walk then you can folk dance! Come learn to Hora an