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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2003



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    Copgregatici? Ncr Tailed ran u riSip The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong March 2003 - Vol. XVI No. 12 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Weiner Associate Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President 27 Adar i - 27 Adar // 5763 Irv Duchowny Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Andrea Brunner Executive Director Education Director Preschool Director Bulletin Editor The Gong Show CNT Style Here come the CNT Stars! Join your CNT family and friends as we present ?The Gong Show.? You?ll see singing, dancing, acting?and some of it might even be good! You be the judge. If you, the audience, like the act, then watch quietly and enjoy. If you DON?T like it, boo and yell and we?ll hit the Gong and get them off stage! You decide. ?The Gong Show? will be held at 7:30 on Saturday, March 22, 2003 in the CNT social hall. Not only will it be fun for the whole family; it?s FREE to all temple members. Come join the fun! If you have any questions feel free to call the temple office or Susie Sernoe-Plotkin at 338-3362. H During the business day we have had people wandering throughout the office area. We put the door in for security reasons, and certainly not to offend or make anyone feel uncomfortable. In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Executive Director Message 4 Religious School/Preschool 5-6 Auxiliaries 7-9 Anniversaries 14 Birthdays 14 Tributes 15-17 In Memoriam 8 Yahrzeits 17 (the Bulletin is published monthly) Speciaf Bface Tt? BeCongWorship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Friday March 7 6:30 Tot Shabbat 7:30 Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Akselrad Oneg sponsored by the Akselrad Family Saturday March 8 9:00-10:00 a m Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday March 14 7:30 Purim Family Service with the Shabba Tones and Jr. Choir Oneg sponsored by the Knox family in honor of their daughter Jessica becoming a Bat Mitzvah March 15 Saturday March 15 10:00 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Knox Kiddush sponsored by the Knox Family 9:00-10:00 a .m. Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Friday March 21 5:30 Singles Shabbat 7:30 Family Shabbat Services Saturday March 22 9:00-10:00 a m Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study 7:30 p.m. Gong Show Friday March 28 7:30 Shabbat Services Saturday March 29 9:00-10:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00-11:00 a.m. Minyan and Torah Study Rabbi's Message An Invitation to Our Temple Family I remember my Dad sitting at his type?writer, composing what would become my Bar Mitzvah invitation: ?It?s hap?pening to us! Our son Sandy is having his Bar Mitzvah! Please join ...? As the only son of Rabbi Sidney Akselrad I remember feeling the excitement and pride that my parents had in my be?coming a Bar Mitzvah. Well, here it is x number of years later and all I can say is: ?It?s happening to us! Our son Sam is having his Bar Mitzvah!? A little over three years ago, our daugh?ter CJ celebrated her Bat Mitzvah. We still treasure that time, and can?t be?lieve how the years have quickly gone by. But each child is unique, with their own abilities, interests and personality. One of the beautiful things I have found in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremo?ny whether for my own child or yours, is that it does give each child a chance to ?shine?-to share with the Congregation who they are and what makes them so special. Sam is a wonderful artist, with a quick wit, and a kind heart. He always seems to be on the go! Joni and I do hope that you, our Congrega?tional family, will come Friday night March 7th to share our joy with us. It is a mile?stone in the life of Sam and our family. A sharing of tradition, and values. And yet another reminder that as long as the next generation remembers who they are, our faith will survive. L?dor v?dor - from one genera?tion to the next, we pass on our love, our values, our hopes and dreams. Could any occasion be more special or meaningful? B?shalom, %abbi Sanford Slfselrad ?With-pride andlove, we invite you our Congregational famiCy to share in our joy as our son Samuel is called to the Torah to hecome a (Bar Mitzvah on March 7th, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. flour presence willmaffe our evening complete. ?Please join us afterwards for an oneg in Sam's honor. Rabbi Sanford and Joni Akselrad I '2 W Congregation N e r Tamid March 2003 Temple Board Members dr. Stewart Blumenfeld President Scott Stolberg VP Administration Cookie Lea Olshein, esq VP Membership Ira Spector Hillary Torchin Mindy Wadkins Gina Polovina Ira Miller Doug Unger Lynn Sasso Maxine Molinsky Yvonne Gordon Beth Bromberg Aimee Knox Cecilia Schafler Stacey Yahraus Marla Letizia Leon Marco Jordie Primack Ruth Urban Howard Layfer Samantha Willey Herman Steiner Drew Levy Bob Unger Esq. Jerry Gordon Esq. Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnjtzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins ?|)n. Michael Cherry r. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action VP Ways & Means Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Men's Club NTTY Golden Chai PastPresident Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio ^Deceased Please, join us for our annual Congregational Passover Seder on SLpril 16 at 6:00 POd in our social hall ?for more information please see insert. ?We loolfforzvard to sHaring this holiday with our congregational family. ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT A WOMAN'S LIFE Not long ago, I was talking to the CNT leadership development group about the history of synagogues in Judaism and I was mentioning the place-literally-of women in the syna?gogue. That reminded me of an arti?cle and also a book I read some years ago that describe the place-metaphor- ically-of Jewish women in early post- Temple Judea. The article and the book describe a most extraordinary find by the great Israeli general-ar?chaeologist yigal Yadin of a cloth- wrapped packet of papyrus documents (above) hidden in a cave near Ein Gedi on the western edge of the Dead Sea. The documents were placed there by a young Jew?ish woman named Babatha around 135 CE, at a time when the Roman legions were mopping up the last holdouts of the Second Revolt against Rome, led by Bar Kochba. Babatha's trove con?tained much of what she held dear: important documents, a jewelry box, cosmetics, an iron pan, clothes, knives, bowls, and sandals. The items paint a poignant picture of a woman hop?ing to save herself by hiding from the Legion in a cave, or at least hop?ing to stay alive and eventually re?trieve her things. We know that she did not, but the sizeable papyrus ar?chive she left us opens an extraordi?nary window onto the life of women in that period. (The cave also con?tained writings to and from Bar Kochba himself.) In that period, women did not have the same rights as men. In particu?lar, men routinely inherited proper?ty, land, and money; women did not. In a sense, while men were defined for who they themselves were, wom?en were defined by whatever man- father, brother, husband-they were attached to. However, under Jew?ish legal practices of the time, by means of certain instruments women could be granted some specific rights. Babatha felt that her docu?ments were so important to her that, even as she apparently ran for her life, she took with her, and tried to hide for safekeeping, these precious documents. From those we know that Babatha was married twice, the sec?ond time to a man named Yehudah from the village of Moaza, also on the western shore of the Dead Sea. We know that Yehudah died in 130 CE, leaving Babatha to care for a young son named Yeshua and a step?daughter named Shelamzion. As it happens, Babatha was wealthy. Her father had deeded her some date- palm orchards and houses and mon?ey and her brothers, in another document, had renounced any claim to that particular property. Her ketubah with Yehudah awarded her a significant bride-price. Jewish marriage contracts differed from most others in that region because they allowed the bride-price to be paid directly to the bride instead of to her father. Her husband also committed to clothing and feeding his wives and children in "the Greek custom and manner". (Recall that at continued on page 10 March 2003CNT's Second Friday A Message From Our Executive Director Menorah Level Donors - True Mitzvah People ? Musical Shabbat Services March 14,2003 at 7:30pm Don't miss the Shabba-Tones I have been writing about different ways to help support our Temple. This month, I?d like to focus on one aspect of helping our temple, and to recognize those who are in this wonderful group. When a person or family joins our temple, we have a discussion about dues. We include a conversation about what our normal dues schedule is. This may include a conversation about those who may qualify for senior dues, if appropri?ate, or our newest category, for those young adults (single or married) who want to join CNT (we have a significantly reduced rate, to make it financially convenient for those under the age of 35, on a sliding scale). We at Congregation Ner Tamid have a system for those who want to go ?Above and Beyond? on normal financial annual commitments. They are called our Menorah Level Donors, and these are the people who help us offset those who may not be able to afford full financial annual commitments. inaction! Outreach Committee PASSOVER PIZZAZ A Passover Primer Understand the Seder Experience Passover Food Sunday April 6th 1:00P-3:30PM CNT Social Hall Outreach invites all interfaith couples and families to learn more about Passover. And don?t forget our fund raiser... The Outreach Committee at CNT is taking orders for Pre-made MATZO BALLS For more information: Call CNT, at 733-6292 We have several levels of Menorah Level Donors, with each level being accom?panied by additional benefits. These are opportunities for our members to participate in the financial strength and well being of CNT. We invite you t(^ contact me here at the synagogue (733-6292, Ext. 101) so that I can furth? share with you how this might be an excellent opportunity for you to help CNT remain ?A Special Place to Belong?. to be continued. Irv RABBI WEINER NAMED ASSOCIATE RABBI It is with great pleasure that CNT Senior Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and CNT President Stewart Blumenfeld announce to the congregation that Rabbi Jennifer Weiner has been promoted from Assistant Rabbi to Associate Rabbi. In the hierarchy of clergy titles and responsibilities, Associate Rabbi is a single step below Senior Rabbi. Rabbi Weiner was ordained in 1996 at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Prior to that, she obtained a Bachelor?s degree from Barnard College and a Master?s degree from HUC-JIR. Following her ordination, Rabbi Weiner served congregations in Lake Charles, LA and Williamsville, NY. Prior to being ordained, she was a student rabbi at congregations in Dubuque, IA, Romev , GA, and Yuma, AZ. Rabbi Weiner also has served as a US Navy chaplain and as a legislative assistant for UAHC?s Religious Action Center in Washington. Rabbi Weiner joined CNT in August 2001. The move from Assistant to Associate is an important step in a rabbi?s career and all of us in the congregation wish her a hearty Mazal Tov! T Congregation N e r Tamid March 2003 Religious School News Religious School Calendar March 2003 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 4 5 6 9 11 12 13 16 16 19 20 23 25 26 27 30 PURIM: More Than Just A Fun Holiday! Purim is a time to bend rules as we make noise in the synagogue, parade around in costumes, and children stay up late to enjoy the Purim spiel. Spiel retells the story of Queen Esther and the evil Haman. It is often told as a funny play, many different ways, but always to remind us how important it is to take a stand for what we believe in. Esther took a risk to save the Jewish people when she uninvited came before the King to plead for her people. I have always taught that there are many types of people. There are perpetrators, victims and by-standers. The per?petrator causes an action to happen. The victim is the one it happens to or allows it to happen to them. The by?stander does nothing to stop an action. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Purim reminds us of the importance of commitment to our beliefs?and yet, we still have fun. See you at the Purim Family Service, Friday, March 14th and at the Purim Carnival, Sunday, March 16th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. We will celebrate with an amazing spiel and a great carnival with fun, games, food, an auction, a great raffle and of course, hamantashen. With the lessons learned from Purim and the excitement of the Spiel and carnival------Purim is more than a fun a holiday. Torah 2 U We live in an age of convenience. We e-mail and we use the Internet for almost everything. It sometimes makes us feel as if the personal touch is missing. Torah 2 U is a program for adults that comes to you. Several friends get together to Study Torah in someone?s house. The portion is discussed in an informal manner. Then the evening seems to take off on a magical journey of its own with everyone sharing their opinions and learning with each other. We conclude with some desserts and beverages. If you are interested in being part of this program contact...Jackie Fleekop at the Temple office 733-6292. A Special Place To Belong ^5^ March 2003CUT PRE/CHML AMI KINlEMAftTEN Febraary was another fast paced month here at the Preschool and Kindergarten . . We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog?s shadow (which he really did see and so did the children). Of course we all learned about Presidents Lincoln and Washington. We even baked our own Challah to enhance our Sabbath experience. We had our Pennies for Pasta fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which was a huge success. Our students also enjoyed our Bike safety program This month of March will also be an active one here at our school. On Wednesday March 18th our students will enjoy celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim. All of the youngsters will dress up in costume and we will get to make our own delicious treats of Hamentashen and even get to make our own masks and give Mislot Manot to our friends.. Next month, April will bring our long awaited preschool Shabbat, come and hear us on Friday April 4lh at 6:30 P.M., we are truly adorable. We have worked very hard preparing for this special night April 14th, will be our Passover Seder. It is always a wonderful moment to here our little ones Kindergarten celebrates a Birthday In line getting ready for outside play chant the traditional four questions and participate in all Q the traditional holiday rituals. It will be a fun day. We are continuing our preparations for next year?s Kindergarten and Preschool programs.. We are already in the enrolment phase. If you are considering a preschool or kindergarten for your child or grandchild, don?t be left out because you waited too long.. . Look for exciting news in the next few weeks about our Camp Chaverium program. We are gearing up for our summer program for youngsters 2 V2- 9. It looks like this year will offer a fun filled summer for our youngsters here at Ner Tamid. Lois ?Bergman Early childhood Director WANTED Substitute kindergarten teachers needed. Must be licensed in the State of Nevada. Call Lois Bergman, 733-6292 for further details. Our kids play a game Setting ready for Shabbat Congregation N e r Tamid March 2003 Auxiliaries ?eSli?ezIzoo d /?C47l Me>T$ Club As I write this article, Frances Klamian has just retired as the catering director for Sisterhood. Frances has been in this position for about eight years and has done a wonderful job. Most of you don?t know what has been involved in this undertaking, you just know the food is there, it tastes great and is presented beautifully. Frances has spent countless hours, mostly without compensation, planning menus, shopping, schlepping in the groceries and paper products, and preparing the wonderful meals. Many of you reading this article have had Frances prepare a spectacular oneg commemorating a special event or prepare a B?nai Mitzvah kiddush for one of your children. I am sure you have attended a Shabbat or holiday dinner catered by Frances and you may have attended the annual Sisterhood Women?s Seder, which was also done by Frances. You know what a great job she has done and what a treasure she has been to Sisterhood and a blessing for the entire congregation. Right now we are struggling to replace her or determine what CNT is going to do for food functions and Onegs. For more than the last year, Susie Semoe Plotkin has assisted Frances on many of the Friday night Onegs and other events and we also owe her a debt of gratitude. Both women (along with many Sisterhood volunteers) have made food functions at CNT seem effortless, but these great meals couldn?t have occurred without their hard work and dedication. Thank you ladies! Frances, we wish you the best and want you to know from the bottom of our hearts iust how much we appreciate you and the sacrifices you and your family ? e made to take care of us. It is hard to believe that summer is just around the corner, and so is summer camp. Sisterhood will once again be offering partial camp scholarships. Flowever, we couldn?t do it without your generous contributions. Marilyn Polovina Bulavsky, our chair of the FUN-D 4 Youth program has done a great job asking you for help and you have positively responded. Marilyn also was responsible for the raffle at the Chanukah Bazaar and solicited some wonderful gifts, and Sisterhood members and congregants also donated some great items. The money raised will help Sisterhood provide some $4,000 in partial camp scholarships, which will enable many children to attend Jewish camps this summer. We will be baking Hamentaschen for Purim on Sunday, March 9th starting at 9am and running through most of the day, and again on Thursday March 13th from 10am until early afternoon. Please join us in the CNT kitchen for what always is a fun event. Don?t worry, you don?t have to be a baker as we will show you exactly what to do. Also, don?t forget to mark your calendars for Sisterhood?s Women?s Seder, on April 22. Check our website for the most up to date information on Sisterhood programs at Please feel free to call me at 768- 8529, or email me at if you have any questions about Sisterhood. I welcome your input and questions. My best, ?Rutfi Urban, Sisterhood President ??? Sisterfwod Congregation Her Tamid Men?s Club Stays Busy Two years ago Dave Nathan told me about a ; calth fair he visited. He was excited and thought it was something that would be great for the Men?s Club. We asked Fred Toffel for a physician?s opinion and he was enthusias?tic too. Dave?s idea with Fred?s leadership resulted ii, a very successful and impor?tant event. We scheduled the Health Fair, which Fred titled ?La Chiam to Life? and everyone pitched in. We ended tr with twenty vendors, three very prestigious speakers and most impor a itly many temple members attending. Mark your calendars; we?ve already scheduled Sunday February Is' to do it again next year. Last November Stu Solomon helped me move my youngest son to Los Angles. While we were there he insisted w: have breakfast with an old family friend Ray Hirsch. Grateful for Stu?s L ip I said OK. I did not really want to take time off of helping my son get settled in his new apartment but Stu?s a hard guy to say no to. Well that breakfast resulted in the Holocaust Happened program. Everyone had a wonderful opportunity to hear Ray?s ; ory and to understand what horrors our people suffered and the responsil ility we all have to never let the world forget. Stu worked tirelessly to make the program a success and deserves everyone?s appreciation. Films and Singing Two other important events in which the Men?s Club recently participated were the Jewish Film Festival and the Celebrity City Chorus program. We partnered with the Sisterhood and other temple committees to make them happen. I am especially proud that Ruth Urban and I have cooperated to accomplish results that neither Sisterhood nor Men?s Club could achieve by themselves. The events above were new activities for our group. They were a departure from the traditional Men?s Club activity, such as ushering and golf, in that they provided an important forum for the enrichment of temple life. All these activities came about because they were suggested by one of our members. If David or Stu had not recommended that we try a health fair or holocaust program they never would have happened. Watching one of our members take an idea and shepard it to success is exciting. If you have an idea we welcome your suggestions. Join us at the Men?s Club Board meeting on the third Tuesday evening of the month at 7 PM in the library. We?ll be happy to consider your input. 100 Members & Growing Without membership none of these events could happen. Without partici?pation none of these events could happen. I am proud that we have reached 100 members and I want to thank everyone who continues to give us their time and ideas so that we can continue to grow. Our next project is traditionally our biggest and most important one, The Annual Golf Tournament. Details are in a separate article but I want to thank Geoffrey Schafler who is one of the newest members to volunteer for a big job. He is chairman of the golf tournament and is quietly performing a spectacular job. He is getting help from most of our members who I will recognize next month. Your efforts are appreciated. Milano Honored I am happy to say our former Presidents Mike Milano and Steve Joseph are continuing to provide important contributions. Mike is representing Men?s Club and our congregation at the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. He is serving on important national committees and providing us with information and ideas we never utilized before. I was very proud to attend our Regional Men of the Year dinner February 1st in Los Angles where Mike was recognized as our recipient. Steve Joseph is always available when I need to talk with someone. He supervised the Entertainment Book sales and continues to promote the golf tournament with fervor. It is great to have two experienced pros I know I can count on. Howard Layfer, President A S p ecial March 2003 Place To Belong CNT U! Drop-in-Judaism Tuesdays are now complete! Study Judaism on the Tuesdays when there is no Torah class. Same time, different teachers! Come learn with the Rabbis, Bruno, Jackie and guests. You won?t know who is teaching unless you show up. Subjects will range from Jewish Art to Israel to many surprises! All requested subjects. Classes will be held in the Library at Noon on March 1 Ith and 25lh for an hour each. Bring your lunch and we?ll provide the coffee and tea! RSVPs are encouraged but not necessary. Come lunch and learn with us! You Are Invited.... To Participate in a New Project at CNT... Mi Shebeirach Tapestry Tuesday Torah Study with Rabbi A Join Rabbi A for this on-going class. Tuesday Torah Study meets ever other Tuesday. For this month the dates are March 4th and March 18th. Class meets at Noon. Bring a lunch and munch on Torah! Saturday Minyon Ever wondered why Reform Judaism is known as prophetic Judaism? Have an appetite for Jewish books and thought? Want to talk Torah in a low-key, heimeshie atmosphere? Then come to minyon! Saturday mornings: 9:00 a.m.- NACH (Niviim and Ketuviim) and learn A study of the Prophets, holiday writings, and Jewish thought 10:00 a.m.- Shabbat Morning services with Torah service 11:00 a.m.- Torah study of the weekly portion And don?t forget your KEVA credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BIG THANK YOU On behalf of the IHN families, Jennifer and I want to thank all the volunteers who made our week hosting the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) families so successful. The meals were wonderful and certainly appreciated by our guests. They always say that the food is best at CNT. We are not going to mention names but you know who you are, the cooks, those that slept over, those that do?nated money, those that came and visited with the guests, and of course our wonderful scheduler. We could not do this with out all of you. . Our next week to host is May 3. We are looking forward to working with all of you then. Thank you again. ?Bette StakC Jennifer Cofien IHN Co-chair Tell cind %Vell Mazel Tov to Sara Weil and Daniel Schulman on their upcoming marriage, July 4, 2003. We wish them much happiness together. Mazel Tov to Mette and David Naness on the birth of their first child, Nathan, born January 31st. He weighed 7 and a half pounds and was 20 inches long. Congregation N e r Tamid This project is inspired by Arlene Miller, originator of the tapestry pictured, and seen by many at the 2001 National UAHC/WRJ con?vention in Boston. Our tapestry will involve those of us who are interested in increasing awareness of the healing energy within and around us. Squares of fabric will be given to those who wish to participate. On the fabric, each person can convey, in whatever medium they like, positive thoughts, images, and/or symbols of healing, love, peace, well?being, etc. Every square will then be connected to all of the other ones. This will be an ongoing labor of love and will be used periodically to embrace us during prayers for healing in our services. Through artistic expression, our ideas, hopes and prayers of healing will be woven together as a community. ^ You may pick up your tapestry square kits in the office, and return them to the office when your square is complete. For more information, or assistance with your square, please contact any of the below Tapestry Team Members, or look for more informa?tion in future bulletin articles and Temple Happenings. Fern Percheski: Lynette Solomon: Nancy Silber: Rita Malkin: Sherri Speaker: 566-0078 (evenings) 436-0551 458-1347 451-9412 547-3755 This project is coordinated by CNT Sisterhood for the benefit of the CNT Community. All are welcome to participate. fjn eRWemoziam ?TVs. izcoid ixrLtfi ioTToux tde. Jaaincj of: ^WtCCiam H3>snnztt, (azioosA fatfizz of cRuAz ASte.fifie.ii A)?1/2, fefoueA nefilieca of ABetbj JSoiveLC cRafef *bzC Q/aCCs, ueiooeA cjzanAfailiez of RazcAi, cAfmanAa, fffozdwz,cAfAam, R\ [atAiete' qju iRffex Joanne. Rliuffin, ueLoveA couiirz of eRcJjCri. AbanfozA Rf-fieCzaA <zdVatioiAa.A Rfcjuizze, freCoveA yzanAfatfiez of Rftfiena ASixjueLzoi. March 2003 Mom my-n-Me Shabbat Daddies are welcome too! Mommy-n-Me Shabbat Are you and your toddler look?ing for something to do on Friday mornings? So you like fresh challah and apple juice? Would you like your child to learn the Shabbat prayers and interact with other Jewish children from the temple? Then do we have a program for you! We are proud to be expanding our early childhood program to include a daytime Mom?my-n-Me Shabbat. In Mommy-n-Me Shabbat (daddies welcome too!), you will participate with our preschool?ers in learning songs, singing prayers and having treats. The program will be every Friday morning in the Beit Tefillah. You and your child will have the opportunity to share the Shabbat experience with other parents and children and begin nurturing your child?s Jewish identi?ty. There is no fee for the program (yes its free!) and you may bring a guest and their child (temple member?ship is not required). We at Congregation Ner Tamid are committed to nurturing the Jewish identity of all the children within the community. If you have any ques?tions, or would like to RSVP for the program (we need to be sure to have enough challah), please contact me at the office 733-6292. Lois ?Bergman GOLDEN CHAI-ers Are you interested in smoozing with friends? Want a chance to get out and have some fun? Tired of eating by yourself? Then come join Golden Chai every first and third Thursday of the month. Golden Chai is a great way to meet people, eat good food, and be entertained. Get involved! If you have any questions call Rabbi Weiner at temple (733-6292). UAHC Camp Institutes 2003 Winter Events March 21-23 - Camp Newman Family Open House (a change from our previous achedule) April 12 - Camp Newman NFTY Spring Conclave April 11-13 - Camp Newman NFTY Mitzvah - Torah Corps May 16-18 - Camp Newman Whether you have been to camps before, or if this is your experience, join us for a memorable time filled with Shabbat activities, friends, and fun in the beautiful setting of Camp Newman! For more information, call our Camp & NFTY office at: (415) 392-7080 ext. 10 camp or ext. 15 for NFTY Saxe Ihe Dcite ... On Thursday, April 17th, at 7:00 p.m., ?Connec?tions? (the group at CNT connecting singles and couples age 25-39 to their Judaism) is hosting its ?Third Annual Second Night Seder.? All ?Connec?tions? events are open to the entire Las Vegas com?munity. If you know anyone in this age group who needs a place to go for a fun-filled (and tasty) sed?er to celebrate Passover, please let them know about this great event! More details will follow in the April Bulletin. A Special Place To Belong m March 2003continued from page 2 (President's Message) that time, Rome still admired Greek customs and many official documents were written in Greek, not Latin.) Jewish marriage contracts also provided for specific support for a wife and children if the man died. Ba- batha's ketubah is also interesting to us because it opens by saying the marriage is being entered into "according to the law of Moses and the Jews". Sound familiar? Unfortunately, the date on the document was destroyed by worms. Some of the documents in Babatha's trove were written in Greek, some in Aramaic, the vernacular of the Jews and some other nearby tribes. (Hebrew was the lan?guage of prayer.) In one case, a deed to a palm grove, we know the exact date on which it was drawn: the 3d of Kislev in the 28th year of the Nabatean king in the adjacent region, i.e., 18 December 98 CE (what were you doing on that date while Babatha was being given a nice palm orchard?). Several documents in Babatha' cache deal with lawsuits. She both sued and was sued a num?ber of times. Apparently, there was plenty of business for Jewish lawyers even then. Photographs of the personal objects that Babatha stashed away for safekeeping are an emotional reminder that our forebears were real people, sometimes with immense joy in their lives?the wedding symbolized by the ketubah? and sometimes incalculable sorrow?hiding her precious things in the hope that one day she could resume her life. For the young widow Babatha, we know this was not to be. But perhaps her line went on? Is it possible that one of us in the Congregation Ner Tamid family is a descen?dant of Babatha by way of Yeshua? B?shalom Stewart Outreach Committee MATZO BALLS Don?t forget, the Outreach Committee will be selling frozen MATZO BALLS (Thaw-and- Eat) as a fund-raiser for Pesach. Orders will be taken for delivery at Passover. Call David Shapin for more information 210-9954 (cell). Congregation N e r Tamid Jolie Alhadeffs Birthright Israel Trip There are times in our lives when we know we are lucky to b? Jewish. 1 had many of these moments while I was traveling around Israel over winter break. I had the opportunity to travel with Kesh- er?s Birthright Israel trip. Through Birthright I was able to gain a stronger connection to both Israel the country, and the Israel we know as our ?homeland?. There were many people who tried to convince me not to go during such a controversial time. However, I felt no danger. Infact, I felt at peace in Tel-Aviv one day after the terrorist attract in the bus station, I never worried about going to a city or exploring neighborhoods in Jerusalem. This country is my birthright and nobody can take the peace that I felt while I was there. I now have gained more knowledge about the country and my heri?tage. I have spoken with soldiers and heard their stories. I have felt their pain and their resentment, I have seen the injustices that sur?round many situations. I have had my heart and mind opened to the current si