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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, October 1999



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    Congregation Ner Tatpid Tan to rfiip The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong October 1999 - Vol. XIV No. 1 ; . ' 21 Tishrei - 21 Cheshvan 5760 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi % JL Monty E. Willey Executive Director Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist 1 1 Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Drew Levy President Lois Bergman Preschool Director Neal Schuster Student Rabbi 3.. . 3. Melanie Gorman Program Director ^ie Clark County Board of Rabbis and Palm Mortuary would like to invite you to a very sacred Burial Ceremony for Sacred Books on October 10, 1999 at 1:30pm. It will be at Palm Mortuary and Memorial Park, 7600 S. Eastern Avenue. Palm Mortuary is donating a deep vault for this ceremony and local synagogues, including CNT, will be collecting books beginning at High Holy Days, to be buried at the Ceremony. If you have Sacred Books at home that need burying, please bring them to CNT by Friday, October 8th, or you can bring them to Palm Mortuary on October 10th. This is the first ceremony of it?s kind to take place in the Las Vegas Valley. ^^wish tradition states that any ?0archment, book or paper con- ^iining one of seven names is not to be destroyed, but should be buried or stored in a special place called a genizah. As Jewish tradition teaches, ?As Jews do not throw away words on which Almighty?s name is written, so teach us to care for those in whom Almighty?s image is reflected: for the elder?ly and their wisdom, for the young and their dreams, for our parents and our teachers, and for our students.? Rabbi Akselrad noted, ?Everyone in the commu?nity is invited to share in this mitzvah. Let us teach our chil?dren that we hold learning and reverence for God as important values.? The religious school students will have the opportu?nity to car caravan with their families to the book burial. Families interested in going will leave the Temple at 12:45pm. If you have questions, please call the Temple office, 733-6292. Jewish Meditation Class Rescheduled The Jewish Meditation Class that was originally to take place in August has Deen rescheduled. It will now be on Thursday, Octo?ber 14, 1999, From 7:00-B:30pm in the Beit TiFillah at CNT. IF you signed up For the original class, you are still on the list For the October I4,K class. IF you haue not already enrolled, here's your chance. Please call the Temple oFFice, 733-6292, at least one week prior to the class. Don't miss out on this opportunity to relax Jewishly with Jackie Fleekop, our Iiuely Temple educator. The class is Free oF charge. Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from our President 3 Notes from our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News & CNT Preschool 4 October B?nai Mitzvah 6 Havurah at CNT 8 Auxiliaries & Committees 9 New Member Welcome 10 Birthdays/Anniversaries 12 Tributes 13 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 16 (the Bulletin is published monthly) (4 Speeia! r()luee (Jo (Belong,?Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman October 1 Simchat Torah Service and Consecration 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by Scott & Sandy Stolberg in HONOR OF THEIR 13th ANNIVERSARY October 2 Yiskor Service followed by Torah Study/ Morning Min yon 10am October 8 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Jessica Simon Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Simon Family October IS BrettJaekle Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by Lorry Kristal October 16 Jaime Wikler Bar Mitzvah 10am Oneg Sponsored by the Wikler Family October 22 Shabbat Service 7: 30pm Oneg Sponsored by Janis & Drew Rounds in Honor of the Baby Naming of Breauna Rounds October 23 David Weinstein Bar Mitzvah 10am Kiddush Sponsored by the Weinstein Family Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10am October 29 Shabbat Service 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by Alan & Dena Mann in Honor of the Baby Naming of Joanna Mann October 30 Jennifer Zuckerman Bat Mitzvah 10am Kiddush Sponsored by the Zuckerman Family Conqreqa rioN Ner TAMid The High Holydays have come and gone. We now enter a new year. A time for new beginnings and new ideas. On a personal level, it is a time to start em?bracing those New Year resolu?tions that came so easily only a few weeks ago. It is^time to check our resolve and j[6 contin?ue the process of introspection that brought us to our decisions to make specific changes in our lives. Whatever those changes ymight be-don?t give up* Find the. strength, the will, thdtdeter?mination and the conviction to carry on. The power of the High Holydays is to focus our atten- stion on change. But dll-of this is of little avail if we lose focus and resolve throughout the year. On a Temple level, we are also beginning a process of introspec?tion and change. As you proba?bly have read in earlier Bulletin editions, we are in the midst of a long range planning study chaired by Mindy Wadkins. It will take about a year or so to complete, but over this- time we hope to examine every signifi?cant facet of our Temple's pro?gram and how we seek: to fulfill our mission to bring reform Judaism to the Las Vegas Valley. In the year ahead, our Congre?gation is also making a concert?ed effort to work with other Jewish institutions in the valley to strengthen a sense of com?munity that is so important to the vitality of Jewish life in Las Vegas. Two programs in particu?lar are very exciting. Tne first will take place on January 9, 2000 in tne evening. It will be a concert sponsored by Congre?gation Ner Tamid and Temple Beth Shalom and open to the entire community. We are bringing in the most famous performer of Jew?ish music in the United States, Debbie Friedman. Yes you heard correcfly-Debbie Friedman! She is the person most responsi?ble for the renaissance of popular Jewish music in our Jewish sum?mer camps and Synagogues. Our Temple, Tike hundreds throughout the country utilizes her songs to infuse our services and our reli?gious school with an added mea?sure of fun and spirituality. One of her most famous songs that would recognize is the Me She ch prayer we sing every Fri- night when we pray for those healing. But there are day \ in need of literally dozens and dozens of other the mail for specific ticket info^P songs that will be familiar an^p ngs touch your hearts. Please look mation. If you wish to be a spon?sor of this event, if would be very much appreciated as well. Secondly, save April 1-8 for a very exciting trip to Israel! Our Con?gregation will join with the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas for a once in a life time trip covering the ma?jor sites of Israel. I will De one of the leaders of the trip and I know that many of our Congregants have already expressed tneir de?sire to come. The price of the trip as of this writing has not been firmed up yet but will be around $2,000-2,300 including many meals and first rate hotel accom?modations. I can promise you a wonderful time and a chance to experience Israel like you never have before. So please join me and others in our community in traveling to Israel in the year 2,000. Contact the Federation fi more information. (continued on page ar f OcrobER 1999 Temple Board Members Drew Levy ^Stewart Blumenfeld ?Scott Stolberg Howard Layfer Ira Spector Judy Cornet Lynn Sasso Sylvia Beller David Stahl Ruth Urban Mel Hallerman Rita Goldstein Frances Klamian Jacky Rosen Leon Marco Jere' Davis Esther Saltzman Sharna Blumenfeld Mindy Unger-Wadkins Sandy Stolberg Steve Joseph Stuart Kallick TBD Sandy Pittle Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow k Eugene Kirshbaum* ? Rabbi Sanford Akselrad President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee-Youth Trustee-Library Trustee-Bulletin Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden Chai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio ?Deceased Wanted: Members to do Mitzvot! CNT is looking for members who are willing to give rides to congregants, to and fromTemple on Friday nights. Please help a fellow member enjoy the CNT experience by volunteering to drive them. Call Melanie at the CNT office, 733-6292 to make a difference today! ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT Securing Our Future On behalf of my family - Debbie, Sarah, Jenna and myself, I would like to wish each and every mem?ber of our congregation a very happy and healthy New Year. 5760/2000 will be a very exciting year for our temple family and all their extended families. As we all are aware, operating a temple of our size takes a lot of money. We offer many programs and functions for all our mem?bers, from toddlers to young adults to seniors, as well as sup?porting a full-time clergy and of?fice staff. In order to efficiently do all this we prepare and work with an annual budget. It can be very difficult at times, but your board of directors work very hard to stay within the guidlines of our budget and continue to offer all the classes, programs, events, schools and services that the members want and deserve. When you receive your next annual dues statement you will notice a slight dues increase of 5% for the coming year. As hard as it was for the finance commit?tee and the board to approve this increase, let me assure you, it was a necessity. As our temple grows and matures, the cost to operate also grows. With more and more programs being offered, with more students attending religious school and with more usage of our facilites, our operating costs continue to rise. I guess you can say, "it's the cost of doing busi?ness." We have not cut out any programs, nor do we want or in?tend to. We are actually adding to our programming, to meet the needs of our congregation. With everyones help and understand?ing we will continue to grow and mature as a congregation. Another addition to some of the members dues statements will be a "Building Maintenance Fee". For those members who have complet?ed their committment to the sanc?tuary building campaign, a nominal maintenance fee has been approved. Once the sanctuary and other building expansions were completed we have to maintain them. This maintenance fee will help to offset those ongoing costs. Repairs and maintenance are on?going expenses that can not be avoided. They are imperative to keeping the temple functioning and looking its very best. One way that you can help the temple, that does not cost you any?thing, nor do you even realize you are doing it, is at the grocery store. Many of the local grocery stores, like Vons, Lucky, and Smiths, of?fer its customers "value" or "dis?count" cards. By applying for and using these cards you are given special prices and discounts at these stores on the groceries you buy there. NOW you can register Con?gregation Ner Tamid with these stores, as you charity of choice. Each time you use your card for purchases they will give a percent?age of the amount spent back to the temple. It is very simple to do and you can still pay for your gro?ceries any way you please, as long as you use tne card. We encour?age every member and their fami?lies to please do this. You can have one for all the stores if you like. Please let me know or contact Mon?ty in the office if you have any questions on these matters. Again, Happy New Year. (Dreu> S cA S pecial cpiaee OdobER 1999 77a r)3eiomf ^ I would like to take this opportunity to extend a special THANK YOU to all of the members of our Adult Choir for an outstanding job during the High Holydays! They worked very hard over the summer preparing and it truly paid off. I have heard wonderful reviews of their singing and truly appreciate all of their hard work. Someone even commented that this was the best professional choir they had ever heard for the High Holydays, without realizing it was a volunteer group. ?Yasher Kochavim? (A Job Well Done): Sally Birman Bonni Casale Florence Ellison Marty Fessler Frances Klamian Christy Molasky Jill Oaks Susan Breene Dick DeFranco Dee Ann Emmer Randi Friedman Michael Mehr Maxine Molinsky Fern Percheski Eric Rowland Sheldon Rosenberg Barbara Rosenberg Glori Rosenberger Larry Rudolph Larry Sasso Leah Sichel Jaquie Smith Katherine Scott Nanette Spector Our accompanist Rhonda Greeson and choir director Peter Bugel both worked extremely hard and I want to acknowledge their dedication. Also my deepest thanks to Fern Percheski for her diligent work with our sheet music. We couldn?t have done it without them! A special thank you to Maxine Molinsky for singing at the Healing Service and to Billy Tiep for singing at the Youth Services. We are so lucky to have such talented musicians to help out at the many services we offer. Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year! B?shalom, ?Betta AdulT B'naI MiTzvAh CIass 1999^2000 This year's AdulT B'NAi MiuvAh cIass will bEqiN ThuRsdAy, NovEMbER 4, 1999. ThE cIass will bE TAuqhi by MeUssa Roih fROM 7:50'9pM iN room 12. ThE cIass is liMiTEd to ten pEoplE. ThE B'NAi MiTZVAh CEREMONY Will TAkE plACE SATURdAy, June 5, 2000. If you would likE to siqN up OR hAVE QUESTiONS REqARdiNq ThE cIass, plEASE CAll ThE TEMplE officE at 755'6292. Religious School News The Celebration Never Ends The holidays are almost over. Simchat Torah and Consecration take place on October 15t. Children are celebrating their Judaism by studying Hebrew and learning about their heritage. Each week we have the sacred and joyful celebration of Shabbat. This month we will have four B?nai Mitzvahs. We should all feel proud that so many of our youth accept their responsibility as Jewish adults by preparing for this ceremony. Our school keeps growing and our students are performing at levels that exceed our expectations. Those that need our help are receiving tutoring. It is important to remember that people learn at their own pace and not everyone has the aptitude to learn a foreign language with ease. We are so proud of our Post B?nai and Confirmation students who have chosen to continue their Jewish Education beyond Bat/Bar Mitzvah. On October 10th at 1:30pm, the Religious school has been invited to participate in a Book Burial ceremony. Palm Mortuaries has graciously donated a grave to bury sacred books at tneir Eastern Avenue location. This ceremony teaches respect of God?s name and of books. 1 hope parents will join us in this event. This is the first time the city of Las Vegas will be doing this type of ceremony. 1 am very soriy to say that due to the horrible occurrence in L.A this past summer we will have stricter safety measures for our children. J, Conqreqa rioN Ner Tam id w Please enter and exit through the main entrance ONLY. Students in grades kindergarten through third grade must be signed out by an adult (not siblings) at the end of the class on Sundays. As hard as it is to admit to ourselves and our children the world is not yet perfected. God gave it to us to do as much as we can to make the world a better place. We need to teach children, yet let them make choices. We need to guide our children, yet let them explore. We need to protect our children, yet give them freedom to grow. We need to celebrate Jewish iic~ by living with our children. Shalom, Jocfie Jkefgj? OcTobER 1999 C nTf IVE &S/fi OOL f t's hard to believe that the High Aoludays are behind us and fall is Areally here. This month we will be celebrating the joyous Holidays of Sulckot and Simchat Torah. We will all help decorate the beautiful CNT Sukkan and we will perform the Mitzvot (Commandments) of eat?ing in a Sukkah Hut, as well as shaking the Lulav and Etrog in all directions (to show that G-D is everywhere). We will hold our own Simchat Torah parade marching with the flags we made ourselves. We will also make our own Torahs and go into the Synagogue and to see the Torahs in the Ark. Last month was a very busy one here at the Preschool. It was a pleasure watching the children sa^ the blessings over "Apples Dippe ared each bit iday treat. Tl and girls all got to dIow the Shofar in Honey" as they savored bite of the sweet holiday The boys (Ram's Horn) and it was delightful to hear the sounds these little ones snade from this traditional instru- ent. We made Shanah Tova Cards h>r our parents and even our friends and wished each other a hearty L' Shanah Tova Tikatevu. The children had a taste of the round Challah with raisins and we all said we are sorry to each other, for things we had done that were not so nice last year. We said we would be kind to each other and our parents this new year of 57G0. Our class took a Tasnlick walk to cast away our sins. It was sure an interesting experience hearing how each of these 2-5 year-olds expressed their feelings of hope and renewal at this most holy time of the year. The students all enioued their visit with Chabad Rai)bi (Rabbi Showitz). He taught us how to make a Shofar and which animals were Kosher and had horns appropriate to use. Also a big THANK YOU to our own Rabbi Akselrad, for reading us a wonderful story about a Shofar. Our classrooms are filled with exuberant and delightful young?sters who enjou coming to school and sharing a learning experience with their peers and dedicated teachers. Our staff is very proud of the accomplishments of our students in this first few weeks of school. The children are all learning their ABC?s, numbers, letters shapes, colors, and how to use a pencil and scissors and glue. Next month we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with our annual Thanksgiving Day feast. Hog Simach (Happy Holiday) from all of us at the Preschool. Lois ?Bergman 1999-2000 CNT Preschool Calendar ?NO SCHOOL? DATES OCTOBER 1999 No School Holidays this month NOVEMBER 1999 Monday, November 1 No School Nevada Day Thursday, November 11 No School Veterans Day Thursday, November 25 No School Thanksgiving Friday, November 26 No School Family Day DECEMBER 1999 Monday, December 20-31 No School Winter Break JANUARY 2000 Monday, January 3 SCHOOL RESUMES FEBRUARY 2000 Monday, February 21 No School President's Day MARCH 2000 No School Holidays this month APRIL 2000 Monday, April 17-21 No Scnool Spring Break Thursday, April 27 No School Passover (last day) MAY 2000 Monday, May 29 No School Memorial Day JUNE 2000 Friday, June 2 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL P A OcrobER 1999 cJl Special r()laie Qio C"Belong.:Hi! My name is Jaime Wilder. I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I was born in Turnersville, New Jersey and spent most of my life in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I moved to Las Vegas when I was seven years old. My hobbies are roller blading, going on AOL, hanging with my buddies, and ___ ny watching Billy Madison. I am going to become a Bat Mitzvah on October 1G, 1999. I am looking forward to that day and what it means to me and my family. I'm happy that all of my family and friends get to celebrate this special occasion with me! m My name is Jessica Courtney Simon and I will celebrate my Bat Mitzvah on Friday, October 8*h. I'm in seventh grade at Greenspun Junior High School and am a member of National Junior Honor Society. My favorite activities include swim?ming, waterskiing, snow skiing and playing tennis. I especially enjoy getting together with friends, chatting on AOL, and traveling with mu family. For many months I nave looked forward to my Bat Mitzvah and am so excited that family and friends from near and very far will be sharing this special ana meaningful occasion. ky Jr. High. I was born in Chicago, IL and moved to Shalom, my name is Danny Weinstein. I am a seventh grader at Molas- ?yJ Snic _ Las Vegas four years ago. My hobbies and interests are roller blad?ing, trading Pokemon cards, and I am a youth soccer referee. My favorite thing in the world is microwave pop?corn. I am going to Decome a Bar Mitzvah on October 23 and I amlooking forward to having all my friends and family join me in celebrating this special event. Hello, my name is Brett Jaekle. I'm a 8th grader at Johnson Junior High School and a member of tne National Junior Honor Society. In this club you must maintain a B Average or better. We do a lot of projects to help in the community. Sports and scnool keep me verj^ busy. I play for the Premier SoccJ^ Club and the Toro's Basketb Team. Both of these teams do a l< of out of state traveling during the year. I also played basketvaTl for my school and plan to play for them again this year. I will be called to the torah on October 15, 1999. I am very happy that my friends and relatives will be joining me on this special occasion. Hi, my name is Jennifer Zuckerman. I am a 7th grader at Lawrence jr. High. I enjoy basketball, dancing and nanging out with my friends. I have been attending Ner Tamid since kindergarten and I am really looking forward to my Bat Mitzvah. I hope you can join me celebrating my Bat Mit; vah with my family a friends on October 301 in I Conqreqati'on Ner Tam id OctobER 1999 4 4 Yiddish Lesson for October Dos qeIeIt m'ir ' This pIeases me DRuchus' TUe slicks (my out //v r/yf wild) Drai zichl- Keep MOviNq! DEiqEh Nish! - Don't worry! Dos iz aIts - ThAT's aIL I STeff and Xveff Xazef ?T ov to Xarc and Eileen Gar6er ion tfie 6irtfi ojtfieir Daughter, ~(iza6etli Claire, Born July 10. Hebrew Classes Now Forming! HEbREw ReatUnq CrasU Course LeveI 1 5 ThuRsdAys, BEqiNNiNq OciobER 7 TiME: 6:15 - 7:45piw Instructor, Jill JAsiENski HubREw ReatHnq CrasU Course LeveI 2 5 ThuRsdAys, BEqiNNiNq NovEMbER 11 (No cIass Novemeder 25, ThANksqiviNq) TiME: 6:15 - 7:45pM Instructor, Jill JAsiENski HEbREw REAdiNq CIasses are FREE CaII 755-6292 For more iNFoRMATioN MUST REqiSTER AT lEAST ONE WEEk iN AdvANCE Torhh Studv OppoRTunmes With Rabbi Akseirad Every other Tuesday 12 noon-l:00 p.m. 9/28-12/7 1/11-3/21 4/11-5/9 With Para-Rabbinic Fellow Katherine Scott Every other Wednesday 6:45-8:00 p.m. 10/6-12/15 1/5-3/15 With Student Rabbi Real Schuster Various Saturdays 10:00 a.m. 10/2, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 1/15, 1/22, 2/5, 3/18, 4/8, 4/29, 5/20 No registration or fees are required for these classes. OcrobER 1999 C7? YCC @ GMT Gould Be The Club Tor you! Congregation Her Tamid?s newest group may just be perfect for you! Our new young couples club, YCC @ GMT is just getting off the ground! Ve have already held our first event, Pizza in the hut. The young cou?ples who attended had a wonderful tine and nade new friends, bon?t niss out on this exciting oppor?tunity to join a group where new ideas and new faces are welcome! Your input could be a deciding factor in planning our next event. The group is for couples in which at least one member is Oewish, and at least one member is between 21 and 35 years old. Please call Melanie at the Temple office for more information, 733-6292. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:??? Speeiul (J)laee. (7o OieLomj \ 7 \HAYURAIMI AT CiT CNT sponsors a number of havurot. In case you don?t know, a havurah (from the Hebrew root chaver (?friend?) is a smaller group within the Temple fami?ly that gets together regularly?usu?ally once a month and occasionally more often?to enjoy one another?s company. Generally, a havurah com?prises twelve to twenty people? sometimes all couples, but we also have mixed couples and singles in a havurah. Some havurot have a mem?bership whose age range is fairly wide, others more narrow. Each havurah is free to determine its own activities and its own membership. A havurah may decide to focus on a particular theme such as Judaica, dining, or the?ater, for example, but most vary their activities, participating in a Temple event one month, going out for dinner the next, holding some home-based activity the next month, and going to a showthe next. Active havurah mem?bers almost always report that their havurah experience is one of the most satisfying aspects of belonging to the Temple and many a close friendship has begun as a havurah acquaintance. (We don?t know of any marriages yet!) hospitaCized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. ? ~ u t A CONQREQA TION NeR TaMIQ All members of the Temple are invit?ed to join a havurah. Once or twice a year, we have a get-together for all those interested in joining a havurah. Our next get-together is a dessert potluck scheduled for Sunday, Octo?ber 10, at 7:00pm at the Temple. Sharna Blumenfeld is our Havurah Co?ordinator, and any questions can be directed to her at 254-9211, If you are interested in joining a havurah, please call Sharna or the Temple of?fice to let them know if you?re com?ing and to get more details. Sisterfiood Chanukah ?Bazaar Sunday, Odpvember 7 11am - 2pm fun, food, and %uget! Watch for ad the details in the Ifpvember ?Bulletin Also, if you are interestedm renting a table for this year's Chanuhah Bazaar, at255-2207 before October 20 for more information. Lastly, I want to express my gr itude to a few individuals who nave worked very hard at the Temple behind the scenes. Over the past few months our board has become increasingly aware that our com?puter system would not survive the Y2K problem without some major overhauling. Our comput?ers and its network was severely out of date consisting of comput- .................... ha - ' ers that have been handed down to us over the years and often times experienced break downs and glitches. Technology is a mar?velous thing-when it works! Jacky Rosen ana Mel Hallerman have taken on this project to obtain the best system tor our Temple which will bring us into the new century with a computer system that will make our staff more productive and allow us to focus on projects instead of computer glitches. Thank you both for your expertise and diligence in this matter! All cMl this effort though would have bee^P academic had we not been able tA obtain the funds needed to pu^ chase this system. Special thanks go to Jerry and Lotty Polis who graciously underwrote this impor?tant purchase. Your generosity will help our entire Congregation on a daily basis and we all truly appreciate your generosity and sup?port. Yes, my friends, the months ahead will bring many exciting changes and programs. I truly hope that you will participate in as many of them as you can. Together we can continue to make our Congre?gation a beacon of Judaism for the entire city and allow our love of Torah to shine in our every day lives. B'shalom, f{aB6i Sanford SfseCrad OcTobER 1999 AUXILIARIES & WWWU Sisterhood Xews MilWiit As I sir dowN to wrtte This months ARTiclE, SiSTERhood is qETTiNq REAdy TO kick off tIhe year wiTh our pAid up MEM' bERship IuncIteon, Abhouqh I kNow iT will bE A qREAT SUCCESS, I CAN'T bRAq AboUT iT UNTil NEXT MONTh. So I ThoUqflT I would TAkE rhE TiME to Iet you kNOW AbouT tIte Who, WItat, ANd Why of Sis- TERhood. This artIcIe was ORiqiNAlly TAkEN fROM ThE WOMEN of ReIoRM JudAiSM PRESidENT's manuaI: WHAT IS SISTERHOOD? SiSTERhood is rhE ORiqiNAl ORqANizATioN of women iN ThE CoNqREqATioN who bANd TOqEThER iN fRiENdship foR PRO' qRAMS TO bENEfiT ThE TEMplE ANd The CoMMUNiTy, foR SOCiAl ACTiviTiES, foR STudy, ANd AboVE All, foR ThE qROWTh of ThE iNdividuAl SO ThAT EACh MAy fiNd AN OppORTUNiTy TO fulfill hER pOTENTiAl AS PERSON ANd AS A jEWish WOMAN. SiS' Rhood pROVidES ThE ARENA foR ThE iN' ViduAl TO EXpANd ANd qROW iN A JEWish MOSphERE. WHY SISTERHOOD? WiThiN ThE STRUCTURE of ThE CoNqREqA' TiON, SiSTERhood is ThE CollECTiVE PRES' Men's Club e^ertauvmmt 2000 Books are wAidNq foR you!!!!!!! eY&ertcuAwnent 2000 Books ARE NOW AVAilAblE fOR pURChASE. This year, as iN Ths past you will bE AblE TO EXAMiNE ANd obTAiN ThESE books AT ThE TEMplE OffiCE OR ON SuNdAy iN fRONT of rhE REliqious School. ThE book can be pURChASEd foR ONly $50, ThE SAME pRiCE foR which iT WAS sold foR ThE Iast severaI yEARS. As AN AddEd SERViCE, if you hAVE an ORdER of six (6) or more books, youR ORdER will bE dEliVEREd TO yOUR hOME OR pIace of busiNESs wbhiN ThE VaIIey area. ThERE are many qROups SElliNq rhE e^ertcUvxme^t 2000 Book, NOW MORE rhAN EVER WE NEEd yOUR support. PuRchASE youR evlfer- faTAwrveelt 2000 Book fROM youR UempIe BRorhERhood. CaII rhE TempIe pffiCE or Steve JosEph at 656'9965 foR ENCE, VOiCE, ANd STRENqTh of WOMEN. It is ThE plACE whERE WOMEN CAN MEET ANd WORk TOqEThER foR ThE bENEfiT of ThE CoNqREqATioN. Here, women can iNiTiATE ANd develop pROjECTS iN which ThEy ARE iNTERESTEd. As AN ORqANiZA' TiON, SiSTERhood CAN iNiTiATE COOpERA' TivE pRoqRAMS wiTh OtItER qROups. WHOM DOES SISTERHOOD NEED? SiSTERhood NEEds ThE SUPPORT of All WOMEN of ThE CoNqREqATioN. All of US, whEThER MOThER, dAUqhTER, SiSTER, AUNT, OR WifE who ARE MEMbERS of A REfoRM CoNqREqATioN ARE NEEdEd AS MEMbERS of iTS SiSTERhood. All OR US, whEThER OR NOT WE pERCEiVE OURSElvES AS hAViNq EXTRA TiME, whEThER OR NOT WE ENjoy All of SiSTERhood's ACTiviTiES OR PROJECTS, whEThER OR NOT WE ATTENd SERViCES REqubuily, ARE NEEdEd AS MEM' bERS of OUR SiSTERhoods. WHY DO YOU NEED SISTERHOOD? SiSTERhood pROVidES a collEcrivE idEN' TiTy foR ThE WOMEN of ThE CoNqREqA' TiON. SiSTERhood Also PROVidES AN OUtIeT foR ThE CREATiVE ENERqy, TAlENT, ANd lEAdERShip POTENTiAl fOR ThE iNdi' viduAl JEWish woman. SiSTERhood will qivE you a woRld'Wide idENmy too, rhROuqh h's AffiliATioN wirh Women of ReIoRM JudAiSM, A fEdERATiON of OVER 600 SiSTERhoods wiTh 100,00 mem' bERS ThROuqhouT ThE UNiTEd States, CANAdA ANd OVERSEAS. WHAT DOES OUR SISTERHOOD DO? SiSTERhood SPONSORS MANy WEll kNOWN pRoqRAMS at CNT such as The Norman MARk CifT Shop, ChANukAh Bazaar, CAMpERship ANd YouTh ACTiviTiES, Tot ShAbbAT. Our Party Shop, woRkiNq OUT of OUR SiSTERhood kiTchEN, PRE' PARES ANd pAyS fOR All NON'SpONSOREd ONEq ShAbbATS. We hAVE a MiTzvAh COMMiTTEE foR ThE bEREAVEd. ANd WE Also CONTRibuTE UbOR & fuNds TO MANy OThER TempIe pRoqRAMS ANd fuNCTioNS. I hAVE ONly SCRATchEd rhE SURfACE hERE! Now ThAT you kNow a IotIe AbouT SIS' TERHOOD, why not qivE us a TRy. ThE NEW SiSTERhood bOARd hAS bEEN woRkiNq hARd This summer to pIan an ExciTiNq year foR us. Our pAid up MEMbERship luNchEON is Oct ?Rd. ANd MARk yOUR CAlENdARS foR OCT 20tIh foR Belly DANciNq ANd DiNNER at The MEd' oerranean CaIe. OUR ANNUAL CHA' NUKAH BAZAAR IS NOV7TH. ShAloM, Sandy Advisor Your IBrotlierliood MORE iNfORMATiON. We would like to qivE a warm weIcome to our new Treasurer, DAvid NAThAN. DAVid RETiREd ANd MOVEd TO Green VaIIey rhREE years Aqo From Oueens, New YoRk whERE he was an iNSTiTUTioNAl Food SaIesman. He is a Past ChANcelloR of ThE KNiqhrs of PyThiUS ANd will bE RESpONSiblE foR kEEpiNq rhE Men's Club out of ThE Red. DAvid ANd his WifE BARbARA hAVE ThREE childREN ANd TWO qRANdchildREN ANd Iove Las VEqAS. ThE SUMMER hAS COME ANd qONE. ThE kids are bAck iN school ANd no loNqER UNdER foOT. We hAVE bEEN TO TempIe foR The Hiqh Holy Days, we've MAde OUR Kol NidRE plEdqE, SO OUR COMMiTMENT TO OUR TEMplE hAS bEEN MET. Or hAS iT? Most of you hAVE very busy schedules ANd doN'T hAVE a Iot of extra TiME ANd whEN you do fiNd Those spare moments you like TO SpENd ThEM wiTh youR fAMiliES, ANd RiqhTfully so! However, ThERE are tItose of you ThAT do hAVE SOME diSCRETiONARy TiME ANd I AM AskiNq you now to come joiN us ANd qeT iNvolvEd iN The Men's Club. JoiN us foR OUR GENERAl MEETiNq ON TuESdAy, OcrobER 20,1999 at 7:00 PM whERE we will discuss our schedule of coMiNq EVENTS TO iNcludE OUR Golf TOURNAMENT, which is scheduled foR ApRil 2, 2000. We are aII STRiviNq to reacIt ThE same objECTiVE, ANd ThAT is TO MAkE ThE TEMplE A bETTER plACE foR All of US. WhilE yOU hElp US ATTAiN OUR qOAls TO EduCATE, AddRESs Men's Issues ANd RAise fuNds, you will Also hAVE fuN. TAkE ThAT fiRST step, joiN us, I pROMise you will NOT REqRET it! Stephen Joseph ---------------------------------- c / Special fpiaet SJo (BeLotui OcrobER 1999 Wolf And Mur'ieI AdlER WhAT A plEASURE TO WElcOME bAck tIhe Ad!ERS,who were AMONq ibE ORiqiNAl fouNdERS of CoNQREqATioN Ner TArviid! Wolf is A SEMi RETiREd ARliST; bis WifE MuRiEl is A piANO TEAcbER. TbE AdlERS bAVE livEd iN Las Veqas foR over 55 years. TbEy should bAVE loTS of STORiES TO TeII! Lisa ANd DylAN AlbERTS USA ANd bER SON, DylAN, liVE iN HENdERSON, ANd CAME TO CNT ThROUqh pEOplE TAlkiNQ AboUT OUR "spECiAl pfACE TO bEloNQ." DylAN is 6 YEARS old, ANd is