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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1999



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    April 1999 - Vol. XVIII No. 6 ?ft17 15 Nisan - 14 Iyar 5759 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Monty E. Willey Executive Director Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Leah Malmon Student Rabbi f Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Melanie Gorman Education Director Preschool Director Program Director Producer Jerry Molen to speak at Yom HaShoah service The annual Yom HaShoah commu?nity wide Holocaust memorial service will be held this year at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13, at Congregation Ner Tamid, with guest speaker Jerry Molen, producer of the Academy Award?winning film, Schindler's List. Mr. Molen, currently a resident of Las Vegas, has been the producer of over 15 major motion pictures, including Jurassic Park, Hook, I&vister and Rain Man as well as Bie recipient of multiple awards and honors spanning nis 41-year career in the film industry. His most notable work, Schindler?s List, has received 16 awards including Best Motion Picture of 1993 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Drama and the Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from the President 3 Notes from our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News 5 April B?nai Mitzvah 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 9 Biennial Report 10 Board Beat 14 Birthdays/Anniversaries 17 tributes 18 ?ahrzeits & In Memorium 21 Ythe Bulletin is published monthly) National Society of Film Critics Annual Award for Best Picture 1993. He is currently in develop?ment on two feature motion pictures - one for DreamWorks and one for Universal Studios. The Yom HaShoah service, held in remembrance of the Holocaust, is co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the Governor?s Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holo?caust, along with local syna?gogues and organizations: Adat Ari El, Ahavat Torah Synagogue, Chabad of Southern Nevada, Congregation Set Knesset Bam- idbar, Congregation Ner Tamid, Midbar Kodesh Temple, Temple Adat Chavarim, Temple Seth Am, Temple Seth Sholom, Valley Outreach Synagogue, the Holo?caust Survivors Group of South?ern Nevada, S?nai S?rith Youth Organization, and the Nate Mack Greater Las Vegas B?nai B?rith. Chairman of the Yom HaShoah committee, Rabbi Sanford Aksel- rad, not only encourages people from the Jewish community to attend this service of remem?brance, but invites the greater Las Vegas community to attend as well. Congregants are asked to bring canned goods to support The Jewish Family Serivice Food Sank. For further information, call Helen Richard at the Jewish Federation, (702) 732-0556. Ifs Time for Torciihon! Join your friends and neighbors af CNT?s 3rd Annual Torathon! What is a Torathon, you might ask? It?s a day of study, exploration and discussion on or about a Jewish issue. It involves text study of Torah, Talmud, or other Jewish texts as well as discussion, reflection and integration of Jewish beliefs with our contemporary lives. This year, CNT's Torathon is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th from 3:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. The Torathon will focus on a very (continued on page 16) o f (S p e c ia l r()la c e 7Jo D e lo n t/ ?Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Do machine's have feelings? More specifically, do computers have feelings? Last month I wrote a column about how our lives are being continually intruded upon by computers, faxes, voice mails, bone machines and the like. At the oard meeting someone mentioned that my computer wasn't "up to snuff." The very next week, my computer crashed. And to make matters worse, my computer at home crashed the very next day! It was almost as if the computers were you think that you'd be better off without us, do you...well, try and imagine a world without us! We read a lot now about the Y2K bug and how come January 1, 2000 we may temporarily live in a world where computers have gone awry. A jolt such as what happened to me was a reminder of just how dependent we have become upon "modern technology." We may decru it. We may long for the good old days, but guess what. They're gone. In fact, when I lamented that I didn?t have a computer to write my bulletin article, someone replied, "what about a pencil and paper?" The thought hadn't even occurred to me..Judaism though can remind us that what is old can evolve. We after all don?t practice Judaism any where near that of our ancestorial practice. But the basic core values are the same. Each generation has built upon the ritualistic and moralistic technology of the generation before. Reform Judaism is at its strongest in recognizing these changes, adapt?ing to them, and bringing a sense of relevance to our daily lives. No machine can do this. They can (continued on page 16) April 1 Passover Morning Services 10:00am April 2 Shabbat Serivces 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood April 8 Yiskor Services 10:00am April 9 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Laurin Baum Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by Joyce Baum April 10 Aaron Klafter-Philips Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush Sponsored by Bob and Audrea Rakita Torah Study in the Beit Tefillah 10:00 am ?We inviteyou to share our e^itement, pride and Cove when our daughter \ cj Becomes a ?Bat tMitzvah CFriday, tMaufourteenth nineteen hundred ninety-nine seven-thirty in the evening Congregation 9\[er ?Tarnid your presence wiCCmahe our evening comp Cete. BCeasejoin us afterwards for an oneg mCJs honor. BaBB iSanfordandjonihUcseCrad BCease BS^BBy Biaysv(th to Conqreqa rioN Ner Tam id April 16 Kindergarten and First Grade Shabbat w/Jr. Choir 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Parents April 17 Lisa Marano Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Marano Family April 23 Chesed Committee Volunteer Recognition Shabbat 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood April 24 Bar Mitzvah David Schacter 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Schacter Family April 30 NTTY Shabbat 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Apail 19991VJ ?6 R Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration David Mendelson VP Ways & Means Ira Spector VP Membership David Stahl, PhD VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Lynn Sasso VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee-Membership Jon Sparer Trustee Jere' Davis Trustee-Membership Esther Saltzman Trustee-Youth Sharna Blumenfeld Trustee-Library Mindy Unger-Wadkin Trustee-Bulletin Sandy Stolberg Sisterhood Steve Joseph Brotherhood Charles Kallick NTTY David Lieberman TNT Sandy Pittle Golden Chai Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President pR. Bernard Farrow Past President Iugene Kirshbaum* Past President Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio *Deceased Save The Bate Congregational Annual meeting is scheduled for June 12 from 4-Ypm. We will have our Sisterhood and Brotherhood preparing a wonderful Bar-B-0ue. We will be sending out notices for the next slate of officers. This is the time of year when our nom?inating committee begins its work selecting a slate of officers and trustees for the coming term. During two recent retreats held by the Board of Trustees, several chang?es were agreed upon concerning the structure of the Board. Two new Vice-President positions were added and several Trustees were given specific areas of concern. The new positions are VP of Member Activi?ties and VP of Social Action. The VP of Member Activities position inher?ited the functions of the former VP of Social Activities and takes on some of the membership retention and ongoing program functions which were formerly the responsibility of the Membership Vice-President. The new VP of Social Action was created to facilitate a stronger emphasis on social action issues and activities. Our VP of Education has taken on the additional responsibility of oversee?ing all youth activities. In addition the VP of Ritual has taken on the oversight of adult education. I could go on with many more structural changes and explanations, but a much clearer picture comes from studying a new chart created to explain all this. The chart can be found on pages 12-13 of this bulletin. Please review the chart and call me with any questions or comments. Our Board is currently working on by-laws revisions to reflect these changes which will be formally adopted at our annual meeting in June. Please let us know your concerns by May 1, so that discussions can be held at the May Board meeting to resolve any comments or concerns. As always, our Board meetings are open to all members and we would welcome your comments at either the April or May meetings. One of the other reasons we have included all of the function details in the chart is to encourage all members to become part of the future leadership of the temple. We feel that the more our members know about how the temple functions, the less afraid of getting involved they will be. It is also helpful when trying to address a particular concern to know how the decision process or responsibility for action was handled. We hope the information is useful to all and especially hope that it will encourage some of you to seek a Board position. If you are interested, please contact me day or night. PLEASE seriously consider how you can help our Congregation. Board service is a wonderful experience and should be shared by more of our mem?bers. You will be surprised at how good it makes you feel! iBob Torah Commentaries Donated to (Temp[e Our Temp be's goaf of purchasing 100 ?Torah Commentaries for our Sanctuary - appro^matefy one for every three peopbe - has become a reabity through the gracious donation of 45 Torah Commentaries by Stephanie and Charles Sztansfi, dime and fh[ina Esbin and ?Brant and Ebabbie ?ffosen in honor of their parent?s, "Esther and Abvin Esbin?s forty-fifth wedding anniversary. adding to our current suppby of Torah Commentaries, we now have enough for everyone to foUow along when Torah is read at Shabbat Services. Thanfi you so much for your generous and gracious gift! A p R il 1999 cdl (S p e cia l r/ )la c c (Jo (Belong, Congratulations to fP CRahbi<Jtfkselrad This year's Music Season Sabbath holds a very dear place in my heart. After the many challenges of the past year, I was so pleased to feel like "myself' again and up to sharing the beautiful music of Ami Aloni with all of you. It was a wonderful experience for all of us who worked with Ami. The theme of the Service was especially close to me as my personal bona to Israel has always been quite strong. Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim, even though it was a year late, was a very gratifying experience. As my father was a 6'" generation Sabra, I dedicated the Service to his memory. There are many people to be thanked for helping make this dream come true. Each year Dr. Steve Kollins generously supports our Temple's music program, making it possible for everyone to enjoy special musical events at the Temple. Our Sisterhood also lends their support by providing a beautiful oneg Shabbat each year. Katherine Scott lent her talent by making a beautiful creative service especially for this program and Jay Poster joined us on his clarinet which added so much to the Service along with Erich Baker on cello. As always, Rhonda was my right hand lady on the piano. We are so lucky to have her as part of our team. Finally, I would like to thank all of our choir members who sang so beautifully that evening. ADULT CHOIR SOPRANO Sally Birman Bonni Casale Frances Klamian Fern Percheski Glori Rosenberger Jackie Smith Nannette Spector Leah Sichel CO N Q REQ A TiO N N e R TA M id llicia Sylver ALIO Florence Ellison Dee Ann Emmer Maxine Molinsky Katherine Scott Jill Smith Jackie Smith TENOR John Belmes Dick DeFranco Marty Fessler Brian Frankl BASS Peter Bugel Larry Rudolph JUNIOR CHOIR Rachel Alterman Samantha Alterman Ian Brown Corey Cohen Jackie Falstrom Bobbi Goldner Ali Gross James Jacob Jessie Knox Hannah Lardent Chelsea Lewis Deborah Lewis Dania Lugo Kelsey Lugo Dustin Martinez Anthony Messinger Melissa Roe Molly Rosenberger Leah Serota Rachel Sloane Alex Sternhill Meagan Stohlberg Amanda Stuart Corina Torchin Danny Weinstein Mitchell Weinstein Rebecca Weiss Our very own IRabbi has been selected by [Madassah of [as Olgas to be honored as one of Southern [Nevada s outstand?ing citizens. [Rabbi JHkselrad is involved in many community programs. [Me is on the 03oard of the [National Conference for Community /justice and the governor's Council for [Holo?caust education. [Me will be honored at the [Hadassah [ala this year Mhis special event will take place at the [Jour Seasons 1Motel" Sunday, [May 2f 1999 beginning at 5.-00 p.m. Die cost is <S100.00 per person and a gourmet dinner will be served at 6.-00 p.m. To reserve your place, please contact Jackie Dleekop at 733-6292. Please join us as we kvell with pride and celebrate having a real menche as our religious leader. ApRil 1999 School News Things are growing all around us and so are we. Every time I look at our students I see changes. B'nai Mitzvah students seem to look more mature, almost magically, just prior to their special day. Kindergarten students who seemed like the school babies on the first day of religious school now are very ?able of saying blessings they e learned. The Post B'nai zvah students are amazing! They have been involved in some very special activities. Last month, they visited UMC with volunteer coordinator, Janet Schlesinger. They learned about the pleasure of giving to others when they read to patients and gave out brave stuffed tigers to frightened children in the trauma unit. The lessons of personal responsibility cannot always be taught in the classroom. Our students learned the impor?tance of resistance and control when they saw underweight drug addicted babies in the Neo Natal Unit. The Confirmation Class went to Los Angeles for fun and to tour The Museum of Tolerance. The experience left a definite impression on these high school students. Some said they felt somewhat disconnected to Holocaust history prior to their visit. Seeing artifacts, CAMP CHAVERIM Fun for al! ages 2 1/2-9 June 28th - July 30th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm A Fun Filled Structured Program with: music drama art & crafts water play cooking exercise plus much more 5 Week Session $625.?? (Pay by 5/14/99 s575.??) 1 Week Session $135,00 Registration Fee *35.??{r*x****<a Daycare available before & after for a nominal fee Congregation Ner Tamid The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas For more information contact us at 733-6292 reading biographies and testimo?nies of survivors and rescuers, learning how hate destroys not just Sle but countries, caused an ening in their Jewish souls. Every room of our religious school is bursting at the seams and our membership is spread throughout the area. We have had a satellite school on the west side of town at the Patricia Bendorf Elementary School. This fall we will also have a satellite at the new Kesterson Elementary which is located near Cranberry World in Henderson. We are always trying to serve our membership ana educate our students at the highest level. Our rabbi has explained many times that we call ourselves Congregation Ner Tamid because the congrega?tion is more important than the building in which it is housed. The building seems to be the center (home base) of our Jewish life and it needs our support. Jewish living takes place everywhere. Jewish learning takes place at the temple and elsewhere. Our satellites will keep growing as we keep growing. Enjou the spring, take time to watcn things grow all around you and especially at CNT. Shalom, Jadqe fteefyp ( l (Sp i o ia ApRil 1999 l (JJlaee (Belong. ^ C oN Q R EQ A T IO N N e r T A M id CNT PRESCHOOL March was a fun filled month here at the Preschool, We had our Purim celebration with costumes, grog- gers, Hamentashen and a Megilla reading: what a fun day, Our youngsters celebrated Dr. Seusse's 95th birthday and started our read- a-thon project . The boys and girls sang for the Golden Chai group and presented them with a large Megilla with all of our names ana our own art work. Our Friday evening Shabbat was a great experience for all of the youngsters. It was a pleasure to see all of our students dressed in their Sabbath best clothing and performing for all of the congregation. We all kveled from watching these little ones with smiling faces sing beautiful Hebrew melodies. On March 23rd we held our back to school meeting with Dr. Sharon Schaffer as our guest speaker. The Library Lady paid us a visit. The youngsters went on a field trip to the Matzah Factory, and had a great time. Our students spent the entire month of March preparing for Passover. Our school Seaer, held on March 26th, was the culmination of our studies. We were proud to watch the youngsters chant the Four Questions Dyaneu and all of the traditional Passover prayers, The students continue to learn and grow in their secular studies and social skills as well. CNT preschool is a very busy and exciting place to be. This month we continue working on our pre-reading, writing, math and science skills, we will have our Teddy Bear Picnic and Pajama day. We continue our read-a-thon and celebrate Israel Independence Day. The youngsters work in the spring time garden and prepare for our Mother's Day Program next Month. We are taking applications for the 1999-2000 school year, please sign up early, our waiting list is growing and we are limited to the number of students in each class. One of our classes is already full. Call the Temple office at 733-6292 if you want to reserve a spot for your child or grandchild. Lois Bergman Me and Mine MowrryandMe (Vhat?s in a Wane?) jAs As long as there is a baby 0-21/2 years old and an adult Please join us 10:00 to 11:30 an in the library April 12th Spring fun and Planting April 26th Reading/sharing with the Oewish Cat in the Hat TOT 8HABBAT April 9 6:30pm Spring Fun, Food & Crafts to follow ApRil 1999 Hi, my name is Laurin Baum. I attend Orr Middle School and enjoy playing Bass and Drums in the band. I also participate in boxing and weight train?ing after school. My Bar Mitzvah is a very special occasion ana I would like to invite all of you to join me and my family on Friday night, April 9, 1999 when I am called to the Torah. Hi, my name is Aaron Klafter-Phillips. I am a 7th grader at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy playing soccer, riding my bike, skate?boarding, and roller?blading. I am having my Bar Mitzvah on April 10, 1999. I am very excited about celebrat?ing this very special day with my family ana friends. #. My name is Lisa rano. On April 17, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah and will also be celebrat- ing mu 13,h birthday. I was born in Atlantic City, NJ, but I have lived most of my life in Las Vegas. I am in the 7th grade at Greenspun Middle School where I am a cheerleader and an accelerated student. Please join my family and me as we celebrate my Bat Mitzvah, a very important event in my Shalom! My name is Lauren Husney and I will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, May 1. I am in the 7th grade at Thurman White Middle School. I am a native Las Vegan. Playing the oboe, shopping, talking on the phone ana sports are what I like to do. I have been in religious school at CNT since kindergarten. I have been studying very hard to prepare for this day. It would be a pleasure to have you join my family and me for this simcha. Sister flood Qift Shop Hours SuNdAys 9:00am-1 2:1 5 pM (DuRii\q REliqious School) TuEsdAys 10:00AM-6:00pM ThuRsdAys 1:00-4:00pM FRidAys 6:50-7:1 5 pM ( l 'S p e c ia l rf)ApRil 1999 laee Q'o- (Belong, 5Jowdy partner: S sure hope you bad a knee-slappin' time at the ?purim family Service. <We, cast of the 9urim Spiel, really bad a rip-roarin' good time, ^fje are hopin' you remember that <purim is a silly kind of holiday. ^The important thing is that the story was told to our youngin and us more mature members. ?We definitely accomplished teliin' the story and bein' silly. ^Hopin' to see you next year. ?WO^! <What a carnival thanks to Sc?tt Stolherg and his committee, Sister?hood, students, brother?hood, and parents, raffle customers and sponsors and of course the ^lown in the 5Jat and JJaman booth we did great! <purim is fun but it is important too. ?We raise money for our religious school. Sodah ?Robah So jftll, Jacquetine fleefyp ?Religious School director PUR1M % 1999 -------------------------------- \ 8 \ Conqreqa rioN Ner TAMid ApRil 1999 Your UrotlierlMMMl Adviser This year Yom Hashoah Services will be held at Ner Tamid, Tuesday, April 13th, at 6:45 in the evening. By now you have received your "YELLOW CANDLE." Prior to attending services, we ask you to share in the Mitzvah of remem?brance by the lighting the candle in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Place it in your win?dow as a reminder of the Holo?caust - "so it will never happen again." Mark your calendars and plan to arrive early as this service is always well attended. Ignoring stress may result in high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers or depression! On Tues?day, April 20th, at 7:00pm, the Men's Club will continue to Pldress Men's Health Issues by esenting our first Stress Man?agement Workshop. Ms. Eileen Anes, M.S., MFT, will be the work?shop leader and will instruct us on how to identify stress in our lives Did you ever notice that the party always ends up in the kitchen? The kitchen seems to be the place to have fun. Our kitchen is always looking for new, smiling faces. Do you like making center pieces? Do you have a flair for making a tray of desserts look great? Stop bu to hear about all the news from Sisterhood and the Temple. Frances Klamian can always use an extra pair of hands. If you are interested, Elease contact Frances or just stop y the kitchen. Please remember that the Women's pder is April 8, 1999, 6:00 p.m., iace is limited. Sisterhood "member rate is $18.00 and non?and teach us how to manage it while demonstrating stress reduc?tion techniques. Each participant will receive a stress management information kit that includes stress assessment inventories, stress relieving exercises, relaxation tech?niques and information pamphlets. The "8TRESS MONSTER" invades our households every day, so mark your calendars and join us for cof?fee and cake while getting a better understanding of the good and bad stress in our everyday lives. Money isn't everything but it proved a very popular subject. Howard Layfer, the Men's Club Program Chairman, presented an enlightening evening looking into an Investment Outlook for 1999. Howard's evening was highlighted by Channel 3 "Money Man" Steven Budin and Debra Cohen, Vice Pres?ident and Investment Executive with Sutro & Company. The audience consisted of novice Sisterhood Xews investors who wanted to know how to get started to the experienced investor who wanted to learn new investment strategies. The humor and techniques of our speakers resulted in an evening that flew by. Due to the success of this event and the well attended participation of our congregation, look for further seminars that address finances. Congratulations Howard on a great event! May marks the start of the nomi?nation process for officers for the Men's Club Executive Board for the coming year. Here is an opportu?nity for all of you to get involved and participate in the building of our Men?s Club. We have had a very productive year that can only continue with your participation. Join us at 6:30pm on Tuesday, May Uth for Pizza and get involved. Step Hen Joseph member rate is $24.00. If you have questions, please call Maxine Molinsky at 433-1355. The following people have been nominated tor the 1999-2000 Sisterhood Board by the nominat?ing committee: President - Gandy Gfolberg Vice President - Debbie Hallerman Vice President Ways & Means- Yvonne Weiss & Nancy Layfer Vice President Programming - Donna Willey & Marsha (Del Valle) Goldberg Vice President Membership - Loretfa Hollander &? Helene Laefer Recording Secretary - Fern Percheski Corresponding Secretary - Joy Ruby Treasurer - Arlene Farrow Parliamentarian - Janis Rounds There are also openings on the general board. Elections will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 1999, more information to follow. If you have any questions or are interested in being on the board, please contact nominating chair - Maxine Gratz at 898-3592. I wish a very Happy Passover to all. Shalom, Sandy cd. S p e c ia l rf)la e e (J o (B elong. W A p R il 1999 Golden Chai Golden Chai invites you to join us on our outing to Laughlin, tentatively set for April 11. Call Carl at 655-8603 for reservations, the fee is $2.00. We would like to have you come to one of our meetings and see what we do. We have a brunch, entertainment, Bingo, Pan, and you are welcome to bring any other game you wish to play. We plan to have a mini-first aid course soon plus a discussion on the Y2K problem (it is not a joke - remember the Bomb Shelters in the 50's? The worst you could do is be silly). Golden Chai goes out of its way to please everyone, which is quite a task. We are planning a cookbook, other day trips and a summer outing at a park. The more the merrier! Take a look and see, you will like it. We even play Matchmaker!! Our next meeting is April 15. Hope to see you there. Shalom and Love, Sandy Tittle, President I A festive evening of teaching, learning, havdalah, music and storytelling The UAHC's Fund for Reform Judaism invites you to honor RABBI JANET ROftMARDER. 1999 Biennial C9^T Tart of Si Qreat Success % Pictured above is from left to right: Seated - Drew Levy, VP Administration^ Debbie Levy; Scott Stolberg, VP Education; and Sandy Stolberg. Standing# - Jerry Gordon, Immediate Past President; Rabbi Sandy Akselrad; Nar^ Spector; Ira Spector, VP Membership; Bob Unger President; and Monty E. Willey, Executive Director, at the Reform Movement's recent regional Biennial held February 19 - 21 in Costa Mesa, California. Also in attendance but not shown were Aydie Unger and Scott Dockswell. Rabbi Akselrad and Temple President Bob Unger led a large delegation to the Reform Movement's recent regional Biennial neld in Costa Mesa, California. Held every two years, this conference provides leadership training for lay and professional leaders in the South West region of the United States. This year's gathering was one of the largest with several hundred participants. Highlights of the Conference included addresses by Ammiel Hirsh the Executive Director of ARZA/World Union/North America, Rabbi Leonard Thai, Vice President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and biblical scholar, Dr. Tamara Eskenazi. Congregation Ner Tamid was especially proud that two of its members were elected to positions of leadership. Bob Unger, the President of Congregation Ner Tamid was elected to the Regional Board of the Union of Hebrew Union College and Jerry Gordon, Immediate Past President of Congregation Ner Tamid was reelected to the National Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Rabbi Akselrad, Bob Unger and Jerry Gordon were also involved in workshops held at the Conference. Bob Unger chaired a session on Successful Family Education Programs. Jerry Gordon participated as a guest speaker on "Creating a Culture of Giving with Synagogues" and Rabf^ Akselrad was a presenter on a session on "Creating Caring Communi^P Programs in Your Synagogue." ApRil 1999 mork June 26 on your calendar/ now and net ready for rome Saturday flight fever a/ CAT celebrate/ it*/ 25th annirer/aru! Gel out tho/e record/, pet rock/, and mood ring/ and plan to jump back to 1974. Invitation/ to be mailed in may. took for you// /oon... Have a nice day! ? _ Consultation on Conscience The Reform Movement's Premier Public Policy Conference April 25-27, 1999 Washington, D.C. Religious Liberty...the Mideast Peace Process...Economic Justice- Health Care Reform...Environmental Protection...Education...Civil Rights These are the issues of our day. These are the issues progressive Jews confront at the tum of the millennium. is so busy, the demands of day-to-day world so great, who has time to think, to reflect, to figure out where we can make a difference...and how? You do. At the 1999 Consultation on Conscience. For more information: Religious Action Center 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: (202)387-2800 Fax: (202) 667-9070 Web: E-mail: ? IE c/l AprcitiI rf)liue 77a (Belong, Apail 1999Other Members of the Board of Trustees Trustee - Public Relations reports to VP Membership Trustee - Historian - reports to Secretary Three Trustees - at large Trustee - Youth Trustee - Outreal All Past President^ jvities - rebate reports; to VP Education Member Activities Trustee - Adult Education - reports to VP Ritual Trustee - Library - reports to VP Administration Presidents of Auxiliaries C O N Q REQ A TiO N N e R T A M id April 1999 ApRil 1999 i l S p e c ia l rf)la e e CJa (B elong, The CNT Board was very pleased to be introduced to Melanie Gorman, CNT?s new Program Director. For many Board members this was the first time they had an opportunity to meet Melanie. The entire Board wel?comed her aboard the CNT family. She is presently working part-time and will be full-time in early June. Much of the President?s report was about the UAHC Regional Conference that 12 representatives from CNT attended in Orange County the previous month. He encouraged everyone to attend the Annual UAHC Conference in Orlando this December. CNT has a real presence within UAHC since Jerry Gordon, CNT?s past president has been on the national Board, and has been reelected. Now we will have an even bigger presence since Bob Unger has been elected to the UAHC regional board. Our Board is very proud of both Bob and Jerry. The Board discussed the upcoming Torathon, and Yom Hashoah Service with a very exciting speaker. The Board also discussed the 40 acres of land in the middle of Utah that was donated to CNT many years ago. CNT continues to pay taxes on the prop?erty, which is a minimal amount. Drew Levy was able to find out more about the property and the results of his search were discussed. We also discussed the new memorial candle which is now up in the social hall. Please come by and see it. Discussed at length was the midyear budget review. We are in pretty good shape, although some funds had to be reallocated and others supplemented. The good news is that we will have some salary savings with Melanie only working part time and we need the savings to cover another area. The midyear budget was approved. We heard about plans for the excit?ing progressive dinner and Lynn Sasso tried her best to get Board members to volunteer to host part of the event at their homes. She was successful! Lynn also obtained the Board?s opinion about CNT possibly being the site of a function to usher in the new Millennium this New Year?s Eve. New Year?s Eve falls on Shabbat. There were a lot of opin?ions, including some very strong ones on both sides of the discus?sion. That?s the beauty of the CNT Board. We can engage in lively discussions and all sides are heard in a constructive manner. If you are interested in serving on the Board and being part of one of these interesting discussions, please let us know. Shalom, ?Rjxtfi Tear son Urban Corporate Secretary Cholan Dance Group of Israel One Performance Only Saturday, May 8,1999 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid This group of 24 young dancers are touring the United States, New York, Ohio, California, Arizona and LAS VEGAS. Tickets are reasonable! Don't miss this great cultural event Save the Date /See Enclosed Flyer SAVE THIS DATE vi 11 again be supr llie Inlerfailh Hos We will sm>porl- ing ike In lerf ailb Hospi?tal illy Network during ike wee k of April II llirouqfi 18. I fiis is a wonderful lime lo show your Yield isk Kile and volunteer lo assist Maxine Gralz wko is our coordinator for tkis rojecl. If you can spend e nigkl once or coot and bring in food or come and visit ike families or come in lo read a story lo ike children - anything would be of kelp. For furlker information, please contact Maxine at 898-3592. lE Jewish Family Service Agency Food Donations Tin Jewish Family Se