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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1999



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    March 1999 - Vol. XVIII No. 5 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Leah Malmon Student Rabbi SgiSSjgggj; in II Of m 13 Adar - 14 Nisan 5759 Monty E. Willey Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Melanie Gorman Program Director Jewish Music Season Sabbath Congregation Ner Tamid cordially invites you to join us for our annual Jewish Music Season Sabbath on Friday, March 12 at 7:30pm. The Service, enti?tled ?Songs From Home,? was written in r^bration of ?Yom Yerushalayim,? the anniversary of the commemora- of the state of Israel. To mark this simcha, our Cantorial Soloist, Sella Feld?man, specially commissioned composer Aminadav Aloni to write choral and in?strumental parts for our Congregation. These newly written arrangements will be debuted by both the Adult and Jr. Choirs, Cantorial Soloist Sella Feldman and guest composer and pianist Aminadav Aloni. The evening also marks the observance of Shabbat Across America. Once again, Dr. Steve Kollins has graciously underwritten the Music Season Sabbath program. Aminadav Aloni started his musical career as a pianist, concertizing both in the United States and abroad. He also performed for movies, television and radio, and recorded on Liberty and Disney labels. commissioned compositions and cho?ral and orchestral direction. You can hear Mr. Aloni?s music performed on concert stages and recordings and in temples and churches around the world. As a composer for Hollywood, his cred?its include movies, television shows and commercials. As a musical director, Mr. Aloni has composed, arranged or con?ducted for artists such as Sarah Vaughn, Sen Vereen, Pearl Bailey and Johnny Mathis. His work in Jewish music encompasses over a hundred (continued on page 6) 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ? ? ? Simcha Fair Are you planning a Simcha (joyous occasion) soon? Congregation Ner Tamid will host its second Simcha Fair to help you plan the best reception ever, and to make sure your Simcha memories are perfect. On Tuesday, March 16th from 6:30 - 5:30 pm, photographers, videogra- phers, caterers, bakers, musicians, disc jockies and more will display their wares in our Social Hall. So please come, compare prices and options, talk directly with the business owners, and make educated choices in your party help! Entry is free and open to the entire community. 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from the President 3 Notes From our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News 5 March B?nai Mitzvah 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 9 Menorah Level Donor Program 10 Board Beat 11 Birthdays/Anniversaries 14 Tributes 15 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 17 (the Bulletin is published monthly) cA (Special r()laee (Ja (Belong,A typical "modem" conversation: "Let my fax talk with your fax," "Leave a message on my voice mail," "I will e-mail you," "What's your beeper number?" It seems we are being faxed, beeped, e-mailed, and phone-tagged continually. If one wishes to be accessible, there is literally no place in the world that we can't be reached. Those mysterious waves of energy transmitting human sound ana intelligence find us and interrupt us with an urgency many of us find too hard to ignore. Picture this scenario: You are in the middle of a conversation and the erson you are talking to hears his eeper go off. "Just a minute" he says as looks at the message and then says, "Sorry - got to return this call" Or this scenario: You are on the phone having a nice conversation and all of a sudden the person on the other line says, "Oops can you hold on for a moment. It is my call waiting and someone is trying to reach me." You hold your tongue, but still think, wait a minute, I thought I was having a conversation here. We are increasingly entering the electronic age. Part of me wants to decry the lack of human contact, while another part of me shrugs it off as "progress." Part of me wants to cry against the constant interruptions and intrusion into privacy, and part of me wants to celebrate the delights of the information age and man?s ingenu?ity. I sometimes wonder if our grandparents or great grandparents had these same concerns when they witnessed the beginnings of new technology. The radio, television, movies, air travel or the phone. Gradually went the fireside family chats. People moved away from their home communities and soon families lived across the U.8. instead of the other side of town. They adapted as we know, and the world we inherited knew nothing different. And as I watch mu own children sitting intently in front of the TV playing Nintendo or at the computer surfing the World Wide Web or e-mailing their friends...! recog?nize that this is their world. No better than mine or that of my parents or grandparents, just different. I think that one of the reasons more and more people are turning to religion though is because of the quickening pace of change. While technology allows us to communicate more, and have human contact less. Religion reminds us of the importance of communicating more through human contact. The very basic idea of a minyon- a religious quorum, for example, is a statement that to pray one needs a sense of community. Surely one can pray alone. But the experience of prayer and the continuation of prayer and tradition is best kept alive through human contact and experience. Sometimes I won?der, would it be possible to have a minyon through the Internet. A truly modern "spiritual" question. And then I find out, yep, someone has already tried. It didn't last too long. Prayer, religion, well, they're not the same as video games. Sure you can learn more about Judaism or & (continued on page 6) Conqreqa rioN Ner Tam id (Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman March 5 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood March 6 Virginia Ales Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush Sponsored by the Ales Family Torah Study in the Beit Tefillah 10:00 am March 12 Shabbat Across America Music Season Shabbat w/ Adult & Jr. Choirs 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood March 19 Michelle Stuart Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Willey Family March 20 Sara & Angela Plotkin B'nai Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush Sponsored by the Plotkin Family Torah Study in the Beit Tefillah 10:00 am March 26 Golden Chai Shabbat 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by Golden Chai March 27 Jessica Marshal Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush Sponsored by The Marshal Family MarcIi 1999 5ob Unger Drew Levy David Mendelson Ira Spector President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership IVIN w( David Stahl, PhD VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Lynn Sasso VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee-Membership Jon Sparer Trustee Jere' Davis Trustee-Membership Esther Saltzman Trustee-Youth Sharna Blumenfeld Trustee-Library Mindy Unger-Wadkin Trustee-Bulletin Sandy Stolberg Sisterhood Steve Joseph Brotherhood Charles Kallick NTTY David Lieberman TNT Sandy Pittle Golden Chai Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President 'R. Bernard Farrow Past President gene Kirshbaum* Past President ,BBi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio *Deceased ? ?ar / fiat 5Witzvab parents Meeting Reminder: you are having a &at /(gar Sflitzvah in the year 2000, you need to attend the meeting with your child on Search 16 at 6pm in the ?eit tefillah About a year ago, I wrote a bulletin article about the issue of religious plural?ism in Israel. I considered it then, as I do now, to be one of the greatest threats to the Jewish peo?ple today. On February 14, about 250,000 ultra-orthodox Jews dem?onstrated in Jerusalem to condemn the Israeli Supreme Court's recent decisions upholding democracy and religious freedom. Several recent decisions have rejected the Orthodox view that the Jewish state must be run under strict interpre?tation of the Torah. Even though these decisions enjou the over?whelming support of the people of Israel (over 80% in a recent poll) the Orthodox and Ultra-orthodox factions which have always had a strong hold on the Knesset, have decided now is the time to make their stand. For the first time in my memory, this "internal conflict" in Israel and the demonstration in Jerusalem were lead stories on the nightly news broadcasts in the United States. The issue is not going away. In fact, it is fast becoming one of the most important issues on our agenda. All of us must read and learn as much as we can about this complex issue. We are still one people, the Jewish peo?ple. We must learn more about the beliefs that cause the Ortho?dox Jews to make demands that we view as unreasonable, just as they must make an effort to understand the deep passion for Judaism that exists in Reform and Conservative Jews. A year ago, the action plan was to make sure that all organized Jew?ish groups in the United States recognized the importance of plu?ralism to Judaism. Strong action by the leaders of the Reform and Conservative movements have had some success in protecting our rights in Israel, to some degree, based on the influence of Ameri?can Jewish organizations in Israeli politics. Many changes are occurring within the organizations we are accustomed to hearing about, such as United Jewish Appeal and the Council of Jewish Federations of North America. Re?cently, I talked with a personal "riend friend who has been a leader in discussions on a proposed merger of these two organizations. The new organization is called UJA Fed?erations of North America. He indicated that the most difficult task will be the handling of the pluralism issue. In the months ahead, we will all be questioning the principles for which we ana other Jews stand. My hope is that we get through this difficult time with a renewed appreciation of our own form of Judaism AND a new appreciation for the views of Conservative and Orthodox Jews as well. If this can happen in a tri-lateral manner then Judaism will be stronger for it. I do not want to consider the alternatives. ido6 Invite Us To Your Simcha And Experience The Ultimate in Photography... For the events in life too special to leave to chance, select the photographic studio that is by far the ultimate... Your Simcha is very special...your choice of photographers should be as well. Gallery the magic of your special moments live forever. portrait creahooj To leam more, call 365-1110 today. Visit us at MARch 1999 c/t Syieetol IjXTot Shabbat Friday, March 5 Tots and parents should join our pre-schoolers as they open our regular service at 7:30pw. Ve will then do crafts and have snadks. CNT PRESCHOOL February was another fast paced month here at the Preschool. We celebrated Tu B?Shevat (the Jewish Arbor Day), by the planting of flowers in our own CNT Garden. It was a joy to watch our boys and girls get their hands into the soil and get back to nature. We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog?s shadow (which he really did see and so did the children). On the 10lh of the month, we all took a field trip to Natural History Museum which was great fun. The children celebrated the Chinese New Year (the year of the Rabbit), thanks to the Bessen family. Of course we learned about Presidents Lincoln and Washington as we celebrated their birthdays. We even baked a Shabbat Challah to enhance our Shabbat experience on the 5"' of February. This month of March will also be an active one here at our school. On March 2nd we will have our Purim dress-up-day and Megilla Reading. The youngsters worked very hard and learned about all of the Purim characters (Vashti, Mordechai, The king, Haman & Esther) The students will be making Shaloch Manot Baskets to exchange with their friends and to give to the Golden Chai. We will even get to bake our own Hamentashen. Our students will also display their talents on Friday March 5th as they take part in the Friday evening Shabbat services. On March 25th we will have our Preschool Passover Seder. It will surely be a memorable moment to hear our pupils chant the four questions and other traditional songs and prayers. All of these programs and our secular work keep us busy and happy here at the Preschool. April will bring Israel Independence day and preparation for spring planting in our garden, and our Read-Aloud program. We are almost to our capacity with students for this year. So if you are considering a preschool with both secular and Jewish studies for your child or grandchild, call the office at 733-6292 and put your child on the already growing waiting list for next fall. Lois Bergman SAVE THE DATE:: Torathon is scheduled for April 10. Courses of study will center around Jewish Identity. PASSOVER SEDER is scheduled for March 31 at 6pm. There are still seats available. Call early to reserve space. $50 for members, $16 for children under 12. Conqreqa rioN Ner Tam id MarcH 1999 School News New Blessings During the winter break my family and two close friends saw the movie, "Prince of Egypt." After the film we talked about our own feelings and understanding of this movie. To my surprise there were many opinions ana many reasons for their conclusions. Everyone agreed that the style, color and music were wonderful. Three people were upset that the story did not follow the Torah as well as they thought it should have. Everyone seemed proud to hear Hebrew spoken and a Torah story portrayed to the world, and especially the young. Spring break is approaching and that means Passover is about to be experienced in most Jewish homes (and at CNT March 31st) The story of the Prince of Egypt will again be Throughout the school year mm students study Torah, festivals, Hebrew reading and prayer. Everyone is learning the same prayer and the meaning of what they are reciting. At the Passover Seder we recite the blessings and repeat the rituals done since the first Seder. children are exposed to more diverse experiences than most of us were when we were children. They think differently. They have MTV, computers and progressive educa?tional programs. Their prayers should echo their feelings. There?fore, during March our students will study the four questions asked at the Seder bu children to the parents, and they will create new prayers. The new prayers will help to raise their personal spiritual level. On March 21 at 10:30am, we will have a Passover Experience. Stations will be set up and students will be directed to tne appropriate age group. Examples of some of these stations are making charoset, making of wine ana matzoh, mapping the Exodus, and song and new prayers. We hope that parents and friends will join us for this program. I would like to leave you with this prayer: Let us bless the wellspring of life that nurtures fruit on the vine as we are the branches of our lives into the traditions for our children. Hew Program Director HTelanie Gorman We are delighted to have Melanie Gorman as our new programming director at Congregation Her Tamid. Melanie recently moved here from Farmington Ijills. Mich?igan. She attended Michigan State University where she earned a B.ft. in elementary education, with minors in English and Sociology. She was an active member and held various positions in the E'nai B'rith Youth Organization and Ijillel Jewish Student Center. She taught in a Hebrew Bay School in Michigan Tor two years. Melanie enjoys writing, singing and spend?ing time with family and friends. We are very happy she is a part of the Her Tamid Family. Today we are living in a new age, an age where children will do what they are told but question why! Our May you have a fulfilling Passover, Jadqe fke^gp Director of Education Spring break/ Passover Treats No religious School Sunday, March 28, Tuesday, March 30 Wednesday, March 31 Sunday April 4 Tuesday April 6 Wednesday April 7 Me and Mine: We call our group "Me and Mine" because Daddy's and Grandparents may also attend. Monday, March 8, we will meet at the entrance of the Mirage Hotel Animal Habitat at 10:45am. Please plan to join us for a great day and plan to have lunch near the Secret Garden. Monday, March 22,10 to 11:30am at CNT is our Family Passover Planning Fun and Festival for everyone. These two programs are interchangeable. If it rains on the 8th, we will do Passover and go on our trip the 22nd. Children 0-3, bring an adult. See you there, Jod(U (f(kd(cn cJt Special fpiaee. (Jo (Belong, ^ 5 MarcN 1999Scholar-in-Residence Program Huge Success Several hundred people attended the various lectures given by this years visiting scholar, Rabbi Wayne Dosick. Speaking on themes related to his many books, Rabbi Dosick addressed issues on dealing with personal loss and our relationship with G-d. He also discussed the importance of instilling ethical Jewish values in our children. One part of tne program also consisted of leadership training with the members of the Coalition of Jewish Organizations through the Jewish Federation. Thank you so much to Deanne and Harold Gtrasler and the Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Fund for making this event possible. Pictured above are Ronni Epstein, Executive Director of the Jewish Feder?ation, Program Sponsors: Harold and Deanne Stras/er, guest scholar Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, and Federation Communi?ty Relations Chair Herscbel Auerbach. --------------------?^------------------ LECTURE AND 300K SIGNING for students 7th through 12th grade, adults and educators-free of charge Sunday, March 21,1999 12:30 to 2:30 pm in our Social hall Lois Ruby the award winning author of many books will lecture on her book ?5kin Deep? which is based on the Skin Head movement. Although she has written many books for young people and adults she found this book ?Skin Deep? to be a challenge as she tried to develop some sympathy for such a contemptible character. Ms Ruby states: "I believe its theme of intolerance and ultimate redemption has special significance for all people, especially Jewish youths!" Special Note: Post B?nai Mitzvah and Confirmation students will attend this program instead of their regular classes. As a composer for the stage, he has written both musicals and incidental music for plays, with numerous perfor?mances of this work in the United States, Canada and South Africa. He currently lives in Laguna Beach Cal?ifornia and divides his time between writing musicals, writing Jewish music and lecturing as a composer-scholar in residence. The entire congregation will be invited to join in song and participate in the Service. Invite your friends and family to sing & celebrate with your Jewish community! (continued from page 2) anything for that matter throuf^ the Internet or modern day technology. But the experience of faith ana religion is just that: an experience. It must be felt. It must be practiced. It must be a part of who and what we are and wnat we do. It is easy, too easy, to get off kilter these days. The constant demands upon our times, the interruptions and limitless information. But Judaism provides us with a way back and a way to stay on course. It is our choice though whether we will give ourselves, and that spiritual side of ourselves, a chance to develop. To turn off the computer, off the faxes, and curl up with a plain old book. Or to take ones place with community, voices raised in prayer, hearts turned to G-d, and arms linked to generations past, present and future. Please RSVP by March 15,1999 to 733-6292 at the Temple so we will have enough refreshments and space for you. Jaclqjt (Fteefyp, Director of Education Another typical "modern" conver?sation: ?See you in schul!" U(a6Bi Sanford SUgefri CoNQREQA riON NeR JA/H/'d MarcIh 1999 Kfazel Toy to Our March B?nai Mitzvah Students Shalom! I'm Angela Plotkin. I enjoy bowling, gymnastics, shopping and my personal favorite is watching TV. I go to Greenspun Middle School. I hope to see you at my Bat Mitzvah on March 20, 1999. My name is Michelle Stuart and my Bat Mitzvah is on March 19, 1999. I attend Greenspun Junior High School and I am a great student. My hobbies are soccer, gymnastics, TALKING ON THE PHONE. SHOPPING and hanging out with my friends. It would bring my family and me great pleasure if you would join us on my special day. My name is Sara Plotkin. My Bat Jfctzvah is March 20, ^V99. I would love it you attended ser?vices on my special day. My favorite things to do are dance and bowl. I take ballet and jazz at Fernades. I am on the drill team at Greenspun Middle School and we just played our first bas?ketball game in Janu?ary. I hope to see you at my service. Shalom! My name is Virginia Ales. I was born March 27,1986. I am home schooled and in the seventh grade. I like to hike in the woods around my house in Mt. Charles?ton. I also enjoy biking, listening to music, swimming, talking on the phone and going to the mall. I am celebrating my Bat Mitzvah on March 6, 1999 and I hope you can come and celebrate with me, my family and friends on this very special day. yiDDIIH LESSCN fCC MAECE "l l< i? tier 141> in der vant" - Beat ycur head asainst the wall Chaver - friend, pal / Chachem - clever, wise / Chevra - greup cf friends ( l S p e c ia l MarcIi 1999 rj)la ce CJ& O ieloaq PROGRESSIVE DINNER Saturday, April 24,1999, 6pm HOLD THE DATE! Are you tired of planning for Purim, Passover and of course Income Tax day? Do you want a change of pace? Do you want someone else to do the cooking? Well, 1 have just the remedy for you... come participate in CNT s spring social event. Why you ask? Well, I?ll tell you. Congregation Ner Tamid?s progres?sive dinners are a lot of fun. It s an event to meet new people, get reacquainted with members you haven?t seen for a while and EAT. What could be more perfect than that? This year we will have houses for appetizers (you know, those deli?cious and interesting tidbits that make your mouth water and get you in the mood for the next course). Salads (creations that are both gourmet and healthy to keep up your strength and stamina). Center stage is the main course (a chicken dinner supreme to tickle the taste buds and fill the tummy). But please save room for dessert at the temple (you know, those heavenly treats that destroy your diet) and still there is more... We thought and thought and BINGO - we came up with an idea! It?s bingo night - but with a little twist. (A clue? You will find out the twist at your first stop). There will be surprises and prizes to make the event a night full of food and fun and all for only $15 a person. Have 1 piqued your interest? Good. Hurry and RSVP to the temple office by April 5,1999so you won?t miss out on this great night. See you there . . . Lynn WANT TO BE A HOST HOUSE? Call Janis at 896-0013 or Lynn at263-1940 Your check is your reservation. ?led and %ved A gOL'DEACfrffilZTL TOV! To: Marilyn and iDavid Cohen and (Dotty and gene dfenfin (Both couples celebrated their 50f ?Wedding Anniversary! The Most Incredible Summer of Your Life! t f, ? N S '? Challenging Personal Growth Magnificent Sights of Ancient ana Modern Israel Jewish Pride and Self Esteem Superior Programs Designed Especially for Reform Jewish Youth ? Great Fun and Friendship hfrt Israel nnn^ jtmpno P.o. Box 443, Warwick, NY 10990 (914) 987-6300, Fax: (914) 986-7185 E-mail: Policy Reminders MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues will be billed on an annual basis, from January to December. Membership fees are due January 1st. Dues must be paid at least quarterly basis on a in advance, unless specifically coordinated with the Execu?tive Director. Membership will be considered delinquent after no payment is received for 90 days past each quarter. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FEES: Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School runs from September through May. Religious School fees are due at the time of registra?tion. If necessary, arrange?ments can be made with the Executive Director to pay Religious School fees over a six month period. SANCTUARY/BUILDING ASSESSMENT: Our Sanctuary/Building As?sessment is a five year (60 month) commitment, pay?able at least on a monthly basis. The following are specific criteria regarding payment of assessed fees: 1. Member account must be current, 75% paid, in order to receive High Holiday tickets. 2. Member account must be current in order to conduct the following: a. to schedule and reserve a Bar / Bat Mitzvah date b. to hold a Bar / Bat Mitzvah c. to schedule and hold a wedding d. to schedule and hold a baby-naming e. to register child(ren) for Religious School. i CoivqreqarioN Ner Tam 'kI MARch 1999 Your Brotherhood Adviser You say time goes by when you're having fun! You're right and our 2nd Family Social Event is right around the corner. Those of you who missed our 1st Family night outing can join in on the fun on Saturday, March 27th, at 7pm, when our Las Vegas Thunder Hock?ey Team takes on the Utah Griz?zlies. We have great seats and tickets are going fast, as the cost per ticket is onTy $9.00 each. A Thunder Hat will be given away to every one, adult and child alike, who participates in this family event. We'll be looking for you! Guys, you say you're stressed out more often than not and your spouse can't understand why you are having a hard time handling that stress, well here is your tportunity to shed some light on ur feelings. We are continuing to address Men's Health Issues. On Tuesday night April 20th, at 7pm, National Brotherhood is sponsoring a program on stress Do You Believe In Miracles? Rabbi Akselrad will review and discuss "Gmail Miracles 1 & 2" by Yitta Halberstam & Judith Leventnal. In keeping with the spirit and theme of the book, Rabbi will share some of the authors' most powerful stories gathered from dozens of real life experiences. The rabbi will also share "small miracles" from his own life and rabbinate. Please join the sisterhood of CNT and Rabbi Akselrad on March 25 at 11:30 a.m. for this very special book review and luncheon. The cost is $6.50 for sisterhood members and $8.00 *>r nonmembers. Please mail tacks to CNT-Gisterhood, Attn: ebbie Hallerman, 62 Teton Pines MARch 1999 where several speakers will address this subject and answer questions in an effort to understand and har?ness the power of this monster. To those ladies who have to deal with this "GTRE66 M0N8TER", this is a don?t miss night for you, so everyone mark your calendars and join us for coffee and cake while getting a better understand?ing of the good and bad stress in our everyday lives. As promised, your new ?Cut & Gave" Calendar of Events update is coming your way. Take one of those magnets that's just sitting around on your refrigerator ana put it to work holding up this cal?endar so all your mportant Broth?erhood dates are at you finger tips. All of you golfers who have been wanting to nelp with the Brother?hood Golf Tournament, THE TIME 16 NOW!!!!!!!! The more people involved in helping this event take place, the better it will be. This Sisterhood Xews Tournament promises to be our biggest Brotherhood fund-raiser of the year not to mention the opportunity for fun and camara?derie the Brotherhood has been providing for all year. If your schedule permits and you want to help, call the Temple office or Gteve Joseph at 656-9963 for the time and place for our first meeting. If you are unable to help but still want to participate by donating prizes it would be greatly appreci?ated. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who supported the Brotherhood entertainment '99 Book Fund-raiser. This year, the competition from other organiza?tions was greater than ever, how?ever, it didn't stop you from helping us break all previous sales records. Once again, from all of us in the Brotherhood, thank you! Stepfien Joseph Brotherhood President Drive, Henderson, NV 89014. I'm pleased to announce that our annual All Women's Geder will be on April 8. Our services will be lead by Leah Malmon, our student rabbi, and Bella Feldman, our Cantorial Goloist and Maxine Molinsky who is in charge of Gisterhood's religious activities. More information will follow soon. to nominate someone or have any questions about any of the positions available, please contact Maxine at 898-3592. I would like to give a big ?hat's off* to Judy Applebaum and Debbie Hallerman for the great job they have done with programming this year. We truly have had some great events this year. I'm happy to announce that Maxine Gratz will be the head of this year's sisterhood nominating committee. If uou would like to become involved, there is no better way than holding a position on the Gisterhood board. If you would like We would like to welcome to Gisterhood our new members: Janet Byer, Alyssa Russo, Patti Kaufman, Fay Gchoenfelf, Claire Prezant. Ghalom, Sandy c J S fie e ia L r( ) lu c t Qtf J id o tu f, Golden dial Our Golden Chai Shabbat will be held on Friday, March 2G, 1999, 7:30pm. We look forward to having everyone attend and share in our joy of eighteen wonderful years. We are sorry for any confusion concerning this date. We had a wonderful month with a change in the menu and delightful entertainment. A trip to Laugnlin is in the works as well as instituting bingo games following each meeting. We hope to have a first aid instructor help us learn what to do in case of an emergency. Mildred Zelkin is now in charge of tributes. Bring your Mah Johng group for lunch and play your game in the social hall. We plan to have discussion groups also. We have fine entertainment scheduled and look forward to a large turnout. We invite all members of Congregation Ner Tamid to check us out. We meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 11:00am. Shalom and Love, Sandy (Pittte President Sisterhood Wish List Farberware Coffeepot (55 cup} Wet/Dry Vacuum New Microwave - Large Capacity- Cups & Saucers to match Sisterhood Good. China Set Drapes (Shirting} for 6ft. & 8ft. tables Conqreqa rioN Ner Tm id Menorah LeveC (Donor (Program Last year we announced a Menorah Level Donor program. As seen below, it was very successful. Our congregation is truly blessed to have the support of these generous members who have chosen to enhance their annual dues contribu?tions in the past. By doing this, they are contributing significantly to enhance the mission of Congregation Ner Tamid, and helping make it possible for every congregant to have full access to the variety of educational, social and cultural programs at the Temple. Further?more, these Special Donors recognize the importance of welcoming new comers into our community and helping those in unfortunate circum?stances enabling them to proudly take their places in the Jewish community. To them we say ??Todah Rabah? - Thank You for your support this year as well as in years past. (Menorah LeveC (Donors (Dr. and (Mrs. Attan Anes (Hon. SyCvia & (Mr. (Better (Mr. & (Mrs. Lestie Dunn (Ms. Susan (Fine (Mr. & (Mrs. (feorge (Ftusfiman (Mr. & (Mrs. Jeffrey (fate (Mr. & (Mrs. (ferata (fordon (Mr. & (Mrs. Daniet (freenspun (Mr. & (Mrs. Drew Levy (Mr. & (Mrs. Drew ?Rounds (Mr. Harry Sadi (Mr. & (Mrs. Scott Stotberg (Mr. & (Mrs. (Bob Unger (Mr.& (Mrs. Douytas Unger (Mr. & (Mrs. Andrew Urban Dr. & (Mrs. David ?Wasserman (Mr. & (Mrs. (Ron ?Worth (Mr. & (Mrs. Donatd J,ahraus Menorah Level Memberships enable us to provide excellent programs and temple services to all our members regardless of their means. This program is open to any family that would like to assist our congregation financial assist others. If you have any questions regarding how become a Menorah Level Don^w Please call Monty at 733-6292. In each of the catagories presented below, members may request any of items listed. KEEPER OF THE FLAME $5000 Annually ? 4 extra High Holiday Tickets for visiting family membersor friends. ?? One High Holiday reserved parking o>pace ? Annual Appreciation Reception ? Name published in first monthly Bulletin ? 12 tributes per year ? No additional charge for all Adult Education ? Members exempt for all Religious School, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation fees ? 2 tickets to all temple events GOLDEN MENORAH ($3600 Annually) ? Members exempt for all Religious^*, School, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation Fees ? 2 tickets to all temple events ? Annu