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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 1997



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    June/July 1997 - Vol. XVI No. 9 25 Iyar/26 Tammuz 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Executive Director Education Director ADULT B'NOT MITZVAH Congregation Ner Tamid proudly announces the names of the students in it's adult B'not Mitzvah class. Comprising the class of 1997 are: Susie Sernoe-Plotkin. Lisa Roe, Sandy Stolberg, and Sylvia Beller (pictured below in this f'der with the Rabbi). nder the guidance of instructor Melissa Roth, the group began classes last November and will become B'not Mitzvah on Saturday, June 7, 1997 at 10:00 am. For more information about the B'not Mitzvah or other adult education classes, please call Congregation Ner Tamid at 733-6292. Annual Meeting On June 8 at 5:00pm in the Temple Social Hall, we will have our Annual Meeting and joint Temple, Brotherhood and Sisterhood Board Installations. We will have a bar-be-aue followed by a short ceremony. We will also be recognizing all of our volunteers who assist the temple in all of its' functions. If you provide assistance to us in any fashion, please come to be recognized. All members in good standing are invited to attend and elect officers. Come join the fun and meet the leadership of the Synagogue. : Rabbi?s Message & Worship Services 2 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 3 B?nai Mitzvah 4 Scrip 5 Board Member Profile 5 Sundae Sabbath 6 Executive Director?s Spotlight 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 8 Anniversaries 9 Birthdays 10 Tributes 11 Yahrzeits & Memorium 13 Yiskor 14 cJ (Spedtil r(Jlaee TJo Welan/June 6 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood June 7 Adult B?Not Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Families of the Adult B?Not Mitzvah June 13 Jill Ewan Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Ewan Family June 14 Andrew Urban Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am Kiddush sponsored by the Urban Family June 20 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Services conducted by Eileen Kollins June 27 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Services conducted by Eileen Kollins July 4 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Services conducted by Eileen Kollins July 5 Jason Katz Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Katz Family July 11 Josh Stuman Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Stuman Family July 12 Dana Pomerantz Bat Mitzvah 1 0:00 am Kiddush sponsored by the Pomerantz Family July 18 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Services conducted by David Stahl July 25 Sundae Sabbath 7:30pm Prospective New members Oneg sponsored by the Membership Committee It is hard to believe that the summer is upon us. This past year has seen a tremendous amount of program?ming and growth within our Temple. I want to extend a special debt of thanks to Melissa Roth who completes her year as our Program Director. Though Melissa wil be going back to school full time and cannot continue working as our Program Director, I am thrilled that she will stay on as an instructor for our adults and religious school students. In addition, Melissa will continue to serve as a wedding coordinator. We all wish her much success in her studies and want her to know how much we appreciate all of her hard work! Plans are quickly shaping up for the coming year ana also summer plans as well. During the summer the Temple will be offering a wide range of adult education classes taught by A ------------------------------ Melissa Roth and visiting scholars- our own Lisa Kollins and Cantorial student Amy Leftko-both of whom are returning from a year of study in Israel. Courses will range from basic Hebrew to conversational Hebrew, chanting from the Torah, basic Judaism, and an understand?ing of the Prayer book. Please use the "lull" of the summer to enrich your Judaism. More information will be found in Temple mailings. Also, I am very excited that plans are underway to start our Preschool, complete with day care. This has been one of our most often requested programs and I am thrilled that this will soon become a reality. Please let interested families know that they will be able to come here for a top flight preschool in a loving environment in which children will Team Judaism (continued on page 6) Congregation Her Tame/ \ Pre-School Open House We are now forming classes for Fall '97. For all 3-5 year olds, full and part-time programs Come see what we have to offer Sunday, June 1 12:00 - 200 pm If you have any question, please call the Temple at 733-6292 , Congregation Ner Tamid June/July 1997 Sob Unger Drew Levy Allan Nathanson Jacky Rosen President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education W' Scott Dockswell Alan Mann Debra Kaner Sylvia Beller Stacey Yahraus Ruth Urban David Mendelson Jon Sparer Rita Goldstein Esther Saltzman Kenny Epstein Janis Rounds Jeff Markewich Sol Tolpen Joey Unger Shayna Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins ichael Cherry SUGENE KlRSHBAUM* Leo Wilner ^Deceased VP Social Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood Golden Chai NTTY TNT Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Advisor ?o^ou have a family member or friend wfio is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. School's closed for the Summer Minds are never closed . . . Summer means camps, pools, picnics, fireworks and School Registration. The M.B. Dalitz Religious School will be offering your child the Best in Jewish Education. Hebrew is not only for reading and B'nai Mitzvah preparation, but for use. Judaica will stimulate pride in your child of the Jewish people and our culture. Helping a Jewish child roll through their youth is our responsibility as parents and teachers. Help your child gain the self-esteem needed in this difficult world and protect your child from unnecessary stress. Prepare a weekly schedule for secular school and religious school, leaving room for piano lessons, dance, swimming, soccer, basketball and family dinners and maybe time to breathe! Prioritize with school and religious school as first and second on your list. REGISTER NOW! ! ! ! Congregation Ner Tamid's TGIS (Thank G-d it's Shabbat) On May 18th, sixteen students were rewarded with a trip to the MGM Theme Park. These students attended Sabbath services and life cycle events on a regular basis throughout the school year. This program was developed to encourage students to attend Shabbat services. This year TGIS winners were: AJ. Urban Brenna Yahrus Virginia Ales Rachel Alterman Samantha Alterman Corey Cohen Jessie Cohen Jill Ewan Jacqueline Falstrom Eric Fleekop Jonathan Goldsmith Todd Jasienski Ari Klein-Levine Sarah Lieberman David Lieberman Samantha Saltzman Lindsay Sickle Alexander Sternhill Megan Stolberg Enjoy your summer, Jacfiiefleefyj) Religious School Director <^Vote,? from. our dcuntoriaL <SoCoL?t It?s hard to believe summer is already here, but the temperature doesn't lie! I must thank our Adult choir and Moira Greenspun for their beautiful singing at the Yom Hashoa Service. Our Jr. Choir will be participating along with other choirs from the city in the Israel Independence Day celebration on June 1. Rehearsals for high holiday's will begin in mid-July and we are always looking for those who like to sing. Not too much more to report as things slow down a bit over the summer. Stay cool! 'Bella June/July 1997 o f S p e c ia l (f)Laee. fTo (BeLotuj. a3a KUzel Toy to our June &-Juhj B?nAf KOtzvah ***** PJcasc come as we Are ca//cc> to the TorAh Dana Pomerantz July 12 Hi, my name is Dana Pomerantz. I was born in Toledo, Ohio on August 30, 1984. I'm in the 7th grade at Thur?man White Middle School. I like to PLAY THE PIANO, HIKE, AND SWIM. I'm looking forward to my Bat Mitzvah. Andrew J. Urban (A.J.) June 14 Shalom, my name is Andrew Urban, but most of my friends know me as A.J. I?m a student at the Academy of Science and Mathematics at Hyde Park Mid?dle School. I?m proud that my EXPERIMENT WON FIRST PLACE IN THE SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR THIS YEAR. I HOPE TO BE A DOCTOR WHEN I GROW up. Tennis is my favorite sport. I JUST RECENTLY STARTED PLAYING THE VIOLA AFTER TRYING MY TALENT ON THE STRING BASS. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE SABBATH SERVICE AND BECOMING A BAR MlTZVAH. I HAVE MANY RELATIVES COMING IN FROM BACK EAST TO SHARE IN THE HAPPY OCCASION WITH ME AND MY FAMILY. Hi! My name is Jill Ewan. I was born on September 1, 1984 in Phoenix, Arizona. I have lived here in Las Vegas all my life. I go to C.W. Woodbury Middle School. My HOBBIES ARE: SKATEBOARDING, ROLLER?BLADING, PLAYING BASKETBALL WITH MY BROTHER, AND TALKING ON THE PHONE! I CAN?T WAIT UNTIL ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY COME TO SEE ME BECOME A BAT MrTZVAH. Jason Katz July 5 IjllJL Hi, my name is Jason Katz. I was born in Las Vegas, NV July 24, 1 984. I AM A STRAIGHT ?A? 7TH GRADE STUDENT AT GREENSPUN MIDDLE SCHOOL. MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS MATH. TWO OF MY FAVORITE HOBBIES ARE BASEBALL AND GOLF. I AM EXCITED AND LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING MY SPECIAL DAY WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AS 1 BECOME A BAR Mitzvah. Josh Sturman was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. A product of a New York, East coast father and a Southern Louisville, Kentucki?an mother, he exhibits both the STREETWISE EASY HUMOR AND COURT?LY GENTILE MANNERS OF EACH. Beside a rapier wit, Josh loves all SPORTS. He ATTENDS ALL UNLV BASKETBALL GAMES, PARTICIPATES NOW WITH THE MACCABI BASKETBALL TEAM AND PLAYS AN IMPRESSIVE GAME of chess. Handsome, forthright, CLEAR-EYED AND INTELLIGENT, JOSH Sturman looks toward his Bar Mitzvah and manhood. Josh Sturman July 11 k 4 k Congregation Ner Tamid June/July 1997 Volunteers - A Special Thanks Day in and day out, Congregation Ner Tamid is providing ACTIVITIES, EVENTS, CLASSES, AND SUPPORT TO BOTH THE COMMUNITY AND OUR MEMBERS. AND ALTHOUGH WE HAVE A TERRIFIC PAID STAFF, WE ALSO NEED FROM TIME TO TIME, TO SALUTE THAT UNSUNG HERO...THE VOLUNTEER. SO FOR ALL OF YOU (AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), WHO ANSWER THE PHONES, STAMP THE LETTERS, SIT AS A GREETER, COLLECT THE GROCERIES, SET UP A ONEG, SING THE SONGS, REACH OUT TO THE COMMUNITY AND EDUCATE OUR YOUNGSTERS AND ADULTS, WE THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS. We have so many committees and volunteers that we have PLANNED A SPECIAL TRIBUTE DURING THE TEMPLE ANNUAL MEETING AND Board Installation, Sunday, June 8,1997 at 5:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. If you are a volunteer, please come and receive a gift from the temple, and if you?re not currently involved, come anyway AND ENJOY THE BBQ (MAYBE WE?LL FIND A WAY TO GET YOU MORE active!). Thanks for volunteering your precious time with us... JS*CKy%pST,9{J Vice-president Membership Board Member Profile Sylvia Seller, Truste Shalom! Let me introduce myself to those of you whom 1 have not had the pleasure of meeting. 1 serve as a Trustee on the Board of Trustees. 1 also am the Adult Education Committee Chairperson, a position that I received, I believe, as a result of having taken just about every education course that the Temple offers! In addition to my activities at CNT, I serve as President-Elect of the Clark County Bar Association. I will assume the Presidency' in January of 1998. It is certainly going to be a busy year for me. I am also very active in legal education. I served on the Continuing Legal Education Committee for 18 years, and am presently in my sixth year as a member of the State Board of Continuing Legal Education. As you may have guessed, my profession is Attorney-at-Law. In fact, you could say that I was destined to become a lawyer-I was born on Law Day. After completing my undergraduate degree in English at the University of California at Irvine, I entered Law School. I graduated from the University of San Diego School of Law in 1978, where I was a published author and editor of the Law Review. From San Diego, I immediately moved to Las Vegas to work in the District Attorney?s Office - Criminal Division. I prosecuted many major cases and eventually moved on to private practice. While in private practice, I focused on Construction Law, Real Estate, and Litigation matters. As a result of my prior Criminal experience, I was selected to pilot the Criminal Defense Appointed Attorneys program. In addition to my practice, I served as the Paternity Master and Alternate Domestic Referee for the Eighth Judicial Court for three years. In 1991,1 was appointed by Chief Justice Miriam Shearing to serve as a Juvenile Hearing Master, a position that I still hold. In that capacity, I handle Abuse and Neglect ana Delinquency matters. It is certainly a position tnat affords me the opportunity to make a difference in my community. In my spare time, I live to golf! My husband, Neil, and I also enjoy traveling. Our next big adventure is an African Safari! I have three step-children and a loud-mouthed Siamese cat. So, life is very busy at Chez Beller. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i s it i tl l l I l I l l l l I l i l l l l l l l l l l I it Ii t M I I I l I I l l l l l I I l l l l l l l I I l I I I I I I I l l l I l l I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 1 l * 1 ? ' ' 1 1 ? I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I :: if i i i i i i i i i i Jr | i i i i LjS i i i tt mmmm v 111111111111111 . mmmmm? i i i, i ? i i i i i i i i i i iwM V Y Y , ,Y mmt# Vi)i . ; ill i i i i i ri?M'M 111 n t p r SCRIP Scrip is money to be used at your local supermarket or with otner merchants as Scrip becomes avail?able. Yourpurchaseof ScripfromtheTemple (dollar for dollar) iii ? i ijm 1 "M mm 1 mm ? 1111 I Ml M 1"1' ? i i i.WA I I I TO II I I Wl i i i iViV mm ii earns the Temple ,7,7,', $5.00 for every ? i i i i $100.00 worth pur- 7.7.7 chased. There is no 111111 extra money out of i,|,|li7i your pocket and it is a ,7 i great fundraiser for ....... the Congregation. 7 7 7 What can be easier i hi 11 and more satisfying? i7,7i', As an additional in- 'iViVi' centive to purchase 7.7.7 Scrip, your Temple ? 111 i i dues will be reduced ,7,7,! by $2.50 for every ? 111| $100.00 of scrip pur- 7.7.7 chased up to a maxi- ? 111 A mum of $100.00 in '7.7; dues reduction. June/July 1997 ( f tSpi o ia l rf)la (?V <77o TBelong, f A f 4 j i f A ^ Sundae Sabbath for ? prospective -? new ?? members. Come see why we are "A Special Place to Belong" (Rabbi's Message - continued from page 2) alongside their secular studies. Next summer is not too far away...a number of people have been asking me when I am planning another trip to Israel. It is my hope to lead a Congregational trip in June 1998. Please let me know if you have any questions. We are already forming a list of interested participants ana more information will be forthcoming in the months ahead. Finally, I would like to thank our Temple Board of Trustees and Officers who serve our Congregation. A number of board members will be completing their term tnis June and I thank them for their time and commitment to the Temple. I know that they will continue to help the Temple and support our continuing and new board members as we shape the direction of the Temple in the year ahead. A 6 A Congregation Ner Tamid tRgBSiSanforcCAfcelrad RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TO OFFER WEST SIDE LOCATION ^ The M.B. Dalitz Religious School will be offering a Satellite School on the West side of town starting in the fall of 1997. Students will meet at Bendorf Elementary School which is located on Spring Mountain between Fort Apache ana Durango on Wednesday evenings from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m... The program will be offered for grades 4, 5, and 6. Seventh graders will still need to attend our Temple location on Tuesdays in order to receive training for their B'nai Mitzvah. The program will be directed to Hebrew proficiency only and students will be required to attend Sunday religious school sessions at the Temple. This will allow us to offer a cohesive learning environment which inte?grates both Hebrew and religious studies along with social interaction among all students. In registering your child you will have the option of attending either Tuesday or Wednesday in addition to Sunday sessions, tuition costs for either location be the same. We hope that this additional site will allow members living on the West side easier access to Jewish education. If you have any questions, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. Preschool Wish List TV/VCR Cassettee Players Toys Amy Domatioms TO A55I5TIM UMDERWRITI MG OTHER MAJOR ITEMS June/July 1997 Please Note Dear Congregants: The purpose of this Policy Letter is to establish and explain the requirements for payment of congrega?tional fees. The following are specific criteria regarding payment of assessed fees: 1. Member account must be current, 75% paid, in order to receive High Holiday tickets. 2. Member account must be current in order to conduct the following: a. to schedule and reserve a Bar / Bat Mitzvah date b. to hold a Bar / Bat Mitzvah c. to schedule and hold a wedding d. to schedule and hold a baby-naming e. to register child (ren) for Religious School. MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues will be billed on an annual basis, from January to December. Membership fees are due January 1st. Dues must be paid at least on a quarterly basis in advance, unless specifically coordinated with the Executive Director. Membership will be considered delinquent after no payment is received for 90 days past each quarter. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FEES: Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School runs from September through May. Religious School fees are due at the time of registration. If necessary, arrangements can be made with the Executive Director to pay Religious School fees over a six month period. SANCTUARY/BUILDING ASSESSMENT: Our Sanctuary/Building Assessment is a five year (60 month) commitment, payable at least on a monthly basis. -.1 Any questions relating to this policy can be directed to Monty E. Willey, Executive Director or Drew Levy, Vice President - Administration at 733-6292. Executive Director?s Spotlight We are having our Annual Meeting and Installation of Board members on June 8 at 5pm. Similar to last year, we will have a joint installation of the congre?gational board members, the Brother?hood and Sisterhood Board members. We will be voting on some new board members and saying goodbye and thanks to some that are leaving their positions. We will also be recognizing our volunteers. Many temple events just would not happen without the tireless efforts of our volunteers. They do it all. They prepare mailings, stuff the bulle?tin, make copies and phone calls, prepare Onegs, sell Scrip and most importantly, lead our congregation in the direction we need to go to perpetu?ate Judaism. Without the constant sup?port from ALL of them, a lot of what we take for granted would not occur. Thanks. Traditionally, the summer months are the slowest months here. Slow not only in the programs, meetings and activities, but also slow financially. The temple, like our own households has recurring monthly expenses. We plan to manage them based on the receipts from our membership. If the income is down, then bills are carried over to next month. We can NOT discontinue programs or ser?vices, we are bound to provide them. Our newly stated policy onpayment requires membership fees be paid at least quarterly. We need your support with this so we can continue providing programs and services at the level of quality that you are accustomed to. In line with this, we would appreciate it if you would indicate how you want your checks to be distributed. Some members write where they tvant the check applied to. If we receive a check without thisinformation, we will apply it to the oldest charge first, and then to the newer ones. The summer months are here. This is a time to relax and prepare for the re?maining half of the year. Take some time this summer to visit our adult edu?cation programs. Sylvia Belter, our Adult Education Chairperson, and Melissa Roth have put together some good programs for Jewish education. Monty June/July 1997 cJt S p e c ia l rf)la e e xJo (Belong. a7a ? Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, Here I am again, levelling about another Sisterhood event! If you weren't at the Sisterhood Women's Seder, you really missed something wonderful! Men, eat your hearts out! As predicted, it was bigger and better than ever, with nearly ninety women of all ages in atten?dance. The service was inspiring and the food a gastronomic delight! Eileen Kollins led the service and was accompanied by the vocal art?istry of Maxine Molinsky. What a great combination! Our thanks to you both and all of the hard-work?ing women who cooked and helped out at our Party Shop. It's no easy job preparing a full hot meal for 90 from our outdated kitchen. Instead of next year from Jerusa?lem, how about next year from a newly remodeled kitchen! Donations are gladly accepted and you'll get donor credit too. Sorry for the ad, Many changes have taken place in Golden Chai since the beginning of the year. Our paid up members were approximately 50 at the first meeting in January. We now have over 95 paid up members and expect to exceed 100 soon. This is due in some measure to the efforts of our Membership Committee chaired by George Lipshaw. We have had a mixture ot speakers, singers and musi?cians in the first four months. Our June and July programs are as follows: June S Phyllis Darling will speak on Jews in Las Vegas. V A 8 , but I couldn't help myself! Since summer is here, it is time to start thinking about the Sister?hood Calendar. We really need you to get your ads in as soon as pos?sible this year, as our wonderful publisher, Phyllis Lewis, will be out of town for most of the summer. This is a major fund-raiser for Sis?terhood, so please don't hesitate, act today! There are forms in the temple office or you can call Phyl?lis at 458-8119 for information. There are still some positions on Sisterhood's board available. If you are interested in joining a dy?namic group of women of all ages who enjoy working toward a com?mon goal of promoting tsadaka through labors of me at 896-0013. Until August, "thanks for you support"... Love, Jams \ June 19 Jim Le Boeuf, an Elvis Impersonator. July 3 Bingo Our first free luncheon for all paid up members will be on June 19. Non-members are welcome, but must pay $5.00 for the lunch. Since member dues are only $7.00 a year, it is beneficial to become a member since there are other benefits besides the free lunches. Love and Shalom, SoCToCpen, President Golden Chat 5 mnexHoo D ll!$MFFtl! by Jeff Markewich, Brotherhood President I can't believe it has already been a year. A year ago, May, a little SCHMOOZER named Scott Dock- swell convinced me to join The Syn?agogue and in the process helped me attain the title of Brotherhood President. I had no idea what I was about to undertake. But because of your support in wel?coming me to CNT, this year has been a fantastic experience. I will be honored to continue to serve as President for the upcoming year, and I encourage your feedback on how to make the Brotherhood better. i This was the best Yom Hashoa that I can remember at CNT (it was also my first!). I have to commend everyone on the Yom Hashoa Com?mittee for putting together a very moving program. Brotherhood was honored to participate this year and we look forward to helping next year's event become even more special. The Yom Hashoa Candle program, which is annually sponsored by Brotherhood, went very smoothly this year thanks to Allan Nathanson. Support from you was tremendous this year. We hit a record for do?nations to our Candle Campaign. Thank You!! This type of participa?tion from the Congregation is greatly appreciated, and will allow us to continue to do more for CNT in the coming years. Have a GREAT summer. Warmly, Jeffreys. Maffezoich Congregation Ner Tamid June/July 1997 Anniversaries June 1 Drew and Debbie Lew Kyle and Marian Moss June 2 Harry and Carol Schnoll David and Jo Weingarten June 4 David and Christi Ober June 5 Jeffrey and Boonie Heif June 7 Alan and Vivian Markowitz Gilbert and Natalie Shaw Bernard and Candace b Vuman June 8 Fredric and Marilyn Goldstein June 9 Leon and Norma Friedman Alfred and Arlyne Gerstler June 10 Steven and Debra Kaner June 12 Gary and Gale Husney Harvey and Julie Klene June 14 Mark and Beth Bromberg June/July 1997 June 15 Harold and Naomi Goldsmith Patrick and Lois Orr Paul and Susan Saskin June 16 Michael and Doreen Gust June 17 Leo and Renee Diamond Jim and Glori Rosenberger Harvey and Linda Eisner June 19 Rick Carter and Candace Barr Donald and Susan Norris June 20 Howard and Madeline Adler Harry and Miriam Ehrlich George and Fran Lipshaw Jack and Madelyn Nitzkin Donald and Stacey Yahraus June 21 Scott and Barbara Ober Ron and Sue Slocum Marvin and Sandra Snyder June 22 Philip and Julie Goldstein Stan and Patricia Taube Marc and Sugar Vogel June 23 Ray and Sharon Gordon June 25 Jack and Marilyn Bulavsky June 26 Charles and Bernice Etcoff Fred and Esther Sherman June 27 (ra and Nanette Spector Herman and Leah Stone July 1 Edward and Mozella Seltzer July 3 Michael and Regina Soderman July 4 Martin and Rosalind Litt Harold and Carol Naiman July 5 Norman and Helene Bard David and Bette Stahl July 6 Philip and Dori Lombardi Arthur and Cindy Spector July 7 Neil and Sylvia Beller July 8 Sheldon and Barbara Rosenberg July 9 Mitchell and Anita Posin July 11 Michael and Rebecca Morgan Richard and Shirlee Waxier July 13 Donn and Harriet Smylie July 15 Blaine and Melody Benedict Charles and Janine Sweany July 16 Donald and Frances Meehan Marc and Bonnie Pomerantz July 17 Allan and Amy Boruszak July 20 Tom and Marla Letizia July 21 Gary and Cynthia Mono July 24 Suzanne Sonnier July 26 Arthur and Judy Gross Jack and Larayne Zimler iBirthdays June 1 Fran Lipshaw June Newmark Lorelei Wojnicz June 2 Louis Bradfield Scott Dockswell Sara Gordon Alexis Marshall Laura Mcbride June 3 Blaine Benedict Steven Benedict Ami Flushman June 4 Adina Emptage Scon Ewan Charles Lipschitz Thomas Lombardi Bernard Yuman June 5 Janet Frockt Hazel Herman June 6 Nadine Cracraft Zachary Goldberg Gary Kantor Earl Leppo Nathan Levin Aaron Moss Eric Schyman June 7 Jean Pascal Ayache Sue Goldstein ? crJl S p e c ia l la ce <c7ir (BeLonij. 9 ^ Anna Scheinbaum Michael Unger June 8 Sharna Blumenfeld Evan Kaner Jordon Rakita Bandy Stolberg June 9 Leon Dantzig Bradley Keating Larry Rosen Margaret Rowan June 10 Michael Cummins Charlotte Kahn Irwin Kishner Nicole Mayman Justin Mishalow Bruce Robbins Brian Walton Arilana Zlotnick Avilana Zlotnick June 11 Patricia Dockswell Marsha del Valle Emma Hogan Janice Rosenthal David Saltman Betty Schloss Jann Trueworthy Daniel Wisnosky June 12 Nelson Baggs Jerold Boyers Jonathan Goldsmith Jeffrey Green Joyce Karchem Jeffrey Kern Jarrid Mendelson June 13 Mark Emptage Leni Rankow-Escoto June 14 Brian Benedict Patrick Orr Henri Rouzaud Andrew Urban Lynsey Yahraus June 15 Austin Berger Sarah Henkin Mauribsa Lipschitz Lindsay Moseman Beverly Schreiber Eleanore Schwimmer Douglas Unger A Congregation Ner Tamid June/July 1997 June 16 Skip Rapoport Barbara Kleinman July 20 Robert Cohen Jonathan Wikler Shawna Parker David Daitch Donald Meehan Shannon Silber Brandon Lanzkowsky June 29 Andrew Urban June 17 Jesse Gale July 9 Daryl Alterwitz Daniel Greenbpun Jacqueline Falstrom July 21 Dani Bromberg Lois Simon Ariel Gale Niki Devine June 30 Laurie Weiser Liane Perlmutter Susan Effros Donald Unger Dorothy Wurzel Rachel Hommel July 10 Gary Husney July 1 Kenneth Epstein July 22 Barbara Nitzkin Deeann Emmer Kerry Moseman Eva Bortman Danielle Naiman Nicole Moseman Norma Friedman June 19 Joshua Pomerantz Stephen Plotkin Michael Glasser Renee Diamond Brian Pool Samuel Karasik Adam Tarr Carol Schnoll July 11 Mozella Seltzer Juanita Wasserman Leslie Simon Austin Ross Florence Weinstein Max Ross Mary Zone June 20 Sanford Zimet William Feldman July 23 Pearl Schoengold July 12 Guy Cohen Ira Schwartz Nathaniel Bolotin Justine Zechter David Weingarten i0 William Bossak Laser Gale July 24 June 21 Andrew Hommel Jason Katz Claire Prezant Dana Zuckerman Elaine Rice Carina Wolf Jason Zweig July 2 July 25 June 22 CJ Akselrad July 13 Sandee Fleekop Megan Roe Allison Etcoff Jeanette Chaddick Ashley Goldstein , Michael Rose Gilbert Flores, Jr. Gordon Fink Jay Herman | Sylvia Wexler Marvin Glovinsky Fayme Rowan Sydney Yuman Marcie Goldstein June 23 Michael Lally July 14 July 26 Joel Davidson Kurt Plotkin Scon Goldstein Laura Grau Tracey Seeger Douglas Webb David Gross Sierra Rankow-Escot David Stahl Barbara Kaplan Michael Zone July 3 Eileen Kollins June 24 Rita-Moses Malkin Sylvia Light July 27 Tom Letizia Harold Naiman Sondrn McCall Donald Norris July 4 Ron Weiser Katherine Meoz Clifford Bernay Leah Wikler June 25 Diane Epstein July 15 Lauren Berger Anna Lieberman Gary Lieberman July 28 Selma Katz Chloe Lin Ronald Freid Cheryl Miller July 5 Arthur Katz Heather Rivera Stuart Anixter July 16 Russell Sheldon Mark Levin Richard Bale June 26 Nicole Raiman Debra Karlin July 29 Hannah Alterwitz Edward Seltzer Eric Kessler Jeffrey Gordon Lesley Boyers Rebecca Sheldon Fred Sherman David Lieberman Esther Esbin David Wikler Gertrude Moldave Jake Ober July 17 Harriet Smylie Melyssa Roe July 8 Charmaine Ayache Donna Willey Steven Fried Dena Mann June 27 Hester Kremer Michael Wikler July 30 Avis Katz Jeremy Poster MAnHEw Herren John Wanderer Sara Weil July 18 Christy Molasky Dorothy Aronson Jane Seda June 28 July 7 Ryan Kaner |RV|N Sherman Steven Doctors Julie Lichtenstein Martin Sokoler Adam Ellis William Mahon July 19 Rhonda Glyman Bryce Ober Joel Fleekop july oj Steven Kaner Ronald Fleekop Sraio.n Jeffrey Katz July 8 Gina Gollard Bella Feldman I5r-q^'ci-cB'fU'5r'(E'S Bruce Dunn Memorial Fund Leslie &. Joan Dunn In memory of Bruce for Pass OVER AND OUR EVERLASTING THANKS FOR ALL YOU BOTH HAVE DONE. From: Marvin 8. Roberta Price To: TO: Building Maintenance Fund To: Michael Cherry Congratulations on your NEW POSITION WTTH THE PUBLIC Defenders Office From: Ken 8. Linda Schnttzer To: To: Cantor?s Discretionary Fund To: CDF In loving memory of Karen Marano?s mother, Doris Moss From: The Vogel Family To: To: Choir fund TO: A vi Feldman Happy 1 st Birthday! With love: Frances, Richard, Harper, and Idie Klamian CNT In loving memory of Herman Bulavsky From: Jack Bulavsky General Fund TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: Mr. Marvin Brown Congratulations on the ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR Doctorate Thesis. From: Sunny 8. Ed Simon Dr. Stanley Ames In loving memory of your mother, Jean. From: Jeffrey Katz CNT In loving memory of Celia Zimmerman From: Florence Weinstein CNT In loving Memory of Mollie Ackerman From: Carol 8. Leonard Raizin CNT In loving memory of Bessie Kreisman From: Sandy Stolberg CNT In loving memory of TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: Harry Nathanson From: Allan Nathanson CNT In loving memory of Lyle Reinschreiber From: Fran Sheldon CNT In loving memory of Anna Cassorla From: Matilda (Tillie) Green CNT In loving memory of Lucille Goldstein From: Arlyne Gerstler CNT In loving memory of Irving Goldbrener From: Toby Edelman CNT In loving memory of Jacob Adler From: Norma 8. Leon Friedman CNT In loving memory of Dora Nathanson From: Allan Nathanson Mr. Ed Romanik Our very best wishes for a SPEEDY AND COMPLETE RECOVERY From: Selma 8. Harold Katz Rose &. Phil Sel tzer &. Famil y In loving memory of Sam Seltzer From: Irene 8. Rudy Gold CNT In loving memory of David M. Wanderer From: Emilie N. Wanderer CNT In loving memory of Alan Tobman From: Jean 8. Herb Tobman CNT In loving memory of Jacob Rubin From: Gertrude De Stefano CNT In loving memory of Jack Lebow From: Taube Rotter CNT In loving memory of Carl K. Kaufman, M.D. From: Ida R. Kaufman The Spector Family In loving memory of your DEAR MOTHER, ADELE DEAKIN From: The Unger Family To: CNT In loving me