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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, February 1997



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    Copgregatioi) Ner Taipid TDn 13 n?np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong February 1997 - Vol. XVI No. 5 Tevet/Shevat 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Melissa Roth Program Director cWbrsfiip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman ? % 1 . .. , Saturday, February 1 Bar Mitzvah of Max Lardent 10:00 am Kiddush sponsored by the Lardent Family Friday, February 7 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood \ Friday, February 14 f Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, February 21 Jewish Music Season Shabbat 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, February 28 Alternative Services in the Beit Tefillah 7:30 pm 2nd/3rd Grade Shabbat Dinner 6:15 pm 2nd/3rd Grade Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood ^features Rabbi?s Message..........................2 President?s Message.....................3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist.... 4 A Few Words from Jackie.............4 B?nai Mitzvah..................................5 Board Member Profile...................6 New Members................................6 NTTY&TNT..................................7 Auxiliaries & Committees..............8 Anniversaries & Birthdays.............9 Tributes........................................10 Yahrzeits.............. .........................14 CONGREGATION NER TAMID CELEBRATES JEWISH MUSIC SEASON Congregation Ner Tamid cordially invites you to join us for our annual Jewish Music Season Sabbath on February 21 at 7:30pm. Founding Music Director of the Israel Pops Orchestra, Dr. Michael Isaacson will be coming in to conduct his Service entitled Nishmat Chayim "The Breath of Life". Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, the Congregation Ner Tamid Adult Choir ana The Sierra Wind Quintet will be featured throughout the Service. Dr. Isaacson enjoys an extraordi?nary career as a composer, conductor, producer, and educator. With over 200 Jewish musical compositions published, including instrumental, vocal, sacred, educa?tional works, and 24 album recordings, he is a frequent guest conductor of regional symphony orchestras and a popular lecturer in the field of Jewish music. He has also taught at universities through?out America. Born in Brooklyn, New York, he received his early education at Yeshiva Rambam. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Music education from Hunter College and a Master of Arts in Music Composition from Brooklyn College, he went on COURSE PRESENTATION "HISTORY OF G-D" (continued next page) Adult Education How have the three dominant monotheistic religions shaped and altered the conception of G-d? How have these religions influenced each other? We hope to trace the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced G-d, from the time of Abraham to the present. Join us on Sunday, February 23 from 9:30-11am in the library with follow-on classes March 2 & 9. Cost for the course is $18.00. RSVP to the Temple office. cVL SfEudaL rPluee (Jo (Belong,Ah, a New Year-another chance for reflection, for looking back...for remembering those peo?ple and places and events that nave an impact upon our lives. This past week I received an invitation to something that brought my memory back nearly 18 a little town between here and Los Angeles: Barstow, California. Yes, Barstow. For it was there in 1981 that I served as one of the student rabbis for a small Congregation of about a dozen members. Meeting for decades, the Congregation sustained itself year after year because of a desire to educate its children and practice Judaism. Each month I would come up for Shabbat to teach, conduct services, and study Torah, and deal with what ever situation happened to present itself that weekend. And each year a different student rabbi would come and serve the Congre?gation. Though my tenure lasted but a year, I knew that I had taken my place in line with a number of others who had been touched profoundly by this loving and caring group of people. And thus, when I received the invitation, I could not help but feel a tinge of sadness. The Temple was closing. The years had caught up and those who were young nave now grown old. Others have moved out of town, and the few remaining are not enough to sustain the Temple and thus drive to Victorville. Closing its doors. How does a Synagogue say its done? Not easily. And not without mixed emotions I'm sure. Its Torah will be given to another new congregation. Its prayerbooks also given away. One, nappily, has found its way into my collection. And so it goes... And so goes the gift of Torah. For what, after all is the function of a Temple if not to give a 2a Congregation Ner Tamid Torah to others? To be sure, this job is never truly done, but then the beauty of a small town Congregation like Barstow is that everyone mattered, and everyone had to do their part. Even so, there were still those that only came once a year! In giving this gift of Torah, Barstow has succeeded in raising many a generation of young rabbis and others who learned what it meant to care about their Judaism. Though the doors to this small edifice might be closing, its spirit will live on in me and others who will remember our experiences with the greatest of care and love. In a few weeks, I will go to Barstow for one last weekend of sharing and learning and teaching. I will be joined with many others who have been touched by this congre?gation's generosity as well. It will be a time to say "shalom"? good-bue. But as I do so, I will remember wnat I have been taught...that with every goodbye, there is another hello. Ana with every door closed, another will open. H^gSBiSanford^sehid JUsiowA CougregAtion Ner TAmib PASt President Jerrvj Gorbon who Vias been vervj Active in our Temple over the pASt severa1 VjCArs is Also Active in our higher orgAnizAtion, the Vnion ofAmericAn Hebrew CongregAtions (VAHC). Jerrvj Vias been on the BoArb of Trustees of the PAcific Southwest Region of the Vnion of AmericAn Hebrew CongregAtions (VAHC)- Jerrvj is a co-cViAir of ProgrAms for the Region BienniAl in CostA Mcsa, CA PebruArvj 7-9. If vfou Are interesteb in Attending, pleAse caII the Temple office for more informAtion. i to study with Samuel Adler and Warren Benson at the Eastman School of Music, ultimately earning his Ph.D. in Composition. Dr. Isaacson has composed and conducted original scores for well known television series including John Williams & The Boston Pops wiih Joan Baez; Rich Man, Poor Man II; LiHle Women; Bionic Woman; Hawaii Five-O; Time Travelers; and the daytime dramas Loving and Days of Our Lives. Don't miss this special Jewish Music Season celebration sponsored by Dr. Steve Kollins. Bring your friends and February 1997 Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President |Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor *Deceased GIFT SHOP HOURS Sundays 9:00am-12:15pm Tuesdays 10:00am-6:00pm Thursdays 1:00pm-4:00pm Fridays 6:30-7:15pm Sharp The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas just completed a written re?port of its study of the Las Vegas Jewish Community. I received a copy of the report during January and it contains many interesting facts about our Jewish Community. The purpose of the report was to provide accu?rate factual data to all Jewish organi?zations within the city so that proper planning could take place and the needs of our Jewish Community could be better served by the many orga?nizations and synagogues. I was sur?prised by much of the information provided and thought our congregants should know some important facts about our community. The most startling fact is the Jewish population itself. The Federa?tion study concluded that there are 55,800 Jews living in Las Vegas com?prising 29,100 Jewish households. For those of us who have been resi?dents of Las Vegas since the entire city population was 60,000, it is a little hard to comprehend a Jewish population that large. The Jewish pop?ulation represents 7.7% of the over?all population and is spread throughout the city with the heaviest concentrations in the southwest (31%) and southeast (23%) areas. Forty-nine percent of the Jewish pop?ulation is new to the valley since 1990. 34% of households reported some affiliation to a synagogue. Household income was a key factor in synagogue affiliation rates. Fami?lies with income over $100,000 have a 91% affiliation rate. As to religious practices, 70% of households always light Chanukah candles, and 59% always attend a Passover seder. 13% of households always light Shabbat candles and 8% always use separate dishes for meat & dairy. 17% of households indicat?ed they always have a Christmas tree. 84% said Passover is important to celebrate including 58% who believed it was the most important religious practice. Marriages were particularly in?teresting. Inmarried couples (both Jewish) amounted to 78% of the Jewish population, 6% involved one spouses conversion, and 16% were interfaith. However, these statis?tics are dramatically affected by age of the couples. For couples over 45, the overwhelming numbers are both Jewish. For couples 35 to 44, the statistics are 58% inmar?ried, 8% conversions and 33% in?terfaith couples. For couples below the age of 35, inmarried couples amount to only 16% of those fami?ly lb1; lies, a relatively high 28% involves conversions, and faith marriages. id* igh 5 6% are inter- The study provides two pol icy recommendations for syna gogues - "Synagogues should lower cost barriers to membership in or?der to encourage the involvement of those who cannot afford to pay standard dues. Where reduced fee opportunities already exist, syna?gogues must communicate these options more effectively." and ynagogues must work together cooperatively in building inter-syn?agogue programs." I absolutely agree with the thoughts behind both of these although recommendations, and ough I believe we do well in both, I will work to improve our performance in these areas. I also intend to ask our board of trustees to examine the study to determine if we should consider some new Sirograms to meet the needs identi- iecfin the study. There are numerous fasci?nating areas covered by the study. The Temple will obtain several cop?ies and make them available in our Library. Please visit the Temple and review the entire report at your leisure. It provides very interesting information on the differences be?tween Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox Jews' attitudes towards Israel, social problems, philanthro?py and religious practices. Please let me know your thoughts and comments after read?me ____ Bob ing the report. Special B e lo n g A 3 A February 1997 February is here again, which means it's time for our annual celebration of Jewish Music Season. Each year, I have the opportunity to highlight a Jewish composer or style of music during Shabbat Services. A few months ago, Steve Kollins came to me with a special request for this year's featured artist. During his travels, Steve heard a service written and conducted by Dr. Michael Isaacson and was very impressed. He asked if I would investigate bringing Dr. Isaacson to our Synagogue. It must have been beshert because he was able to fit us into his very Dusy calender. As our special music Sabbaths get more and more popular each year, you mau want to come early to get a good seat! I am looking forward to seeing a "full house" on February 21. ?Bella. MORE HOLIDA Y8 ARE COMING! ! ! MORE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING! ! I What Jewish Holidays are in February? NONE! Before we realize it the Purim Carnival on March 16, and the Purim Family Service on March 21, will soon be here, with Passover soon to follow on April 1. So why did I say more holidays are coming? Holidays seem to creep up on us faster than we realize and I just want to wake you up and remind you! By the way, any holiday can be a Jewish Holiday if we look at it through Jewish eyes. Jewish people can volunteer to help the homeless or give time to allow someone to enjoy Christmas and Easter. WOW! What a Jewish thing to do. This month, Valentine's Day (not a Jewish Holiday) can be made Jewish by sending cards of caring to the sick or people alone, or making cookies just to say thank you to someone who serves you. Perhaps, it is tne receptionist at your doctor's office, or the person at your favorite fast food restaurant. Our school is doing well and we are preparing for our upcoming holidays. We are also truing to teach our children to see the world through Jewish eyes. Shalom, JackieF&elfep PS: Plan to bring your friends to the Purim Carnival on March 16! A pomegranate Uuncheon ? The Women?s Division of the Jewish Federation will host Naomi Harris Rosenblatt, author of ?Wrestling with Angels? at the home of Wendy Plaster, Tuesday February 25 at 11:00am. Naomi Rosenblatt was born in Haifa. She majored in biblical studies at the Reali school and served in the Israeli Navy before she emigrated to the Untied States. In ?Wrestling with Angels?, she examines the nexus of psychologi?cal, spiritual and ethical forces in the lives of the patriarchs and matri?archs of Genesis and how they serve as role models to contemporary life. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Melanie at 732-0556. Outreach Please join us Friday, March 14 at 6:00 pm for our Outreach Shabbat dinner and services. The cost for the dinner is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12. The temple?s Outreach program is for people who are from inter-faith families, interested in conversion, or who have recently converted to Judaism. This program provides a learning environment and experi?ence for Jews and non-Jews alike. If you are interested in joining us for this special evening and/or are interested in participating in service, please call Melissa Roth 1m the Temple at 733-6292. Congregation Ner Tamid February 1997 Kfazel Toy to our B'haIMftzv&h Max Lardent, February J My name is Max Lardent. I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Jr. High. I moved here from Monterey, California when I was eight. I enjoy basketball, computers, and science fiction. My family and friends will be coming from both coasts to help celebrate as I become a Bar Mitzvah. Maihhew Gaskin, March I My name is Matthew Saskin. I was born in New York City, on March 2,1984. I lived in Toronto and upstate New York before moving to Las Vegas in 1992. am a straight A student at Ireenspun Junior High School. I swim for the Las Vegas Sandpipers as well as compete in mountain bike races throughout the year. In my free time I like to snowboard and use my computer. I'm excited to have my family and friends join me when I become a Bar Mitzvah. Heeeew LnTKAcy Marajhcn! Melissa Roth will lead a six hour Hebrew Marathon session on Sunday, February 2, 1997 at the Temple from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. The cost of the ^ass is $20.00 for supplies. Call Melissa at the jmple at 733-6292 for more marathon information. Got those running shoes ready? Are you ready to learn Hebrew? Imagine actually reading Hebrew from the Hagadah during Passover this year. Come spend ONE DAY and you too can be reading Hebrew! Once again we had a successful Mitzvah Day. The students did a wonderful job of collecting food and clothing. The lunches were packed in beautifully decorated bags and were appreciated by the recipients. It was wonderful to see everyone working together to make life a bit easier for those less fortunate than us. I will not attempt to thank everyone involved be?cause I am sure that I would leave someone out, but I want everyone to know that the Social Action Committee appreciates all the work that everyone did to make this such a successful Mitzvah Day. On Christmas Day, several mem?bers of the committee and youth froup went to the Henderson enior Center and served Christmas dinner to about 125 people. We had a wonderful time and I heard from the director that the Seniors were very appreciative that we cared enough to make their holiday special. I am sure that we will be doing it again next year. The next big project of the Social Action Committee is to pack and send Passover packages to our students away at college. Once again, 1 would like to invite anyone interested in joining our committee to contact me at home (735-8104) or leave a message for me at the Temple. ?BetteStaM < ? Junior Congregation The next Jr. Congregation service will be Friday, March 7 at 7:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah. Services will be lead by Melissa Roth and Maxine Molinsky. There will be a special Oneg after services for alf children who attend. > ? ? ? > ? "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a 5 a February 1997 Speeini Oiviom j board Member Profile Vice-President - social S<OTT DOCKSWELL I am Scott Dockswell, currently Vice President for Social Activities at the Temple. Mu involvement with Con?gregation Ner Tamid began about tour years ago after I realized that something was missing in my life. I was invited to a Shabbat service by my good friend, Jay Poster and was immediately hooked. My deep involvement in a Temple comes from my family. I was born and raised in East Meadow, New York where my parents started the Synagogue in our basement. My father was the first Congregation President and Mom was the first Sisterhood President. ! grew up attending Friday night services until a year past my Bar Mitzvah, when I became involved in the music busi?ness. After working in record stores in New York for seven years, I be?came involved in importing and ex?porting records to and from Canada and Europe. I was, for a time, the largest importer of Disco music in this country (isn't that exciting). It was through this business that I met the love of my life, Patricia. Patricia came into my warehouse to buy records one day and I tricked her into going out with me that night. For the next 20 years we have been almost inseparable. We moved to Las Vegas in 1978 and worked for a time as casino dealers. When we had saved enough money to go into business, we opened the first full service tan?ning salon in Nevada in 1982. Af?ter selling the business in 1988, we took two years off and explored Eastern religions. During this time, Patricia ana I became vegetarians and learned much about the world. schmoozing. I then entered the fundraising field, and learned how to organize and coordinate volun?teers to produce special events. I have served as President of Broth?erhood for two years and am now happu to serve the Temple on the Board. I look forward to being a life long member of Ner Tamid and serving the Congregation in any way possible. Scott Z. Dockswell, Fundraiser A Good Guy Doing Good Deeds (702) 897-7888 Office (702) 253-6752 Fax ScotSwel @ix. netcom .com 1-(888) DOCKSWELL (toll free) Temple Wish List Kitchen Items: Table drapes Commercial chaffing dishes Computer Items: 466 or higher Color inkjet printer Lotus 1-2-3 v.5 (Windows) Colorrlatbed scanner (600 dpi) My Sincere Apology Due to a clerical error, the following members who joined in 1996 were not acknowledged, Please welcome the following new members for 1996: Mr. & Mrs. James Wadkins Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Webb Ms. Sara Weil Mr. Bernard Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. David Weingarten Ms. Susan Weingarten Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wurzel Mr. & Mrs. William Yaffe Ms. Cynthia Zeidner Ms. Myra Zelikovics Mr. S. Zimet Ms. M. Zinkow Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Zweig I apologize for the ommision. Welcome to our temple family. yocfyfRgsen Vice-President Membership A Special Place for ?97 # Confetti is still falling and horns still echo the beginning of Congregation Ner Tamid?s Welcome Book 1997 Here are our Newest ?Bell Chimers!? Mr. & Mrs. A. Esbin Jeffry Green & ffiance) Bonnie Kamer Robert Rakifa Andrea L. Klafter - Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Rose Welcome to our ?Special Place to Belong.? Please join us as active and participating members of Sisterhood, Brotherhood, & Golden Chai Seniors. There is no better way to become acquainted. Shalom,JodyH^sen# WEXJIMAl'D TEMPL'E yOWlM We got our kicks in ?96... now we are set for a dynamite ?97! The new year is going to be TNT?s best. We have many event ideas and we plan to use all of them! Thank you veiy much for voting on your top 3 choices. They are an MGM Theme Park event, a sleepover, and a visit to Grand Slam Canyon. See you soon! New members always welcome and must be in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grades. Shcapia. Above and Left: More great pictures from the SWFTY Convention in December February is going to be a bust month for NTTYite. Not only do we have a regional event at the end of the month, but we also have many in-town socials planned. After all our hard work planning for Winter Conclave '96, we are going to spend the rest of the year having a little fun. Recently, some of our events have includ?ed dinner at Hippo's, and going rollerskating. We also are attending a play at Green Valley High School to support our talented NTTY members Matt linger, Kellie Friedmutter, and Dustin Tiep. If you are interested in joining NTTY, feel more than free to give Joey or Matt Unger a call at 454-1205 or Jolie Alhadeff at 433-1355. Thanks, Joey Crack, bam, east, joker! If this string of words means anything to you, it's time to order your new Mah Jongg Card. The Sisterhood makes money on every card sold, so send a check for $4.50 for each card to: Florence Weinstein 4255 S. Channel 10 Drive #93 Las Vegas, NV 89119 7 A A February 1997 c/t Sfteeiol ^ftlnee &o Belong. ? ^ * * 1 * A R ^ Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, As I sit writing today, I am overwhelmed at the news that I am about to tell you! Sisterhood is well on it's way to a newly remodeled kitchen! Thanks to the generosity of one of our new members, we have received a substantial donation to the "Kitchen Fund!" This donation, together with what Sisterhood can contribute brings us to almost $30,000.00! We are now in the process of determining exactly what the total amount will be to do a first class job all at one time! Our kitchen will then equal the rest of our wonderful facility. When we have the total amount, we will let all of you know so that you can follow our progress and help us reach our goal. With the This month is a busy one (as usual) for us. On Tuesday, February 11, Sisterhood presents the "Rabbi's Book Review &? Lunch." This program is always very enjoyable and we are looking forward to it with great anticipation. Another event which we are looking forward to is our Western Style Progressive Dinner & Hoe Down on Saturday night February 15 at 6:00 P.M. You will need your appetite and dancin? shoes for some reat food and good ole1 country ancin?. The only ingredient that is missing is you. Your check is your reservation. Please send your check payable to Sisterhood at the Temple Attn: Natalie Shaw or Loretta Hollander by February 10. $15.00 per person. Any questions, call Maxine at 898-3592. So wear 5 miimioo D Congratulations to Gil and Natalie Shaw - Congregants of the Year!!! (Gil is a proud member of Brother?hood by the way.) I would like to start out this month by saying how much I appreciated all of you that were able to attend January's Brotherhood meeting. I got some great ideas from your input. I want to know what types of things you and your family would enjoy participating in most. Here is a partial list of some programmings ideas. ^ 1. Las Vegas Thunder games. 2. Light hiking / picnic at a place like Rea Rock 3. Stars Baseball games 4. Ski trip to Brianhead 5. Golf outings 6. Breakfast meetings away from CNT on Sundays 7. Community service (volunteering) 8. Joint events with Sisterhood members 9. Service for the Synagogue (i.e. building, painting, cleaning, etc.) TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT I'd like to hear your top 3 choices. Please let me know at: E-Mail: Voice Mail at: 598-2749. PLEASE RESPOND. 80 THAT I CAN DO A BETTER JOB FOR OUR A SYNAGOGUE. THANKS. W Jeff outstanding job the Sisterhood Party Shop is able to do now, just imagine what wonderful delights they will be able to prepare in a well equipped, organized and a modern kitchen. your western duds and join us for a great time. Hope that your month is a sweet one and "thanks for your support." Jams Momrdy mil you BucRmroom mud. BucMmrottomt If you?ve been a hankerin? for some good grub and a migbty fine time bold on to your hats cuz Sisterhood?s got a hoedown for youftt Mosey on down with the rest of the posse to the Western Progressive Dinner (no youngins? please) and bring your appetite and dancin? feet. We?ll see you here on: SATURDAY NIGHT / FEBRUARY 15, 1997. If you?d like to show some down home hospitality with the use of your ?ranch? as a watering hole for hors d?oveuvres, salad, or entree, please ring up boretta (263-5399), Natalie (451-1739), or Maxine (898-3592), if obliged. Congregation Ner Tamid February 1997 ^.nHiverjarks February 1 Howard and Margaret Zlotnick February 2 Benjamin and Sylvia Cohen Solomon and Lilyan Goldberg February 4 Cal and Phyllis Lewis February 9 Earl and Myma Leppo February 11 H. Sam and Claire Prezant Kenneth and Linda Schnitzer February 12 Alan and Marianne Ellis February 13 Eugene and Dorothy Henkip Keybey and Gertrude Moldave February 14 Donald and Janet Buchanan February 17 Harvey and Fran Sanoff February 19 Harold and Edie Glasser Gary and Jodi Goodheart February 22 Marvin and Janice Rosenthal February 24 Donald and Gloria Helpem February 26 Michael and Cynthia Rose Happy BirthdaylU February 1 Sarah Levy Scott Schreiber February 2 Sylvia Cohen Karen Goodheart Roni Tarr Julie Unger February 3 Adam Gordon Gloria Helpern Loretta Hollander Jeffrey Joseph David Lehrner Jason Moss Shawn Rowan Marc Rowland Marc Vogel February 4 Melody Benedict February 5 Sharlene Flushman Laura Lichtenstein Stephen Rowland Lee Zechter February 6 Gerri Ehrlich Ronae Fink Jeffrey Kottler Metra Skinner February 7 Kasey Grau February 8 Norman Kaufman Marisa Marano James Serling Joel Serling February 9 Don Kornstein Larry Lehrner February 10 Mark Fine Sonney Vogel February 11 Richard Lewis Scott Ross Eleanor Spector Daria Zlotnick February 12 Helen Zliser February 13 Emily Miller Bonnie Pomerantz February 14 Julie Goldstein La verne Hirsh Carol Siegel Ron Slocum Debra Zechter February 15 Jaime Martin Donna Morris Mark Rubinstein February 16 Barbara Fenster Eric Fenster Rosalind Litt Raul Meoz Emily Novick February 17 Sharon Cohen Kellen Cornett Helen Ginsberg D?Vorre Ober Kaeli Wells February 18 Stanley Ames Ellen Fischman Joann Giles Alan Molasky Barbara Ober Esther Saltzman February 19 Jauanne Golob Morton Livenston Rachel Martin Richard Seda Alexandra Yuman February 20 Karen Borgelt Amanda del Valle Allan Nathanson Adam Schwartz John Wanderer February 21 Aaron Bossak Edie Glasser Thomas Perna Natalie Shaw Bob Unger Richard Waxler Michael Wells February 22 Joan Dunn Jeffrey Gale Melissa Goldstein Alfred Karchem Kelsey Lugo Alex Matzkin February 23 Marisa Daitch Alvin Kleinman Arthur Rachild February 24 Eric Fleekop Steven Kaplan Gary Mayman Dawn Pearson February 25 Stephanie Gillman Helen Martin Lindsay Slocum Rachel Toffel February 26 Judy Hopson- Applebaum Nathene Newman February 27 Sophie Hooker Jill Lee Mindy Polasky February 28 Joseph Fink Deanna Levin Ariel Levy Roger Simon February 29 Michael Goldstein Makena Markman A A 9 A February 1997 c / cSpeeitiL rf)laee TJe (Belong. m Singles Scene Please join us Friday, March 28 at 6:00 pm for our Jewish Singles Shabbat dinner and services. The cost for the dinner is $10.00. JSN is a group for singles age 2145. There is an event each month. Come and meet some new people. We have over 300 members. If you are interested in joining us for dinner or would like to participate in the service, Please call Melissa Roth at the Temple 733-6292. Mommy * Please join us for the Mommy-n-Me group. We are planning to meet monthly at the Temple where Jackie Fleelcop promises to provide us with fun Jewish programs. Other playtimes and outings will be decided monthly. So if you have pre?kindergarten age kids and would like to meet some other moms for coffee, bagels and kibbutzing, please call Jacky Rosen to RSVP at 434-9025. 99 Cookin with the Sista?s Sugarless Scones 3 Cups all-purpose flour Vz Cup Sugar Twin (scant) 4 tsp Baking Powder Vz Cup Margarine ( one stick) One egg (or 1/4 Cup Egg Beaters) 1 Cup Buttermilk 1 Cup chopped pitted prunes or one Cup raisins Vz Cup Chopped nuts (optional) Grated orange peel from whole orange (or) two tsp. grated dry orange peel. In large bowl mix dry ingredients. Cut in the margarine with pastry blender, or two knives until it resembles coarse meal. Add buttermilk, egg, prunes (or raisins) nuts and orange peel. Turn dough onto a floured surface. Knead five or six times, adding more flour as needed to keep dough from sticking. Divide into 20-30 pieces (depending on size desired). Shape each into a ball and flatten into Vz inch thick pieces. Place apart on greased cookie baking sheets. Bake 20 minutes in 375 degree oven or until golden rown. This is great for diabetics if you watch the raisins or prunes. Enjoy, Shirley QeQm If you have a favorite recipe and would like to share it with our Congregation, please sent to Ronae Fink. (454-8929) Congregation Ner Tamid February 1997 er-q^q-^'^'or'^'S CNT TRIBUTES Fund To: Natalie 8, Gil Shaw Congratulations on being named Congregants of the year. From: Lynn Ik Larry Sasso To: Nadine &. Joe Cracraft Mazel Tov on your beautiful NEW HOME From: Larry Ik Lynn Sasso General Fund TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: CNT In Loving Memory of Richard HoRowrrz From: Mrs. Sandra Sickle Mr. &. Mrs. Sidney Chaplin Congratulations on your daughter?s Bat MrrzvAH Love: Lil Eisner Rose &. Art Our Best wishes on your fourth YEAR TOGETHER. MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE HAPPY, HEALTHY YEARS. Love: Phil 8. Evelyn Cohen Mr. &. Mrs. Larry Audas In LOVING MEMORY OF YOUR father, Leon Wilson From: Louis, Sandi, Ik Lindsay Sickle Dr. &. Mrs. Fred Wilson In loving memory of your father, Leon Wilson From: Louis, Sandi Ik Lindsay Sickle Loryn Dunn L?shana Tova to Loryn Dunn, AN ATTORNEY WITH O?MELVENY Ik Myers, on passing the California Bar. From: Joan Ik Leslie Dunn Sharon Dunn L?shana Tova to Sharon Dunn on your engagement to Adam Levin. From: Your loving parents, Joan Ik Leslie Dunn Nina Tiep Our love and best wishes for a SPEEDY RECOVERY. From: Freema Ik Marni Robbins Joan &. Leslie Dunn Congratulations on Sharon?s ENGAGEMENT TO ADAM LEVIN. Love: Freema Ik Marni Robbins Sharon Dunn Mazel Tov on your engagement. Love: Freema Ik Marni Robbins CNT In loving Memory of Sylvia Eliasberg From: Rona Mendelson The Mendelson Famil y In Loving memory of Helen Mendelson From: Dr. Fred Ik Esther Sherman The Mendelson Family In loving memory of Helen Mendelson From: Mr. S^Mrs. Ira Goldberg To: Jerry &. Yvonne Gordon Congratulations on your 25th Wedding Anniversary From: Grr Ik Marvin Lucoff To: The Mendelson Famil y Congratulations on your new home. From: Bob Ik LaVerne Hirsh To: Natalie &. Gil Shaw Congratulations on being Congregants of the Year. From: Bob Ik LaVerne Hirsh To: Da vid &. Rona Mendelson Congratulations on your NEW HOME. We WISH YOU YEARS OF GOOD HEALTH Ik HAPPINESS. Love: Lewis Ik Marilyn Etcoff To: Yvonne &. Jerry Gordon Happy 25th Anniversary! From: Rochelle Ik Michael Cohen To: Lorelei Wojnicz So SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR operation. Wishing you a very SPEEDY RECOVERY. Love: Sophie Ik Jack Hooker (Doctors) To: Yvonne &. Jerry Gordon Happy 25th Anniversary From: Rochelle Ik Michael Cohen To: