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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 1996



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    V ol.X V N o. 9 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop, Education Director June/July 1996 14 Sivan -15 Av 5756 Gerald Gordon, President Monty E. Willey, Administrator Melissa Roth, Program Director YOotshlp ?>etvlces Officiated by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman June 7th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Guest Soloist - Frances Klamian Oneg sponsored by the Feldmans In honor of the naming of their son Avi June 14th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Services led by - Eileen Kollins Guest Soloist - Frances Klamian Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood June 21st Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Services led by - Eileen Kollins Guest Soloist - Frances Klamian Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood June 28th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Guest Soloist - Frances Klamian Bar Mitzvah of Michael Cummins Oneg sponsored by the Cummins Family June 29th Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Shawn Silber Kiddush sponsored by the Silber Family July 5th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm 'Sundae Sabbath' Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood July 12th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Bulavsky Oneg sponsored by the Bulavsky Family July 13th Shabbat Service -10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Eric Frankl Kiddush sponsored by the Frankl Family July 19th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood July 26th Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Joint Installation Scheduled On June 23rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Temple Social Hall we will have our Annual Meeting and a joint Temple, Brotherhood and Sisterhood Board of Trustees Installation. We will be having a free bar-b-que followed by a short ceremony. Eileen Kollins, a Past Temple President, will perform the joint installations. Leo Wilner will be present to award The Mickey Wilner Great Lady Award to a deserving member of the Sisterhood. All members of the Temple are invited to attend. Come join the fun and meet with the leadership of the Temple. c -PLo / jo o ~ ~ U-, LL; [|r IdI. 1 Alcw </Ato^tLan\ rZ^lfiectot Melissa (Glovinsky) Roth will be?come our Congrgation's first Program Director beginning July 1st. Working about 20hours a week, Melissa will pro?vide additional support to the Congre?gation by working with the Rabbi in providing new programs and ideas for our membership. In addition, Melissa will assist Bella Feldman in working with B'nai Mitzvah students. Melissa will continue teaching in our religious school and in our adult education pro?gram. Melissa has grown upin our Con?gregation. She wasthefirststudentreg- istered in our religious school. She at?tended Ruby Thomas and Howard Wasden elementary schools. Hebrew Acad?emy and Bishop Gorman High School. Melissa has an AA Degree from Commu?nity College and will continue pursuingher B. A. atUNLV in the fall. Melissa has taught in our religious school for nearly 10 years. During that time she has developed a wonderful following of beloved students. In addition, Melissa has taught our adult education Hebrew and basic Judaism classes as well as our popular "Adult B'nai Mitzvah" class. "This position has long been needed at our Temple" noted Rabbi Akselrad. "As our Temple has grown, so too have our needs and the desire by our membership to continue to increase the diversity of our programs and activities. Melissa willbe a wonderful addition to our Temple staff."Rabbi's Message "Mazel Tov to Rabbi Sidney Akselrad". This month of June is a very special one in the life of the Akselrad family. 1 will be flying to Palo Alto, CA to join my family and my childhood Congregation, Temple Beth Am of Los Altos Hills, as they celebrate my father's 75th birthday and his entering his 50th year in the rabbinate. During the course of my father's career he witnessed tremendous changes in society. But more than being a witness, he became a part of those changes as he fought for civil rights, marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and protested the Vietnam War. Often times his opin?ions and stands were not popular, but they held the strength of his convic?tions, and for that he gathered the re?spect of a community and Congrega?tion for over four decades. Often times as parents, we look for?ward to the various milestones of our children; their first day of school, Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, graduation from High School and College. On the other hand, as children we often loose sight of the major milestones in the life of our own parents. Often times it is because dis?cussion of "age" is avoided. We all know of people who "stop counting" their birthdays at age 39. Or who feel that many such celebrations are only for the children. Looking at the coming celebrations from the vantage point of a child look?ing at his parent, I can only tell you that joy works both ways. I am humbled and proud at my father's achievement, both in his career as a Rabbi and his devotion as a father. Through example, my parents taught me that age does not have to be some?thing that we must fear or hide. If we use our alloted time on earth wisely, and with a focus on matters important, then the passing of the years can in?deed be a celebration. As someone once wrote, "We may have to grow older, but we don't have to grow old." Rabbi Sanford Akselrad a Success! '(3jates ofi ?Bzpentance! c^iolldaif 'Books Order Form Every member should purchase their own Prayer Book Send... Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________ Phone: _____________________________ Number of Copies: __________________ Price per Prayer Book is $20 plus tax. Please enclose names if you wish the book to be insscribed. My check for : $ ________is enclosed Please mail to: Congregation Ner Tami d 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 ShomerTomh Daniel Goldstein Pictured above are this year's participants of our 'TGIS' (Thank G-d it's Shabbas Program): Paul Unger, Shayna Unger, Corey Cohen, Kristen Shultz, Charlene Naft, Matt Bulafsky, Shawn Silber, Kim Adler, Kristen Adler, Melissa Goldstein, Daniel Goldstein, Michelle Premack, Rachel Rowland, Marc Rowland, Sarah Lieberman, David Lieberman, Shawn Scott, Eric Schyman, Michael Naft, Rachel Alterman, Samantha Alterman, Meridith Grower, David Weiser, Alexander Sternhill, Michelle Stuart, Rachel Toffel, William Mahon, Amanda Stuart, Daniel Unger, Megan Stolberg, Benjamin Weiser, jeremy Weiser, Bryce Ober, Lauren Ober, Melissa Toffel, Katlin Koger, Karsten Koger, Laurin Baum. Students from kindergarten through 9th grade participated in the program which required them to attend Services on a montlily basis throughout the school year. Almost 40 students participated this year! In addition, 24 students also came over eighteen times to merit a special trip to the MGM Theme Park as well as a pizza party at the Temple. Our grand prize winner is Daniel Goldstein who came to Services the most during the course the year. He is the recipient of our prestigious 'Shomer Torah' Award which was given to him during a schcflB assembly on May 19th. Daniel will celebrate his honor by holding a Torah during Kol Nidre Services on Yonr Kippur. Mazel Tov to all our participants._____________________________________________________________ Page 2_________________________________________________________________________________ Congregation Ner Tamid President fs Message It's a Boy? Michael and Bella Feldman proudly announce the birth of their son: Avi Louis Feldman born April 18th, 1996. They would like to cordially invite the Congregation toaspe- cial naming ceremony at Friday evening Services on: June 7th at 7:30 p.m. (2'kAnk~you...(dt-eynptetSoAid /Hetnbns jot a job well done! Mterry Gordon.............................President ^iob Unger...............VP Administration Allan Nathanson ... VP Ways & Means Alan Mann...............................Treasurer Debra Kaner...........Corporate Secretary David Stahl............................VP Ritual Philip Goldstein.............VP Education Jacky Rosen.................VP Membership Stephen Joseph.......................VP Social Nadine Cracraft...........................Trustee Lois Doctors.................................Trustee Rita Goldstein..............................Trustee David Gross.................................Trustee Drew Levy...................................Trustee Janis Rounds................................Trustee Esther Saltzman..........................Trustee Ron Worth....................................Trustee Stacey Yahraus............................Trustee Maxine Gratz..........................Sisterhood Scott Dockswell...................Brotherhood Helen Zliser.......................Golden Chai Joey Unger.....................................NTTY Cal Lewis...........................Past President Eileen Kollins...................Past President Kenneth Schnitzer.........Past President Dr. Steve Kollins...........Past President Dr. David Wasserman.. Past President ^?lichael Cherry...............Past President ^^eo Wilner...................................Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad.....Ex Officio A Special Place to Belong Several nights ago I attended the moninating committee meeting. The committee, comprised of a broad spec?trum of Congregants, was assigned the task of recommending a slate of Congregants to fill expired and vacant positions on the Board of Trustees for the coming term. The election will take place at the annual congregational meeting to be held on June 23,1996. While this year's vacancies should have been limited to three trusteeships, through shifting among existing trust?ees of 4 offices and 6 trusteeships. Last year several of us agreed to serve an additional year because we were in the midst of the Sanctuary Campaign and construction. We wanted as much con?tinuity as possible. As such, with con?struction now complete with the instal?lation of the bookracks in the Sanctuary on May 1,1996, we are now taking our leave. (Please note, I didn't mention the Campaign which still has a little ways to go.) I have been active in numerous orga?nizations over the years. Besides rais?ing sufficient monies to pay the bills, the most consistant challenge facing an organization is finding enthusiastic, qualified and talented vollunteers to assume leadership roles. Beginning 5 or 6 years ago I noticed a trend devel?oping at the Congregation which has continued through this most recent nominating committee process. The problem that we face is not recruiting volunteers, but having more qualified volunteers than positions. While the Congregation, like any other Jewish organization, faces many challenges, such as on an individual basis meeting its budget and expanding its programs, and on a more global basis addressing lack of affiliation, the Congregation is definitely not faced with a lack of quali?fied and committed volunteers willling to assume leadership roles. My thanks to the committee for a job well done and congratulations to those individu?als who have been nominated to the Board of Trustees for the coming term. On a personal note, as you can con?clude, my term aspresident will end on June 23,1996. Thank you for allowing me to serve as the president of the Congregation for the past three years. It has been a wonderful experience. Shalom, Jerry Don?t miss out on our famous fSundae SMatUs' ]Ne have two planned for this summer... July 5th & August 23rd^temple Wish J2ist /hazd ^Zov C,to Out SW /HltzvAk Students P age 4 Congregation Ner Tamid The. Temple is in need of the following items: - IBM Compatable Computer (386 or above, 486 preferred) - Photocopier - Fax Machine If you have any of these items or know someone who has, call Monty Willey at the Temple office, 733-6292 'ZYu fou have a fianutif niembe'i <Ji a foiend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Judy Klein in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. ?E?~n\aiL (Z'havatak New Member: Markewich, Jeff Scout@ wo w. com Any other e-mail users interested in joining, contact: Gil Shaw uf dy 12a@prodi gy. com or Rabbi Akselrad If you prefer... send your name, address, and e-mail address to: Rabbi Akselrad, c/o Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121. Or call the Temple Office at 733-6292. Michael Cummins June 28th Hi, my name is Michael Cummins and I am a seventh grader attending GreenspunJr. High. When I geta chance away from stress and homework, I en?joy reading, acting, and playing my clarinet. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah stu?dent means a lot to me, but I would not have been able to accomplish this with?out my friends, family and teachers. This is a terrific honor and I hope I can see you all there on June 28,1996. Matthew Bulavsky July 12th Shalom! My name is Matthew Bulavsky. I will be in the 8th grade next year at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy sports, girls, and going to bar/ bat mitzvah parties. I feel I am ready for my bar-mitzvah on July 12th from all the Hebrew and Sunday School studying. Family and friends from Los Angeles, San Fran?cisco and Kansas City will be coming for this special occasion and I hope many of you will be there too. Shawn Silber My name is Eric Frankl. I live in Tucson, Arizona. I go to Magee Middle School. My favorite hobbies are play?ing football, playing magic, and play?ing fantasy games. I am 13 years old and I'll be 14 December 28th. I am going into 8th grade. I am involved in Jewish activities like USY and Juni^^ Choir at Anshei Israel hereinTucsor?? can't wait to see all my friends ana family at my bar mitzvah. Hello! My name is Shawn Silber. My Bar Mitzvah is on June 29th, 1996. lam a 7th grader at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy playing sports like base?ball, basketball and I also enjoy bowl?ing. When I am called to the Torah I hope all of my friends and family mem?bers will come celebrate this special occasion with me. Eric Frankl July 13thMessage Just as a reminder, we will com?bine the June and July Bulletins as in previous years. This is an attempt to reduce the number of mailings to our members and to reduce some cost at the Temple level. Don't panic when your bulletin in July doesn't arrive. Last month we saw the Spring Gala, our Goods & Services Auction taken to a new level. While many didn't dress to Black-Tie, the evening did have an el?egant atmosphere. Thanks to Scott Dockswell and his many, many volun?teers who assisted him. This was in?deed one of the finest events the Temple has had in a number of years. Again, thanks Scott. On June 23rd, we will have a com?bined Annual Meeting and Board of Trustees Installation of the Temple Of?ficers as well as the Sisterhood and Brotherhood Officers. The event is scheduled on Sunday, June 23rd, 1996 at 5:00 p.m. in the Temple Social Hall. We will be having a free Bar-B-Que to our members followed by a brief instai- zt; aw fed to learn Have you everj Hebrezv... Have you ever wanted to learn more about Judaism... "*^kef&is your chance! Tuesdays, June 18-- August 6 Intro to Judaism, 7:00 - 8:00 pm Beginning Hebrezv, 8:00 - 9:00 pm The Fee is $30.00 per class for members $40.00 for non-members, plus books For more information call Melissa @the Temple Office, 733-6292 A Special Place to Belong lation Service. Mark the date so you can meet the new officers from the Temple, Sisterhood and Brotherhood Boards, say good-bye to the outgoing and receive an update of the services and programs of the Temple. Since we will not publish the July Bulletin, I just wanted to remind you that the High Holidays are just around the corner. Selichot, the opening ser?vice of the High Holidays is September 7th at 8:00 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashana is September 14th at 7:30 p.m. and Erev Yom Kippur is September 22nd at 7:30 p.m. As in the past, Temple policy requires all members to be in good standing with their financial obliga?tions prior to receiving High Holiday tickets. This means that Membership dues for 1996 must be at least 75% paid, you must be current on your Sanctuary charges and any outstanding balances from previous years. I plan on mailing out High Holiday tickets in early Au?gust. If you don?t receive them by mid- August, please contact the office imme?diately. The Temple office is now capable of accepting credit cards, VISA and MasterCard for payments. We started taking credi t cards just before the Spring Gala and the response was good. We hope you will take advantage of this service. Please remember there will be a $50 minimum to use this service. Page 5uakzzeits - juh? and juiif - yakzzectg June 7,1996 William Fine Leo Goldberg Morris Addis Aaron Harry Cohen Shirley Unger Nathan Beller Freida Glanzberg Tillie Spivak Jacob Chernin Bertha Martin Dorothy Mittleman Jacob Dunn Samuel Newman Lillian Dockswell Rachel Figelski Joseph Molinsky Jennie Asch Samuel Liebert June U, 1996 Michael Countess Adolph Glanzberg Helen Brock Mildred Addis Anna Levy Rose Gellin Henry Newman Louis Seltzer Clara Routtenberg William Goldberg Jack Rivkin Roselyn Goldberg Rose Kestenbaum June 21,1996 Herman Estrin Alfred Edward Kempenich Benjamin Stern Mollie Bender Samuel Wurzel June 21,1996 (cont.) Rebecca Alper Herman Nass Jonas Ames Helen Waters Dora Salmon Meyer Benedict Herbert Harris Samuel Mark June 28,1996 Minnie Ponemon Lilyan Rabin Beckie Reich Theresa Bossak Evelyn Axenfeld Sidney Aberman Joseph Krentzman Sam Foosaner Bernard Nathanson Lou Letizia Adelaide Kallick Samuel Schlesinger July 5,1996 Violet Advocate Abraham Etkin Litzie Diwald Frances Edelson Saul Bossak Ruth Finkelstein Anna Kalish Alfred Lee Sylvia Beth Plows- Koshakow Harry Miller Bernard Ginsberg Masha Kahn Rose Chernin Charles Weintraub 3n /l\oncnlun\ Helen Marikos belovedgrandmotherof Christy Molasky July 12,1996 Jacob Lader Dora Gordon L. Mack Levy Ruth Lipman Anne Schneider Abraham Herman Irving Devine David Simon David Marx James Stone Irving Kirshbaum Bernard Bernstein Morris Tepper George Marco Harry Pollins July 19,1996 Wally Cowan Harriet Elman Mark Anthony Louis Fox Robert H. Levy Fanny Loeff Jenny Weinberg Julia Diwald Jayne Benedict Harry Schwimmer Louis Reich Marvin Kohnen Samuel Stahl July 26,1996 Jane Gittleson Herman "Hank" Greenspun Ruth Batchelor Elaine Chernicoff Yetta Gratz Alan Bilofsky Alex Gerstein Rose Freedman Lilly Kollins Milton Ferber Albert Goldstein Benjamin Kishner Molly Lazar Cecil Figelski Leo Rakov Frieda Jacobowitz Joel Berger Leroy Cherry lW A (vw'Paren Is Wan toil... Parents of children of religious school ages accepted. Parents willing to listen partiently, share feelings, who are active thinkers, able to offer suggestions, know when there are no suggestions to be offered. Experience helpful, but not neces?sary; on site training will be provided, the pay is very poor (nothing), the rewards are great. You will be part of a group that will meet once a month to Kvell about children a lot, drink coffee and enjoy bagels, and kvetch a little. If you feel you are not qualified are the people who make monumental decisions for your children in the blink of an eye. When life seems to be running smoothly situations arise that require major changes that you handle. You are the super parent that is a child advocate, rescuer, purveyor of peace, shield against evil, an all around great person. We...the M.B. Dalitz Parents Committee need you. To become part of this important group please contact Jackie Fleekop by leaving your name and phone number at the temple office. (Remember to register early and have a Great Summer.) Jackie M. K. Dalitz Religious School Fees for the 1906-1997 School Year Grade Tuition Tuition (prior to May 30) (after May 30) K $180 $195 1 $180 $195 2 $185 $200 3 $185 $200 4 $260 $275 5 $260 $275 6 $250 $265 7 $250 $265 8 $185 $200 9 $185 $200 <________________ __________________________^ School Hours K- 8 9:15-12:15 Sunday 4-7 4:30-6:00 Tuesday 9 5:30-7:00 Monday ^tdt and KvetL Jackie and David Fleekop are proud to announce that Sandee Fleekop graduated UNLV with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in May. Sandee hopes to travel and do an internship this year before going onto graduate school. Ronald and Joel will graduate Durango High School with honor degrees on June 3rd. Ronald will be attending the University of Illinois at Champaign- Urban to study business. Joel will be attending Brandies University to prepare for a Judaic Studies degree in the fall. if you have anything to brag about, write it down and give it to the temple office to share with the rest of us. A Special P lace to Belong Page 7 Sisterhood News Today, as I write my last column (do I hear applause?), Iam anxiously await?ing the excitement of the new Sister?hood board headed by Janis Rounds. New beginnings are much more enter?taining than endings. These last two years have been so much fun that I wish everyone the opportunity to embrace the challenge. When asked about this column, if I write it myself, I can say I write the ideas. The grammar and the spelling have been treated by Bobbie Bernay and Rebecca Herren. When asked how to handle this or that...Rita and Janis come to mind. The party shop soley belongs to Frances Klamian and her devoted crew. All the other duties, like the gift shop to Joy and Susan, run themselves with their guid?ance. Barbara Rosen, always sending out sunshine cards, Mary Zone and Fran Sanoff,always hawking member?ship, and Sandy Ziskrout, making sure all of our programs were the best. Thank you to Shirley Kravitz, Alma Bernay, Sylvia Frank, Janet Evans, Janet Schlessinger, Phyllis Lewis, Natalie Shaw, Ronae Fink, Dottie Ffenkin, Eileen Kollins, Harper Klamian, Helen Zliser, Rose Dunn, Shirley Gellin, Mel?issa Glovinsky (Roth) Michelle Morris, Lill Eisner, Marilyn Goldstein and Phyllis Mark, Marilyn Glovinsky and Marlene Sherman for doing her sister?hood job and to Debbie Harris, who became a member of sisterhood be?cause of our friendship who has been so very helpful. All these little touches and big thank yous to all who have comprised this wonderful group of women. There?fore, I prove to one person doesitalone. To Scott Dockswell, thank you for making sure I always had your hand climbing up to the Bima and mak?ing sure I didn't embarrass myself by falling...and to you and your Brother?hood foralways showing your support to our Sisterhood, I and we thank you. To Bob Unger, for always offering his ear and help to our Sisterhood. This has meant so very much to me person?ally and to my Sisterhood. Thank you very much Bob. Mazel Tov on your new position... President of our Con?gregation. June 1,1996, we are waiting anxiously to witness our 6 out of the women as they re called to the Torah. For me, they are such an inspiration. It's something I would like to do one day. I wish them and their teacher, Mazel Tov!!! June 6, 1996 Sisterhood will have their donor dinner at Cafe Michelle. By this reading those who have made donations should have re?ceived her invitation. There will be a $10 plate charge. I am very much look?ing forward to seeing all of you there. Thank you to Marilyn Glovinsky and Marlene Sherman in advance for a job well done. June 23,1996 Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Temple will participate in a joint installation. Eileen Kollins will preside and it should be a lovely evening and event. The fesitvities will begin at 5:00 p.m. There will be a barbeque to follow. All members, and prospective members, families and friends are welcome. Please call the temple office and make your reserva?tion (733-6292). Again to the Board's members thatareleaving...Great the new Board members...Here's your ticket to the coolest "E" ride of your life. Good luck. Sisterhood, beginnin^^ Thursday, July 11,1996 continuing f^B the next 4 weeks, will present Shelley Fischer, teaching "Astrology for Begin?ners?. This course will cost $40 for Sisterhood, Brotherhood or Temple members. And $50 for non members. Itisafourweekcourse. Signupquickly by calling me, 898-3592 or Shelley Fischer 382-6044 no later than July 6, 1996. It will run from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. forfourThursdaysinarow. Thiscourse will fill up quickly so hurry and avoid being shutout. There is one more thing I would like to add to this column. There are two very special men in my immediate family and one has been away for the school season. His father and I are looking very forward to en?joying his company over this summer and will be looking forward as well in the fall for him to fly away, in his own way very special way, he asks what is happening at the Temple and Sister?hood, and because this Congregation has done its job, our son still is involved even though he is 3000 miles away. am very grateful. The other man I would like to ad?dress is my husband. He has been extremely supportive throughou t these last two years and has been before that. There has not been a meal we have not been interrupted due to Sisterhood business. The wash doesn't always get done and we willnot speak of the house or the grocery shopping. He has been incredible more than wonderful and when I speak of unconditional love...Steve Gratz come to my mind. Thank you Steve. I appreciate all you do and all you are. Maxela r 1 > Congregation NerTamid Sisterhood Proudly Presents: Back by popular demand, Shelley Fischer, member of the American Federation of Astrologers has both a national and international astrology business, will teach an "astrology for Beginners" class. Shelley was sisterhood guest speaker at our January meeting. She was met with so much enthusiasm, that she agreed to teach this class in four sessions. If you are interested in attending this four session class, beginning 1996 at Congregation Ner Tamid, the cost is a one time fee of $40 for temple members and $50 for non-temple members. Chances are this four session class will fill up quickly. The response has been wonderful, just by word of mouth, please call in your reservations to Maxine Gratz 898 3592. flN.T.T. Y. i^N e w s May was an awesome month forNTTY. On May 19th NTTY had a picnic at Sunset Park, con?cluding this wonderful day with swimming and a barbecue and installations, it was great to see so many new faces. NTTY would like to thank all the 8th grades for coming, and would like to invite every 8th grader to come and see what NTTY is all about. NTTY also installed their new board this month, it goes as fol?lows: President - Joey Unger Social Action Vice President -Jolie Alhadeff Religious Cultural Vice President -Danny Gross Programming Vice President - Matt Unger Treasurer - Ben Gross Secretary - Jessica Bulavsky NTTY has a wonderful board for the following year. We have had a terrific year, however NTTY is coming to an end and we hope everyone had a great year. Hope to see you all again beginning in August. Have a great summer. Jolie Alhadeff NTTY/SW Secretary T . N . T . News Teens of Ner Tamid Summer is here, the weather is hot, and so is the dynamite, dynamic delicious (we always eat) TNT youth group. In May we held elections for next fall's officers. We will be working hard over the summer to plan a wonderful experience for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Committees are forming now to plan social action programs, educational programs, reli?gious experiences, fund raisers and just plain FUN. New Officers are: President - Shayna Unger Vice President - Matthew Saskin Co-Treasurers & Fund raising - Max Lardent & David Lieberman Secretary - Samantha Saltzman Sergeant of Arms - Charles Kallick Historian - Ryan Ellis To be part of this youth group contact Sandee Fleekop @ 454-5196 Golden C li a i A Major Month For Golden Chai June will be a fun-filled month for the members of Golden Chai. We not only have terrific pro?grams planned, but also there are two special events. On Thursday, June 6, we are pleased tohaveNateTanenbaum as our guest speaker. Everyone in Las Vegas who watches TV news is well aware that Mr.Tanenbaum is much more than a "weatherman." He is in?volved in many activities and can tell us a lot about what goes on in this fast-paced city. We are planning a card party on June 9 which will be open to non-members as well as mem?bers. We expect to have brunch and games of pan, mah jong, etc. We hope many of you will plan to join us for a pleasant after?noon. The next big day will be June 20th. We will be having our first paid-up member lunch of this year. Non-members will be charged $5.00 for lunch, as it will be more than our usual bagel brunch. Also we will have a special program of belly danc?ing that will be professional and supposedly will involve us all. We know it will be great fun. You can still join us and par?ticipate in our activities. We al?ways have a good, friendly time together. You will be welcome. Love and shalom, Helen Zliser, Pres. P.S. We meet all summer! Don't forget to cull the Ner Tamid Event Hot Line 203-5960 For up-to-date information about Temple Happenings! A Special Place to Belong_______________________________________________________________________________Page 9Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid Many thanks to all who helped to make The Annual Spring Gala such a huge success!L?/ioil ?^Tribute. % % Mazel Tov: To Bella & Michael Feldman on the birth of your son Avi. From Natalie & Gil Shaw. To Bella & Michael Feldman, a won?derful & happy life as a new family. Welcome Avi! From Ramona & Marty Fessler. To Bella & Michael Feldman on your new arrival, Avi. From Sylvia Frank To Bella & Michael Feldman. Avi, Wel?come to the world. From Lorelei Wojnicz. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks: To Bella Feldman, for making Jarrid & Trish's wedding even more beauti?ful. From David &Rona Mend cl son. (ZjavziaL ^und Mazel Tov: To Irene Gold. Wishing you a long and happy reitrement. From Helen Zliser & Max Blumenfeld To Mary Zone on your Bat Mitzvah. From Helen Zliser and Max Blumenfeld. ToIreneGold. May your retirement be the best. From Phyllis Lewis. To Mary Zone on your Bat Mitzvah. From Phyllis Lewis. In loving memory of: Sylvia Eliasberg. To Rona Mendelson & Family. From Leslie & Roger Simon. Annette Weinstein. To Jackie McRitchie & Family. From George, Sharlene, Ami & Josh Bushman. Get Well Wishes: To Antoinette Aberman... Love you. From Lorelei Wojnicz j2i&sW{ ^und Mazel Tov: To Gale Husney, in honor of your B'nai Mitzvah. So very proud of you, Mom. From Pearl Kleiman. To Gale Husney. What an example to follow, Love. From Lauren & Rebecca. grayer TSooks Mazel Tov: To Bella & Michael Feldman, on your new arrival, Avi. From Shirley Gellin. |To Mary Zone on your Bat Mitzvah. From Eileen Kollins. To Fran Sanoff on your Bat Mitzvah. From Eileen Kollins. To Esther Saltzman on your Bat Mitzvah. From Eileen Kollins. To Gale Husney on your Bat Mitzvah. From Eileen Kollins. To Shirley Gellin on your Bat Mitzvah. From Eileen Kollins. In loving memory of: Arthur Gellin. To Shirley Gellin. From: Natalie Rosenberg. In Appreciation: To Rabbi & Bella, for your help on the occasion of Daniel's Bar Mitzvah. From the Goldstein Family 7RMl?s rZ$Ls(Xetiorumf and Mazel Tov: To Susan Mehr on your B'nai Mitzvah. We are very proud of you. From George & Sharlene Flushman In loving memory of: Aunt Bebe Herzog. To Lenny Herzog. From Ben & Barbara Ehrlich. A. Sam Bloom, father. To Sandi Fried and Family. From: The Mishalow Family. Harry Fradins. To Mrs. Sy Obcrman & Family. From Shirley Kravitz. Anna & William Gabelman, parents. From Arlene Kagan & Family. Sylvia Eliasberg. To Rona Mendelson & Family. From Emily & Michael Novick. Bebe Herzog. To Leonard Herzog. From Jeff Katz. In appreciation: To Rabbi. From Frances & Richard Klamian. For completion of the Bride's Room. From CNT Sisterhood. To Rabbi. Thank you for the honor. From Fran & George Lipshaw. To Rabbi. Thank you for all your kind?ness. From: Sylvia Frank To Rabbi. Thank you for helping us create a beautiful memory. From David & Rona Mendelson. To Rabbi. From Madeline & Howard Adler. To Rabbi. From Lori Emptage. To Natalie & Gil Shaw. Just because you are two special people. From Jeff Katz. To Rabbi. From Aydie & Bob Unger. In honor of: To Lois & Malcolm Doctors on your beloved new grandchild. From Nadine & Joe Cracraft. Sdiez Seztifeaxtes In loving memory of: Bebe Herzog. To Leonard Herzog. From: Jeanette & Nat Chaddick. Chet Gelber. To Kaufman & Gel