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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 1993



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    Congregation Ner Tamid The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121, 702/733-6292 Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop: Education Director Dotty Gross: Preschool Director September 1993/Elul ?Tishrei 5753 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Garianne Farrish: Bulletin Editor for Gome tJoin Qlsfo. High Holidays Schedule of fjoenh Selichot: "Holy Places, Holy Spaces" Program Saturday 9/11 8 p.m. Service Saturday 9/11 9 p.m. Evening Service Wednesday 9/15 7:30 p.m Morning Service Thursday 9/16 10 a.m. Youth Service Thursday 9/16 10 a.m. (Ages 7-11) Toddlers' Service Thursday 9/16 (Ages 4-6) Following morning services Schedule of Friday Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday. September 3rd 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Melissa Simon Oneg sponsored by Leslie and Roger Simon Friday. September 10th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Bar/Bat Mitzvah of Thomas and Erica Katz Oneg sponsored by Mark and Debra Katz 0M KlPPUfi Kol Nidre Morning Service Youth Service (Ages 7-11) Toddlers' Service (Ages 4-6) Afternoon Service Yiskor Service Concluding Service Friday Saturday Saturday 9/24 9/25 9/25 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Saturday 9/25 Following morning services Saturday 9/25 3 p.m. Saturday 9/25 5 p.m. Saturday 9/25 6 p.m. Sukkot Morning Service: Thursday, September 30th, at 10 a.m. Shemini Atzeret Yiskor Memorial Service: Thursday October 7th, at 10 a.m. Simchat Torah, October 8th, 1993 Friday. September 17th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday. September 24th 7:30 p.m. Kol Nidre Friday. October 1st 7:30 p.m. Succot Family Services Friday. October 8th 6:00 p. m. Shabbat Family Dinner-Grade K 7:30 p.m. Consecration Service Babysitting available during all High Holiday Services.* 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Message from Our Rabbi . . . is past June, upon completing our tour of Israel, several members of our Congregation continued on to Egypt. Part of their tour to Cairo was to visit the Ben Ezra Synagogue, Egypt's oldest Temple. Members of the group brought me back some fascinating pictures of an old established Orthodox Temple that is now a historic site. I was also given a booklet that contained a history of the Synagogue and various anecdotes about Judaism. One of the stories in particular that caught my attention was entitled, "The Man and His Three Friends." The story described a man who had three friends, two of whom he loved dearly, and the other he also held in high esteem. He was suddenly called upon to appear before the King and needed an advocate. He asked his two friends whom he loved dearly if they would act as his advocates and they both flatly turned him down. The third friend, whom he took for granted and for whom he did not have as much regard, eagerly went with him and defended him before the King. This story is a parable for the High Holidays. The King represents G-d in His heavenly throne. The call to appear before the King represents the life cycle of Death, when Man is called to account for his life. The friends represent various values. The first friend represents money; the second friend represents our friendships and neighbors; and the third friend, Our Deeds. Upon reading this story, I was struck by a sense of connectedness to world Jewry. Our religion represents values that are relevant wherever and whenever Jews have lived. Perhaps that is one of the secrets of our longevity. Our ideas have a power and majesty all their own. Whether Jews live in Egypt, Israel or Las Vegas, we share a common sense of history, tradition, and learning. I was also struck by the story's appropriateness for the Holy days. For after all, traditionally we have felt that between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, all of us are indeed called to account for our lives. Too often we allow ourselves to become enslaved to values or ideals that are shallow or devoid of true meaning. The High Holidays remind us of the importance to reaffirm our appreciation of our religion, our families and our faith. I want to wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year filled with much joy and blessing in the year to come. ^Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Temple Board Jerry Gordon Alan Mann Stephen Joseph Lois Doctors Steven Weiss man Denise Schnitzer Jack Nitzkin Dyane Kohnen Paul Cohen Nadine Cracraft Roger Ewan David Gross Debbie Levy Jerry Polis Stacey Yahraus Bob Unger Ron Worth Helen Zliser Lenny Gropman Ronae Fink Judy Kollins Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry Leo A. Wilner Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Monty E. Willey President V.P. Administration V.P. Ways & Means V.P. Membership V.P. Religious Activities V.P. Education Treasurer Recording Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood Golden Chai NTTY Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Advisor Ex Oficio Temple Administrator High Holiday Tickets If you have not received your tickets by September 2nd, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. l?- My heartfelt thanks to the jf many kind and thoughtful people who remembered me 1? after the recent passing of my p beloved Bill. II p Love, * Helen Zliser 1 j! ?o Jl J CNT Members are expected to purchase the Gates of Repentance Prayerbook for High Holidays. $20 A Message from Our President cSeptember will be the most hectic, yet challenging, month of the year for the Congregation. We will not only celebrate the High Holidays but begin our 1993-1994 religious school year, commence our expanded pre-school program and welcome more than 50 new families to our Congregation. Our goal with regard to educating our children is to provide a quality Jewish education from the age of 3 through confirmation. Jackie Fleckop, our new religious school principal, Dotty Gross, our pre-school director, and the various youth group advisors and directors are all working toward providing a seamless educational curriculum and social and recreational environment for our children. Of special note is the expansion of our pre-school program from 3 days to 5 days and the continued integration of the program into our overall Congregational program. Approximately one year ago, we began exploring the short-term and long?term goals and needs of the Congregation. This effort resulted in the formation of a Sanctuary Committee under the direction of Co-chairmen David Gross and Mike Cherry. The committee, now composed of more than twenty Congregants, has advanced in its efforts far beyond what we thought could be accomplished in the mere span of one year. 1 anticipate an exciting announcement will be made to the Congregation during High Holidays. This will be of special interest to all of us who over the past several years have witnessed the increased attendance at High Holiday services and the resulting placement of seats that literally defies the laws of physics. We hope to answer that often repeated question, "What are we going to do next year?" My fellow Trustees and I look forward to greeting each of you during the High Holidays. But I caution you, we are always looking for volunteers and don't be surprised that after saying hello you don?t find yourself a little more involved than you were before. SJerry Gordon? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 ^ A Word from Our Temple Administrator . . . The High Holidays are just around the comer. Final preparations are being made to ensure the High Holidays are a wonderful experience for all. High Holiday tickets were sent out August 13. Hopefully everyone received theirs, if not, please call me so we can resolve the issue. The schedule for the High Holiday services is shown on the cover. We are planning to include all age groups in services but for those too young, we will provide babysitting in Room 4, the Multipurpose Room. For several months now, the office staff has been telling me how busy the office gets this time of year. Well...they were right. Fortunately, numerous people have given of themselves to ensure the High Holidays and associated events have been smoothly coordinated. Throughout the year a handful of people have donated their time to ensure a variety of special events ran smoothly. My special thanks to Ida Aberman, Phil Seltzer, Hope Cummings and Rudy Gold who have helped this year's High Holiday planning. I want to thank Ed Mintz for his patience in organizing our Kol Nidre computer program. It is a wonderful experience to work in this environment where the staff and members of our Temple come together to make things happen. I hope these High Holidays are a rewarding experience for all and thanks for all of your support. Shalom, OMonty E. Willey A cWe.')ie.J[ew! C-Hecfe us out! Jlu 7a?ud.'s # SiSteJiRood Gi{jiSdop # Jle*r IndpjdoWj Quilling daily {j-ox all youx gijyt-giOing Reeds! ^ Bat Mitzvah of Melissa Simon My name is Melissa Jennifer Simon and I will become a Bat Mitzvah on Friday, September 3. I have been looking forward to this special occasion for a long time now and am anxious to have family and friends share in this beautiful tradition. I attend the Meadows School and am member of the National Junior Honor Society. History, math and Spanish are among the most enjoyable subjects for me. Skiing, swimming, art classes, and babysitting are my favorite ways to spend time outside of school. Whether I'm off discovering new places or at home taking care of my pets, spending time with close friends and family is most important of all to me. I hope the Congregation will join my family and me in sharing this meaningful day. Bar Mitzvah of Thomas Katz Hi! My name is Tomy Katz. I was bom September 9, 1980 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. I will be in the 7th grade at Orr Middle School this year. I collect baseball cards and I enjoy bike riding. My Bar Mitzvah will be on September 10, 1993. Relatives are coming from all around the country. I hope to see you there with all of my family. 'Bye! Bat Mitzvah of Erica Katz Hi! My name is Erica Katz. I will be having my Bat Mitzvah on September 10, 1993. I moved from Pennsylvania about three and a half years ago. My hobbies are reading, writing, dancing, singing, and doing gymnastics. This year I will be in the 8th grade at William E. Orr Middle School. Family members are coming from Pennsylvania, Boston, and Florida. I hope to see you there, too.? 4 ? Left to right: Al Benedict, Founder of the Foundation, 8 of the 21 award recipients; Nathene Newman, David Weisberg, Michael Giordano, Michael Weisberg, Rina Roselinsky, Ben Newman, Jennifer Goldman, Mandi Bergman; and Leo A. Wilner, Foundation Chairman. Wilner Foundation 1993 Awards to 21 Outstanding Jewish Youth dantor'g dorner The summer has passed so quickly and the Jewish New Year is almost here. Our Teen Choir began rehearsals in August for the Youth High Holiday Services. It's not easy to convince any teenager to come to Temple at the end of their summer vacation and work on learning music, but somehow Lori and I have put together a choir. I must thank those of you who decided to come and sing with us. Your voices will lend so much to services and your dedication to Judaism is greatly appreciated. I also must thank Lori Frankl again for all of her time and effort. Last month I mentioned the expanding market of Contemporary Jewish Music. There are a variety of different artists who are entering this field and it is my pleasure to share some of this music with all of you. I have chosen some of my favorite tapes to carry in our gift shop. Please, take a listen ... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. If you are interested in any other tapes, feel free to give me a call. May you have a happy and healthy new year! SBella The Sisterhood Gift Shop is looking for volunteers to help on weekdays. If you are willing to volunteer your time once a week, once a month, every other week, or whenever you are at a Temple event (right before or right after the event) please contact Joy Willey at 897-1824. We are looking for people to work the following hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 to 6:00 (or any part of the time) 1st and 3rd Monday of each month 11:30 to 12:00 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 11:30 to 12:00 Al Benedict, founder of the Wilner Foundation, announced today that 21 meritorious Jewish young people had been selected for 1993 awards. He stated that seven of the award recipients participated in pilgrimages to Israel, and that several added visits to Poland as well. The other 14 award winners were participants in various Jewish summer programs. Leo A. Wilner, Foundation Chairman, stressed the fact that awards are granted on the basis of scholarship ability and involvement in Jewish youth activities and/or social action aimed at enhancing community living. Winners in 1993 included youngsters from 11 to 17 years of age, each with a grade point average of not less than B +. Foundation regulations state that award winners are eligible to apply again, as long as all qualifications are met. The following are the qualifications necessary for consideration for an award: Applicants must be residents of Nevada, under 18 years of age, have a scholastic GPA of B+ or better, be/have been a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or currently attending Hebrew school, and be registered for participation in any activities sponsored by any Jewish camp or organization. Foundation directors expressed delight at the fact that the amount of youngsters going to Israel increases each year. Award winners not pictured above are: Linda Dardashti, Cori Lynn Feinberg, Jesse Funk, Andy Gratz, Elissa Greenberg, Judith Kollins, Rochelle Kryngel, Daniella Muller, Marcus Rosencrantz, Jessica Schoengold, Billy Tiep, Dustin Tiep and Eric Rowland. Are you planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah? Please remember to check out the Sisterhood Gift Shop for Invitations, Kipahs, Registry for Gifts, Specialty orders. To order invitations and kipahs, call Phyllis Lewis at 458-8119.? 5 ? Hals off lo Sisterhood's Progressive Dinner? NO! ! ! Hats ON at tHis year s Progressive Dinner Pul on your most creative hat and come lo Sisterhood's Annual Progressive Dinner Saturday, October 16,1993 at 6:00 p.m. Where? We're keeping it under our HAT! Bui we promise you a good time with plenty of good food, as usual! Special prizes for the best hat at each house: funniest, most sophisticated, most elaborate, etc.! MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS by October 8, 1993! Only $20 per person. You'll receive timely instructions for your 1st course from the Dinner Committee. Call Debra Cohen, 361-2685, or Rita Malkin, 451-9412* 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ? The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation We Now Deliver!!! On the east side, call Phyllis Lewis, 458-8119 On the west side, call Helen Zliser, 254-6678 SCRIP is a painless way to buy your groceries and support the Congregation at the same time! DO YOU EAT? DO YOU BUY YOUR FOOD AT THE GROCERY STORE? If so, please consider picking up SCRIP at the Temple on a regular basis. Just use your food money to buy SCRIP. Where do you buy SCRIP? At the Temple Office Monday through Friday, 9-4, On Sundays between 9 and 12:15, and Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai and Board of Trustee Meetings. WHICH STORES WILL ACCEPT SCRIP? If you buy your food at: VON'S SMITH?S LUCKY'S or ALBERTSON'S YOU are a perfect match for SCRIP! 3^ r You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 Name Address City___ Store Denomination TOTAL Zip Phone Date Ordered Date Needed Amount Received Signature_______ Lucky ^5s LI 10s LI20s Vons Ll5s LI 10s ? 20s Smiths QSs ?lOs Q20s Albrtsn LLs ? 10s Q20s? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 ^ asi Call Rita Frances 451-9412 454-0990 CNTs Sisterhood Party Shop Chai Plaque To remember and be remembered, for laughter and glee, for Mazel Tov and cheers. For time to hold these feelings forever. That is what the Chai Plaque in our Sancturary does. The glow of shining brass inscribed with names and dates and occasions remains bright for all to appreciate for all time. Please call me and I will help you choose the most appropriate plaque for you and your family's Simchas. CONGREGATION NER TAMID APPROVES NEW PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and the Board of Directors at Congregation Ner Tamid offer congratulations to Dotty Gross on her recent selection as the Temple Preschool Director. Dotty fills the position after the departure of Julie Gruber and provides the necessary continuity the Temple needs as our growth continues. She has been a Preschool Teacher at Ner Tamid for over a year. Dotty has been an active member in the Temple as the Youth Group Advisor, as a Trustee, and as a Religious School teacher. Dotty will continue teaching with Leah Kamer with a new and exciting curriculum and together, will offer a five day program. We offer best wishes to Dotty on her new position. A Message from oar Ne Preschool Director . . . Time is: Too slow for those who want Too swift for those who fear Too long for those who grieve Too short for those who rejoice But for those who love Time is Eternity ORonae Fink 454-8929 Congregation Ner Tamid Preschool will begin its third year on September 8th! For the first time, we will be offering an optional 5-day program for our four- and five-year- old students. Those children who will be four by September 30th will have the option of attending school for either 3 or 5 days. Our younger pre-schoolers will still attend school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Our hours will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Once again we look forward to music taught to us by Bella and regular visits from Rabbi Akselrad. Our September curriculum includes an introduction to the High Holidays. We will also focus on getting acquainted with each other and adjusting to school. We believe preschool should be fun, and children should look forward to the experience. Since we are expanding to a five-day program, we will definitely need some people who would like to substitute teach. Please call the Temple if you are interested. Also, anyone who is cleaning out their closets and has toys in good condition, we could really use them. We could especially use some matchbox cars and baby dolls! Please come visit us and call the Temple if you are interested in the preschool. We look forward to working with your children! Thanks! >5 Dotty and Leah Set Steady for the PtCew ear/ Rosh Hashanah (Starting the evening of the 15th of September) Now Available in the Unique and Unusual Artwork Portrayed on Created by Michele Pulver $14.00 per dozen (non-personalized) Personalizing of cards available upon request Call Joy for an appointment at 897-1824? 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Be Part of the If. IS. Dalitz Religious School Dear Parents; We are about to begin a new year at the M. B. Dalitz Religious School. Many of our staff are new, with fresh ideas and attitudes. Some of our teachers from last year will be returning, bringing with them their knowledge and experience. The most important part of the staff is the parents. We can offer your child teachers, materials, and a quality curriculum, but we need you! You are our strength, you are the root of your child's education today and in their future. The root of a tree must be strong for the tree to grow, so we must have a supportive root system. Join us on Sunday, September 12th, at 11:00 a.m. for a parents' orientation. You will meet our staff, see materials to be used, learn more about the upcoming year, and have a chance to arrange car pools. It is so important that you attend that we have provided child care while you attend this meeting. Congregation Ner Tamid will raise the level of Jewish Education to New Heights in Las Vegas Remember to mark this date on your calendar NOW! Shalom, Jackie Fleekop Educational Director? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 * Se^-. I3#j GO l_i?I GO ;? ,,sf* c/5';. / ? &GT LOCAT{C*K WEST" UXAfctt" ? CU&StS ?PKAWI^-PAIWTI^-SCC^LPT/M^- ? SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE? "Wt TO SIRTWPAY PARTIES 100!" -$>* wove- itt-fomiafw call Ttekbie levy &70-W? cr Wtw CrisosfoVHo 451-3-113 Congregation Ner Tamid Preschool 1993-1994 Tuition Schedule \|/ V Three-Day Program Five-Day Program Member $150/month $210/month 2 Non-Member $170/month $240/month \J/ '!' Registration Fee: $50 \i/ 1; 10% Discount for 2nd Child , 5% Discount for advance payment of five months or more Registration fee for new students will be waived if enrollment is completed by September 1, 1993. Payment for first month's tuition must be received at that time. V/ Ni,' A tuition credit of $50 will be given for each referral V that results in a student enrollment. Recruiting Hospice Volunteers A variety of volunteer opportunities are available for seniors. Positions are in patient and non-patient care, such as office projects and medical records. Training begins September 25 and will meet on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No fee. Location is to be announced. Recruiting Volunteers for EASE (Early Assistance and Support in Emergencies) We are also seeking volunteers interested in on-scene response to sudden deaths. Volunteers will provide emotional support to families and friends at the scene of a sudden death. Training begins Saturday, October 2, from 9 to 4 also. Please call Gary or Dee at 733-0320. Getting to know people in our Congregation can be made easier by joining a havurah. It's a terrific way to become acquainted with other Congregants. What is a Havurah? A havurah is a group of couples, families, and/or individuals who will commit to meeting on a regular basis What kinds of things does a Havurah do? It's up to you! Your group can enjoy a Shabbat dinner, see a show, or even go hiking, if you're so inclined. Our Rabbi is available as a resource for stimulating topics of discussion, as well as being a guest speaker. The havurah coordinators are also available to assist with programming ideas. Each havurah is encouraged to support and participate in Temple functions. Sisterhood, Brotherhood, and the Membership Committee have loads of exciting activities planned. How do you get involved? Temple members should fill out a havurah information sheet and havurah coordinators will do the rest. Someone will be in touch with you to let you know who is in your group. Encourage your friends to fill out an information sheet, too! When are we meeting? Our first "All Havurah Get Together" is Sunday, October 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. for a pot luck dinner at Congregation Ner Tamid. Soft drinks will be provided. All those who are in an existing havurah, a newly formed havurah, or those wishing to participate but have not yet been placed in a havurah, are invited to attend. Send in your information sheet enclosed in this bulletin NOW!!! Rona and David Mendelson Havurah Coordinators 458-1536? 1 0 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Committees and Auxiliaries Social Action Committee The Social Action Committee is beginning its year of congregational mitzvot with our annual High Holiday Food Drive. Please bring in canned goods, nonperishable items, diapers, and toiletries to the Temple from Selichot through Yom Kippur. As we celebrate the New Year, let us help to make the lives of those less fortunate happier. The items will be distributed through the Jewish Family Service and the Weekend Emergency Assistance Plan (WEAP). WEAP is a special program co-sponsored by the Lutheran and Methodist Ministries. If anyone in the Congregation has three hours any Sunday throughout the year and would like to donate their time to this worthwhile program, please contact me for more information. During Sukkot, we will have a voter registration drive. See the October Bulletin for more information. We are always looking for new ideas and new members. Please contact me or the Temple office if you want to become involved. Happy New Year to each of you and your families. Thank you in advance for your support. #Eileen Kollins Sisterhood This year it is our fond hope to increase the membership in Sisterhood to include most of the women of the Congregation. We often hear people say they don't join because they can't attend meetings. It is important that you understand why we refute that statement. First of all, we intend to vary our meeting times to accommodate as many people as possible. Secondly, our special events will generally be on weekends. And finally, even if you aren't able to attend most functions, your dues can help us to attain our goals. No doubt you are wondering what our goals might be. Well, let me mention a few: We will help the Temple, as always, by providing any Onegs that are not sponsored; by donating cash to help cover operating costs; by purchasing something that the Temple needs; and by helping any other way we can. We will help the Religious School and donations. NTTY with cash We will sponsor the Campership program and raise funds to help send our children to a Jewish camp. We will work with the Temple Committee on Social Action to benefit the community through our contributions. We will support the wonderful work of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. We will provide a network for Jewish women to work together, socialize together, and affirm their faith together. We hope you will find these reasons important enough to join us. Shalom, $Helen Zliser If you have a child who is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one and is living out of town, please send in their names and addresses to the Ner Tamid office in an envelope that reads: Attention-Social Action Committee With the assistance of the Sisterhood, and hopefully Golden Chai and the Brotherhood, we will be sending Chanukah gift packages to these young people. We must have the names and addresses in writing for their participation. Deadline is October 30th. ? ? @ New Member Get-Together October 5th New members, hold the date! Sunday evening, October 5th, we will be have the first of several coffee-and-dessert get-togethers to acquaint you with other members that might live in your % area and to familiarize you with many of our Temple programs. Time and place to be announced ? next month. We look forward to seeing all of you!!! ? # ? ???????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ?Specializing in Catering At Temple or in your home. Call Frances at 454-0990 Or Rita at 451-9412? 12 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Golden Chai The year 5754 is just opening the Cover of its Book of Life: there is nothing written on its pages. They wait for our own personal print. What do we resolve this coming year? Whatever you do in life, do not let yourself be discouraged by world affairs, or by the sadness of certain hours that pass over all of us. Try to think of what could be accomplished in this new year. To contribut in some way, to improve, to progress, so that in the end we can say, "I have done what I could!" Let us resolve to Strengthen the Jewish family; Support with full hearts our Rabbi and our Temple; To feed the hungry in our country; To control drug abuse; To find shelter for the homeless; To protect and love our children and our aged; To do away with Apathy! For our families, let us resolve to be Kinder, more understanding Let us resolve to Listen; Love; Remember with sweetness those not with us this year; Give strength and support to those of us who are troubled. To look with joy at the coming hour To receive with pleasure the end of each day and the arrival of tomorrow! May you and your families be inscribed in the Book of Life this new year. La Shana Tova ORonae Golden Chai Calendar September 2nd History of Las Vegas Septemter 11 Selichot September 15 Erev Rosh Hoshana September 24 Kol Nitre Septemter 25 Yiskor/Yom Kippur October 7th Golden Chai Cancelled (Yiskor) October 21st Nathan Tannenbaum, Channel 13 News T"*1 ?> Believing that the end of summer is approaching is difficult, for the weather is hotter than ever. But, indeed, autumn is drawing near, which means the start of an exciting new year of NTTY programs and social events. Everyone's summer experiences will be drawn upon?several of our members were involved in very special events during vacation. Andy Gratz attended Any town, USA, and learned about a myriad of races and cultures. Surely his newfound expertise will be invaluable in our diversity programs, which stress the dignity of differences. Andy later represented NTTY at SWFTY Camp in August, along with Billy Tiep. Billy also traveled to the east coast, all the way to Warwick, New York, home to the NFTY Kutz Camp. While enjoying the cool mountain weather and beautiful lake views, Billy studied guitar and Jewish Youth Activities Committee On behalf of the YAC, we want to welcome everyone back to the Temple as we commence our 1993- 1994 school year. As part of our Temple activities, we strive to provide our Temple Youth with as many varied activities as possible. Part of this effort is to request that any parent or Temple member who has an interest in serving on the YOUTH ACTIVITY COMMITTEE, which meets monthly music to better prepare him for his new position as NTTY songleader. Judy Kollins journeyed even east?she embarked on a NFTY Safari trip to Israel. Five weeks of sightseeing, hiking, sleeping under the Negev's stars, and exploring countless historical sites was an experience Judy will never forget. The entire board has been busy preparing the schedule for this Fall. The fun begins on August 29th with a barbecue and pool party at the lovely Kollins home. If you're a high school student and interested in joining NTTY or attending any of the following events, we'd love to meet you! Come to the BBQ, or call Bella at the Temple office with any questions. We're looking forward to seeing some new faces this year, and to welcoming back all our returning members. See you at the pool! B'Shalom The Executive Board to monitor and assist in our youth programs, to contact me at my office, 736-7886, or at my home, 456-0062. In addition, we are seeking Temple parent volunteers to assist in Grades 2-4 and Grades 5-6 for the upcoming year. Parent volunteers assist in planning and conducting educational and social activities for these ages. If anyone is interested, please contact me at either of the two above noted numbers Paul Cohen, Chairperson Youth Activities Committee Upcoming Events for NTTY August 29..................BBQ/Pool Party September 5..............First Official Meeting?A fun night to meet new members and see old friends. September 11............Havdalah Celebration and Trip to the Movies September 19............Car Wash-Religious School Parking Lot September 28............No NTTY (High Holliday Observance) October 1-3...............Social Action Weekend?Phoenix, AZ^ Congregation Ner Tamid Golden Chai Tributes To Sylvia Tuckman Get Well From Golden Chai To Sonny Blumenfeld In memory of brother Charles Mahler From Ronae and Joe Fink Joyce and Lew Levin Golden Chai To Phil Shapiro Condolences on the loss of your brother From Golden Chai To Rose Dunn Get well soon From Golden Chai To Sophie Pisetsky Get well soon From Ronae and Joe Fink To Blanche Blumenfeld Get well soon From Golden Chai To Rose Miller In loving memory of brother Marvin From Bessie Heller To Rose Miller In loving memory of brother Marvin From Susan and Howard Goldstein To Sophie Pisetsky and Rita Malkin In loving memory of your brother From Joe and Ronae Fink Golden Chai To Pearle Svider Get well soon From Golden Chai To Helen Zliser In Memory of beloved husband Bill From Golden Chai Goldie Brickman Doris and Ired Goldschlog Ronae and Joe Fink Fran and George Lipshaw Joyce and Lew Levin "We are so very proud to announce the marriage of our daughter, Stephanie Dana Cohen, to Rocky Maurice Lepori in Reno, Nevada on September 18, 1993." ?Paul and Sharon Cohen 13 ? r? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i I Membership Update: Please fill out this coupon and send to Congregation Ner Tamid if you think any of this information is incomplete. I We would like to update our records and keep accurate information, and we ne