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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 1993



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    Congregation Ner Tamid i tmt i \m # The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas MsM 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121, 702/733-6292 v Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jaqueline Fleekop: Education Director Julie Gruber: Preschool Director July 1993/Tammuz-Av 5753 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Garianne Fairish: Bulletin Editor Sundae Sabbath to Feature Highlights from the Trip to Israel Friday, July 23rd, our 7:30 service will be our fabulous "Sundae Sabbath." Rabbi Akselrad will talk to us about his recent excursion in Israel with 36 of our Congre?gants. Needless to say, this was truly a memorable, once-in-a- lifetime experience! Those of us who couldn't go will greatly enjoy the stories Rabbi will relate in his own special way. Please see the photograph of our group at the Wailing Wall on page 2. Open House: Come Meet Our New School Principal at Congregation Ner Tamid All are welcome to come and talk with Jaqueline Fleekop at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 18th. She will be taking over the M.B. Dalitz Religious School at Congregation Ner Tamid as Educational Director on August 1st, 1993. Jackie comes from Temple Emanu- E1 in Reno, where she guided its religious school to success from an enrollment of four to a growth of 78 students in two years. During her time in Reno, Jackie received various awards of accomplishments such as the "Time to Care" Award for work as advisor to "Community Who Cares"; the "Eight Who Care? Award as one of eight people considered an outstanding citizen; the Continued on Page 5 Schedule of Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday, July 2nd 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Naiman Oneg sponsored by Carol and Harold Naiman Saturday. July 3rd 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah of Scott Fischman Oneg sponsored by Ellen and Joel Fischman Friday, July 9th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Shannon Silber Oneg sponsored by Scot and Nancy Silber Friday. July 16th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood *Friday. July 23rd 7:30 p.m. "Sundae Sabbath" Rabbi Akselrad to speak on recent trip to Israel Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday. July 30th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood *Babysitting available* 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Message From our DIetv President: When I was approached by the nominating committee to accept the presidency of the Congregation for the next two years, many thoughts ran through my mind. Will I be able to dedicate the time necessary to meet the demands of the office? Can I satisfy a personal commitment to attend most Friday night services? Am I capable of writing 24 interesting and thoughtful monthly columns for the bulletin? With regard to the first two questions, only time will tell. With regard to the third, I will be satisfied if I simply meet the monthly deadlines for the submission of my articles. The next two years should be a very exciting time for the congregation. It has always been blessed with innovative and talented lay leadership. I am convinced that the new Board of Trustees installed on June 27, 1993, will carry on in the educational and charitable programs and services provided by the Congregation to its membership and the community. In order to meet the challenges and demands of the next two years and beyond, it is essential that more members of the Congregation come forward and play a more active role in Congregational affairs. This could be as a member of various committees or through the auxiliaries (including Brotherhood, Sisterhood, or Golden Chai). It simply requires a telephone call to the office or to any member of the Board of Trustees. Your offer will not be ignored. $Jerry Gordon Message From our Temple Administrator: I wanted to take a moment, after three months as Temple Administrator, to thank the Congregation for their outstanding support and cooperation. The last three months have been both educational and a truly rewarding time for me. Also, the support shown by the Congregation during the Adult B'nai Mitzvah services was overwhelming. If only services could be that large every Shabbat. The purpose of my occasional articles will be twofold: to thank individuals and groups for special contributions of time and other resources to the Temple, and to elaborate on certain Temple policies that, as I observe events, may need to be expanded upon. I want to thank both Cal Lewis and the Brotherhood for their generous contributions to the Temple. Together, this will finalize a plan of computerization for the Temple Office set in motion over a year ago. Additionally, a commercial vacuum was purchased. Also, a new book cart and prayer books will soon be ordered. THANKS. Our Rabbi and Some of His Congregants of Ner Tamid at the Wailing Wall in Israel. Temple Board Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann V.P. Administration Stephen Joseph V.P. Ways & Means Lois Doc tors V.P. Membership Steven Weissman V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer V.P. Education Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Dyane Kohnen Recording Secretary Paul Cohen Trustee Nadine Cracraft Trustee Roger Ewan Trustee David Gross Trustee Debbie Levy Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Helen Zliser Sisterhood Lenny Gropman Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Judy Kollins NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo A. Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Oficio While the Temple does not have a policy that requires dues to be paid monthly, we do have a policy that requires dues payments prior to B'nai Mitzvah, Religious School attendance and the High Holidays. Before your child's Bar / Bat Mitzvah you must be current on your Temple dues and have paid the B'nai Mitzvah fee at least three months prior to the date. Likewise, before your child or children can attend Religious School, you must be current on your dues and have paid the registration fees. Finally, before you can receive High Holiday tickets, your Temple dues must be 3/4 paid. As I have related to a number of you in the last three months, the Temple is willing to work with each of you on the matter of dues. While dues are established to place as little burden as possible, the Temple can not operate without your assistance. The Temple is here for you to worship and grow spiritually, please help us so we can provide the best to you. OMonty E. Willey? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 * fj=VkF=Vi =/. ="?f. =?. =A =V. =v. =V. =i*.?=?, =/? =i?=i?. =y,? l J l II ff Toduli Rabah *\\ to Mr Allen Kerner of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream of o? ?# Green Valley for the tremendous donation of ice cream |f and toppings for the Confirmation Class Ice Cream Social jj last May 20th. '|| i I lLv??*-??*-*??l*?c?i*???s?if??.???.??c?c??l*???o????=?:? Bar Mitzvah of Scott Fischman My name is Scott Fischman. My Bar Mitzvah is on July 3. I go to Greenspun Jr. High School. In my free time, I enjoy playing all sports. I have moved to Henderson this year from New Jersey, and I am looking forward to seeing my relatives. Please join my family and me as we celebrate this special day. Bat Mitzvah of Shannon Silber My name is Shannon Marie Silber. My Bat Mitzvah will be on July 9, 1993. This fall, I will be in eighth grade at Thurman White Middle School. I was born in Laramie, Wyoming, and moved to Las Vegas when I was two years old. I hope everyone will join my family and me for this happy event. Left to right: Rona Mendelson, Sheila Kaufman, Mary Fox, Drew Rounds, Janis Rounds, Elayne Gousdovas, Kenny Schnitzer, and Phyllis Lewis f\f Western Hoe- Down a Huge Success!! ? ???????????? ? ? You are Invited to ? Participate in Services! D ? At most Friday night D services, congregants can o participate in a special way D by accepting honors such D as: lighting the Shabbat D candles, dressing and ? undressing the Torah, or o saying the blessings before ? and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of Q these honors to synagogue ? members who enjoy D participating in the Shabbat ? service in this special way. If any Congregant wishes to D have such honors, please o call the Temple office (733- ? 6292) so we can schedule D your honors on a convenient Shabbat for you. ? Left to right: Mary Fox, Kenny Schnitzer, D Phyllis Lewis, Janis Rounds, Linda Schnitzer, ? Cal Lewis, and Dorothy Handlin ? ????????????* 4 Congregation Ner Tamid ? The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation We Now Deliver!!! On the east side, call Phyllis Lewis, 458-8119 On the west side, call Helen Zliser, 254-6678 SCRIP is a painless way to buy your groceries and support the Congregation at the same time! DO YOU EAT? Where do you buy SCRIP? WHICH STORES WILL ACCEPT SCRIP? At the Temple Office Monday through Friday, 9-4, If you buy your food at: DO YOU BUY YOUR FOOD AT THE GROCERY STORE? On Sundays between 9 and 12:15, and VON?S SMITH'S LUCKY?S or ALBERTSON'S If so, please consider picking up SCRIP at the Temple on a regular basis. Just use your food money to buy SCRIP. r Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai and Board of Trustee Meetings. YOU are a perfect match for SCRIP! If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. Name_______________________ Address_____________________ City____________________ Zip Phone_______________________ Date Ordered_________________ Date Needed_________________ Amount Received Store Denomination__________TOTAL Lucky Q5s OlOs Q20s ______ Vons ? 5s [?1 10s ? 20s ______ Smiths ? 5s ? 10s ?20s ______ Albrtsn ? 5s ? 10s Q20S L Signature 1? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 ^ Religious School News: Jaqueline Fleekop to Join CNT as Educational Director (continued from first page) "Governor?s Thanks Award" for being a positive community influence; and the "Thousand Points of Light" Accommodation from President Bush for work as an advisor to a community outreach program, "Community Cares." In addition, Jackie has previously received the "Chapel of Four Chaplains" Award for work with the Jewish War Veterans, for U.S.O. entertainment and for serving on the Community Relations Committee. Jackie is especially interested in teaching the lessons of the Holocaust and hopes to publish her Holocaust Study Curriculum designed for small Jewish communities and communities without Jewish residents. This curriculum is based on a Holocaust study program she has taught and is currently being used in many school districts. Jackie's first concern for our children is motivation. She envisions a school that establishes its students' pride and raises their level of self-esteem as Jews in modem America. She believes every child is not a scholar, but every child can be given a chance to become an active participant in the Jewish faith. She seeks to enliven the scholastic environment of our school to inspire our children to live Judaism in everyday life. ----------________________________ Religious School Fees for the 1993-94 School Year: Grades K-8 $125 Thurs. Hebrew $50 (Grades 4-5) Confirmation $95 Book Fees (children own their books): K-l & Gr. 8 $20 Gr. 2-3 $25 Gr. 4-7 $35 (Includes Hebrew Books) Midweek Hebrew $10 (Books) Cantor's dottier Summer is here and it's time to start preparing for the High Holidays. Lillian and I have chosen some new pieces of music to further enhance our services. The Adult Choir will begin rehearsing for the Holidays on Thursday, July 1 at 7:00 p.m. I am still looking for anyone interested in joining our Choirs. Teen Choir will begin rehearsals for the High Holidays in August. I will be notifying those who are eligible and have expressed an interest in singing in the Teen Choir to set our rehearsal schedule. I would like to thank our Board of Directors for establishing a Cantor's Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund will go to support and expand our music program. This fund will be used to purchase musical equipment and supplies and will help to bring in professional musicians for special concerts. Shalom, $ Bella ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Preschool News If's summer! That means it is time for CNT Preschool Campl Camp starts July 7th and goes through August 13th. Camp will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The kids will bring their lunches. We are looking forward to a great summerl 8chool ended on June 11th with graduation. It was sad to see many parents and children leaving who have been with us for so long. We wish them all the bestl We are really hoping for more Congregants to join our preschool in the fall. We are here for all of you and hope you will fake advantage of the preschool. Please come by and visit sometime soon. Have a Great 8ummerIII SJulie Preschool Come Join Us in Cummer Camp! Activities We Look Forward to 9eeing You All in the Fall! ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft^ 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Rita Moses-Malkin turns over gavel to Helen Zliser. Sisterhood Installation: Zffle SSo/x/id 'cfi&udic/ ADULT <HOIR WANTS YOU TO COME SING, HARMONIZE, AND ADD YOUR VOICE TO OURS! HIGH HOLIDAY REHEARSALS BEGIN THURSDAY, JULY 1, FROM 7 TO 8JJO P.M. CALL BELLA AT THE TEMPLE, 711*6292, Left to right: Phyllis Lewis, Rose Dunn, and Phyllis Mark CNT NEEDS TEACHERS Congregation Ner Tamid is now accepting applications for Religious and Hebrew School Teachers for the fall. If interested, please contact Rabbi Akselrad or Bella Feldman at 733-6292. Phyllis Mark Receives "Great Lady Award" The Sisterhood of Congregation Ner Tamid had their Donor Dinner and Installation at Port Tack on June 3rd and presented the Great Lady Award to Phyllis Mark. The award was presented by Phyllis Lewis this year in absence of Leo Wilner, who had to be in Reno for a meeting. Leo Wilner has established this award in honor of his beloved wife, Mickey (Mildred). Phyllis Mark was recognized for her outstanding service to Sisterhood and her willingness to do whatever is needed. Phyllis has served the Sisterhood in many capacities: She is a past president, Program Vice President, and gift shop Chairperson and Benefactor in memory of her beloved husband, Norman Mark, to mention just a few of her contributions. As part of the Installation process that night, outgoing President Rita Moses-Malkin turned over her gavel to Helen Zliser, the Sisterhood's new president. The evening, chaired by Donor Chairperson, Sandy Ziskrout, was a smash with the performance of Alex Bradley, British cabaret singer who has entertained at the Dunes, the Union Plaza, and many Brown Bag Concerts; and has recently produced a CD, which will be? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 * Auxiliaries Letter from the New President of Sisterhood It is with great pride that I assume the leadership of Sisterhood for the coming year. I have very special feelings for Sisterhood, not only locally, but for the national organization and the wonderful work it performs and/or supports. Hopefully I will be able to follow in the footsteps of my friend, Rita Malkin and serve the Sisterhood well. Sincere thanks to the members for their confidence in me. I'll do my best to merit it. Shalom, <*Helen Zliser Sisterhood Board, 1993-94 President Helen Zliser Administrative V.P. Sandy Ewan Membership Co-V.P. Debbie McKinnon Sandi Fried Ways & Means V.P. Debra Cohen Program V.P. Frances Klamian Recording Co-Secretaries June Newmark Libby Raynes Corresponding Secretary Debbie Gold Treasurer Janis Rounds Trustees Sondra Schwartz Rhonda Glyman Gift Shop Joy Willey Susan Saskin Party Shop (Catering) Rita Malkin Onegs Sophie Pisetsky SCRIP Marlene Sherman Calendar Phyllis Lewis Tributes Phyllis Mark Betty Schloss Sunshine, Uniongrams Bernice May Youth Activities Dotty Gross Campership Dyane Kohnen Donor Ronae Fink Mitzvah Committee Rose Dunn Religious Activities Eileen Kollins Publicity Katherine Scott Historian Amy Gold Jewish Family Services needs a foster family for the adoption program. If interested, in becoming foster parents, please contact Linda Adams at 732-0304. As the school year comes to a close, NTTY is preparing for a fun-filled and exciting 1993-94 year. Elections for officers have been held and the new Board is as follows: Robb Worth Libby Goldstein Jillian Kugler Brian Spoor Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Archivist and myself, Judy Kollins, as President. Also, we have appointed positions, including Social Action Chairperson, David Chenin; Religious Chairperson, Katie Feldman; and Social Chairperson, Matt Gordon. NTTY topped off the year with our annual Board Installation and Swim Party with old and new members. We wish to thank the Worth family for allowing us the use of their lovely home for a great evening. NTTY is planning a few social events for the summer months, but our weekly meetings will not resume until late August. Also, August is next year's first regional event, SWFTY Camp, which will be a super week spent at Camp Charles Pearlstein in Prescott, Arizona with youth groups from all over the Southwest. If you are going to be in high school this fall, we would be thrilled to have you join us in any and all of these events. Contact Bella at the Temple office for more information regarding activities and dates. Thanks, ?Judy Kollins NTTY President Brotherhood Fireworks The Brotherhood would like to help you with your fireworks plans. From June 27 through July 4, 1993, we will again be selling fireworks at our booth, now located on Charleston, one block east of Lamb.^ 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Auxiliaries, Continued . . . Special Message from the President of Golden Chai: As we celebrate July 4th, 1993, with flags flying, fireworks bursting, families on picnics, we know our independence and freedom are still working in a democratic republic. Or are they??? When six men in the service of protecting our President are denied service from a well-known restaurant chain, when white supremists and Neo- Nazis claim to represent a white Christian America only, when church and state are no longer separate, are we truly celebrating independence? I think it's time to re-read our Declaration of Independence, study it well, and demand that it be upheld and protected with the fervor it was written! This 4th of July let us pray for renewed patriotism, renewed faith in a free government of the People, by the People, for the People. America calls, with freedom to worship, to learn, to assemble, to debate any issue; a land where a family can find a home, where there is work, where people will be heard and where they are free to come and go and search for a better life! Todah Rabah #Ronae Fink Golden Chai Calendar Golden Chai Tribute July 1st July 15th August 5th August 19th September 2nd Adele Miller, Politics Gwen Castaldi, Channel 3, "Senior Actions? Larry Baxter, Metro Police Paula Francis, Channel 8 News History of Nevada To Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Blumenfeld In memory of your beloved brother, Charles Mahler From Ronae and Joe Fink Joyce and Lew Levin Golden Chai Sisterhood Tributes To Jerry and Mary Fox Thanks for being such good friends. From Dyane and Sig Kohnen To Gil Shaw Love and best wishes for a long and happy life. From Dyane, Sig, and Jeremy Kohnen To Lois Doctors Good Team Work! From Dyane Kohnen To Sue and Steve Jacobs Thanks for being such good friends. From Dyane and Sig Kohnen To Don and Stacey Yahraus Thanks for being such good friends. From Dyane and Sig Kohnen To Rabbi and Joni Thanks for being such good friends. From Dyane and Sig Kohnen To Barbara Kaufman Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your mother. From Dyane and Sig Kohnen To Helen Zliser Wishing you a great year as CNT Sisterhood President. From Marlene and Irv Sherman To Dr. Jeff Katz Congratulations and best wishes on your Bar Mitzvah. From Noreen and Gary Sternberg To the Rosen Family Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother. From The Diamonds: Mami, David and Michelle To Rita Malkin In honor of your Presidency for 1991-93. From CNT Sisterhood Board To Mike Kollins Mazel Tov on your graduation from Washington University. Best of luck. From Bernice May To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schloss Mazel Tov on your granddaughter's Rabbinical Ordination. From Bernice May? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 ^ ? ? ? ? ? # Brotherhood Confirmation Glass of Top Row: Idie Klamian, Katie Feldman, Rabbi Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, Jillian Kugler, and Harper Klamian. Middle Row: Jason Goldberg, Libby Goldstein, Robyn Portnoff, and Joseph Cohn. Bottom Row: Eric Weissman and Jordan Godorov. qaaraoor- smww WBS$T- .RWBR V?y. .WS? ?5y. .SBS!> VSSf. .WW. .'W9' .?*?/?---------- *: M, i&i >*. JS- \&i & ^|: |8| CNT Gift Shop Announcing the introduction of our special Personal Shopping service. If you are planning a wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, an anniversary, or even a birthday, come register with us for both Judaica and Non-Judaica Items. Special orders taken. For further information, contact: Joy Willey (897-1824) or Susan Saskin (454-9076) WOO* .WOO'. .ooooo. 'j&\ M'i A Night at the Stars Baseball Game is set for Saturday, July 17th, at Cashman Field. We'll meet at 7 p.m. Contact Jeff Resnick for tickets: 363-8580. Tickets cost $5. Blood Drive at the Temple is set for the Chanukah Bazaar. Contact Joseph Schwartz for details: 731-3994. The next scheduled meeting for Brotherhood is at the Temple at 7 p.m., Thursday, August 12, 1993. The following were elected to office for the year of 1993-94: President Executive V.P. V.P. Ritual V.P. Fund Raising V.P. Membership Treasurer Secretary Lenard Gropman Allan Nathanson Joseph Schwartz Bert Rosenberg Marty Grower Jack Nitzkin Jeff Resnick Outgoing Brotherhood President Says Farewell This is the year the Brotherhood came into its own. As I'm sure you are aware, The Brotherhood is one of the Fund Raising Arms of our Temple. We attracted new members, not with just a mind set that they had a place to go to get together with the guys, but a way to assist in the raising of funds and a new found source of energy. Our Fund Raising began with our annual 4th of July Fireworks Booth. It was so successful that this year, thanks to Lenny Gropman and Jeff Resnick, in addition to our regular booth, we erected a booth in the Temple parking lot for pre-sales on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings in order to make it more convenient for you to purchase Fireworks. We next embarked on a sales campaign for the 1993 Entertainment Book. Your support was very gratifying to the tune of more than doubling last year's sales. Our Yom Hashoash Holocaust Yahrzeit Candles Drive coupled with our Repair the Torah Appeal brought to the forefront the fact that you, our Congregants, care about our past, present and future. Our dedicated VP of Religious Activities, Joe Schwartz, once again did an admirable job of putting together an Usher Corps for the High Holy Days as well as our Friday Night Sabbath services. 1 must admit that it wasn't all work and no play. This year we hosted our First Annual Putting Classic Tournament at Angel Park. It was so successful that on May 1st we had our Second Annual Spring Fling Putting Tournament and Bar-B- Que. Participants included Men and Women with no putting experience to those who would like to give up work to play golf full time. They all had a great time, ask Rita Malkin, President of our Sisterhood. We had a Family Night out to watch UNLV Basketball Team beat up on New Mexico State and we are now planning a Family Night out to watch the Las Vegas Stars. In the coming year look for many new and exciting events like a Dinner Dance and $10,000 Cash Raffle in addition to our Golf Putting Tournaments and Family Night Outs, just to mention a few. We will once again be selling the Entertainment Book and 4th of July Fireworks. None of our successes could have been achieved without the dedication of members like Allan Nathanson who deserves a special thanks for all the hours and hard work he put in to make each and every event the success that it was. Most of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank you, our Temple Congregants, your participation made this past year very rewarding for every member of the Brotherhood. $Steve Joseph President1 0 Congregation Ner Tamid ? NOTICE: The following corrections need to be made for June's Birthday List: Add Ruth Fuchs Add Hazel Herman Substitute Steven Kaner, instead of Debra Kaner Happy Birthday! And Thank you for your patience. ? 3* m: sc. If one of your children has a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 1994 and you did not receive a letter regarding the scheduling of the date, please call Judy in the Temple Office at 733-6292. CJ Akselrad Sam Akselrad Sue Arnold Ronn Berger Clifford Bemay William Bossak Matthew Bulavsky Andy Cohen Harrison Comfort David Daitch Mami Diamond Jennifer Dias Mona Lidji Deeann Emmer Diane Epstein Kenneth Epstein Cory Erickson Allison Etcoff Bella Feldman Gordon Fink Gilbert Flores Sandi Fried Lenny Fuchs Ariel Gale Michael Glasser Marvin Glovinsky Marcie Goldstein Barry Goodman Jeffrey Gordon Laura Grau David Gross Adrian Havas Marie Havas Jay Herman Andrew Hommel Charles Kallick Stuart Kallick Ryan Kaner Barbara Kaplan Samuel Karasik Debra Karlin Arthur Katz Hester Katzman Eric Kessler Eileen Kollins Michael Lally Brandon Lanzkowsky Mark Levin Julie Lichtenstein Chloe Litt Larry Lovelock William Mahon Rita Moses-Malkin Tony Malone Dena Mann Katherine Meoz Rona Mintz Christy Molasky Amanda Mutnick Harold Naiman Bryce Ober Norm Pena Mark Pessin Amy Portnoff Jeremy Poster Nicole Raiman Charla Rauthause Jeffrey Resnick Meghan Robins David Rosenberg Terri Rosenberg Fayme Rowan E.A. (Bob) Sasner Gloria Schneider Ross Schneider Jane Seda Edward Seltzer Mozella Seltzer Nathaniel Bolotin Lillian Shapiro Irvin Sherman Brian Shure Shannon Silber Leslie Simon Harriet Smylie Donna Stuart Ross Tonkens Ruth Urban Florence Weinstein Lisa Weissman Seth Wurzel Justine Zechter Dana Zuckerman Melody and Blaine Benedict Amy and Allan Boruszak Susan and Bruce Einhorn Irene and Michael Friedman Mary Lee and Larry Goldstein Dona and Harry Hoffman Marla and Tom Letizia Dori and Philip Lombardi Cynthia and Gary Mono Carol and Harold Naiman Anita and Mitchell Posin Elaine and Steven Reininger Barbara and Sheldon Rosenberg Mozella and Edward Seltzer Harriet and Donn Smylie Cindy and Arthur Spector r?= ? o i 1 l Study Torah and J i discuss how the Bible J 1* relates to life today! J 1 Class meets in Rabbi's J ?s 1 Study every other J If Thursday at 10 a.m. J A II For information, call ?l| If if Rabbi Akselrad at s || 111 II 733-6292 ?l J or ?ll II Katherine Scott at .[I ?f| l 564-0903 J? Congregation Ner Tain id 11 ^ A Suggestion: The High Holidays are approaching and A beautiful way to memorialize a loved one would be to purchase a plaque to be displayed on the beautiful Menorah in the lobby of the Temple of Congregation Ner Tamid. If ordered by the end of July, it should be ready for the High Holidays. If you are interested, please get in touch with Monty E. Willey, the Temple Administrator, at 733-6292. We would be honored to help preserve the memory of a beloved in this enduring way. Tisha B Av An artist's conception of the Bet Hamikdash, the Temple in Jerusalem. The large area, the Temple Mount, was surrounded by a wall. This year, July 27th is "...the Jewish Holiday of Tisha B'Av, or the Fast of Av. The ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av became a day of sadness and mourning for Jews all over the world because of the destruction of the Temple (Bet Hamikdash) in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E. and the Romans in 70 C.E.; both happening on that date. "Many Jews fast on this day and attend services. In the temple the service is usually held in semi-darkness. Only the light from the Eternal Light (Ner Tamid) or from memorial candles is visible...." 'I* From Exploring the Jewish Holidays and Customs by Shirley Stem, Page 151. Rabbi Hospital Visitations Rabbi Akselrad makes regular weekly visitations to area hospitals to see members of our congregation. Since there is no notification by hospitals, it is necessary that you notify the Temple office when a member of your family is hospitalized. Please call Judy at 733-6292 so that we can better serve you. Yahrzeits Are you receiving your Yahrzeit cards? Please call Judy in the Temple office if you have any loved ones that you would like added to the Temple Yahrzeit Program, or if you would like to verify that we have correct dates. Please remember that if you do not specify English or Hebrew dates, we will use the English dates. July 2, 1993 July 23, 1993 Sid Aberman Fanny Loeff Violet Advocate Jenny Weinberg Jennie Adler Dora Kramer Samuel Schlesinger Samuel Liebert July 9, 1993 Jane Gittleson Kalman Lazar Ruth Finkelstein Harry Schwimmer Anna Kalish Marvin Kohnen Sylvia Beth Plows-Koshakow Samuel Stahl Sadie Strombert Rose Freedman Dora Weintraub Lilly Kollins Sam Krashine Jacob Lader July 30, 1993 Ruth Lepman Molly Lazar Ruth Wachs Alex Gerstein Bernard Ginsberg Morris Nathanson Charles Weitraub Gussie Newman Jane Gittleson July 16, 1993 Milton Ferber Abraham Herman Katie Reiser David Simon David Marx Robert Levy James Stone Bernard Bernstein Eugene Schramm Jayne Benedict Albert Goldstein Benjamin Kishner Pearl Roth Leo Rakov Frieda Jacobowitz Joel Berger Leroy Cherry Jeanette Miller Jennie Goldberg Henrietta Bromson Rose Lewis* 1 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Tributes Building Maintenance Fund To Ruth Fite Our condolences on the loss of your mother. From Linda and Ken Schnitzer To Dr. Jeffrey Katz Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah. Hope you get a pen and pencil set! From Linda, Ken, Larry, and Allison Schnitzer To Sharon Moss Lebovic Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. We're proud of you. From Linda, Ken, Larry, and Allison Schnitzer To Dr. Jeffrey Katz In honor of his Bar Mitzvah. From Mr. and Mrs. Irving Holzman To Michael Kollins Congratulations on your graduation from college - and you did it in four years! From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Mr. Harvey Sanoff We're happy to see you back in good health. From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Ruth Fite Our deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother. From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Monty Willey Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Jeff Katz Mazel tov on your Bar Mitzvah From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Jennifer Mendelson Congratulations on your graduation. We?re proud of you and we love you. From Uncle Gil and Auntie Natalie Cantor's Discretionary Fund To Bella Feldman Happy Birthday! From Michael Feldman General Fund To Ruth Fite In loving memory of Sylvia Lane From Helen and Bill Zliser To Ruth Fite and Family In loving memory of Sylvia Lane From Jeanne and Peter Schomaker To Ruth Fite In loving memory of Sylvia Lane From Jay Poster To Ruth Fite and Family In loving memory of Sylvia Lane From Phyllis and Cal Lewis To Mrs. Katie Racine Love on your 70th Birthday From Ida Aberman To Ruth Fite In loving memory of your mother From Ida Aberman To Dr. Jeffrey Katz Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah - both here and in Israel. Mazel Tov! From Sheila, Norm, and Melissa Kaufman To Natalie and Gil Shaw Congratulations on renewing your vows. May the second time be as successful as the first! From Sheila, Norm, and Melissa Kaufman To Barbara Shulman and Family In loving memory of Lou Shulman Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Covitch To Claire Cohen Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon! From Shirley and Art Gellin To Barbara Shulman In loving memory of Lou Shulman From Aunt Claire and Uncle Jack Kurland To Barbara Shulman In loving memory of Lou Shulman From Arlene and Bert Kamalman To Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norman Mazel Tov, have a long and happy life together. Hope to see both of you soon. With love, Carol, Norman, La