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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June 1993



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    Congregation Ner Tamid The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121, 702/733-6292 V Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jaqueline Fleekop: Education Director Julie Gruber: Preschool Director June 1993/Sivan-Tanunuz 5753 Cal Lewis: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Garianne Farrish: Bulletin Editor Results are In! New Officers for CNT May 23rd we voted in the following officers, who will assume their prospective duties July 1st, 1993: Gerald Gordon Alan Mann Denise Schnitzer Lois Doctors Stephen Joseph Steven Weissman Dyane Kohnen Jack Nitzkin Nadine Cracraft David Gross Stacey Yahraus Tremendous praise and admiration goes to our current officers, who will be leaving soon to resume their normal busy schedules. Cal Lewis has done an outstanding job as our President, and we all look forward to his continuing leadership in our Congregation. Cal and Jerry (who was Vice President and will now follow Cal as President) have been a good team that has boosted our Temple establishment. President Vice President-Administration Vice President-Education Vice President-Membership Vice President-Ways and Means Vice President-Ritual Secretary Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee A special thank you to Jay Poster, V.P. of Ways & Means; Dyane Kohnen, who will be moving from V.P. of Membership to Secretary; Alan Mann, who has been V.P. of Religious Activities and will continue as V.P. of Administration; Denise Schnitzer, continuing as V.P. of Education; Sheldon Rosenberg, who donated many hours as Treasurer; and Janis Rounds, currently Recording Secretary. * * Congregation Ner Tamid _ nvites you to join the 1993 adult B'nai Mitzvah Class: Julie Jarmaine-Bloch Jeffrey Katz Katherine Scott and Monty E. Willey as they celebrate their B'nai Mitzvah on Friday, June 4 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Ner Tamid Schedule of Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday. June 4th 7:30p.m. Shabbat Services Adult B'nai Mitzvah Oneg sponsored by the B'nai Mitzvah Students Saturday. June 5th 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Katie Fine Friday. June 11th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Service conducted by Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday. June 18th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Service Conducted by Bella Feldman and Steve Weissman Friday. June 25th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah of Howard Lemer Oneg Sponsored by Roslynn and Gerald Lemer Saturday. June 26th 10 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Michael Marcuse Oneg sponsored by Hank and Shirley Marcuse* 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Temple Board Cal Lewis Jerry Gordon Jay Poster Dyane Kohnen Alan Mann Denise Schnitzer Sheldon Rosenberg Janis Rounds Paul Cohen Lois Doctors Roger Ewan Dotty Gross Debbie Levy Jerry Polis Scott Schreiber Bob Unger Ron Worth Rita Malkin Steve Joseph Ronae Fink Andy Gratz Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry Leo A. Wilner President V.P. Administration V.P. Ways & Means V.P. Membership V.P. Religious Activities V.P. Education Treasurer Recording Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood Golden Chai NTTY Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex OFicio President's Message This is my last bulletin message as President of Congregation Ner Tamid. 1 want to thank all of the people who have helped me during the last two years. I could not have done this job without the support and dedication of all of you. I need to give special thanks to Dyane Kohnen, Lois Doctors, and their hard and long working "Goods and Services" committee who put together the last big fund raiser of my presidency. It was a huge success (we raised in excess of $18,000) and I do appreciate all the work that went into the evening that was so much fun and so helpful to the CNT budget. Let me mention the CNT budget-we often experience a severe cash flow problem in the months of June, July, and August. YOU can help us by paying in the summer any 1993 dues still owing. We would greatly appreciate any help you can give. I am very comfortable leaving office as 1 feel the key areas are in good hands. Our Rabbi is the best; the Temple administrator, Monty Willey, and our able office staff are helping smooth our operation; Bella Feldman is doing a bang-up job as our Cantorial Soloist and adds so much to our religious and educational fields. Our religious school has a new and enthusiastic Rabbi's Message Upon reading this message, I and 37 other members of our Congregational family will be but days away from one of the most exciting and memorable experiences of our lives. Like Abraham of old, we are harkening to the deepest yearnings of the Jewish spirit. Recalling G-d's command to Abraham, "Lech L'cha," "Go to a place that I will show you," we will explore the vast richness of one of the most historic countries in the world. But more to the point, for me, and for many in the group, it will be a special pilgrimage, a homecoming that touches the very core of our Jewish identity. I have been to Israel many times, and I have lived there. I look forward to sharing this special trip with those I cherish. I will speak at Sabbath Services July 16th at 7:30 p.m. about our special trip. Please make a point to hear about our trip and share in our joy. Hopefully, this trip will be the first of many yet to come. B'shalom, Rabbi Akselrad principal in Jackie Fleekop and our preschool boasts Julie Gruber, who continually improves on a good thing. We have come a long way in the nineteen years I have been a member of the Temple-we have a long way to go. I know your new president, Jerry Gordon, will bring his superb qualifications of leadership, experience and dedication to the Board and will carry the Temple to new heights (Chais). Please show him the same support that was given to me! Remember, this is your Temple. Please help Jerry by getting involved-I'm sure he has many committees that need to be filled. Once again, thank you. It has been a real privilege and honor to have served and I feel lucky that I was given the opportunity. Shalom, Cal ADULT CHOIR WANTS YOU TO COME SING, HARMONIZE, AND ADD VOUR VOICE TO OURS! HIGH HOLIDAY REHEARSALS BEGIN THURSDAY, JULY 1, PROM 7 TO 9UO P.M. CALL BELLA AT THE TEMPLE, 7D-6292. TO ALL MY GOOD FRIENDS AND CONGREGANTS: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WONDERFUL GET WELL WISHES!!! LOVE, SOPHIE? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 ^ Bar Mitzvah of Howard Lerner My name is Howard Lerner. I will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 25, 1993. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends, who come from as far as New York, to help celebrate this wonderful occasion with me. I'm finishing 7th grade at Woodbury Middle School. My hobbies include baseball, basketball, music and flirting with girls. I hope you will join my family and me on this special day. Bar Mitzvah of Michael Marcuse My name is Michael Marcuse. I am in the 7th grade at Walter Johnson Junior High School. I am looking forward to having friends, family, and Congregation joining me at this special time in my life on June 26, 1993. My interests are swimming, biking, music, and electronics. I hope to see you there. Bat Mitzvah of Danielle IVaiman Hi! My name is Danielle Naiman. I have a brother and a sister. I go to the Las Vegas Day School. I like to dance, sing, swim, and play sports. I've gone to Australia, Canada, Hawaii and other places in the U.S.A. My favorite animals are cats, horses, and penguins. I can't wait to see you at my Bat Mitzvah July 2, 1993. See you there! Introduction to Judaism nnd Hebrew Offered at CNT Now is your chance to learn Hebrew and some more about your religion in a relaxed but struc?tured environ?ment. Congregation Ner Tamid will once again offer its popular 9-week Introduction to Judaism class on Sunday mornings beginning June 6th, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Immediately following this class will be a beginning Hebrew class for adults from 10:45 to 12:00 noon. Both classes will be taught by Mrs. Alma Covitz. Mrs. Covitz has taught both courses for the past ten years in synagogues both in the midwest and the east. She is a fabulous teacher and you will not want to miss this opportunity to learn more about Judaism. This course is open to the entire community and costs $30 for CNT members and $40 for non?members. This fee is for each class. In addition, students are expected to purchase appropriate textbooks for use during the class. Please call Judy at the CNT Office, 733-6292, to register. Space is limited to 30 students. Please Set Aside these Dates: July 16 Sundae Sabbath Ice Cream Social Oneg Shabbat July 18 Come and meet our new Religious School Principal, Jackie Fleekop. f You are Invited to Participate in Shabbat Services! At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah, or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue members who enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office (733-6292) so we can schedule your honors on a convenient Shabbat for you. Katie Fine to Become a Bat Mitzvah June 5 My name is Katie Fine. I attend Greenspun Jr. High, and I am in the 7th grade. I am excited about my Bat Mitzvah, which will be held June 5, 1993. Most of my family is from Las Vegas, but I have other family and friends coming from Boston, California, Florida, and New York to join me on my special day.^ 4 Congregation Ner Tain id ? The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation We Now Deliver!!! On the east side, call Phyllis Lewis, 458-8119 On the west side, call Helen Zliser, 254-6678 SCRIP is a painless way to buy your groceries and support the Congregation at the same time! DO YOU EAT? Where do you buy SCRIP? WHICH STORES WILL ACCEPT SCRIP? At the Temple Office Monday through Friday, 9-4, If you buy your food at: DO YOU BUY YOUR FOOD AT THE GROCERY STORE? On Sundays between 9 and 12:15, and VON'S SMITH?S LUCKY'S or ALBERTSON'S If so, please consider picking up SCRIP at the Temple on a regular basis. lust use your food money to buy SCRIP. r Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai and Board of Trustee Meetings. YOU are a perfect match for SCRIP! If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. Name_______________________ Address_____________________ City____________________ Zip Phone_______________________ Date Ordered_________________ Date Needed_________________ Amount Received Store Denomination__________TOTAL Lucky Q5s QlOs Q20s ______ Vons ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s ______ Smiths ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s ______ Albrtsn ? 5s ? 10s Q20S Signature? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 ^ Israel Bonds Week? A Commitment to the Future In June of 1967, during the course of one unforgettable week, Israel turned to us for support during a time of crisis. Now, in June of 1993, Israel will look to us at a time when it stands at the threshold of perhaps the most significant era for the nation since the founding of the state. This new era of promise, fueled by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, is so vast in its potential that State of Israel Bonds has designated June 10-17 as Israel Bonds Week '93, a major nationwide effort to accelerate the flow of Israel Bonds investment capital to Israel. With an eye towards the year 2000, Israel will utilize your Israel Bonds investment to help its new citizens begin new lives and enable them to reinforce the nation's reputation as a world leader in high technology and other sectors, which will propel it into the 21st century. Moreover, an investment in Israel bonds offers important dividends for the purchaser, as well. You can invest in securities that offer both an attractive return and features that are suitable for many pension funds, retirement plans, and personal portfolios. You can also purchase securities for many other purposes, including college funds for your children or grandchildren, or to help pay for incidental tourist expenses while in Israel. During Israel Bonds Week '93, the Israel Bonds office will have extended hours, providing ample opportunity to make an Israel bonds investment. Special events will also be scheduled throughout the week. For further information on Israel Bonds Week '93 and the investment opportunities available to you, contact the Israel Bonds office at 602-264-2410 or 1-800-229-4324. Preschool News <u? -fiT -?T -?T -?T -sr -fir -fir -sr -ar Shalom! U We have come to the end of another great preschool year. I have some people I would like to thank: First, the teachers of our preschool, Dotty Gross and Leah Kramer, who have dedicated themselves to a job that is not always easy. I can't thank them enough for the wonderful job they did and hope to see them back next year. I also want to thank Bella for the time she spent with the children. I hope to see her even more next year. A special thank you to the office staff for all they contributed. A very special thank you to the Rabbi for his support. I also have to say thanks to all of you who donated toys, books or games to the school this year. For those who don't know, there will be summer school for the preschool. It will be from July 7th through August 13th. If you are interested, please call and leave me a message; I will call you ASAP. On June 11th, we are having graduation for the students moving on to Kindergarten. It will be at 1:00 p.m. If you would like to come, just let me know, everyone is welcomed. Early registration for preschool will start on June 21st. Just call the office and I will call you back to set up a time to meet. Have a Great SummerIM Julie -Sf -sr -fir -sr -fir -sr -sr -sr -sr -fir -sr -fir -fir -fir -sr Gumtor'S Corner Religious school is over and as I look back at my first year of teaching I am very proud of what I accomplished. Our school has grown so large that it is quite a challenge to teach music to over 200 students in one day. With the help of Lori Frankl and creative scheduling, I managed to tackle this feat. One of the greatest things about teaching Jewish music is that you can never run out of melodies or text. The Jewish music industry has exploded with new composers and performers giving me plenty of new material. I enjoy learning new music and get so much pleasure watching the kids' enthusiasm. I look forward to building our music curriculum over the years. Our Junior Choir did a beautiful job at their final family service of the year, honoring our religious school staff. We honored Lori Frankl with a plaque on our Chai Monument for all of her hard work over the years. We will truly miss Lori and wish her well in Hawaii. Another special event last month was our Confirmation Service. I was so proud of the students. They all worked very hard creating their service and did a wonderful job. Thank you to our Adult Choir for their contribution to the service. The Adult Choir will begin rehearsals for the High Holidays in July. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. We are always looking for new members and I encourage anyone who likes to sing to come join our group. Please call me at the Temple Office if you have any questions or would like additional information. The Teen Choir will be leading the High Holiday Youth Services again this year. Rehearsals will begin late in the summer. If you are entering the 6th grade, the 12th grade, or anywhere in between, and would like to join, we are very interested in hearing from you. B'Shalom, Bella* 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Religious School News "Thank you for a wonderful yearl" -Jeanne Schomaker Please! Save Money and Help Support the Temple by Preregistering for our Religious School Before July 1st! Religious School Fees for the 1993-94 School Year: Grades K-8 Thurs. Hebrew (Grades 4-5) Confirmation Book Fees (children own their books): K-l & Gr. 8 $20 Gr. 2-3 $25 Gr. 4-7 $35 (Includes Hebrew 1 Midweek Hebrew $10 (Books) CNT NEED TEACHERS Congregation Ner Tamid is now accepting applications for Religious and Hebrew School Teachers for the fall. If interested, please contact Bella Feldman at 733-6292. Open Letter from the Youth Activities Committee Chairperson On behalf of the YOUTH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE and especially the NTTY staff, board, and membership, I want to personally thank all of the Congregants who opened their homes to house and care for over 116 SWFTY Youths who attended the April Conclave, April 15-18, 1993. Not only did our Congregants open their homes, but they gave of their time and effort to see that all SWFTY visitors were properly cared for and were picked up and delivered in order for us to keep up with a very, very busy schedule. You will never know how much we all appreciated your efforts! We also want to acknowledge the outstanding efforts provided by our Sisterhood and Brotherhood Organizations for not only their financial support for SWFTY meals, but their time and effort in assisting us in the logistics of the Conclave. A special thank you to Sophie, who once again was right there with her guidance and to Monty, our new Temple Administrator and staff, who were always there working right along with all of us. As for Bella, Sindy, and Brian, our Youth Staff; to our Conclave Chairperson, Judy Kollins, and all of her committee (of which, I am sure, I would leave someone <5ut if I tried to name them all), Bless You All! Finally, thank you to the CNT Board for your support and to my wife, Sharon, who, besides working right along side, kept me on the right track throughout the entire Conclave. Paul Cohen YAC Chairperson? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 ^ Committees and Auxiliaries Brotherhood Fireworks Once again, the 4th of July is right around the comer, but now is the time to make your plans: Where to go, with whom, what to get for refreshments, and where to get the fireworks. The Brotherhood would like to help you with your fireworks plans. From June 27 through July 4, 1993, we will again be selling fireworks at our booth, now located on Charleston, one block east of Lamb. In the past weeks, you have also received a flyer in the mail regarding pre-sales; please look it over and then send it in now to "save a buck and beat the rush." For further details, please call Jeff Resnick at 363-8580 after 6 p.m. or Lenny Gropman at 896-7649. Outreach Friday night, April 30, 1993, the Outreach Committee held a Shabbat dinner and religious service. Rabbi Akselrad presided at the dinner and service explaining Jewish Concepts for participants. Lois Doctors was presented with a crystal bowl as a thank you for serving as Outreach Committee Chairperson for four years. Shawna Parker, of Jewish Family Services, was also given recognition for her four years of service to Outreach. Arlene Chemow, UAHC Regional Outreach Coordinator, presented a sermon to the Congregation on the Outreach philosophy. Sue Joseph and Nadine Cracraft will serve as the new Co-Chairpersons of the Outreach Committee. They have planned a meeting with Rabbi Akselrad to discuss strategies for the 1993 Outreach program. Thank you, Lois Doctors Our final scheduled event for the 1992/93 T.N.T. year was held on Saturday, May 15. We had a farewell lunch at Ricardo's Mexican Restaurant. The food was excellent and everyone who attended this function had a great time! This past year has been a learning experience for everyone in T.N.T., including Debbie and me. One of the things that we have found is that COMMUNICATION can either make or break a group. Although we try to keep everyone informed through our Temple bulletin, it does not seem to be enough. When I ask our members about reading the bulletin the two most common responses are: (1) My parents read it and I did not get a chance to see it, and (2) I read the article, but forgot to tell my parents about our event. What can we do to combat this problem? Well, as a group, we have started a telephone committee to make "reminder calls." In addition to that, I would like to ask each of our members and their parents to make a commitment to our group and each Youth Groups other. To our members, if you read about an event, don't wait until the last minute to tell your parents. Tell them about it as soon as possible so they can make arrangements for you to attend. And to our parents, this really is a wonderful group of kids for our child to get to know. Help us make it as good as it can be by having your child participate. Debbie and I are looking forward to next year, and we hope you are too! Don't forget to continue reading the Temple bulletin during the summer to find out about T.N.T. plans for this fall. Finally, we would like to thank all of our Board Members for doing such a wonderful job! You have broken a lot of new ground this year, and have been an excellent example for future boards to model! Again, thank you for your hard work. ^>4 As the academic year comes to an end, NTTY is also closing up shop for the Summer. We finished up the year with the election and installation of the new NTTY Board. Please read next month?s bulletin to see a letter from the next NTTY President. All of the NTTYites and their advisors wish to thank the entire Synagogue for their support during this exciting, yet transitional, year. We would like to acknowledge Paul Cohen and the Youth Activities Committee for their help and guidance. Thanks to all who helped make this a successful year. We wish a hearty "Mazel Tov" and much happiness to our graduating senior members and their families. NTTY will surely miss Justin Finklestein, Stefanie Bemay, and Larry Schnitzer as they move on to their collegic lives! The new NTTY Board will be busy this summer as we plan for next year's fun and exciting events. If you are going to be of high school age this fall, we would love to have you join us for the wonderful activities planned by our teenagers. SWFTY camp is in August. Keep reading the bulletin for more information. Thanks, Sindy* 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Committees and Auxiliaries, continued . . . Golden Chat President's Message Our Golden Chai Seniors have truly found "June bursting out all over" and taking July and August with! Each meeting we grow in new members, and find living a daily challenge and joy. To lose this precious time is the greatest tragedy. "To see the Sun, and not bask in it, "To go to a party and not enjoy it, "To feel the Spring rain and not walk in it, "To pray in a synagogue and not find peace in it, "To start a good book and not finish it" What a tragic waste, what a drain on the spirit. Join us the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month: 11: 30 to 12:30, Bagel Brunch; 1 to 1:15 p.m., meeting; 1:30, Programs; and then . . . Pan, Mahjongg, and other games until 4 p.m. Mark these dates and "live a little!" Todah Rabah Ronae Fink * ? * * ^ Sisterhood I Letter from the President As I turn my gavel over to Helen and draw to a close the 1992-93 term as President of Sisterhood, I wish to thank the members of the Board for their hard work. It was a pleasure and a privilege to serve you. Sisterhood sponsored onegs, supported Religious School and Tot Shabbat, Ner Tamid Temple Youth, and worked hard for the Temple, itself. Our greatest effort is the SCRIP program, a major fund raising program. Keep * * * : * ?t * * * ? * * on eating and keep on buying SCRIP. June 3, the Annual Donor will be held at Port Tack; the new Board will be installed at that time. The Great Lady Award will be announced at the Dinner. This award is presented by Leo Wilner to honor the memory of Mickey Wilner. Have a good summer. Shalom, Rita * * * * * * ************************?*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ? ? ? ? ? e # ? ? ? * ? ? e ? ? e \ ? ? \ ? \ ? ? ? ?v ? \ ? \ ? ? ? \ Golden Chai Calendar ? ? June 3rd Clair Edwards, ? Wisdom of the East \ June 17 th Centel Choir $ \ ? July 1st Adele Miller, ?v ? Politics \ ?, July 15th Gwen Castaldi, ? A Channel 3, "Action A Seniors" August 5th Larry Baxter, ?x n Metro Police \ ? August 19th Paula Francis, ?x Channel 8 News \ ?x ? \ > ? ? ? \ \ \ \ \ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ?x Brotherhood Brotherhood's 2nd Annual Golf Putting Spring Fling held on Saturday night, May 1, 1993, at Angel Park Golf Course, was a huge success! Just ask the 60 people that attended. Another Putting Golf Outing is being planned for the Fall. There are additional T-Shirts available at a cost of $5. Supplies are limited. If interested, contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391. Brotherhood is planning a day at the Stars baseball game at Cashman Field. Watch your mail for further information. The next meeting of Brotherhood will be on Thursday, June 10, 1993, 7 p.m. at the Temple. Volunteers are needed to man the fireworks booth. Contact the Temple if you can help. Our Brotherhood June 10th meeting includes elections for Board members. The following lists the nominations: President Executive Vice President VP, Ritual VP, Fund Raising Treasurer Secretary VP, Membership Lenny Gropman Allan Nathanson Joe Schwartz Bert Rosenberg 1 Jack Nitzkin Jeff Resnick OPEN Please come and vote!!! Thank you, Allan Nathanson? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 * Tributes Building Fund To Linda and Ken Schnitzer "Congratulations on your son, Larry's achievements!? From Carol and Norman Sussman General Fund To Phyllis and Cal Lewis In honor of David and Lisa's marriage From Eileen Kollins and Family To Gil Shaw In honor of his 65th birthday From Caryl D. Shaw To Mrs. Lee Corman In honor of her birthday; "Happy birthday and many more. We love you." From Ken, Linda, Larry, and Allison Schnitzer To Sharlene Flushman "Dear Sharlene, Your hard work has really paid off. Congratulations on your award. We're really proud of you! Love, Lois and Malcolm Doctors To Phyllis and Cal Lewis In honor of their son's marriage From Nadine and Joe Cracrafl In loving memory of Penny Sheer From Gloria Sheer and Farley Sheer To Melissa Kaufman In honor of being chosen valedictorian From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Larry Schnitzer In honor of being chosen valedictorian From Natalie and Gil Shaw To Dr. Joseph Chenin "Happy 70th birthday! Wishing you many, many more! All our love," From Ken, Linda, Larry, and Allison Schnitzer To Norm and Sheila Kaufman "Best of everything to Melissa on her graduation!" From Carol and Norman Sussman To Jennifer Mendelson "Congratulations on your graduation!" From Dr. Jeffrey Katz To Melissa Kaufman "Congratulations on your graduation!" From Dr. Jeffrey Katz To 1 .arry Schnitzer "Congratulations on your graduation!" From Dr. Jeffrey Katz Prayer Books To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bleckman In loving memory of Lillian Vogel From Audrey and Julian Audrey and Bobby Charlotte and Tony Mitzi and Eddie LaVeme and Bob To Gil Shaw In honor of his birthday. Health and Happiness always! From Judie and Neal Lewis CIST Gift Shop Announcing the introduction of our special Personal Shopping service. If you are planning a wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, an anniversary, or even a birthday, come register with us for both Judaica and Non-Judaica Items. Special orders taken. For further information, contact: Joy Willey (897-1824) or Susan Saskin (454-9076) Tree Certificates To Dotty and David Gross "Thank you for the mats. I love you both!? From Julie Gruber To Joe Chenin In honor of his 70th birthday. "May you have many, many more happy and healthy ones. Fondly," From the Lewis Etcoff Family Outreach To Phyllis and Cal Lewis "Hearty congratulations and Mazel Tov on David's marriage to Lisa." From Lois and Malcolm Doctors Youth Group Fund To Hyla and Ron Worth In honor of the Premium Connection's 8th Anniversary From Lois and Malcolm Doctors Rabbi's Discretionary Fund To Phyllis and Cal Lewis "Congratulations on the marriage of their son, David, to his Lisa!" From Chuck and Judy Hopson In Loving Memory of Sarah Abrams From Gerrie and Len Karasik To provide a scholarship to Camp Pearlstein From Glenn Raynes To Adam Godorov "Mazel Tov, Adam, upon your college graduation. Warmest wishes upon a wonderful future!" From Shirley and Hank Marcuse Sisterhood Tributes To Mel Bialos "We're thinking of you and glad you are on your road to recovery." From the Mishalows To Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kanefsky and Family "Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your brother and uncle." From Hera, Marty, and Craig Rosenthal To Lelia and Jeff Weiner Mazel Tov on your son and daughter's graduation. From Mami and David Diamond To Harvey Sanoff Good luck and get well, we're thinking of you. From Lil and Don Eisner and Havorah To Mrs. Pauline Berliner We wish you a speedy and complete recovery. From Helen and Bill Zliser To Mrs. Rhoda Stark Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your father. From Audrey, Joel, Justin, and Matt Mishalow Golden Chai Tributes To Dr. J. Fayad Thank you From Ronae Fink, President Helen Zliser Golden Chai To Sophie Pisetsky Get well soon! From Ronae and Joe Fink Golden Chai Thelma Karo To Claire Cohen Get well soon! From Ronae and Joe Fink Goldie Brickman Fran and George Lipshaw Helen and Bill Zliser Golden Chai Thelma Karo To Bill Zliser Get well soon! From Golden Chai To Mr. and Mrs. Lew Levin In honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Meaghan Nicole From Ronae and Joe Fink To Nell Paletz In honor of her son's wedding From the Golden Chai g S S IS S IPS? 1 0 Congregation Ner Tamid ? NOTICE This month's Birthday and Anniversary list was created from past information. Our current list is being revised into database format. If we have missed your Birthday or Anniversary, please call Garianne to be included in a corrected June list for the July bulletin. Thank you for your patience. Alison Ames Lauren Archer Jerome Bader Blaine Benedict Brian Benedict Steven Benedict Arthur Berger Lester Berman Rachel Berman Louis Bradfield Nadine Cracraft Michael Cummins Renee Diamond Steven Doctors Bruce Einhom Susan Einhom Angela Einhom Scott Ewan William Feldman Ami Flushman Jesse Gale Sharon Gerecht Robert Gittelson Alexander Gittelson Rhonda Glyman (t^ QW a Zachary Goldberg Jonathan Goldsmith Sara Gordon Milton Grant Daniel Greenspun Patti Grobstein Dee Harrison Dorothy Herman Emma Hogan Douglas Hopson Matt Hopson Gary Husney Shirley Jackson Charlotte Kahn Debra Kaner Evan Kaner Joyce Karchem Jeffrey Katz Debra Katz Jennifer Katz Bradley Keating Jeffrey Kem Michael Kessler Joanna Kishner Mark Lefkowitz Roslynn Lemer Howard Lemer Tom Letizia Reeva Lieberman Fran Lipshaw Thomas Lombardi Cheryl Miller Adam Craig Godorov has graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Mazel Tov! Justin Mishalow June Newmark Barbara Nitzkin Henry Perlman Claire Prezant Shari Price C. Terry Raben Skip Rapoport Glenn Raynes Morris Raynes Bruce Robbins Larry Rosen Joey Saccavino David Saltman Marcy Samoiloff Anna Scheinbaum Betty Schloss Beverly Schreiber Larry Schwartz William Schwartz Idalyn Scott Cathy Siegel Randy Spoor Ileen Spoor David Stahl Dennis Stein Rachael & Michael Cherry Linda & Harvey Eisner Wanda & Jack Erickson Harold & Susan Gerecht Arlyne & Alfred Gerstler Naomi & Harold Goldsmith Julie & Philip Goldstein Sharon & Ray Gordon Dotty & David Gross Shirley & Henry Harrison Gale & Gary Husney Debra & Steven Kaner Fran & George Lipshaw Lillian & Gerald Mandel Rona & Edward Mintz Marian & Kyle Moss Judith & Seymour Motin Madelyn & Jack Nitzkin Barbara & Scott Ober Martha & Lloyd Reiser Sonja & Michael Saltman Marcy & Jerry Samoiloff Stephanie & Larry Schwartz Natalie & Gil Shaw Sue & Ron Slocum Sugar <? Marc Vogel Stacey & Don Yahraus Betsi Steinberg IJT---- ?--------------r,---------------------------------------------------------------? Sandee Tonkens If Courtney Tonkens if. ,?0 II Douglas Linger if Anybody Interested in .?b || Lillian Wallace II Torah Class i II John Wanderer IJ. .v1 Juani