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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1991



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    The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Congregation Ner Tarpid tdd *13 n5np Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor March 1991 Adar - Nisan 5751 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President Schedule of Services Friday, March 1st *7:30 p.m. Purim Family Services. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad & the 4th Grade. Oneg Sponsored by the Religious School. Friday, March 8th 8:00 p.m. Services. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad. Oneg Sponsored by Jewish War Veterans Friday, March 15th 8:00 p.m. NTTY Youth Service. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad & NTTY. Oneg Sponsored by NTTY & Mark Ohriner and Jennifer Heyman in honor of their Wedding on Sunday. Friday, March 22nd 8:00 p.m. Services. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad. Oneg Sponsored by The Glovinsky Family in honor of Melissa?s 21st Birthday. Friday, March 29th *5:30 p.m. Services. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad. 6:15 p.m. Passover Seder. *Please note time of Purim and Passover Services ?THE FIDDLER COMES TO AMERICA99 A Musical Sermon In Song Presented By CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH At Congregation Ner Tamid Sunday, March 10, 1991 7:30 p.m. Cantor Harold Orbach is Cantor of Temple Israel in West Bloomfield, Michigan, near Detroit. He has achieved national and inter?national acclaim throughout his career. In the United States he has scored triumphs as leading tenor in many roles-operatic, oratorio and in recital. Count Almaviva in The Barber of Seville, Alfred in Die Fie- dermaus and many other operatic appearances have won such com?ments from the press as: ?his tenor is clear, true, tender over the full range...?, ?a lyric tenor of resonance and beauty...?, ?positively superb.? Cantor Orbach has earned the title of one of the ?most celebrating? Cantors with his performances at the prestigious celebrations of: Israel?s Special Birthday with three symphony performances at Ceasaria, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem; 100th Anniversary of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; 100th Anniversary of Hebrew Union College, Detroit?s 175th Birthday and the U.S.A. Bicentennial Concert in Philadelphia with Dave Brubeck and Ella Fitzgerald. He continues to make musical history with outstanding performances of the standard repertoire as well as new and innovative works. He is among those Cantors who are not afraid to try the ?New Sound? of religion. He gave the first published performance of a Jazz Service in a synagogue when he sang Davidson?s ?And David Dances Before the Ark?. Cantor Orbach is a graduate of Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music, winner of the Katherine Long Scholarship to the Juiliard School of Music, Past President of the American Conference of Cantors. His voice appears on eight recordings and has been used as background in films. ?The Fiddler Comes To America: A Tale of Two Continents? expresses, (for continuation of story see page 3)Congregation Ner Tamid YAHRZEITS March 1 Steven Woodland Morris L. Nagel John R. Herman Herbert Forman Dr. Jay Goldfarb Louis A. Ponemon Bruce Mark Barrie Daniel Rosenfeld James Edward Ohriner Florence Malkin Anna Ginsberg Jeanette Sarah Bradfield March 8 Annabel Rivkind Gayle Leslie Nathanson Louis Schnitzer Edward Kramer Helen J. Podolin Jean Becker John Elman Christina Linden Gerstern Abraham Ginsberg March 15 Alex Roth Ida Starr Bessie Bernstein Louis G. Lang Sidney Warren Emanuel Scolar James A. Katzman March 22 Jennie Gerstler Sarah Schacter Julius Weitzman Lena Benisch Benjamin Sefman Nettie Schwartz March 29 Elvire Sichel Ada Solomon Jack Appleby Locus Gittleson Lillian Rebecca Wasserman Dora Sanoff Barney Weintraub Barnett Chaiken Alfred Gratz Dr. Carl K. Kaufman Fay Kamer Rabbi?s Message ?A CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Have you ever wished that things were different around the Temple? Have you ever had an idea that you felt deserved broader consideration? Have you been involved in Temples in another community but have not yet found your ?niche? in Las Vegas. Then perhaps it is time you thought about something very important: becoming a member of our Temple Board. Our board is made up of dedicated men and women who represent a broad cross- section of our Temple. These people, perhaps more than any other, are entrusted with the task of formulating policy and shaping the direction in the years ahead. No Rabbi, no Administrator, no Principal can make a Temple. A Temple relies on its membership in general, and its Board in particular to work in concert with the professional staff to insure the vitality of the Temple. The coming year will be an important one in the history of our Temple. We will have a new President and many important openings both in terms of trustees and officers on our board. But even beyond these important openings, this fall will mark the Chai year- of our Temple. This fall will mark our 18th year as a Congregation and thus should give cause for widespread celebration and activity. If you have devoted your time and energy to Jewish causes, I commend you. But I want you to consider this as well: Only the Synagogue can ?create? a Jew... all other Jewish organizations ?borrow? Jews. Without denying the importance of any other organization, it is important for each of us to realize that the Synagogue has been and always will be the bedrock of our religion. Do you want to make a difference? Now is your chance. Don?t let it slip by. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi President?s Message When I wrote my last congregational message, the war had not yet begun. As I write this one, I hope that by its publication date the conflict will be resolved. Unfortunately that seems very unlikely. We all hope and pray for a speedy & positive resolution to the Persian Gulf War. Our thoughts are especially with our brethren in Israel, for their safety and sense of security. We are pursuing two ?war related? projects. One is corresponding with Jewish armed forces and chaplains. Another is the donation of heavy-duty panty hoses and flea-collars (for ankles) to keep at minimum painful bites from sandfleas. Not readily accessible are feminine hygiene projects for our servicewomen. Their donation would be much appreciated. We are in partnership with the United Way on this project. On a more upbeat note, be sure to join us for our family Purim celebration on March 1st. And don?t forget the Purim Carnival, sponsored by the Religious School, on March 3rd at 12:00 noon. Remember to make reservations for our congregational Passover Seder on March 29th. Seating is being limited to 200. Be thinking of donations for our Goods & Services Auction to be held on May 11th. Contact Ruth Fite, 733-6292 if you have any items or ?services?. Malcolm Doctors is serving as our Nominating Committee Chairperson. If you are interested in a board position, please call the Temple office so you can be considered. In the past year, we have been delighted with all the people who have been willing to serve in this capacity. A Happy Passover to all of you. Sincerely, Eileen Kollins President Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid JEWISH LECTURE SERIES ^CONTINUES AT NER TAMID PROFESSOR HYMIE GORDON, M.D., is the third speaker in the Annual Jewish Community Lecture Series of Las Vegas, Sunday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid is this year?s facility host. All interested southern Nevadans are invited to attend. Professor Gordon was born in South Africa, received his extensive medical training there, and then went on as a phy?sician, instructor, lecturer and research associate, in South Africa, London and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In 1969 he joined the Mayo Clinic to develop its Medical Genetics (MG) program, and became its first chairman of the Department of MG and first Professor of MG in the Mayo Medical School. He retired from clinical practice in 1989, and as Professor Emeritus of MG continued in genetic-research projects and in developing a teaching program in the History of Medicine. In 1961 he visited Israel for the first time, and met the great biblical archaeologist Yigael Yadin, who took him to ex?cavations in the Galilee and on a preliminary survey of Masada. In those 29 years, and especially after the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967, he has been to Israel every year, and as recent as the summer of 1990. During these visits he has com?bined his medical-professional responsibilities with his bibli- cal-archaeologic interests by lecturing at the medical schools and visiting many of the current excavations of prehistoric and historic sites. You must hear this remarkable man and see his collec?tion of slides on the lecture subject ?Biblical and Post-Biblical ?Archaeology of Jerusalem-Illustrated?, projected on a 9 x 12 (hot screen. HOST FAMILIES FOR PASSOVER NEEDED Would you be willing to host an individual, or perhaps a couple, for first or second seder this Passover? Jewish Family Service Agency receives calls each year from individu?als who have no family locally and would otherwise spend Passover alone. The numbers of these calls are increasing each year. This year we would like to match these individuals with families who would be willing to invite them to their seder. If you are interested in inviting an individual (or two) to your home this Passover, please call Jewish Family Service Agency at 732-0304. ?THE FIDDLER COMES TO AMERICA ? (continuation of story from page 1) through a variety of musical selections, the Jewish experience of immigration to America. Not only do we get a sense of the day-to-day struggle of adjusting to a new life but also of the wide range of emotions shared by everyone to find himself on this journey. Ticket prices are $7.50 for general admission and I$5.00 for seniors and students. Tickets are available at the (Temple office (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). For further information please contact the Temple at 733-6292. This event is sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid Brotherhood and Golden Chai. Please join us on March 10th. Guests are Welcome! TRADITIONAL PASSOVER SEDER Congregation Ner Tamid will be having a traditional seder at the Temple. 2761 Emerson Avenue, on Friday night. March 29, 1991 at 6:15 p.m. Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad will conduct the seder The following will be served: Traditional Seder Plate * Matzos * Wine Geftlte Fish * Chicken soup with Matzo Balls * Brisket & Chicken Potato Kugel * Carrot Tzimmes Dessert * Coffee * Tea Charge to Members: Adults $30.00 Children 12 & under $10.00 Non-Members: Adults $35.00 Children 12 & under $15 Reservations for dinner should be made by March 18 MAIL CHECKS TO: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121 Name:___________________________________________________________ How many will attend... Adults:_______________________Children:_____________________ Your check is your reservation Paae 3Congregation Ner Tamid TELL & KVELL Congratulations to Dana Pretner, daughter of Mary & Jerry Fox, on being elected student body president at Chaparral High School, 91/ 92. We knew you could do it, Dana! ------------------------------------------------\ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU To Dr. & Mrs. William Bossak for the donation of the cuisinart for our kitchen. To Sheldon Rosenberg for doing the tax returns. To Alfie for paying to have the trees moved. This is only one of the many sweet things you do for us. To Tiny Kaplan for getting us adding machine paper, toner for our copier and sooooo many more things. To Hester Katzman for the books for our library. To Mr. & Mi?s. David Gold?berg for the couch, rocking chair and other useful items. To Mr. & Mrs. Harris Bar?nett for the computer desk. To Ms. Renee Sherman for the dishwasher for our Religious School. To Mr. & Mrs. S. Simon for the nigs. V______________________________J NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Richard, at 737-7002. ROASTED EGG OUTREACH A program, co-sponsored by Jewish Family Services and Congregation Ner Tamid Upcoming Events open to the Community: MOCK SEDER For Passover we are going to host our second ?Mock Seder?. Last years Seder was a wonderful success. This will be another chance for everyone to learn the rituals and traditions of one of the more important holidays in the Jewish Calendar. The event will be held on Thursday, March 14th from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Temple Sanctuary. All the essential ingredients will be there: Rabbi... will host the event and teach us the meanings of the customs and symbols. Bella... will be our cantorial soloist and help us to learn some of the special songs. Haggadah... will be available for everyone to read the story of Pesach. Matzah... and the special afikoman. Wine... for all to partake from, especially Elijah. Seder Plate... will include different foods: Karpas, Maror, Roasted Egg, Meat Bone, and Haroset. There will also be Matzo Ball Soup and Desserts for all to partake! Since this Seder is mainly a learning experience for the adults, there will be babysitting available for the children. We ask that you call in your reservations to the Temple office (733-6292) by March 11th, and everyone will be asked to pay $2 at the door. See you there! LIFE CYCLES Because of the start of the war, we had to cancel this event in January. But we are going to have it again... Sunday, April 14th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Temple Sanctuary. Look in April?s bulletin for further details. Rabbi Akselrad would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever possible, par?ticularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital, or nurs?ing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospitalized, so please call the Temple office to let us know when you are going into the hospital. Office ? 733-6292. ^ ??????........ -JJ WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? The Shade Tree, an over?night shelter for homeless women and women with chil?dren in Las Vegas is looking for volunteers to work one day per month (3 hour shift). If you are interested, please contact Ter?esa Canfora at 361-4184 or Kim Perron at 791-7616. The Elks will be holding their annual picnic for under - priviledged children on April 13th. They are looking for vol?unteers to help. If you are in?terested, please call 792-5629. Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid ARE THOSE CLOTHES TOO TIGHT?? DO YOU HUFF AND PUFF WHEN WALKING A BLOCK? THEN WE HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!!! Beginning in March, the low impact areobics class, formerly at Desert Springs Hospital, will be held in the Temple social hall every Monday, Wednesday and Thurs?day. Classes are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., taught by Cassie Smith. With over 15 years as an areobic instructor, Cassie promises this class to be fun and healthful. Each class is $2, payable at the door. Dress in casual exercise clothing and be there for warm up, promptly at 5:30 p.m. S SCRIP C CAN R RAISE I INCOME P PAINLESSLY At most Friday night services, congre?gants can paricipate in a special way by accept?ing honors such as: light?ing the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue members who enjoy par?ticipating in the Shab?bat service in this spe?cial way. If any congre?gant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733- 6292 so we can schedule your honors on a con?venient day for you. \ rr ?? ^ TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library 2. Incidental kitchen items or 100 3. Floor scrubber or $150 4. Commercial stove with grill top I DELIVERY 1 AVAILABLE. PURCHASE SCRIP DAILY AND I FRIDAY NIGHT I AFTER SERVICES IN THE TEMPLE | OFFICE 733-6292 I_______________________________I f/r NEW IN TOWN ???? Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing informa- tion on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee Mary Fox........................................................................................... ..456-4452 JackNitzkin...................................................................................... ..435-1932 Rita Moses-Malkin...................................................................... .451-9412 Dyane Kohnen................................................................................ ..870-2204 Sheldon Rosenberg...................................................................... ..870-8105 Jams Rounds................................................................................... ..896-0013 Barbara Rosen................................................................................ ..454-5060 Paoe 5Congregation Ner Tamid SAVE THESE DATES GIFT SHOP SPRING SPECIALS SPRING SPECIALS NEW ITEMS NEW ITEMS NEW ITEMS INTERESTING ITEMS INTERESTING ITEMS MUSIC BOXES NEWMEZZUAHS SEDER PLATES JEWELRY SCRIPT MATZA PLATES KIDDISH CUPS SPICE BOXES MENORAH ALL YOUR PASSOVER NEEDS DON?T MISS THESE SPECIAL VALUES!!! v_________________________________J JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY COLLECTING NAMES FOR THOSE NEED?ING PASSOVER BASKETS Do you know any Jewish individuals or families who would like to celebrate Pass- over with traditional food but cannot afford it? Each year the Jewish community contributes to the Matzah Fund for Passover, established and distributed by Jewish Family Service Agency. Through the Matzah Fund for Passover, JFSA purchases a week?s worth of kosher food for any Jewish family wishing to keep kosher during Passover but unable to afford the special foods. Those anticipating a need should contact Lorraine at JFSA, 732-0304. Those wishing to perform a mitzvah by contributing to the Matzah Fund can contact the same number. Page 6 ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY ? CELEBRATION... SAVE THIS DATE!! Congregation Ner Tamid This year?s Israeli Independence Day Celebration is set for Sunday, April 21, 1991. Mark your calendars now and start getting in shape, because this year?s Walk- A-Thon is going to blow you away! Sources say the route will be a little longer than the past few years and some surprises are in store for all. If you are interested in participating as a group, contact Jack Schuster (658-2090) or Bill Feldman (732-0304). * VISIT TEENS OF NER TAMID AT THE POPCORN STAND * ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT * DON?T MISS OUT ON THIS FUN, FUN DAY! * PONY RIDES * GAME BOOTHS * * GREAT FOOD * HAM ENT ASHEN * * COSTUME CONTESTS * PRIZES * * BOOK FAIR * JUDAIC A ITEMS FOR SALE * ALL AGES WELCOME * * DON?T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR COSTUME I Audrey Arnold Mel Becker Jack Bulavsky Allison Drucker Michael Epstein Jennifer Etcoff Ronny Fishman Linda Fishman George Flushman Lee Friedman Matthew Friedman Melissa Glovinsky Avra Gold Gary Goldberg Aleza Goldsmith Sandra Greenblatt Elizabeth Hogan Steve Jackson Linda Janovitch Melissa Janovitch Sophie Katzman Lisa Kern Frances Klamian Sig Kohnen Bernard Lara Gerald Lerner Mary Levine George Lipshaw Beth Lyon-Rogers Alan Mann Helena Milmeister Robert Moss Jarrod Moss Lawrence Newman Jeffrey Newmark Mark Ohriner Sam Prezant Brian Rosenfeld Kenneth Schnitzer Jeanne Schomaker Steven Schwartz Sondra Schwartz Sara Schuchmann Elliot Silverstein Noreen Sternberg Debbie Stone Michelle Stuart Jordan Treat Charles Vinnik Karen Walsh Lindsay Walsh Charles Wexler Ron Worth \_____________________________ Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid TOT SHABBAT CONTINUES Special Passover Shabbat For the third time this year, Congregation Ner Tamid will hold their highly successful Tot Shabbat. The theme for this special Shabbat is "PASSOVER". The Rabbi will introduce the children to this important holiday and they will create artwork to bring home and help them to remember Passover. Mark your calendars now for March 16th at 10:00 a.m. A new member and new chairperson, Helene Smith, has promised a fun filled morning for all the children, ages 2-6 and their siblings. Place: Ner Tamid Sanctuary Time: 10:00 a.m. Dates: March 16 and May 11 This program, as always, is open to the whole community; but, R.S.V.P.'s are a must. To make your reservation please clip and mail the attached sign-up coupon to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Or call Sheryl at the Temple office: 733-6292 I I YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR THE TOT SHABBAT: I NAME:__________________________________________________________ I I I ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________ PHONE: I I | CHILD?S NAME:__________________________________________________ | I___________________________________________________________________I Sunday Morning Preschool Program A HUGE SUCCESS On January 13th Congregation Ner Tamid began a preschool pro?gram open to the entire Community. Modeled after the ?Mommy, Daddy & Me? programs, over 18 children and their parents attended a session full of fun and learning. A toddlers program, it begins at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning through May. The Director, Denise Schnitzer, is currently the Preschool Director at Green Valley Athletic Club and has taught toddler?s programs in Las Vegas for many years. Nominal fees are charged and registration is required. For more in?formation or to register, please con?tact Sheryl at the Temple office at 733-6292. Religious School Wish List SPRING BREAK!!! There will be no Religious School or Hebrew School from March 24th thru April 6th Classes Resume on April 7th 1. Printer - compatible to Apple!! series. 2. (5) Bulletin Boards ? 4 ft. by 6 ft. 3. Library Books 4. T.V. &VCR 5. Blinds for classrooms. Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid SISTERHOOD SQUARE DANCE & BARBEQUE APRIL 13, 7997 (MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW) CELEBRATE A SPECIAL EVENT... Birthday, Anniversary, Bar / Bat Mitzvah, Wedding, Baby Naming SPONSOR AN ONEG SHABBAT CALL RITA MALKIN 451-9412 SISTERHOOD BOOK ^REVIEW Everyone loves a story. And who can resist the charm and wit of a good Yiddish story? On Thursday, March 14th at 11:00 a.m. Rabbi Akselrad will review the recently pub?lished book, Yiddish Folktales ed?ited by Beatrice Silverman Weinreich. This fabulous new work consists of Jewish folktales from doz?ens of countries around the world. The art of storytelling has been an integral part of Judaism for hundreds of years. This collection seeks to bring the best and wittiest of Jewish story?tellers to the modem audience. At his review, Rabbi will share with his audience selected stories and how Jewish storytelling has shaped the ?Jewish Mystique? through the ages. A light lunch will take place im?mediately following the book review. This program is open to the commu?nity but reservations are a must. Please RSVP no later than March 11th to Sheryl at the Temple office, 733-6292. The cost of this event is $5.00. SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES To Campership Fund: From Maxine & Steve Gratz to Sandy Ewan in memory of Grandmother From Dyanne & Sig Kohnen to Helen Zliser - Congratulations on becom?ing President of Golden Chai. To Sisterhood General Fund: From Marnie & Daniel Diamond to Hortense and Sam Alper in memory of mother Rose Herman. From Lil & Don Eisner to Milton Wasserman - Get Well Soon! From Sisterhood to Natalie & Gil Shaw in memory of father Murray. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Milton Wasserman - Speedy recovery. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Joe Schwartz - Speedy and complete re?covery. From Sisterhood to Lil Eisner - Speedy recovery. From Bernice May to Lil Eisner - Speedy and complete recovery. From Lil & Don Eisner to Anna Hager - Happy Birthday. From Sisterhood to Trudy Schnei?der - Speedy recovery. From Sisterhood to Sandy Ewan in memory of grandmother. From Bernice May to Helen Zliser - Happy Birthday. From Ellie & Irving Joffe to Helen Zliser - Happy Birthday. Golden Chai News The month of February was a very productive time for Golden Chai. The first meeting was just for fun - Cruise Horse Racing. The second was for education. Rabbi Akselrad conducted a Torah study session which was both interesting and enlightening. We deeply appreciate his participation in our activities. Beside the programs, we also saw the start of our new special groups, the Widows and Widowers group meets with therapist Dr. Sandra Greenblatt and has about twelve participants. The Yiddish class is under the leadership of Avis Katz who was formerly with the Yiddish the?atre in New York. There are also about twelve people involved in this group, but it is still open to anyone of any age. Non?members just pay $5.00 to enroll. We are excited about the expan?sion of our activities and look forward to trying new ideas that will appeal to sen?iors of all ages (50-90) and all interests. We extend a cordial invitation to temple members who have not joined us yet but would like to make new friends and explore new horizons. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at noon in the Temple social hall. Y?all come! Shalom, Helen Zliser President Pacre 9Congregation Ner Tamid DONATIONS GENERAL FUND From Eileen Kollins & Family to Mr. & Mrs. George Katz in honor of birth of grandson Zachary Michael. From Uncle Sam Alper to Hortense Alper & Family in memory of Rose Herman. From Bea & Lou Shyken to Mr. Sey?mour Schwartz in memory of wife, Lee. From Stacey & Monty Pierson to Mr. Seymour Schwartz in memory of wife, Lee. From Ronnie & Frank Benedict to Mr. Seymour Schwartz in memory of wife, Lee. From Rhea & Jim Calvello to Mr. Marty Schechter in memory of Shirley Schech- ter. From Linda, Ken, Larry & Allison Sch- nitzer to Judy Liebert & Family in loving memory of mother and grand?mother Molly Ruden. From the Lewis Etcoff Family to Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ewan & Family in memory of Molly Ruden. From Linda & Steve Chenin & Family to Sandy Ewan & Family in memory of Molly Ruden. From Helen Mendelson to Mr. Nor?man Smith - Welcome Home & Speedy Recovery. From Linda, Kenny, Larry & Allison to Dr. & Mrs. Allen Anes, Mazel Tov on your 25th wedding anniversary. From Helen Mendelson to Mr. Saul Finkelstein in loving memory of wife, mother & grandmother Ruth. From Ruth & A1 Kallett to Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kallett in honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Simone. From the Mort Saiger Family to Judy Liebert & Family in memory of mother, Molly Ruden. From Hortense & Sam Alper to Sandy Ewan in memory of Molly Ruden. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Ron & Hyla Worth - wishing both your moth?ers a full & speedy recovery. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Lois Weisman, we hope your hospital stay is a short one. Speedy recovery. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Mary & Ira Levine, Mazel Tov on the birth of your twin daughters. Wishing you joy. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Har?vey Sanoff, Wishing you a speedy re?covery. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Dana Pretner, Congratulations on becom?ing student body president of Chapar?ral High School. What an honor. From Lois & Malcolm Doctors to Dyane Kohnen, Just want you to know we?re thinking of you. CHOIR FUND From Cal & Phyllis Lewis to Hortense Alper in memory of Rose Herman. PRAYER BOOK From Rose Solowitz, Les Weisler, Bob & Laverne Hirsh and Pete & Joyce Preiss to the Jacober Family in mem?ory of Reed Jacober. Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Krane in loving memory of daughter, Laurie Eskin Dr. & Mrs. William Bossak Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Chenin Mr. & Mrs. Darin Tiep Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fox NEEDED... PRODUCTION ASSISTANT on permanent part-time basis for monthly newspaper. Experience in journalism, advertising, public relations and graphic design pre?ferred. Functionality in word proc?essing and desktop publishing essential. Will train on specific programs if needed. Good office skills a must. Send resume to: 126J; 3180 E Desert Inn Rd. #1 Las Vegas, NV 89121. This SpAcE cOuLd Be YoUrS!!! PRE-SCHOOL FUND ALAN S. MANN Associate Vice President, Investments *)} DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. First Interstate Tower, Suite 800 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89109 Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid OUR SUPPORTERS 77T.W Harold Gerecht, GRI Susan Gerecht, GRI, CRS Broker Owners Park 2000 (702) 798-8600 6380 S. Eastern Ave. #8 Home: 435-1966 Las Vegas, NV 89 1 1 9 Cellular: 376-4158 13 Years Serving the Jewish Community MR. - MR. QUALITY CATERERS Charles Silvestri 456-9880 Stephan Russ 796-8376 I SPRING VALLEY PLUMBING, INC. 4300 North Pecos Road, No.-28 Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 JEFFERY HEIT (702) 644-1220 (702) 386-0506 Pi Brentwood Studio BRENT M AYHEM Marketing Director 3863 s. VALLEY VIEW #6 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 Creative Safari Inc (702)258-0185 Draperies Bed Spreads Verticals Mini Blinds AND SO ON BOW or GEORGE 6750 Del Ray Ave. #112 L.V., NV 89102 CfOUR qPflVEKPtflCE 3421 East Tropicana Avenue Suite D ? Pecos Center Las Vegas. Nevada 89121-7396 Linda Schnltxar Ken Schnitzer Owner (702) 456-4080 LEATHER KING FURNITURE 100% TOP GRAIN LEATHER LEATHER KING 3507 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 1 Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 734-7212 /instate .yrFtf. SHEL SBARRA Senior Account Agent (D. I & Pecos. Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road. #19 Las Vegas. NV 89121-3812 Bus. 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 ARTISTIC VIDEO _____CRQBIZOU.QSS 2290 East Flamingo Road. Suite E ? Las Vegas Nevada 89119 PLANNING A WEDDING, PARTY. BARMITZVAH OR ANY SPECIAL EVENT? | KEEP THOSE MEMORIES FRESH HAVE IT VIDEO TAPE GIVE US A CALL (702) 733-1001 MoneyWorld Realtors* 3280 E. Tropicana #M ? Las Vegas. NV 89121 m Office: (702)434-1662 (702) 435-8300 Res: (702) 896-0013 Pager: 381-7002 FAX: (702)454-7371 JANIS ROUNDS GRI, CRS Home or Office IRONCO SECURITY INC. MONITORED ALARM SYSTEMS Ken or Jay Herman (702) 735-4080 Cont. Lie. 0022287 (702) 877-6200 BUSINESS (702) 870-9790 RESIDENCE (702) 877-9843 FAX MARILYN B. GLOVINSKY PEAHOR* COI DWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Wins RANTim DRIVE Sill IF 101 LAS VEGAS NVA9I06 Boettcher & Company a division ol Kemper Securities Croup, Inc. C.A. "Cal" Lewis Suite 109 1850 East Flamingo Road Las Vegas. NV 89119-5112 (702) 732-4222 Toll-free: (800) 233-6973 Members New York Stock Exchange and other principal exchanges Glenn Raynes, C. P. A. Glenn Raynes, CPA, Chartered CLARK-WASHOE BUILDING, SUITE 1 500 SOUTH THIRD STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 PHONE (702) 386-2888 FAX (702) 384-0433 1 Three KOSHER Meals daily. Personalized Care. Private & Semi Rooms. HOME Transportation. Housekeeping. Medication Monitored. 732-3575 Family Atmosphere. Please call the ANNEXSTEIN Family for information concerning the placement of your loved ones or yourself. 732-3575 or 255-3835. Ben Zimmerman?s STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial BAR & BAT MITZVAHS - WEDDINGS 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 Page 11 r 5751 1991 MARCH adar nisan 'N SUNDAY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Purim Family Service SHUSHAN PURIM SATURDAY 6 8 12:00 noon Purim Carnival 12:00 noon Goiaen Chai 8:00 p.m. Services Vayakhel/Pekude qc SHABBAT PARAH 10 11 12 13 14 7:30 p.m. Concert with Cantor Orbach 10:00 a.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sisterhood Book Review & Luncheon 7:00 p.m. Out?reach Passover Program 15 16 8:00 p.m. NTTY Youth Services 10:00 a.m. ijj Tot Shabbat tes SHABBAT B HACHODESH O ROSH CHODESH 17 18 19 20 21 6 NISAN 22 23 FIRST DAY OF SPRING 12:00 noon Golden Chai 8:00 p.m. Services Tzav oO SHABBAT HAGADOL 24 9 NISAN 7:30 p.m. Jewish Lecture Series 25 26 27 28 16 NISAN EASTER PESACH SEARCH FOR CHAMETZ 2Q 14 NISAN 30 15 NISAN 5:30 p.m. Services . . 6:15 p.m Passover Seder AjT ml FIRST SEDER l PESACH TEMPLE BOARD Eileen Kollins ............. ....................President Marilyn Glovinsky...... ....V.P. Administration Mary Fox...................... .......V.P. Membership Gerald Gordon........... ....V.P. Ways & Means Lewis Etcoff...........V.P. Religious Activities Bobbie Bernay............ ...........V.P. Education Ira Levine..................... ....................Treasurer Jay Poster................... .Recording Secretary Alan Mann.................. Cal Lewis..................... ........................Trustee Don Eisner.................. ........................Trustee Sheldon Rosenberg ... Sandy Ewan................ Lois Doctors............... Rita Malkin....