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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 1990



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    Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor September 1990 Elul - Tishri 5750- 5751 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday, September 7 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Newmark Family Saturday, September 8 Bar Mitzvah of Randall Newmark Friday, September 14 6:00 p.m. Outreach Family Dinner 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad to honor Eugene R. Warner Oneg Sponsored by Outreach Saturday, September 15 9:30 p.m. Selichot Service Wednesday, September 19 8:00 p.m. Rosh Hashana Evening Service Thursday, September 20 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashana Service 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashana Youth Service 1:15 p.m. Rosh Hashana Children?s Service Friday, September 21 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, September 28 8:00 p.m. Kol Nidre Saturday, September 29 10:00 a.m. Yom Kippur Service 10:00 a.m. Yom Kippur Youth Service 1:15 p.m. Yom Kippur Children?s Service 3:00 p.m. Yom Kippur Afternoon Service 5:00 p.m. Yiskor & Closing Service TEMPLE H^!|(1GENE R. Ner Tamid?s beautiful new monument welcomes all who enter our doors. Donated by our most generous benefactor, Eugene R. Warner, the Ner Tamid lights the way. According to Mr. Warner who also has built our Temple Library, this monument is in fulfillment of his dream of having a lasting symbol at our Temple represent?ing the eternal spirit of our people. A well known philanthropist in our community, Mr. Warner has dedicated his life to helping others, light?ing the way for others to do the same. Rabbi Akselrad noted that he looks forward to this special day to honor such a generous individual. His generosity sets an example for others in the community. His Ner Tamid which he de?signed and dedicated to ourTemple will shine as a wonder?ful beacon of hope and inspiration to all who enter our sanctuary doors. Join us for an Open House on Friday, September 7th at 7:00 pm. This is your chance to greet and meet the Rabbi, the Principal, the Executive Director, the Youth Leaders and Committee Representatives. Every year around this time, we hold an open house to welcome prospective and new members and give them an opportunity to meet the Rabbi and the staff. Held an hour before Services, it is a wonderful way for all our new members and existing members to become acquainted and reacquainted with everyone who makes our Temple a warm and caring center of Jewish life. OUTREACH FAMILY DINNER Outreach, a national program designed to inte?grate interfaith couples into Congregational life, will hold a family Shabbat dinner on Friday, September 14th at 6:00 pm. Chaired by Lois Doctors and supported by Jewish Family Services, this program has already received broad praise and participation by our community. The members of Outreach will also be participat?ing in the Friday night service. If you would like to join us for this fun evening, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. YAHRZEITS (OOPSII! Last month our printer deleted many names - Please accept our apologies) Louis Epstein.....................August 12 Lena Epstein.......................August 13 Harry Rostov.......................August 20 Louis Schwartz..................August 21 Anna Wasserman................August 23 Delores Braun.....................August 23 Morris Waters.....................August 23 John Akana ........................August 26 Rose Gutman......................August 28 Alan Joseph Marlin............August 28 Abraham Gellin..................August 29 SEPTEMBER 7 Mildred Wilner David Glickman Jean Schnitzer Anna Levoff Albert Joffee Gabriel Stein Solomon Figelski SEPTEMBER 14 Miriam Siegel Sam Zimmerman Simon G. Prezant Hildegard Walrauch Rose Bader Morris Arum SEPTEMBER 19 Harry Zabinofsky SEPTEMBER 21 Pepie J. Molasky Janet Abrams Morris Lipshaw Blanche Berg Meiner David J. Padolin SEPTEMBER 28 Leo Schneider Irene Barnes Joseph Karlin Sarah May Barnett Bader Bessie Lieberman Herman SternbergCongregation Ner Tamid RABBI'S MESSAGE ?Numbering Our Days for the Good? The great 20th century philosopher and theologian, Abraham Joshua Heschel once described the holy character of time in the Jewish religion. In his work, the Sabbath, Heschel described how for the Jew, the Sabbath was a special palace in time. This unique and holy palace was separate from the rest of the week for upon entering the Sabbath we find ourselves transformed into another realm. While Heschel was describing our relationship to the Sabbath in particular, he was essentially pointing out how time itself is neutral, but it is possible for us to invest our allotted time with a unique quality of holiness. We speak of ?spending time? or ?wasting time? and even of ?time flying by?. For the Jew, time is a very precious, but limited commodity. Is it any wonder that we are commanded to ?number our days...?? So commanded we reflect espe?cially at the High Holydays that we must use our allotted time to best effect Are we to use our time to be cruel and mean or are we to use our time to be kind and just? Are we to spend our time pursuing self-centered quests or will we spend it in the performance of mitzvot? Will we spend our time frivolously on temporary concerns, or will we try and strengthen our relationships with our friends and families? The choice is ours. We have today all the time we have or every will have. The new year reminds us of Heschel?s thesis that time can indeed be holy. As we turn our thoughts towards introspection and personal reflection, let us pursue the holy that is within and share it with others. As we take an accounting of our lives, let us number our days for the good. Then, truly shall this be a happy and sweet year for us all. ml. Rabbi Sanford Aksclrad, spiritual leader of Congregation Ner Tamid will be holding a special discussion and Selichot service starting at 9:30 p.m. Rabbi Akselrad?s discussion will focus on the spiritual aspects of the holy days and is entitled ?Pathways Towards Repentance, Pathway Toward a Belter Year?. Following his 45 minute discussion over light refreshments, Bella Schwartz and the Ner Tamid High Holiday Choir will join Rabbi Akselrad for a beautiful Selichot service. The program is open to the community at no charge. For more information contact Ruth Fite, Executive Director at 733-6292. L?shana Tova, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi High Holiday Flowers It is traditional that flowers for the bema are donated to the Temple during High Holidays. If you would like to share in this honor for Rosh Hashana, please call Ruth at 733-6292. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE As we prepare for the year 5751, it is good to remember the three functions of each synagogue from ancient days. First and foremost, the syna?gogue is a Beit Tefilla, House of prayer. I encourage each of you to attend our worship services, participate on the bima when asked, and observe Shabbat and all the holidays in whatever way is most comfortable for you and your family. A second Temple function is that of Beit Midrash, House of S tudy. Take advantage of our informative Selichot service, participate in adult education, and involve yourself in your child?s religious school education. Reinforce the value of Jewish study at home. The Beit Knesset, House of Assembly, is the third fact of Temple life, best year yet - one filled with good health, happiness, and prosperity.Congregation Ner Tamid CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BAR MITZVAH STUDENT Randall Edward George New- mark, the son of Stephen and June New- mark and nicknamed ?Bee-Bop? by his mother for the sake of conciseness and simplicity, was bom in Temple, Texas, on September 13, 1977. He later moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he began piano lessons and entered TaeKwon-Do (Korean Karate) at the age of four. Bee-Bop entered several state-wide piano competitions where }ne earned first place medals. He received two first place awards for art during city?wide competitions in Tulsa. He also had many book reviews of children?s books published in the Tulsa World newspaper. When he moved with his family to Las Vegas during the summer of 1987, he had reached the red belt level in TaeKwon-Do. In 1989, he earned his first degree black belt, and in 1990 he received his second degree black belt in TaeKwon-Do. Bee- Bop thus joined his older brother Jeffrey and older sister Lala who also hold black belt levels in TaeKwon-Do. Bee-Bop is an instructor in TaeKwon-Do for the Nevada State Diabetes Camp of the American Diabetes Association. Bee-Bop will enter the seventh gradeatCashman Junior High School where he will play saxophone for the school band. He also played saxophone for the CVT Gilbert band where he was an All-A stu?dent. Bee-Bop?s Bar Mitzvah will be Saturday, September 8,1990 where he will perform both saxophone and piano selec?tions along with his sister Lala who will play the harp and his brother Jeffrey who will accompany them on the piano. Special Musical Program to highlight Holydays at Ner Tamid Cantorial soloist BELLA SCHWARTZ and Choir Director PETER ^ BUGEL form an incomparable team as Congregation Ner Tamid prepares to usher in the New Year with an outstand?ing musical program. As Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, spiritual leader of Congregation Ner Tamid noted, ?I am very excited about our musical program this year. Bella Schwartz, the Choir and Peter Bugel have been rehearsing for months to provide an especially moving and uplifting service. The three of us have searched a variety of modem and traditional sources to provide the congregation with memorable and touching melodies.? Both Bella Schwartz and Peter Bugel have outstanding musical backgrounds whose combined talents span over 50 years. Bella Schwartz has been a soloist at Congregation Ner Tamid for over two years performing at Friday Night services and B?Nai Mitzvah. A native of Las Vegas she has performed for Hadassah in Reno in two plays, ?The Sound of Music? and the ?Music Man?. Most recently she has sung with the Nevada Musical Arts Society. From the Hayden Requiem to Billy Holiday music to Cantorial liturgy, Bella?s well rounded musical ability is a gift, a special gift handed down to her from her father and grandmother. Peter Bugel is known to Las Vegas audiences for his vocal ensembles which have appeared as entertainment for the hotel industry as well on the classical concert stage. He first directed a choir at age 16 and shortly thereafter found a three-year niche as host of a musical talk show which won a network award from CBS Radio. In the military, Peter sang over 300 performances as bass soloist with the Third US Army Chorus. His formal education took place at Wake Forest University and New England Conservatory of Music. He comes to Congregation Ner Tamid after seven years of service as a singer in the Beth Shalom High Holy Day Choir. Congregation Ner Tamid, located at 2761 Emerson Avenue, will hold Selichot Services on Saturday, September 15 at 9:30 p.m. The service will begin with a 45 minute discussion with Rabbi Akselrad on the ?Pathways towards Repentance: Pathways to a Better Year?. Tickets for the Holy Days will be mailed to Congregants. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets or needing more information should contact the Temple?s Executive Director, Ruth Fite, at 733-6292. Congregant of the Year, 57511 This year we are going to select our third annual ?Congregant of the Year? in a new way. We are asking for nominations from our congregation. Criteria for selection include: active participation, volunteer assistance in one or more congregational activities, and a sincere interest in promoting our congregation within the Ner Tamid family and in lire general com?munity. If you have a specific person whom you would like to nominate for this unique honor, please submit his/her name and why you feel he/she would be a worthy recipient in writing to the Temple office. A selection committee will make the final choice from those names which have been submitted. All nominations are due at the office by September 28th. The ?Congregant of the year? / New Member Shabbot will be held on November 9th. V Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid (T'~ ...... ~ ..... PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR WANTED Congregation Ner Tamid seeks a highly motivated, qualified, experienced preschool director. This person would create a band new 5 day a week Preschool program at the Temple. Knowledge of Judaism as it applies to young children is very helpful. If interested, please contact Rabbi Akselrad or Jeanne Schomaker at 733-6292. V ? ............ More ways to help save the environment! * Ask for recycled paper at stationers and printers. *Use outdoor lights only when necessary. ?Install sink faucet aerators and water-efficient shower heads. ?Avoid aerosols and other products containing CFC's. ?Properly maintain your vehicle, getting a tune-up every five to ten thousand miles. ?Use low watt light bulbs. THfiNKS!!!! Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Leiberman for their donation of paper goods, sta?pler and other office supplies. Thanks AGAIN to Tiny Kaplan for the donation of the clock for our Religious School, pens and post it notes. What will Tiny come up with next? Thank you to Mr. S. Si?mon for his donation of items for our kitchen. Thank you to Peter Bugel, our Choir Director, for his donation of the beautiful plants that now grace our courtyard and office. Thank you to Mike Novick for his donation of the new refrigerator. NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? ase of an emergency, our custodian, Rich- at 737-7002. TheTemple is very pleased and EXCITED to announce a new fundraising program - ?Scrip?. WHAT IS IT??? Congregation Ner Tamid purchased scrip or gift certificates at a discount from Vons and Smiths (more grocery stores to be added later) and sells them to members and non-members at face value of the gift certificate. HOW DO I USE IT??? Vons or Smiths gift certificates may beused to purchase ANYTHING at all Vons or Smiths stores in North America. WHERE DO I BUY THEM??? Gift certificates will be sold through the Temple office Monday through Thursday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; After services on Friday night and Sunday mornings. WHAT?S THE ADVANTAGE??? At the same time that you are buying groceries, you will be helping the Temple. I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 | YES, I WANT TO SUPPORT THE TEMPLE!!!! | NAME:__________________________________PHONE:__________________ I SMITHS:_____VONS:____DENOMINATIONS: $10______$20_____________ | I COMMENTS:________________________________________________________ L Enclose your check payable to Congregation Ner Tamid, indicate your store preference and denominations. Mail or bring to: Congregation NerTamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, 89121. J Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid Fall Mitzvah Project Congregation Ner Tamid is joining with the Las Vegas Assistance League in their annual School Bell Project. Each year the Assistance League collects ?nearly new? clothing for children in grades kindergarten through ninth grade. Items include: shirts, slacks (no jeans), sweaters, dresses, socks, hats, and jackets. These are then set up in a simulated store setting. Clark County School District students who are truly in need of clothing are referred to the Assistance League by their teachers and principals. Then these youngsters are able to go shopping for their own school clothes. Please bring any gently worn clothing that your children have outgrown to the Temple during the month of September. This will enable us to support a very worthwhile community project. Letters will be available for tax deductions. Thank you to Karen Borgelt and Scott Schreiber for their help in this Ner Tamid Mitzvah, a wonderful way to begin the new year in the spirit of tzedakah. ^ ? ....... . J MSMENBEMHI BUIES MUST IB IE THREE QUARTERS FAEB EN ORBER TO RECEEVE HUGH HOLE- BAY TECKETS (c TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100 3. Two hole punches or $50 j TTiTeak l THE FAST Congregation Ner Tamid Cordially Invites You to Our Third Annual ?Break The Fast? following Yom Kippur Services...Make your reservations early seating limited! Adults - $12.00 Children 5 to 13 - $6.00 Children under 5 - No Charge PLEASE MAIL CHECK TO: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue. Las Vegas, Nevada 89121, Attention.Break The East NAME:_______________________ ADDRESS: ?r At most Friday night services, congregants can paricipate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. I would be thrilled to give any of these honors to synagogue members who would enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this spe?cial way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call me, Dr. Lewis Etcoff, during the day at 876- 1977or at the synagogue, 733- 6292, and I will return your call as soon as possible and schedule your honors on a convenient day for you. 4. Freezer for kitchen or $350 6. Floor scrubber or $500 7. 20 Choir Robes or $1200 8. Laser Printer or $ 1800 V J) No. of Adults:________ No. of Children:________ Children under 5:________ I__________________________________I ((( -------------------------------------- NEW IN TOWN ???? Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing information on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee Mary Fox............................ ........................456-4452 Sheryl Kogan...................... ........................873-7769 Jack Nitzkin........................ ........................435-1932 Rita Moses.......................... ........................451-9412 Dyane Kohnen.................... ........................870-2204 Jeanne Schomaker.............. ........................362-4384 Janice Rounds..................... ........................896-1662 Barbara Rosen.................... ........................454-5060 ----- J Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid We would like to again thank all those that have donated to our Preschool Fund. Now that the County Commission has approved our application, we are looking forward to getting this off the ground! 1. Claire & Harry Bycel 2. Mrs. Bmce Einhom 3. The Schwartz?s 4. Randy & Kathleen Schaefer 5. Dr. & Mrs. Roger Simon 6. Bernard Nathanson 7. Alison Ames & Michael Orci 8. Hyla & Ron Worth in honor of Robbie?s Bar Mitzvah 9. Dr. & Mrs. Kaner 10. Michael & Rachel Cherry 11. Jan Brendel & Arthur Cobb 12. Harrison Sheld, M.D. 13. Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Ames 14. Noreen & Gary Sternberg 15. Candice Barr& Rick Carter 16. Alan Mann 17. Dr. Edward Hoffman 18. Robert & Laveme Hirsh 19. Arthur & Natalie Berger 20. Irving Joffe 21. Helen Mendelson 22. Sylvia Frank 23. Sophie Katzman 24. Milton Wasserman 25. Jack Nitzkin 26. Louis Bernstein 27. Sandy & Roger Ewan 28. Linda Schnitzer & Dan Zabinofsky in memory of Frieda Zabinofsky 29. Steven & Rhonda Glyman 30. Mary & Jerry Fox 31. Mr. & Mrs. David Diamond 32. Jay & Terri Herman 33. Stan & Jessica Dreyfuss in honor of Dreyfuss baby naming & Jill Stein- house Bat Mitzvah 34. Ben & Beth Sprague 35. Mr. & Mrs. W. Zliser 36. Lipman Family 37. Ida Kaufman 38. Louis & Shirley Kravitz 39. Benjamin & Sylvia Cohen 40. Assemblywoman Renee Diamond 41. Leo Wilner 42. Sally & Bill Feldman in honor of Sam Akselrad 43. Mariane Anderson 44. Mr. & Mrs. Cobb 45. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kaufman 46. Dr. & Mrs. Harris J. Waters 47. Cal & Phyllis Lewis in memory of Ann Rudick 48. Cliff & Barbara Bemay 49. Maxine Gratz 50. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kamer 51. Mr. Louis Bernstein 52. Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Etcoff 53. Nancy Sloane 54. Bobbi Newman 55. Lou Buffman 56. Lill & Don Eisner 57. Kim Sedway 58. Mike Novick 59. Joel Mishalow, Ph.D. NER TfiMID TO OFFER SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES FOR HIGH HOLIDAYS The High Holy days are special days for jews of every age. It is important for young children to become familiar with chants and melodies that are a part of Jewish tradition. This year Congregation Ner Tamid will have two children?s services. On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur morning there will be an hour long youth services starting at 10:00 a.m. This service is geared for children in 2-6th grade. Services will be conducted by Youth Director Alan Hirsh along with the Junior Choir under the able direction of Lori Frankl and Mariane Anderson. Services will take place in the Temple library. For younger children, ages 4-7, a brief service will take place in the Sanctuary at 1:00 p.m. on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Services will be con?ducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantorial soloist Bella Schwartz. CNT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Jeanne Schomaker has been named Princi?pal of Ner Tamid Relig- iousSchool. Shchasbecn in public school educa?tion for 12 years and her university degree is in education. Bobbie Bcr- nay, Vice President for Education said, ?We arc confident that her experi?ence and enthusiasm will help keep our school one of die best in the western United States?. Dear CNT Parents, On behalf of the Religious School Committee, I would like to say ?Shalom? and ?Welcome Back? to the 1990/91 schoolyear. We are especially pleased to have Jeanne Schomaker take on the responsibility as principal of our ?ever-growing? Religious School! Her dedication, enthusiasm and expertise in the area of educating our youngsters is certainly evident. Jeanne, whose background in secular education is quite extensive, has already spent countless hours organizing and planning for the new school year. Welcome aboard Jeanne!!! We also want to give a hearty welcome to our new and returning Religious School Staff! We have a terrific group of teachers and aides who will be working hard to help make this the best year ever for our CNT kids!! For those who are unfamiliar with the ?workings? of the Religious School Committee, let me give you a brief explanation of what we do... First of all, our Committee meets monthly, except during the summer, or at the call of the chairperson. All educational activities and projects from pre?kindergarten through confirmation class are discussed, reviewed, and approved by the Committee. We make recommendations and/or initiate school policies, pro?grams and practices in order to meet the needs of our growing Temple ?commu?nity?. Our Committee is a a vehicle which helps to interpret and commmunicate parent concerns to the school administration. Our ?ears? and ?eyes? are always open to your suggestions... You, as parents, are veyr important to us! The 1990-91 school year is about to begin. We?re all embarking on an exciting journey with lots of new young faces and many familiar ones, too. We?ve got a terrific ?crew?, soo...Get on Board!!! See you at Religious School on September 9th. Bobbie Bemay Chairperson, Religious School Committee Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ITTY BITTY NITTY NEWS What is ITTY BITTY NITTY?... It is our youngest Youth Group for grades 2nd thru 5th. We get together once a month just for FUN! It?s an opportunity to develop friendships and just have a GOOD TIME1 We got a late start last year but to give you an idea of just what we did do... 1st event...Bowling at the Gold Coast followed by a surprise of 2 scoops of ice cream in the ice cream parlor. 2nd event...??Mystery Night?...Front row center seats at the performance of ?SPLASH? at the RIVIERA HOTEL and SPLASHED we got. 3rd event...Took us to Spring Mountain Ranch for ?Woodsey Owl Day?. The event was some what of adissappointmentbut our surprise means of transportation made up for it...a white stretch chauffeur driven limousine! 4th event...School was out and your advisors needed a RST so we took the summer off! It?s now time to get ITTY BITTY NITTY back on track so if your interested in joining our fun groupplease fill out the informa?tion below and mail it to Advisor #1... Sheryl Kogan 4618 ViaTorinoLas Vegas, NV 89103 r NAME: NAME: ADDRESS:. PHONE HOME:. WORK:_______ PARENTS: . (MOM) _ (DAD) PARENTS AUTHORIZATION: I_______________________________________ We can?t promise every month will be your favorite event but we can promise you the beginning of good friendships & fun. We wish you, your family and friends a very ?Happy New Year?. We love you. Pictured above are six of the seven 1990 award winners of the Wilner Foundation. From L to R: BRIAN FRANKL, JEFF LEWIS, JAY ABBOTT, LEO A. WILNER (Foundation Chair- man),RACHELMILLER,RINAROSELINSKY,and JAY BERN?STEIN. Not pictured: SANDRA FLEF.KOP (of Reno). Wilner Foundation Grants Seven fiwards to Deserving Jewish Nevada Youth. The Wilner Foundation, created in 1989 for the sole purpose of recognizing, honoring and reward?ing outstanding Jewish youth in Nevada, has granted cash awards to seven deserving young people, bring?ing the total awards granted in 1989 and 1990 to thirteen. Awards are based on scholastic ability, religious commitment, participation in Jewish youth activities and involvement in Jewish community af?fairs. The following criteria has been set in order to be eligible for award consideration: Applicants must be of the Jewish faith, be residents of Nevada, be under 18 years of age and attending school, have a scholastic GPA of B+ or better, be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or attend?ing Hebrew School, and be registered for participation in any activities sponsored by any Jewish Camps or organizations. Applicants are coded for anonymity, and winners are chosen by a selection committee. Award recipients cannot be relatives of any Foundation offi?cers, Board of Directors, or selection committee members. Applications may be obtained during the months of February and March of each year, from any synagogue office or Youth organization director. Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid ADULT EDUCATION Aleph-Bet: Basic Hebrew, Part I. How many times have you sat in Services and wished that you could read and understand the prayers? This course is for you! This 10 week course will meet Sunday evenings beginning October 14th from 7-8:00 p.m.. This class will teach you how to read Hebrew and understand basic Jewish prayers. Instructor: Moshe Bar Adon Place: Temple Library Time: 7-8:00 p.m. Starts: October 14th (10 week course) Cost: $30.00 members $40.00 non members (Books required at additional charge) Israel Today. Part I. Israel is the land of our People. It is always in the news and a center of world attention. This class will explore Israel today. It will familiarize students with the geography and history of modern day Is?rael. In addition the class will have a lively discussion component allowing students to ask specific questions about modem Israeli society. Instructor: Moshe Bar Adon Place: Temple library Time: 8:00-9:00 p.m. Starts October 14th (5 week course) Cost: $25.00 members, $ 30.00 non members Hebrew Literacy Marathon. This class will be a one day crash course in Hebrew conducted by the Rabbi. It can be taken alone or in addi tiontothelO week course. Instructor: Rabbi Akeslrad Place: Temple Library Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Date: October 7 Cost: $30 members, $50 non members MEAL & SPIEL This popular Saturday morning discussion group is back by popular de?mand! Once a month following Shabbat morning services and some nosherie, Rabbi Akselrad will lead a discussion on theTorah portion of the week and a contemporary Jewish currentevent. Past discussions have included the skinhead problem in Las Vegas, abortion, Israel, the laws of Chanukka, and a Jewish view of the Bible. Instructor: Rabbi Akselrad Place: Temple library Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Dates: October 13,November 10, December 15 TOT SHABBAT Mark your calendars now for this successful program once again this year. Tot Shabbat is a special Sabbath morning program designed for children 2-05 years of age and their siblings. Last year over 80 children participated in the Tot Shabbat program. Geared especially for younger children, Rabbi Akselrad will conduct a special abbreviated service for their chil?dren. Following services, children will participate in exciting arts and crafts proj?ects and have lunch to complete a fun filled morning. Place: Temple sanctuary Time: 10:00 a.m. Dates: October 20, December 8, March 16, May 11 A word about Moshe Bar Adon....Mr. Adon, a new comer to Las Vegas is a 6th generation Sabra (native Israeli). He is a graduate of the Univer?sity of Arizona with a Master of Science Degree. He has taught Hebrew and Israeli politics in New York, and Arizona over the past several years. An exciting and dynamic teacher he will bring the depth of his life experience to both classes. : Congratula?tions New Trustees!! [Wo are verv pleased iff5 > io announce that the Board of Trustees atfjfe the August meeting selected Rita MosedML Malkin and Alan? 5c :#Mann to serve on the of Trustees.!!! .A hese individuals^ will be filling the po- ^ : :g sitions of DvanefSl > Kohnen, the neiv^ Sisterhood Presi- . Spent, and Jeanne|B| jSfSchomaker, our newjM school Principal. ?jJh. Rita has served th ip Temple for many years in many ways, 7 most recently as Ex-ffK ecutive Director. -si Alan, a broker w ith er glDean, Witter,^ MReynolds...brings* - his business exper-f ^ tise to the Board. We * ' believe they will*?-? flboth be a valued-lifl :'sW "JeE i asset to our alrcadv&lst ; C>: * ' m excellent Board. mm i Hr -v. ; ? Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid SISTERHOOD The Temple happily announces the formation of a Mr. & Mrs. Club for members of the congregation. Requirements are that one of the spouses must be 60 or over. It is purely for social purposes. Meetings will be held the second and fourth Sunday of each month beginning in September, 1990. The officers are: Hortense Alper, President; Sam Alper, Vice President; Betty Schloss, Treasurer; Harry Schloss, Finan?cial Secretary; Rita Malkin, Recording Secretary; Herman Malkin, Social Direc?tor; Lillian Wallace, Corresponding Secre?tary; Julian Wallace, Parliamentarian. Additional officers will be ap?pointed in September. For further informa?tion regarding this new social club, please contact Hortense Alper at 732-1311, after 11 a.m. or Rita Malkin at 451 -9412. Dear Seniors: Many thanks to all of our members who participated in making our pot luck luncheon so lovely and hopefully we can do it again real soon as it was very successful and I am very proud to be part of it. Art Gellin entertained us with piano playing and song. Thanks Art for doing such a beautiful job. Mike Cherry spoke with our seniors on August 16th. He told about visiting Egypt and Israel. It was fascinating just to hear him speak. I want to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy New Yer. P. S. Lots of fun happenings are being planned for the rest of the year. I will keep all of you posted. Thank you, Dorothy Herman President SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES To Mrs. Marvin Sedway; From Sisterhood, Condolences onn the loss of your husband. To Dr. & Mrs. Roger Simon; From Bernice May, Condolences on the loss of your father. To Dr. & Mrs. Roger Simon; From The Mishalows, Condolences on the loff of your father. To Denise Schnitzer; From The Mishalows, Condolences on the loss of your mother. To Linda & Steve Chenin; From The Mishalows, Condolences on the loss of Linda?s brother. To Dr. & Mrs. Roger Simon; From Elbe & Irving Joffee, Condolences on the (loss of your father. To Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kahn; From Helen & Bill Zliser, Sympathy on loss of son, Jeff. To Mr. & Mrs. Roy Joffe; From Barbara & Dick Rosen, Congratulations on Grandson?s Bar Mitzvah. To Mr. & Mrs. Phil Rosenfield; From Bernice May, Congratulations on 25th Wedding Anniversary. GOLDEN CHUI NEWS ? a MRS. CLUB W FORMING Page 9 Congregation Ner Tamid DONATIONS GENERAL FUND From Stephanie, Paul & Justin Finklcstein, Mazel Tov to the Schnitzer Family on their new home. May you have years of health and happiness there. From Maryann Jacobson, In memory of Ruth Lipman. From Ken & Linda Schnitzer & Family, In memory of Linda Chenin?s brother Danny Matter. From Steve & Debby Kancr & Family, In memory of Dr. David Simon From Steve, Maxine & Andy Gratz, Best Wishes to Jeanne Schomaker on her new position. A wonderful school year ahead. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy Koh- nen, In memory of Dr. David Simon. Fr