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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June 1990



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    J Cot)?re?atioi? Ner Tarpid Tan no n?ni5 I The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jackie McRitchie, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor June 1990 Sivan - Tammuz 5750 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President Schedule of Services Friday, June 1 8:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Confirmation Oneg Sponsored by Confirmation Class of 1990 Friday, June 8 8:00 P.M. Brotherhood Sabbath Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Baby Naming of Jennifer Bernadette Bernstein Oneg Sponsored by the Bernstein Family Friday, June 15 8:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Bat Mitzvah of Angela Einhom Oneg Sponsored by the Einhom Family Friday, June 22 8:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Baby Naming of Bridgette Lynn Drey fuss Oneg Sponsored by Dreyfuss Family Friday, June 29 8:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Eileen Kollins in honor of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Stem's, 50th Wedding Anniversary NOTE: Sabbath Services in July and August will begin at 7:00p.m. SUMMER FUN!! Summer is quickly approaching and you know what that means -good times with good people. The Temple is planning a number of social functions which will take us to the end of the year with high spirits. June 22nd marks a special date. It is our FIRST Congregational Shabbat Dinner. Before services we will all get together and share food and good conversation. It promises to be a wonderful evening; a chance to get together with old friends and to make some new ones. Please don?t miss this event. Fill out the reservation form in this Bulletin and mail it in soon! A membership drive is planned for the month of July. We have grown tremendously in the past few years and we need to continue. We in the Temple office talk to many new people who have either just moved to Las Vegas or who are thinking of doing so. In fact, two new families joined this week. But we need your help too. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Bring them to Services to see what a warm and friendly Temple we have. Bring them to the Temple office. We would love to welcome them into our Congregational family. Also, on July 6th we will have a ?Sundae Shabbat?. Everyone will make their own ice cream sundae after the Service. Can you imagine more fun?! ?Hello Dolly?, one of the best loved plays of all time will be presented at the Spring Mountain Ranch during the month of August. As in years past, theTemple will have apicnic and Shabbat Service on August 29th. What a great place to bring the family! Also in the month of August (17th) we will have another ?Sundae? Shabbat. See you in June, July & August! June 1 Adolph Kramer Morris Aronoff Frances Rostov Michael Gould Samuel H. Freedman Bessie Chaiken Lena Akselrad Florence Bader Abraham Buffman June 8 William Weintraub Paul N. Meltzer Samuel Kishner Bertha Martin Ben Cohen Clara Routtenberg Alex Adler June 15 Samuel Newman John L. Lewis Rachel Figilski Benjamin Stem Rose Gellin Herman E. Estrin Jennie Asch Jacob Dunn June 22 Herman Nass Louis Seltzer Samuel Cohen Rose Kestenbaum Dora Weintraub Roselyn Goldberg William Goldberg Jack B. Rivkind Evelyn Axenfeld Rebecca Alper June 29 Violet Advocute Herman Harris Minnie H. Ponemon Sid Aberman Jonas Ames Dora Salmon Samuel H. MarkCongregation Ner Tamid RABBI S MESSAGE ?FOLLOWING THE FOOTSTEPS OF GOD? Oftentimes we read prayers and mediation over and over, and then, ?poof? somehow, someway, one of them hits home. For some reason a prayer which has been all too familiar finds renewed meaning, shedding new light on a problem, a belief or a situation. S uch was the case today when I opened up our prayerbook and began reading through some of the introductory reflections. This one gave me pause to ponder: ?Wherever you find God?s footsteps, there is God before you.? As a Rabbi I am often confronted in the course of a week with events, celebrations and sorrows that would occur to someone else over the course of a year or a few years. I can be at a Bris, a wedding, and a funeral in a matter of 24 hours. It is often at these peak moments in people ? s lives that I am questioned. ?Rabbi, what is going on here? My life is so different - everything has changed!? ?Rabbi, I can?t go on without my spouse. My life has no meaning. Rabbi, Why? Why me?" With the atmosphere so charged with emotional electricity, I often take a few moments to reflect about how moments in time change our lives so drastically. What we seek so often in life is a map to guide us through life?s challenges and emotional peaks and valleys. I often ponder, ?But where does such a map exist?? Our tradition responds: ?Wherever you find God?s footsteps, there is God before you.? I suppose one reason why I became a Rabbi is to fulfill my own need to find God. Over and over again. To be sure when things are happy and going well, faith is never a challenge, it is taken for granted. Ah, but when times are tough, faith is often hard to maintain. And paradoxically that is when faith is needed the most. How is it possible to maintain our faith, to find our ?map?? By looking for God?s footsteps. By following His path and knowing that we walk in the path of the Holy and Sacred. Our faith is the light which illuminates the path left behind by God. Our deeds give us the energy to pursue this path. And our heritage forms the vehicle through which we travel through time and space towards God. And too, knowing that God has walked before me allows me to understand that there is a reason and a purpose. I may not understand now, perhaps not ever that eternal ?Why?. But somehow, someway, I know there is a reason. And when I ponder, I am encouraged once again, to walk forward towards the footsteps of God. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi DO YOU LIKE TO SING? Our choir is no w beginning to rehearse for the High Holidays. If you would like to join our choir, please call the Temple office at 733-6292. Better yet, why not come to a rehearsal. Rehearsals are at the Temple Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. o BAT MITZVAH Hi! My name is Jill Stein- house and I am in the 7th grade at Woodbury Jr. High. I belong to the National Junior Honor Society, Select Choir, and Honor Choir. I love to talk on the phone, bowl, swim, and play baseball as my hobbies. I also love to sing. I wanH to be a pediatrician when I grow up. My upcoming Bat Mitzvah is on Saturday, June 23rd and I just can?t wait. I thank my grandpa Stan Dreyfuss for helping me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah. BOARD POSITION OPEN We are happy and sad at the same time to announce that we have aposition on the Board of Directors, effective July 1, 1990. Dyane Ko- hnen will be leaving the Board as Trustee to take the position of Sis?terhood President. If you are inter?ested in getting involved and would like to serve the remainder of thi4 term, please contact Ruth in the Temple office - 733-6292. Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid DON'T FORGET!! JULY & AUGUST SERVICES WILL BE HELD 7:00 P.M. President's Message As hard as it is to believe, another school year is behind us. There are many people to thank for our religious school growing in strength, stature and size. Both Bobbie Bemay, Vice President of Education and Jackie McRitchie, Principal, took over during the year and were able to keep things running without missing a beat. Our staff, the Rabbi, the teachers and teachers aids, worked efficiently and effectively to insure our children would have a positive and productive educa?tional experience. We publicly honored them at Shab- bat Services on May 13th and want them to know they are all special people. Many parents also gave of their time and talents, as room parents and for holiday and art projects. Thank you to all of you. Our Sisterhood ended their busy year with a Sisterhood Shabbat, a lively donor luncheon and a potluck dinner. Another luncheon will take place this month. We want to thank Hortense Alper, her Board and membership for their past year of devoted service to the Temple. Mazel Tov to Rose Dunn, our first recipient of the Great Lady award, established by Leo Wilner to honor his beloved late Great Lady, Mickey. We all look forward to the more relaxed pace of summer. Remember our summer congregational Shabbat dinner on June 22nd. Also Sabbath services are going to be at 7:00 p.m. during the months of July and August again this year! We look forward to our annual Shabbat picnic dinner and the show at Spring Mountain Ranch (to be held this year on August 24th. More information will be available on this fun event later. On June 29th I would like to invite everyone to join my children and myself as we sponsor the Oneg Shabbat to honor my parents ont he occasion of their 50th Anniversary. Hoping to see you then. Have a happy and healthy summer! Shalom, Eileen COME JOIN US FOR OUR SHABBAT DINNER FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1990 6:00 PM. RSVPAMUST DEADLINE JUNE 15TH FOOD, FUN & LOTS OF GOOD CONVERSATION JOIN US!!! COST: Temple Members Adults $8.00 Children (3-12) $4.00 Non-Temple Members Adults $9.00 Children (3-12) $5.00 Your check is your reservation. NO checks taken at door. MAIL YOUR CHECK to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 NAME:______ TELEPHONE:. ADULTS:____ CHILDREN^ For more information contact Maxine Gratz 438-7512 or the Temple Office 733-6292 Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid THE GATES OF REPENTANCE HIGH HOLIDAYS PRAYER BOOK ORDER FORM Every member should purchase their own prayer books I I | Name:_____________________ I Address:__________________ I City/State/Zip:_____________ Number of copies:__________ Price per Prayer Book is $18.00 Please enclose names rr THANK YOU To Joseph Schwartz for his donation to buy our file cabi?net. He also donated to Ken Schnitzer?s roast. To Maurice Kronick for his donation of clothes for those in need. To Lou Buffman and Earl Burkons - we can?t believe it - donation of complete (8 termi?nals, 2 printers and main frame) Texas Instruments computer system To Hortense & Sam Alper for their generous donation to our Choir fund. To Sisterhood for their do?nation of monies to help the Temple To Golden Chai for their donation of monies to help the Temple To Temma Rosenberg for the wonderful books donated to our library. To Mrs. Glen Raynes for the dishes and gadgets for our kitchen. To Mr. Glen Raynes for the Star?s Baseball Tickets. iL f TEMPLE WISH LIST ' 1. Books for our Library 2. Incidental Kitchen items or $100 3. Regular staplers or $25 4. Two whole punches or $25 5. Freezer for the kitchen or $350 V_______________________/ OUTREACH TO HOLD FAMILY PICNIC Congregation Ner Tamid Outreach will be capping off its first successful year with a family picnic. It will be held on June 3rd from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Paradise Park located at 4770 So. Harrison Drive. The main focus of the day will be fun and relaxation with friends and family. We will have a discussion covering this years events and will gather ideas for next year. We ask that each family bring their own main course and side dishes. All compliments and beverages will be supplied. Barbecues are available at the park. The picnic is open to the community. The Outreach Program is co-sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid and Jewish Family Service Agency. For further informa?tion please call Jay or Joan Poster at 876-1660 or call the Temple office. if you wish the book to be inscribed. r NEW IN TOWN ???? I My check for $_____________ I is enclosed. I______________________________I Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing information on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee 1 Mary Fox.................................... ......................456-4452 Please mail to : | 1 Sheryl Kogan.............................. Jack Nitzkin................................ ......................873-7769 ......................435-1932 Congregation Ner Tamid Rita Moses.................................. ......................451-9412 2761 Emerson Aveue Dyane Kohnen............................ Jeanne Schomaker..................... ......................870-2204 ......................362-4384 Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 | 1 Janice Rounds............................. Barbara Rosen............................ ......................896-1662 ......................454-5060 Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid HOW CAN I HFI D7 :: An often asked, question by Congregants and friends of our Congregation is, "How can I best help the Temple? What are some areas where / can specifically sup?port the Temple?? There are many, many needs. The following list, to be printed in our bulletin from time to time, describes some of the many funds that we have at the Temple. Contributions to these funds are acknowledged in our monthly bulle?tin. ADULT EDUCATION: This fund pro?vides support for many educational pro?grams throughout the year. Contribu?tions to this fund will allow us to provide courses and speakers of Jewish content to our Congregants and the community. ART & BEAUTIFICATION: This fund provides support for beautifying both the exterior and interior of our Temple. Con?tribution to this fund allow us to maintain our Temple grounds and to purchases art work, furniture and other decorative item s for the Temple. BUILDING FUND: Contributions to this fund go towards maintaining our fa?cility. In addition gifts to this fund will help us attain our goal of building addi?tional classrooms, office space and our Sanctuary. CHOIR: Contributions to this fund pro?vides support for our Choir. This fund will be used to purchase robes, music and another items to support the Choir. FLOWER FUND: Assists the Temple in purchasing flowers to adorn our pulpit for special events. GENERAL FUND: Provides for the overall maintaining of ourTemplebudget. Membership dues provide only a portion of what it takes to run our Temple. Generous support of this fund allows our Temple to grow and provide additional creative programs to our membership. KOL NIDRE APPEAL: Only 60% of our Temple budget comes from dues. The remainder must be made up of con?tributions to the Temple. The annual ?Kol Nidre Appeal? typically publicized at High Holiday time is the major means by which ourTcmple is able to sustain itself. LIBRARY FUND: Our fledgling li?brary is in need of something very impor?tant-books! ThisfundallowstheTemple to purchase books on Jewish topics both fiction and non-fiction. Many in the Temple and especially the children in our religious school are regular visitors to our library. Our need for a larger number and a greater variety of books is deeply felt. M.B. DALITZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND: This fund is used to bolster our Religious School. OUTREACH FUND: This special pro?gram began at our Temple in 1989. Out??reach is a program designed to provide programming and support to inter-faith couples and their families. Outreach helps integrate such families into Con?gregational life by providing social and educational programs on a variety of Jewish topics. Over a hundred people have participated our first year in this vitally needed program. PRAYERBOOK FUND: Purchasing a prayerbook for either the High Holydays or Shabbat is a lovely way to pay tribute to a loved one. PRESCHOOL FUND: Contributions to this fund go to support a preschool at our Temple. Monies are used for play equip?ment, educational toys, and many other supplies which will insure that our school is fun and exciting to our youngest chil?dren. RABBI?S DISCRETIONARY FUND: This fund allows our Rabbi to provide support for creative programs at the Temple which are not yet part of our yearly budget. In addition, this fund al?lows theRabbi to help many in ourTemple and in the community who are in need of temporary aid to help them through a difficult time. TEMPLE AUXILIARIES: Each of our auxiliaries, Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Golden Chai have their own special funds which allow them to support a variety of worthwhile endeavors. From oneg Shab- bats to Camperships, from our gift shop to youth activities and Senior activities, our auxiliaries provide much needed support to a variety of special programs. TEMPLE WISH LIST: Very often there are items needed for the Temple which can often be easily donated by Congre?gants who are remodeling their home or updating their office equipment. YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND: This fund provides support to our youth programs and youth groups. Our Temple has three youth groups, NTTY- Ner Tamid Temple Youth, for 9-12th grades; TNT-Teens of Ner Tamid, for 6- 8th grades; and ?ITTY-BITTY-NITTY? for 2-5th grades. Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid RELIGIOUS CfTMPERSHIPS GIVEN TO 4 LUCKY STUDENTS On Friday evening Shabbat Services on May 13th, Sisterhood presented their first Campership Awards. The honored recipients were: Brian Franki Jeremy Kohnen Dustin Tiep Judy Kollins Chairperson, Dyane Kohnen, awarded these merit camperships to chil?dren going to Jewish camps of their choice. ATTENTION: EDUCATORS!!!! WHY NOT BECOME A RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TEACHER????? CONGREGATION NER TAMID IS CURRENTLY HIRING HEBREW & SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR FALL 1990. IN ADDITION, WE ARE LOOKING FOR A DIRECTOR IN ANTICIPATION OF OUR FALL PRESCHOOL PROGRAM. IF YOU?RE INTERESTED, PLEASE CALL RABBI AKSELRAD AT 733-6292 YOU ARE WANTED AND NEEDED!!!! Jewish Family Services Supports Outreach Program At its May Board meeting, the Jewish Family Service of Las Vegas approved a proposal to become a co?sponsor of Congregation Ner Tamid?s Outreach program. This joint venture should further insure that Outreach has a broad base ap?peal reaching out to many segments of their Community. Outreach is a national program designed to integrate interfaith couples into Congregational life. In addition, Outreach provides pro?grams throughout the year that are both social and informative. Pro?grams in the past have included workshops on Chanukka and Pass- over. Outreach also seeks to become a forum for discussing issues rele?vant to inter-faith couples and their families. One such special program offered this year was a discussion led by two psychologists. Launched by Ner Tamid last Fall, and chaired by Lois Doctors, this program has already received broad praise and participation by our community. In commenting on the decision of Jewish Family Serv?ice to become involved with Out?reach Bill Feldman, the Executive Director of JFS noted ?The issues of inter- marriage are important ones all across America. We in Las Vegas must develop special pro?grams to help educate and integrate such families in our own commu?nity. Jewish Family Service is de?lighted to become involved with this successful program. Through our mutual cooperation I know that Out?reach will reach out to even more families throughout the Las Vegas Community.? If you are interested in becoming involved in Outreach, please call the Temple office at ...733-6292. ATTENTION: PARENTS!!! If you have a child en?tering Kindergarten to 8th grade they should be enrolled in Religious School this fall. If you have not received your registration form in the mail, please call the Temple office 733-6292 and we will send you one. Please register early as classes with fill up soon. TELL & KVELL CONGRATULATIONS to all our June graduates!! Congratulations to Justin Finkelstein and Larry Schnitzer, students at Chaparral High School and Allison Schnitzer, a stu?dent at Matt Kelley for achieving straight A?s for the third report card. Your family and friends are very proud of you! Congratulations to David Mendel- son for being promoted to Principal of C.T. Sewell in Henderson. Congratulations to Micah Gold?smith, she came in FIRST in the Chaparral Earth/Space Science Division and SEC?OND in the Clark County Earth/Space Science Division. Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ?SCHOOL NEWS CONGREGATION NER TAMID PRESENTS ?NER YELADIM? (Light of the Children) A SUMMER DAY CAMP YOUTH PROGRAM DO YOU WfiNT TO MAKE & DIFFERENCE??? DO YOU CARE ABOUT JEWISH EDUCATION??? JUNE 11 - JUNE 15 JUNE 18-JUNE 22 JUNE 25-JUNE 29 JULY 2-JULY 6 PLACE: CON GREG A TION NER TAMID TIME: Four ONE Week Sessions 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Monday through Friday COST: $75 per week per child - members 90 per week per child - non-members Activities to include art projects, cooking and baking, drama, music, workshops, Israeli dance and Judaica Each week features an independent curriculum. Register for one, two, three or all four weeks. Open to youngsters from Kindergarten thru 4th grade. Please call the Temple office at 733-6292 today!!!!! Space is limited! Reserve a space for your child!!! Melissa Glovinsky & Karen Straus Co-Directors Congregation Ner Tamid, a Reform Congregation, is seeking a Religious School Principal for its Sunday School. This position is part time, with very flexible hours. We are also looking to fill a brand new position, Preschool Director to di?rect our new Preschool program. Both of these positions would start mid-summer and would require someone with good administrative skills and a background in educa?tion. There is the possibility of combining these positions to create a full time job. If interested please call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292. SCHOOL WISH LIST 1. Paper cutter 2. Wall clocks 3. Records or tapes of Jewish music 4. Mini blinds for classrooms 5. Children?s books for our library 6. A set of recent encyclopedias 7. Dictionaries Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES To Mrs. Samuel Block; From Bernice Etcoff; Sympathy on loss of husband To Norma Holanov; From Helen and B ill Zliser; Happy Birthday To Mrs. Joel Meyer; From Helen and Bill Zliser; Happy Birthday To Kenny Schnitzer; From Arthur and Judy Liebert; Congratulations on being honored by the Temple To Judy Kollins; From Rita and Herman M alkin; Speedy recovery To Ronae Fink; From Helen and Bill Zliser; Sympathy on loss of father To Sylvia Shaw; From Helen and Bill Zliser; Sympathy on loss of family members To Cal and Phyllis Lewis; From Mary and Jerry Fox; Mazel Tov on Wendy?s graduation from use To Cal and Phyllis Lewis; From Mary and Jerry Fox; Mazel Tov on David?s graduation from medical school To Dyane Kohnen; From Rita and Herman Malkin; Well wishes and continued good health To Lois and Malcolm Doctors; From Rita and Herman Malkin; Nachas on your children?s simehas To Phyllis and Cal Lewis; From Rita and Her?man Malkin; Congratulations on daughters graduation To Melanie Greenberg; From Etcoff family; Speedy recovery To Helain Heller; From Helen and Bill Zliser; Sympathy on loss of husband To Cal and Phyllis Lewis; From Eileen Kollins; Congratulations on your daughter Wendy?s college graduation and your son David?s gradu?ation from medical school To Barbara Rosen; From Eileen Kollins; Happy Birthday To Bernice May; From Eileen Kollins; Congratulations on the birth of your grandson Sidney Boruszak CNT OR* GOLDEN CHfil Dear Seniors: It is article writing time again and here I go again wanting to tell all of our Seniors the exciting news. We will be having a poker tournament on the 7th of June and a pan tournament on the 21st of June. There will be no buy in. It is free of charge to all members and visitors. Prizes will be given to the winners. Please contact Helen Zliser or Ida Blumenthal as I am sure that they have all the answers. I have gotten marvelous entertainment for July 19th. ?Jasmine? with the Golden Tappers will be our entertainment for July 19th. They are fantastic. Please don?t miss this! Thank you, Dorothy Herman President Sisterhood Installation Congregation Ner Tamid 1990 -1991 Join us for Lunch, Music and Chocolate as we install our new officers and bid farewell to our Outstanding Board on Sunday, the tenth of June at half past eleven o'clock The Las Vegas Country Club 3000 Joe W. Brown Drive Your check for $15 to the Temple office is your reservation - guests are welcome at the same price. R.S.V.P. by June 6th Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid GfiNIZATIONS SISTERHOOD NEWS I would like to update you on what has been transpiring with regard to Sisterhood. Without further delay the Sisterhood News follows: SISTERHOOD SABBATH (May 4th) Participants: Hortense Alper (Current President) Mary Fox (Past President) Rose Dunn (Past President) Sophie Pisetsky Rita Moses Malkin (Trustee) Eileen Kollins (President of the Temple) Joni Akselrad The choir sang beautifully, Hortense Alper did the sermon and the candle light?ing. Thanks also go to Sophie Pisetsky and Ruth Fite (Executive Director) for a lovely Oneg. DONOR LUNCHEON (May 6th) Co-chaired by: Barbara Rosen, Marlene Sherman & Debbie Stone At Santa Fe Restaurant As this is a Mexican Restaurant, a festive time was had by all, and the general opinion was ?muy bueno? (very good)! Thanks go to the following people who so graciously donated the prizes, and to Gail Allen Godorov for arranging them & picking them up: Marty Jacobs - Great Earth Vitamins Len Millman - Blinds for Less Jerry Goldfarb - Son of a Beach Tanning Salon Hal Spivock - Mazzio?s Pizza Dr. William Canada Rita Moses Malkin & Debbie Stone also were responsible for some fine prizes. The one order of business that was to be taken care of on that day was the presenta?tion of ?The Great Lady? Award which was donated by Leo Wilner in memory of his late wife Mildred (Mickey) Wilner. This honor is to be given annually to the most de?serving congregant who participates, as well as helps to make Congregation Ner Tamid a better home for the Jewish com?munity. This year the award went to Rose Dunn, who best exemplifies the qualities previously stated. It was a most deserving award, to a most gracious lady (and congre?gant). Rose is a Past President of our Sisterhood. Currently she is parliamentar?ian and she is an avid worshipper at Friday Evening services (and a very steady one at that). She teaches Religious School (Sun?day mornings) and is quite active in the gift shop. We must not forget her biggest productions - Leslie & Steven. SISTERHOOD ELECTIONS (May 10th) On May 10th (Thursday evening) we had our Sisterhood Elections for the new officers that will take over in Septem?ber. The slate that was originally presented to the Sisterhood Membership by the Nomi?nating Committee was voted on (exactly as presented), and the winners (and new Offi?cers of the Sisterhood Board 1990-91 PRESIDENT: DYANE KOHNEN V.P. WAYS & MEANS: AUDREY MISHALOW V.P. WAYS & MEANS: SANDY EWAN V.P. PROGRAMMING: ELLIE JOFFE V.P. PROGRAMMING: MARLENE SHERMAN V.P. MEMBERSHIP: BARBARA ROSEN V.P. MEMBERSHIP: NINA TIEP RECORDING SECRETARY: FRANCES KLAMIAN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: MARNI DIAMOND TREASURER: HELEN ZLISER Just preceding the Elections we had a Pot Luck Dinner (consisting of every member in attendance bringing a ?surprise dish?). It was a fun-filled evening! INSTALLATION LUNCHEON Our last order of business is to in?form you that our Installation Luncheon (for our incoming and outgoing officers for the Sisterhood) will be held at Las Vegas Country Club, 3000 Joe W. Brown Drive (opposite the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel) on June 10th at 12:00 (Noon). It will be a buffet & there will be entertainment (for your enjoyment). The charge will be $ 15.00 per person. All checks are to be made payable to Sisterhood - Congregation Ner Tamid, and received by the office no later than June 7th (Thursday). Our mailing address is as follows: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Reservations are a must! Your check will be your receipt. In closing, (since this is our last message until the fall - September) we would like to take this opportunity from the entire Sisterhood Board (1989-90) to wish you all a very pleasant summer. For our part, we are going to take the summer to re?charge our batteries so that we can come back in the fall completely energized for the new Sisterhood year. Our new Presi?dent will be presiding (Dyane Kohnen), with her new board (and we look forward to a very productive year). I look forward to communicating with you again in the fall. Rosalie Lipton Page 9 Congregation Ner Tamid TRIBUTES To Mr. and Mrs. Ron Worth; From The Chenins; Congratulations on your son Robbie?s Bar Mitzvah To Robbie Worth; From Linda, Steven, David, Danny and Dougie Chenin; Mazel Tov Robbie on your Bar Mitzvah, with love To Gene Block; From Lewis & Marilyn Etcoff; In memory of Samuel Block To Ken & Lillian Glickcn; From the Etcoff Family; In memory of molher To Dale & Amy Glicken; From the Etcoff Family; In memory of grandmother To Ken & Linda Schnitzer; From the Etcoff Family; Congratulationson your new home To Mrs. J. Potasky & Family; From Herb Sachs; In memory of Mrs. Harry Maybrook To Mrs. J. Potasky & Family; From Annette & David Weinstein; In memory of Mrs. Harry Maybrook To Ms. Bobbie Eiger; From Helen Mendel- son; In memory of your husband, Mickey To Ken Schnitzer; From Cal & Phyllis Lewis; Dear Ken, you earned it, kid. Good job! To Mrs. Muriel Pivovar & Family; From Helen Mendelson; In loving memory of your beloved husband, Irving To Gloria Sheer; From Mr. & Mrs. Ponitch; In memory of Penny Sheer To David Mendelson; From Norccn, Gary and Adam Sternberg; Congratulations on your promotion To David Mendelson; From Carol & Nor?man Sussman; They got the cream of the crop! Congratulations. To Sandy Goldman; From Ira, Judy & Jason Goldman; In memory of Ralph Goldman BIRTHDAYS Jerome Bader Natalie Berger Stuart Berger LesBerman Rachel Berman Anthony Bock Charles Bock Yale Bock Louis Bradfield Jerry Cohen Sandy Cohen Michael Cummins Renee Diamond Steven Doctors Bruce Einhom Susan Einhom Scott Ewait William Feldman Zachary Goldberg Jonathan Goldsmith Alison Goldstein Sara Gordon Rhonda Glyman Dorothy Herman Emma Hogan Shirley Jackson LuanaJaffe Evan Kaner Debra Kaner Jennifer Katz Debra Katz Jeffrey Katz Michael Kessler FranLipshaw Lawrence Levine Cheryl Miller Harold Miller Justin Mishalow Jill Nardozzi JuneNewmark Barbara Nitzkin Claire Prezant Sylvia Rosen Morris Raynes Glenn Raynes David Saltman Kathleen Schaefer Betty Schloss Dennis Stein Sy Silverman David Stahl Rebecca Taylor Douglas Unger Sylvia Wcxler Lillian Wallace John Wanderer : TREE CERTIFICATES To Mr. & Mrs. Kedric Basset; From Mor?gan Davis; In honor of Riley Morgan Bas?set To Mrs. Annette Diamond & Family; From Arlene & Sid Diamond & Family; In loving memory of Phil Diamond To Mrs. Ruth Saveli & Family; From Nancy & Jeff Sloane; In memory of Uncle Mac PRAYER BOOK To Temple; From Ethel & Allen Volpa; In memory of Shirley Malamud To Ruth Saveli & Family; From Nancy & Jeff Sloane; In memory of Uncle Mac To Carol Raizin & Family; From Jeffrey Katz; In memory of Mollie Ackerman To Temple; From Hope Cummins; In memory of father Samuel Bierman RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FOND From Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cohen; in honor of their son Aaron?s Bar Mitzvah. From John & Freda Vinnik; In memory of George Vinnik RNIilVERSfiRIES Stanley & Jessica Dreyfuss Jack & Madelyn Nitzkin Ben & Beth Sprague Harvey & Linda Eisner Alfred & Arlync Gerstler Scott & Barbara Ober George & Fran Lipshaw Michael & Sonja Saltman Peter & Linda Fishman Lloyd & Martha Reiser Harold & Naomi Goldsmith Leo & Renee Diamond Steven & Debra Kaner Jack & Judith Mutnick Gilbert & Natalie Shaw Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid OURSUPPORTERS C REAT1VE Safari INC. (702) 258-0185 Draperies Bed Spreads Verticals Mini Blinds AND SO ON BOW or GEORGE 6750 Del Ray Ave. #112 L.V., NV 89102 ARTISTIC VIDEO _________mmaiois (702) 877-6200 BUSINESS (702) 870-9790 RESIDENCE (702) 877-9843 FAX MARILYN B. GLOVINSKY i?Fai ton* COI DWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE onus RANH in DRIVE SURE ' LAS VEGAS NV 89106 2290 East Flamingo Road. Suite E ? La; > Nevada 89119 PLANNING A WEDDING. PARTY. BARMITZVAH OR ANY SPECIAL EVENT- KEEP THOSE MEMORIES FRESH HAVE IT VIDEO TAPE GIVE US A CALL (702) 733-1001 State Contractor # C1-15912 Fire Protection G-46 | SPRING VALLEY PLUMBING, INC.I 4300 North Pecos Road. No.-28 Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 Eiferman?s Health Club 953 E. Sahara Ave. Suite 11A (Commercial Center) 733-1533 Open 24 Hrs. Steven M. Smith OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Centum 21 HAU REALTY 6020 West Flamingo. #15 Las Vegas. Nevada 89103 Business (702) 362-7330 Pager 389-3334 BONNIE GROSS Sales Executive Multi Million Dollar C