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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1990



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    Ccpgregatici? Ner Tarpid TDD is rfrip The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jackie McRitchie, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor March 1990 Adar - Nisan 5750 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President Schedule of Services Friday March 2, 1990 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Mamie Spiezer Bat Mitzvah Friday - 7:30 p.m. * March 9,1990 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Purim Family Service Children should come in costume Friday March 16, 1990 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Friday March 23, 1990 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Friday March 20, 1990 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Friday - At Temple Beth Shalom April 6,1990 Special Joint Services *Please Note Time for Service YfihRZEITS March 2 March 9 Margh-M March 23 John R. Herman Jeanette Sarah Bradfield Mike Berger Harry Raynes Samuel Chamson Aaron Jacob Wasserman Irving Merkin Max Farber Jack Raderman Bruce Mark Barrie Belle Goldberg Norman Mark Frances Mocagni Julian Rivkind Abraham Rosenblum Sadie Glickman James Edward Ohriner Florence Malkin Irving Fenster Anna Ginsberg Helen Paddlin Melvin Layton Edward Kramer Irene Rosenberg Christina Linda Gerstem Daniel Rosenfeld Tony Bergman John Elman Anna Rivkind Nettie Schwartz Louis Schnitzer Jean Becker Emanuel Scolar Lewis E. Socolow Abraham Ginsberg Gayle Leslie Nathanson March 30 Benjamin Sefman Louis Gittleson Jack Appleby Ada Solomon Sidney Warren Louis G. LangCongregation Ner Tamid Rabbi's Message Jewish humor has often been characterized as ?laughter through tears?. Our humor has been noted for its ability to point to Jewish misfortune with an ironic twist that allows us to somehow laugh at our situation and/or those who have sought to persecute our people. Laughter has been one of the great coping mechanisms of our culture allowing us to persevere even, and especially when times are tough. One can only speculate how this cultural trait developed, but it is interesting to note that such traits are evident in our observance of the holiday of Purim. After all Purim recounts the dastardly plot of Haman (boo-hiss!) to destroy all of the Jews living in ancient Persia. Ultimately the Jews were victorious and we have been celebrating our good fortune ever since. Yet our observance brings with it our unique sense of humor. On the one hand Purim points to the very serious and perennial problem of antisemitism. The holiday reminds us of the importance of the individual (as evidenced by Esther and Mordechai) in helping to save the group. And too, we are reminded of God?s restrained, yet ever present help ?. ..If you hold your peace at this time, then will relief and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place. "(Esther 4:14)". Each of these points is an important one and indeed relevant to our tackling antisemitism today. On the other hand, we are also asked to celebrate in wild fashion, don silly costumes, and stamp our feet at the mention of you know who! Indeed, in ancient times many of the Rabbis argued that the story of Purim should not be included in the Bible because no specific mention of God?s name is found in the story and hence for this and other reasons it?s validity was not to be taken seriously. So what is the ernes? In typically Jewish fashion, I answer, both are true. For both are our reality. We have had in our history moments of great joy and exaltation, and moments of tragedy. We have faced our crisises with great se?riousness, and yet we have also been able to deal with the harshness of our reality through our humor. And while antisemitism is no laughing matter, perhaps our wild merry making makes an unpleasant subject a little more palatable. And hence a little easier to remember. Friday, March 9th at 7:30 p.m. marks our Purim family service and March 11th at 12:00 noon marks our Purim Carnival. See you there! B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi JEWISH LECTURE SERIES ? Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin is the third speaker in the Annual Jewish Community Lecture Series of Las Vegas, Sunday, March 18th at 7:30 p.m. Temple Beth Shalom is this year?s facility host. Community- involved individuals, organizations and all five congregations bring the four evenings to the general public at no charge. Rabbi Zeldin founded the Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles in 1964 which has become the largest Jewish congregation in the West and the second-largest in the world. It is a complex of eleven buildings serving more than 2,800 families, with approximately 2,000 children in its various programs, including a full time Day School with grades K-8. The Rabbi has been involved in academic life, sits on many locsl and national boards including th? Zionist Organization of America, the UCLA Medical Ethics Commit?tee, and the Board of Directors of the Hebrew Union College. He is a frequent contributor of articles on contemporary issues to newspapers and journals. He has chosen the topic ?Is Modem Judaism Becom?ing a Secular Religion?. Members of our community are telling us we are very fortunate in the Rabbi?s accepting the Las Vegas invitation to be part of this series. SPECIAL SERVICES APRIL 6th AT BETH SHALOM Dennis Prager, a renowned author and lecturer, will be in town for a weekend retreat. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the retreat will begin with Shabbat Services on Friday, April 6, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. There will be no Shabbat Services at Congregation Ner Tamid on April 6. We will join Temple Beth Shalom and the other congregations in town for a special service. Called by B?Nai B?Brith ?perhaps the most eloquent speaker of his generation?, Prager has lectured all ovei the world. We believe this will be an event that should not be missed. Please remember that April 6 Shabbat Serv?ices will be held at Beth Shalom at 8:00 p.m. Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid UNION OF AMERICAN HE?BREW CONGREGATIONS Rabbi Akselrad and Eileen Kollins are lead?ing a delegation to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Pacific Southwest Council. This sub-regional conference will be April 21st - 22nd at Temple Beth Shalom in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Pray, study, and share ideas with Jews from all over Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and West Texas. If you are interested in attending, please call the Temple office at 733-6292. Presidents Message The month of February was a busy one at Ner Tamid. Our calendar was filled with family simchas, B?nai Mitzvah ceremonies and weddings. We also enjoyed a creative service by our senior youth group, NTTY, activities for Golden Chai, Sisterhood, Broth?erhood, and our junior youth group, TNT. February was also a month of Mitzvot. Thank-you to all who contributed to our soap, shampoo, and towel collection for the needy. Also thanks for your support of NTTY ? s can drive and newspaper collection, with proceeds going to environmental agen?cies. A commandment of Purim is to provide for the poor. We have fulfilled this religious mandate appropriately. As March arrives we have an equally busy calendar. We hope to see each of you throughout the month, especially at our Pu?rim celebration on March 9th. That is the one night we encourage noise in the sanctuary, as we recall the triumph of Jews of old, led by brave Esther challenging evil Haman. Also mark your calendar for our Temple Seder on April 9th, a celebration for our congrega?tional family. I appreciate all the Ner Tamid mem?bers (adult and teenagers too) who volun?teered at the Jewish Federation?s Super Sunday. We were well represented as an important and viable part or the Las Vegas Jewish community. A special thank-you to Gil Shaw for his outstanding and prolific press releases in the Jewish and secular newspapers. Eileen TRADITIONAL PASSOVER SEDER Congregation Ner Tamid will be having a traditional seder at the Temple. 2761 Emerson Avenue, on Monday night. April 9,1990 at 6:15 p.m. Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad will conduct the seder The following will be served: Traditional Seder Plate * Matzos * Wine Gefilte Fish * Chicken soup with Matzo Balls Brisket & Chicken * Matzo Kugel * Carrot Tzimmes Dessert * Coffee * Tea Charge to Members: Adults $30.00 Children 12 & under $15.00 Non-Members: Adults $35.00 Children 12 & under $20 Reservations for dinner should be made by April 1 MAIL CHECKS TO : Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121 Note___________________________________________________________ How many will attend: Adults________________Children____________ Your check is your reservation Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid (f \ UPDATE ON MITZVAH PROJ?ECTS THANK YOU to every?one who has so generously do?nated items for our monthly mitz- vah project. The containers are filling fast. Don?t forget - you still have time to donate those faded towels, soap, shampoo, etc. This project will run through Feb?ruary. And be on the lookout for information on next month?s project. ^ j) f N YOUR INVITED TO: NATE MACK LAS VEGAS LODGE OF B?NAI B?RITH SPEAKER: LT. COL. ITZHAK ITZHAKI ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES (RET) r................................................. : WERE YOU ONCE fi j CfiMPER OR = : STfiFF fiT CfiMP : : SWIG? UAHC CAMP SWIG (SARATOGA) ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WEEKEND RETREAT MAY 18-20, 1990 A CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS AND ARTISTS . Come home to Saratoga . See old Camp friends . Weekend Scholar, Rabbi Joe Glaser . Farewell dinner for Helen Burke . Programs for children and adults Fees range from $65 to $125. Come for just the day on Saturday or for a dinner honor?ing Helen Burke on Sunday. For information contact Judy Schin?dler, UAHC Camp Swig, (415) 392-7080. TOPIC: JERUSALEM: RISE AND FALL DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1990 TIME: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: TEMPLE BETH SHALOM 1600 E. OAKEY REFRESHMENTS: WILL BE SERVED FOR INFORMATION: CALL DR. LARRY LEHRNER 877-1887 V_______________) OOPS!!! % Our printer did it again. He has promised to be more careful in the future. Alfred Rostov made a dona?tion in memory of Celine Rosen- thal. May & Nathanial Raichelle's anniversary is in March, notFeb- ruary. We missed Benjamin Stone's Birthday in February - sorry! We also apologize to Lilyan & Solomon Goldberg for miss?ing their anniversary in Febru?ary. & PRAYER Have you noticed that many of our congregants have been without prayer books at our well attended services? WE NEED HELP IN PURCHAS?ING MORE PRAYER BOOKS. This can be a beautiful way to honor your loved ones. Contact the Temple office for further information - 733-6292. V___________________________, THANKS!!! Thanks go this month to Dr. Frederick and Carol Siegel for their donation of landscap?ing for our courtyard. The work is finished and will add much beauty and joy to our Temple for years to come. Thanks also go to Tiny Kaplan for his dona?tion of copier paper. Tiny al?ways comes through when we need him. \ TEMPLE J WISH LIST ; We truly appreciate the generosity of those who help our wishes come true ? 1. Film Strip Projector or $200 - 2. Bulletin Board with glass cover or $100 3. Slide projector or $250 4. Electric stapler or $100 5. File Cabinet or $75 I 6. Incidental Kitchen items or I $100 v._______________J Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid THE PREfiM. AGAIN In all of Jewish history, there have been no more than ten or so dates that will be remembered as long as there are Jews to remember things. Most generations of Jews have lived and have died without ever witnessing the decisive turns of Jewish history except through the clouds of memory. Yet, within the lifetime of our own generation, these clouds have parted not once, but twice, and we have seen the turning with our own eyes. First was the Kingdom of Night, then was the rebirth of the Republic of Hope. And now there is the Reunion, the great homecoming of hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of Jews from the Soviet Union, yesterday?s trickle becomes today?s flow, tomorrow?s flood. Through the tumultuous years of modem Israel?s brief history, there have been moments of pure vindi?cation, moments when all complexity has disappeared and the elemental reason for a Jewish State has stood in stark and pure relief. The mass immigration in the late 1940s and early 1950s, from the displaced persons? camps of Europe and from North Africa; years later, Operation Moses, the rescue of Ethiopian Jews; now, Operation Exodus, perhaps as many as a million and a half Soviet Jews ingathered, welcomed. For the Soviet Jews themselves, the new freedom means, at least, the chance to build a life far from the quickening curse of anti-Semitism. For the Jews of Israel, thenew freedom means the renewal of adream that some had supposed was obsolete, the chance to refresh the authentic purposes of a Jewish national home. And for us, for the Jews of North America, there is an essential role to play in the fulfillment of this new chapter of our people?s dream. Two years ago, a quarter of a million of us gathered in Washington to speak for the freedom of our people. That freedom is now ours to enable. B ut freedom is no free. To bring masses of Soviet Jews to Israel means to provide housing, schools, jobs, lest the invitation to a new life prove a cruel and bitter hoax, lest the reunion sour. Here are Jews, eager to come; here is a nation eager to receive them. But they cannot come and they will not if there is nowhere for them to live, to learn, to work. Plainly, it is our task to provide the resources that will translate the dream of freedom into the reality of reunion. As plainly, we want and mean to be more than passive financiers as that translation is written into our people?s history. We want and mean to be partners with the Soviet Jews and partners with the Israelis, going beyond the raising of dollars and the signing of checks to help ensure that every dollar that is spent is spent responsibly, efficiently, effectively. It is unthinkable that the Jewish people will allow this glorious opportunity to shrivel, that we will allow ourselves to be remembered as the generation that had history in its grasp?and let go of it. Nor is our shared opportunity limited to the wonders of reunion. The restoration of the early vision of Israel?s purpose is inherently a restoration of a vision of peace, as well. The people of Israel know that chronic violence and war not only inhibit immigration, but also exhaust the energies and the treasure of the nation, the energies and the treasure must now be turned to the sacred task of absorption. We call attention to the danger of seeking to use this new opportunity for political purposes. The homecoming of our people transcends politics ? but politics can poison it. Soviet Jews are not ?settlement- fodder,? nor ought Operation Exodus be a cover for the pursuit of ideological goals. The absorption of Soviet Jews must not become a pawn in the debate over a Greater Israel; if those who enter the partnership with enthusiasm are led to conclude that their efforts are being exploited by partisans of one view or another, their enthusiasm will surely wane. Above all, we call on each and every American Jew, in all our congregations throughout the land, working through our local federations, to join in this partnership in reunion, to lend hand and heart and pocketbook so that we may together enter history. For that is what is here at stake. Together, it has been given us to write a new chapter, to make possible a new beginning, to bring new life to our people and to our dream ? the dream of freedom, of peace, of home. In this book of life, it is we who must inscribe our names. Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler President Union of American Hebrew Congregations l ,,,, Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid (--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ EXCITING PROGRAM MARCH 7TH AL WALEN KDWN Radio Host of ?Let?s Talk Money!?... A1 Whalen You will want to be sure not to miss this opportunity on Wednesday evening, March 7th at 7:30 p.m. Our guest speaker at that time will be A1 Whalen, who has his own radio show on KDWN (locally). It is on both Sun?day and Tuesday from 4-6, titled ?Let?s Talk Money!? A1 Whalen is a financial planner and an accountant, and he is also Senior Vice-President of USA Manage?ment Inc. He will accept questions form the audience after his speech. Although this event is being presented by the Sisterhood, all mem?bers of the community are welcome (and this includes all the gentlemen)! Refreshments will be served afterward. Please R.S.V.P. to Rosalie at 733-6805 (as we anticipate a large audience). Thank-you, and we look for?ward to seeing you there. \_________________________________________________/ r NER TAMID JCIDAICA GIFT SHOP li BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF GIFTS MENORAHS HORA DANCER?S STATUE SILVER COVERED GIFT PRAYER BOOK GOLD AND SILVER PENDANTS KIDDUSH CUPS PERSONALIZED KIDDUSH CUPS HEBREW TORAH IN LUCITE FIGURINES MEZUZAHS AND MANY MANY MORE ITEMS HOURS - FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER SERVICES, CALL ELLIE 735-2493 OR CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE - 733-6292 f Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CAMP SWIG UPDATE NTTY The sound of Purim is in the air. Can summer be far behind? UAHC Camp Swig is experiencing a record enrollment for Summer, 1990. Our Movement?s regional summer camp has an outstanding program and a great staff lined up for youngsters in grades 3-12. Some sessions are close to full. Don?t let your child miss out on the session of his/her choice. Registration forms are available from the synagogue office. You may also call or write: UAHC Camp Swig. 703 Market Street, Ste. 1300, S. F., CA. 94103 (415) 392-7080. Contact the Rabbi or the school principal for information about schol?arships. , NEW YOUTH GROUP FORMING Attention Parents of children ages 7-10 years of age. Sheryl Kogan is back as our leader of a new youth group being formed for our children, grades 2 thru 5. All those interested please fill out this information and send it to: Sheryl Kogan 4618 Via Torina Drive LV, NV 89103 or call for additional information 873-7769 NAME______________________________________________ The members of NTTY have been very busy. On February 2nd we led a ?Creative Shabbat? serv?ices that included a skit and a slide show on the importance of caring about the environment. NTTY sponsored two collections, to save cans and newspapers for recycling as part of our concern for social action. Eight NTTY members and their advisor went to El Paso, Texas for kallah (leadership weekend) from February 16-18. Throughout the month innovative programs were held, including a joint program with TNT (junior youth group). A spe?cial thank-you to every congregant who donated to our phone-a-thon to raise money for Mitzvah Corps. This camp for underprivileged children has had our members serve as coun?selors. Remember we will be selling bagels on Sunday morning, March 11th. ADDRESS________________ TELEPHONE_____________ MOTHER?S HOME PHONE FATHER?S HOME PHONE. PARENT CONSENT______ Paper cutter Mini blinds for two classrooms A set of recent encyclopedias Children?s books for our library __AGE________ WORK PHONE_ _WORKPHONE Wall clocks Dictionaries Records or tapes of Jewish music TELL AND KVELL: Aaron Cohen: Student of the Month at Woodbury Junior High (son of Paul and Sharon Cohen) Joel Feldman: Top ten finalist in the Geography Bee AND hon?ored as Trombone Superior at Woodbury Junior High (son of William and Sally Feldman) Congratulations to Justin Finkelstein. Melissa Kaufman and Larrv Schnitzer for being among only 18 freshman at Chapparral High School to receive straight A?s for the first semester. Mazel Tov! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL WISH LIST We truly appreciate the generosity of those who help our wishes come true. Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD TO HOLD 2ND ANNUAL SPEAKERS NIGHT The Brotherhood is swinging into the upcoming major league baseball season with a grand slam! We will be sponsoring a cookout and baseball card collecting program on March 25th at 5:00 p.m. at the Temple. Our guest speaker will be local businessman and owner of Smokev?s Baseball Cards Shops. Smokev Scheinman. He has been in the baseball card business for 14 years and is a noted expert in the field. He will speak on the phenomenal trend of baseball card collecting as a hobby and as an invest?ment. This will be an exciting program for both the new and old collector. The program will start with a ?hotdog and all the fixins? cookout, followed by Smokeys presentation. The program is open to fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, little leaguers and big leaguers and all who are interested. Come out for a fun filled and informative evening. The cost is $2.50 per person. To make your reservation, send in your check by March 19th or call the Temple office at 733-6292. ORGfl NIZflTIONS IP ~~| 1 SISTERHOOD GOLDEN CHfSI Dear Seniors: I have been trying to gather up interesting information for all of us and I think that I found some. On March 1st we will have speakers from the county tax assessors office. Please come to this meeting as it will be very informative. Jan Schofield or Marc Schofield will be our speakers. On March 15 our speakers will be Riva Friedman, R.N. and Dr. John Dudech. They will speak on prostate cancer and diagnostic ultra sound. I am very pleased to have a Doctor and a registered nurse speak with our seniors. There will be a question and answer period. Please tell all your friends about this as it will be very interesting. I will keep all of you posted for future events. Thank you, Dorothy Herman President P.S. I want to say thank you to all our officers and members who ^ are doing such a fine job for Golden Chai. We were extremely pleased with the community response on February 8 th for Rabbi Akselrad?s Book Review of Who Needs God bv Rabbi Harold Kushner. According to Rabbi Kushner, we all need God! Religious faith is the nourishment our souls crave. The importance is not the existence of God, but what belief in God will do. He states that religious faith is an island of caring. The most common question asked is ?Where is God when I need him?? In conclusion there remains one overriding question ?If we need God so badly, how come he is so hard to find?? After the Book Review we had a very enjoyable luncheon (sponsored by the Sisterhood and co-chaired by Betty Schloss and Gail Allen Godorov). The Rabbi was our guest of honor at lunch. He gave us a synopsis of his very recent trip to Poland. The Sisterhood is proceeding full steam ahead for the spring. We are very fortunate to have as our guest speaker A1 Whalen (who has his own show on KDWN radio on Sunday and Tuesday from 4 to 6). Please mark down the date, as you surely will not want to miss this one, Wednesday, March 7th at 7:30 p.m. He will not only give a speech, but he will also field questions from the audience (which he also does quite adeptly on his radio show). A1 Whalen is a financial planner and an accountant (of high esteem). He is also Senior Vice-President of USA Management, Inc. His topic that evening will be ?Financial Independence? and you will not want to miss this one. We will have refreshments afterward. Please R.S.V.P. to Rosalie at 733-6805 (as we are expecting a large crowd). We are also looking forward (with great enthusiasm) to our Purim Carnival which will be on Sunday, March 11th at noon. This event will be co-chaired by Rita Moses Malkin and Carol Treat. The children (and the adults) will have a great time! We will have a number of booths set up with games, clowns, grab bags, entertainment, door prizes, balloons and cos?tumes (optional). Purim would not be Purim without Hamentashen. Some of the goodies to eat will be pizza, hot dogs and nachos (for the children) and bagels (with cream cheese and lox or tuna (for the adults). And last (but certainly not least) is our gift shop which is run very efficiently by Phyllis Mark (and some of her volunteers Barbara Rosen and Rose Dunn). A large assortment of items (for gifts or for oneself) are available in the gift shop. They are open on Friday evenings (after services) however, if you call 733-6292, they will certainly accommodate your needs by opening the shop for you. SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES From Mami, David and Michele Diamond; To Barbara Pailet; In memory of beloved brother. From Carol and Norman Sussman; To Rita and Herman Malkin; Congratulations on marriage. From Francis and Harvey Sanoff; To Rita and Herman Malkin; Congratulations on marriage. From Francis and Harvey Sanoff; To Ei?leen Kollins; Congratulations on becoming Temple President. From Mami, David and Michele Diamond; To Isalelle Levey and family; Sincere sympathy on loss of beloved mother. From Sisterhood; To Ruth Fite and family; Sincere sympathy on loss of two aunts. From Helen and Bill Zliser; To Eileen and Stuart Stem; Congratulations on your anni?versary From Helen and Bill Zliser; To F. Lester Levy; Speedy recovery. CAMPERSHIP TRIBUTES From Sig, Dyane and Jeremy Kohnen; To Claude and Dede Rosenthal; In memory of your mother. From Sig, Dyane and Jeremy Kohnen; To Rita and Herman Malkin; In honor of your marriage. Page 8 Page 9To Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Krane; From Na?talie and Artie Berger; In loving memory of your daughter, Laurie. Tree Certificate to Mrs. Nussbaum; From Evelyn and Herman Feldman; We all will miss him. Tree Certificate to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kreamer; From Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Herman;in loving memory of Lou Nuss?baum. To Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Krane; From Harvey and Fran Sanoff; In loving memory or your daughter, Laurie. To the Lash Family; From Millie and Abe Suppe; In memory of Philip Lesh- insky. To the Lash Family; From Mae and Harold Gurwitz; In memory of Philip Lesh insky, Tree Certificate to Ellen and Louis Zim?merman; From Anita and Bob Bland; In memory of Paul Liebeskind. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund; From Frieda Zabinofsky; In honor of Larry?s and Allison?s birthdays. Prayer Book; From Dyane, Sig and Jer?emy Kohnen; In memory of Charles Martin. To Rose Rosenwasser; From Helen Men- delson; In memory of your brother Bob. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Mrs. M. Kushins; With best wishes on your birth?day. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Esther and Bernie Rothenberg; Happy 75th Birth?day, Many More! To Leslie Dunn; From Noreen and Gary Sternberg; Happy Birthday. To Rita and Herman Malkin; From Noreen, Gary and Adam Sternberg; Con?gratulations on your marriage. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund; From Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newman Prayer Book to Arnie and Diane Shapiro; From Lois and Malcolm Doctors and Family ; In memory of Mason Shapiro. Prayer Book to Ronnie & Terry Penn; From Lois and Malcolm Doctors and Family; In memory of Hairy Zellman. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Ida Aber- man; Happy 75th Birthday - Till 120. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Helen Men- delson; Happy 75th Birthday. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Ethel and Mike Shack; Good health and happiness on your 75th birthday. To Jeanne Landsberg; From Bebe and Leonard Herzog; Good health and hap?piness on your 75th birthday. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund; From Law?rence and Lenora Newman. Two Prayer Books; From Jean, Stanley and Richard Sefman; In memory of hus?band and father Benjamin Sefman. To Karen and Elliot Berger; From Ste?ven, Bunny, Brian and Jaime Dunn; In memory of Jason Black, a young man who went before his time. Tree Certificate; From Karen and Elliot Krane; In memory of our son, Jason Black. Rabbi?sDiscretionary Fund; From Sylvia Lane; In memory of Hannah Sutton and Esther Minches, my beloved sisters. To Sylvia Lane; From Ruth Fite; In mem?ory of Hannah Sutton and Esther Minches, beloved aunts and sisters. Prayer Book; From Esther and Keena Goldfarb; In memory of Dr. Jay Alan Goldfarb ANNIVERSARIES IN MARCH Robert: and Laverne Hirsh Mark and Debra Katz Lee and Abbe Mattson Harold and Betty Miller MARCH BIRTHDAYS Audrey Arnold Mel Becker Stuart Berger Natalie Bergman Jack Bulavsky Linda Chenin Ted Comfort Michal Epstein Farren Epstein Jennifer Etcoff Linda Fishman Ronny Fishman Lee Friedman Matthew Friedman Melissa Glovinsky Gary Goldberg Aleza Goldsmith Sandra Greenblatt Elizabeth Hogan Steve Jackson Francis Klamian Sig Kohnen Gerald Krasn Mary Levine George Lipshaw David Lugo Alan Mann Helena Milmeister Jack Mutrick Lawrence Newman Jeffrey Newmark Jack Nitzkin Aaron Nitzkin Mark Ohriner H. Sam Prezent Brian Rosenfeld Gary Schnitzer Kenneth Schnitzer Sondra Schwartz Sara Schuckmann Jeanne Schomaker Marilyn Sherman Allison Sneed Noreen Sternberg Debbie Stone Michelle Stuart Jordan Treat Charles Vinnik Karen Walsh Lindsay Walsh Charles Wexler Ron Worth Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid OUR SUPPORTERS ;reative S afari I NC. (702) 258-0185 BOW or GEORGE Draperies Bed Spreads Verticals Mini Blinds AND SO ON 6750 Del Ray Ave. #112 L.V., NV 89102 X ARTISTIC VIDEO ________ERODECTIO A S 2290 East Flamingo Road. Suite E ? Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 PLANNING A WEDDING. PARTY. BARMITZVAH OR ANY SPECIAL EVENT? KEEP THOSE MEMORIES FRESH HAVE IT VIDEO TAPE GIVE US A CALL (702) 733-1001 Foinilinii PIPE & SUPPLY PVonbng ? Hiaanp * tnduawW ? ScMf ? MafOi Appfcanc? Don Eisner Regional Manager 3033 Sooth Valley View las Vegas. Nevada 89102 (702) 876 0775 / 076 8100 Onfun^ j [ 21 HAU REALTY 6020 West Flamingo, #15 Las Vegas. Nevada 89103 Business (702) 362-7330 Pager 389-3334 BONNIE GROSS Sales Executive Multi Million Dollar Club Each Ottice is Independently Owned and Operated REfiDY MAIDS Cleaning Service FOR YOUR Office / Home / Apartments Call For Free Estimates 435-2844 Ben Zimmerman?s STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial BAR 8 BAT MITZVAHS - WEDDINGS 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 Eiferman?s Health Club 953 E. Sahara Ave. Suite 11A (Commercial Center) 733-1533 Open 24 Hrs. Steven M. Smith OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR CA. ?Cal" Lewis Boettcher & Company Investment Bankers Since 1910 1850 Easl Flamingo. Suite 137 Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 (702) 732-4222 Totl-lree: (800) 825-6973 /instate * * *o r your PRIDE it ore Officially Licensed by uNiv SHELSBARRA Senior Account Agent (D. I & Pecos, Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road. #19 Las Vegas, NV 89121-3812 Bus. 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 1220 E. Harmon Ave.. Suite A-1 Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 Steve has offered a Special Discount to Temple Members Steven N. Lang (702) 735-4444 Bar Mitzvah D.J. offering a planned evening of entertainment for Bar Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs 456-5452 MoneyWorld Realtors?1 3025 E. Desert Inn, #120 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 369-8744 Home: 456-5672 Pager: 381-7002 A STITCH ?N? TIME ^DOMESTIC & IMPORTED YARN=> All Counted Cross Stitch Supplies CLASSES IN ALL CRAFTS 454-9979 JANIS ROUNDS G.R.I. REALTOR' % Sandhill & Flamingo C* JOAN POSTER REALTOR COMMERCIAL . LAND . RESIDENTIAL 368-1850 Res. 876-1660 PHOENIX PLAZA 6370 W. FLAMINGO ROAD. tt15 rj[0i LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103 L!==! ?*?] Page 11 r 5750 1990 MARCH adar nisan 1 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 APRIL S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 ADAR 10:30 a.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting 12:00 noon Golden Chai 2 5 ADAR 8:00 p.m. A A Shabbat Services Vr Bat Mitzvah - Hfl Mamie Spiezcr MU 6 ADAF Hi Terumat ! i y| 7 ADAR f? 8 ADAR 5 9 ADAR 6 ~Y 10 ADAR g 11 ADAR g 12 ADAR I "10 13 ADARI 9:30 a.m. Religious School 7:00 p.m. N'lTY Program 7:30 Temple Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood Program - Speaker A1 Whalen 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School FAST OF ESTHER 7:30 p.m. Purim HU Family Service Tetzavehl&. SHABBAT ZACHORCiS MEGILLAH READING 14 ADAR 2 15 ADAR 1 3 16ADAR -j ^ 17 ADAR M 18 ADAR 15 Jk 19 ADAR 16 ^ Y 20 ADAR 1 9:30 a.m. Religious School 12:00 noon - Purim Carnival PURIM SHUSHAN PURIM 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class 7:30 p.m. Membership Committee Meeting 12:00 noon Golden Chai 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 8:00 p.m. /Ifi Shabbat Services Ki Tisa OC SHABBAT PARAH "18 21ADAR ^ 22 ADAR 20 23 ADAR 2 24 adar 22 25 ADAR 23 26 ADAR 24 27 ADAR 1 9:30 a.m. Religious School 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class 7:30 p.m. Adult Education FIRST DAY OF SPRING 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 7:30 p.m Adult Education w 8:00 p.m. flfi Shabbat Services VayakheUPekude\5^ SHABBAT HACHODESI 1 AT 28 ADAR 9:30 a.m. Religious School 5:00 p.m. Brotherhood Baseball Party i 7:00 p.m. NTTY Program A A 29 ADAR 26 2 ^ 1